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More About Hoo Hoo
Westwood Snark Tells Of Last Concat
Mr. C. E. Priest, of the Red River Lumber Company, and the Snark of the Westrvood Hoo-Hoo District, has written to "The California Lumber Merchant," giving some of the high lites of the recent Concatenation held at Westwood.
Mr. Priest says:
"I am sorry that you coutd not have been here to help out and enjoy the introduction of Hoo-Hoo to the Home of Paul Bunyan last month. It v'as a decided success, thanks to the untiring Parson; and the class put thru was of real Bunyanic size, about thirty-five.
In honor of one of the Kittens, one Bill Laughead, who is the author and artist of the Paul Bunyan stories. we had thought to make use of Paul Bunyan's cat Nina in the ceremonial but as to do so would require the use of a ladder and the floor of the auditorium being quite slick there was danger of the ladder slipping, we were afraid that in case such a thing should happen rve might lost a candidate, and therefore, gave up the idea.
It might be stated that Nina was, as far as is known, the original cat with the benign tail. It seems that if held straight up her tail reached above the trees and so in summer was apt to get sunburned and in winter frozen with.-rut the protection of the surrounding forest, and it was only by curling it she could keep it down within protection of the trees. Paul found the curl further canvenient in hauling logs in from the rvoods after dark u'hen the horses had difficulty in seeing. Such times he lvould send Nina ahead, rvho could see in the dark, and fasten the lines thru the crook in the tail so the team could follorv her.
Paul never'said very much about his cat Nina since the time he took her to town to watch the circus parade and she mistook one of the elephants for a morlse walking backrvards. It cost Paul pretty near all of his season's Javings to square himself with the circus owner for the loss of the elephant, which made him pretty sore at Nina.
If you doubt this, please do not doubt my best w'ishes for your success and prosperity during the coming New Year."