1 minute read
with the New Year we inaugurate production of sugar pine and california White Pine veneers in our new factory at'westwood. This is of importance to the trade because of the superior quality of the product and the large scope of the operation, which assuies dependable service.
our large forest resources comprise a stand of Sugar pine and California white Pine of exceptionally large and fine-textured growth that yield veneer cuts of beautiful pattern and surface. So soft, fine and uniform are the wood fibers that the original rough surface of the veneer requires very little eanding to produce a satin-smooth finish.
'We use casein glue, developed for government use in airplane construction. This glue withstands water, temperature and physical rupture to a higher degree than any glue heretofore known.
The best of raw materials and the latest deve,lopments of mechanical and chemical engineering are back of the quality of our product.
our factory covering 950 by 100 feet, two stories, has a daily capacity of 100,000 square feet of three-ply panel. operation will be continuoug, the year round, following the production policy of the entire operation of logging, milling and manufacture. From average daily receipts of 750,000 feet of logs, the veneer logs are sorted and stored in their own.storage pond, giving an ample reserve supply.
Your inquirieg will be welcome, and requests for detailed information will receive prompt attention.