3 minute read
L924-And Redwood
By R.F. Hammatt Sec'y.-Mgr., California Redwood Association
Retailers in ihe Golden State placed, rvith our \{ember l\Iills, orders for 7,000,000 feet more Redrvood than 'rvas placed, {rom the same source, in 1922.
They receivecl from the Redwood mills Shipments of 15,0C0,000 feet n.iore than rvas received in 1922.
And the average California retail lumberman now has less Redwood on hancl, unsold, than he had on Januarl* 1 a year ago.
'fhese facts indicate rather conclusively that 1923 has been at leasi a reasonably good year'for the California retail dealer.
Naturally, thcn, the same of California Redrvood.
true for the manufacturers
Association statistics, covering the first eleven months of. 1923, reveal the following:
Redwood Production, 15 mills-460,514 M Ft. B. I\{.
Redwood Shiprnents 15 mills-431,757 M Ft. B. M.
Theoretically, 29,000,000 feet of Redrvood has been accumulated in the rnill yards.
But the difference betrveen theorv and actual practice is illustrated by the fact that rve have been unable to find a yard with sufficient lumber in piles to warrant t\e U. S. Forest Products Laboratory in carrying out some of its desired air-drying experimental work.
What, then, ol1924?
Indications point to a good year-for the Redwood dealer and the Redwood manufacturer.
Dolbeer & Carson's new mill at Eureka rvill be in operation. Little River's output has been greatly increased. Other Redrvood mills har'.e increased their output by installation of nerv equipment and by additional shifts, dry kiln capacities have been enlarged very greatly, and the Redwood manufacturers are on their toes and "rarin' to go" the limit to meet the requirements of California's retail trade.
And we, in the Association, hope to do our part, r.vhich is to assist the retail dealer if, rvhen, and as he rvants merchandising assistance. Only by so doing can we assist our members, for their success depends upon the success of the retail yard handling Redrvood.
Hardwoods for Interior Finish
Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar.

Sawmills, Marshfield, Oregon.
Distributing Plant, - Bay Point.
We sell anything in softwoods that the California dealer desires.
White Pine, Douglas Fir, Redwood, Cedar and Redwood Shingles, Split Redwood Posts, Ties and Stakes.
Our connections arc the best, atd ue git)e the best possible seroice.
Ainot [t Fine 'll'oday?
Sure, this world is full of troublesI ain't said it ain't.
Lord, I've had enough and double Reason for complaint; Rain and storm have come to fret me Skies are often gray; Thorns and brambles have beset me On the road-but say ! Ain't it fine today?
What's the use of always weepin' Making trouble last?
What's the use of always keepin' Thinkin' of the past?
Each must have his tribulationWater with his wine:
Life, it ain't no celebration, Trouble-I've had mineBut today is fine.
-James Whitcomb Riley.
It is an undisputed fact that great slrms are every year being diverted from building channels to other directions by the artful use of publicity by folks having other things to sell. Then, can there be any doubt but that the way to hold this business is by using at least as clever and forceful publicity FOR buildings ?
Friend Making An Art
The man who hasn't realized that one of the greatest assets to a successful business career today is the art of making and keeping friends, has missed one of the biggest and most important thoughts in this think that we call living.
Putting It Gently
Two friends attending the theatre were unable to get the rift of the play due to the loud whispering of a woman sitting behind them.
Finally one of the distracted ones turned round and in an even, unruffiled voice said: "Madame, won't you kindly stop talking until after this act? They are making so much noise no the stage that I can't hear a word you say."
Another Ford Joke
1"aqhss-('If a farmer sold 1,470 bushels of wheat for $1.17 per bushel, what would he get?"
Pupil-"An automobile."
Good Roads
Hordes of autos now remind us We should build our roads to stay, And departing leave behind us Roads that will not wash away.
When our children pay the mortgage Fathers made to haul their loads, They'll not have to ask the question, "flere's the bonds, but where's the roads ?"
The Sign Said So
Two dear old ladies were listening to a band concert in the public square, and after a certain selection they were debating who it's composer was. One said it was from "Faust," and the other knew it was from "Carmen." To make sure one of them walked over and looked at a little wooden sign near the band stand, and coming back she said:
"We were both wrong. It's a Refrain from Spitting."
Our large and diversified stock enables ue to give unusual service even on the most varied and difficult orders.