2 minute read
(Continued from Page 17)
Pedro l{arbor ar,d lay it dorvn on the iob. }Ie also referred to the excellent cost system used bv the millmen of Southern California. \{r. Chapman said that the lumber inclrrstry in the State rvas grou'ing by leaps and borrnds, ancl that this phase of the work regarding "Costs" had been neglected in the past.
I. E. Brink, the neu' Secretarv and Treasttrer, rvas theu callecl on for a fel, remarks. He saicl that he .w;as glad to accept the ap1>ointment, would give the nerv President his l>est assistance, s'ould see that the members receivecl their notices, and hoped that he u,ould l>e able to fill the drrties of the office as successfully as his predecessor, NIr. Earl White.
Jarnes Hall, of the Spaulding Logging Co., San F'rancisco; P. N{. Novbryum, of the Novl;rvum I-trmber Co.. Rio I-incla, and J. N|' Montgomerv, Sih'er Falls Tinrber Co. Stocktor.r, were admittecl to membership in the Club.
1 At the conclusior.r of the business nreeting, George Cornlvall. in behalf of the Cluh members. presented ]Tr. Rohie frvith a beauti{ul trunk and complete carnping outfit, anrl
\/\fr. \Vhite rvith an excellent pair of golfing gloves. as an t appreciation of the hard u'ork an<l excellent services that they gave the Club cluring their terrns of oflice. Both NIr. Robie and Mr. White, responCed and thanked the Club for their excellent remeurbrances.
The meeting then adjourned until January 19.
Those rvho attendcd the nreeting \l'ere:
E. T. Robie, Auburn Lurnber Co., Auburrr.
Earl Ii. White, California Door Co., Folsorn.
\,{'. O. Baker, Hendrickson L,rrmber Co.. Sacrarnento.
E. S. McBride, Davis Lurrber Co., f)avi-".
H. T. Fuller, Fuller Lumber Co.. Lodi.
J. P. Brerver, Redrvood l\Ianufacturers Co., Pittsburg.
F. ll. Conrrer. Sacraurento Lrrmber Co.. Sacrarnento.
A. O. Kelley, Santa Fe Ltrmber Co., San Francisco.
A. W, Morris, Morris Lumber Co., Eugene.
G. C. Cornrvall, The Timberman. Portland.
J. S. Spellman, Superior Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Curtis H. Cutler, Cutler Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento.
\ r. D. Thomas, W. D. 'Ihon.ras Wholesale Co., Sacramento.
George C. (iearr', W. D. Thomas Wholesale Co., Sacrarnento.
O. L. Russum, Chas. R. McCormick l-umber Co. Stockton.
L. H. Chapman, Frier.rd & Terry, Sacrarnento.
O. H. I\{iller, Knox Lumber Co., Sacramento.
J. i\I. NIontg'omery, Silver Falls Timber Co., Stockton.
S. E. Brink, The Diamond l\{atch Co.. Chico.
A. I\'I. I-ang, Newcastle I-rrrnbei Co., Nelvcastle.
J. E. I\Iartin, "The Cali{ornia Lumber Merchant," San F'rancisco.
llr. J. S. Conyers, of Cando, North Dakota, and San I)iego, Califorrria, clied on December l6th, at Waukesha. Wis.
For rnanv 1'ears in the lurnber business, in the rvest, ancl also in the Dakotas, 1\Ir. Conyers was one of the best knolr,'n. and admired of lumbermen, of the older school. His son. Nfr. Roll Conl'ers. nranager of the Chula Vista Lrrmlter Yarcll Chrrla \riita, rvill cair.l. on the business at that point.