3 minute read
Happy New Year
Bg Jack Dionne
The Calilornia Lumber Merchant wishes to the lumber trade of California, and its every member, a prosperous and happy year to come.
Since the selling of better homes and better buildings with which to house mankind and his possessions is really trafficking in humah happiness, it is reasonable that the lumber industry should bring to its followers a fair share of the happiness they help to create.
And since prosperity should normally follow in the wake of a good work well done, and a good service well-rendered, it is fitting that the lumber folks should likewise have prosperity.
The year that has just ended has not been without its trials to the lumber industry of California. Yet it has not bcen a bad year, nor a blue year.
Much lumber and building material was sold in California during 1925. The volume was suftciently plentiful to have brought more consistent prosperity to the lumber industry than it actually did produce. But that was the fault of the lumbermen, and not of the buildins business. If lumber was sold at prices ruinous to the lumber industry in many places and at many times throughout the year in California, the fault was not with California. It built generously and well, through the year.
And the old year left us with a better feeling in our hearts, and hope in our. minds for that which is to come, by going out in something like unto a blaze a glory, for we find the lumber situation stronger at the finish that at any time during the entire year, with every indication pointing towards a very powerful lumber situation for the early part of the New.Year.
During 1925 more of the lumber products of California sought and found distant markets than ever before. California White Pine, Sugar Pine, and Redwood, have gone out into the world seeking new' fields and new uses, and found a welcome that means much to the producers of California for the ensuing year. Not only in the form of lurnber, but also in the further manufactured products of sash, doors, millwork, etc., did California wood products find new pastures.
California Redwood particularly invaded thc South, finding new markets in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida, and all markets that ofter opportunity for development.
California's chief development of distant markets was madc by low grade white pine boards and shiplap. These products, previously used chiefly for boxes, invaded Texas" Oklahoma, -Kansas,,and N& it[exico, noi in meagri fashion, but in greai volume, superseding in thoso tcrritories Southern Pine No. 2 for sheathing purposes, and fairly creating a furore in the territories mentioned, by thc completeness of thcir invasion.
When the figures are compiled it will be shown that California lumber and lumber product shipments eastward will enormously eclipse those of any previous year; and 1926 should surpass 1925.
The retail lumber business in Califo'rnia during 1925 has been active, but not particularly profitable, due to excessive competition in certain territories. This has been especially true of the two heavily-populated sections of Los Angeles and the Bay District.
Building prospects for California Lor 1926, look very promising. There is much reason to believe that it will be a bigger building year than 1925. It SHOULD be. During the past year California has been getting steady on her pins, after the reaction that followed the real estate boom of thfee years ago. California values have been solidifying, economic and financial things have been read-' justing, and altogether California has been getting ready for bigger and betterr yet more solid and substantial things to come.
And the lumber folks should act and plan accordingly. The same progressive tendencies that have rnade California lumbermen rank high in the industry from a merchandising standpoint; still maintain, and will be improved upon. In a selling way California ranks high. Building materials and building servicg are worthy of a reasonable profit, should be sold at a reasonable profit, and without such piofit, they should not be disposed of. Along this line 1926 should improve over 1925. There is much room for improvement.
A tittle more faith in ourselves; a little more faith in and cooperation with, the other fellow; a little more courage and sticktoitiveness; and 1926 will be made a banner lumber year in California.