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(The Clearing House)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: $2.s0 per cotumn inch
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Planing And Sash And Door Mill For Sale
lfave one of the best propositions that has ever been offered in this state. A busy sash and door mill doing work for all the yards in a town of forty thousand, in addition to a general planing mill business. Has always shown a profit. 'We own land and buildings and two partners will sell their entire interests at a fair valuation. Total investment about $80.000. This will stand strictest investigation' Address Box A-85, care California Lumber Merchant.
Yard For Sale
Retail yard for sale. excellent location, doing a itable business. establi-qhed 3 vears, clean stock equipment. $30.CnO required. Address Box A-89. fornia Lumber Merchant.
good profand s'ood care Cal:tz-t5-2
Position as yard manager. Experienced in manufacturirg and retail. Good designer and estimator. Practical nrachine and construct:on man. Office man and excellent accountant. Can meet the public and sell lumber now. linrployed. Must have more money. Address Box A-90. care California Lumber Merchant. r2-15-1.
Lumberman, 15 years' experience manufacturing, wholesale and retail. Now open for position. Past three years Southern California. Single, willing to go any place offering opportunity for development. Best of references. Address Box A-92, care California Lumber Merchant.
WANTED-Position as Yard Manager. Experienced in manufacturing and retail. Good designer and estimator. Practical machine and construction man. Office man and excellent accountant. Can meet the public and sell lumber. Now employed. Must have more money. Box A-87, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
In Northern California, a live man under 4O, to take charge of a small retail yard. Must be able to wait on trade and be a good salesman and collector. For further particu- lars address Box A-92, care California Lumber Merchant. I2-T5-I
WANTED TO BUY LUMBER YARD for cash. Must be in good location. Information will be strictly confidential. Hayrvard Lumber & Inv. Co., P. O. Box 155, Los Angeles. 11-15-6
For Sale Retail Lumber Yard
Two 2-wheel practically new Hercules Trailers, fitted with rollers. Bargain price of $120 each. Also, 200 5-ft. Heavy Loading "Bucks," $1.50 each.
Sun Lumber Company, l2-l-4. Beverly Hills.
A Rare Opportunity
A growing sash, cabinet and millwork business located in Oakland. Could use additional capital for expansion. Present owners will retain their interest. This is a rare opportunity to become interested in a live business. Order files full. Address Box A-91. care California Lumber Merchant. tz-t5-l
Wanted Position As Salesman
Experienced lumber salesman would like to make connection with manufacturer or wholesale concern. Has covered San Joaquin Valley and Northern California territory and knows trade lvell. 15 years' experience in t[e lumber business. A,t present time employed. Address Box 4-100, care California Lumber Merchant. 1-1-1.
Planing Mill Superintendent and Manager, with years of practical experience from the ground up, is open for an offer. Guarantees satisfaction to employer; would like to have share of profits arrangement; prefers Southern California. Many references. Can estimate, and knows machinery thoroughly. This is a high class man who commands a real salary. Address Box A-96. care California Lumber Merchant. t-t-2
Can you use a live man with wide experience in the Retail Lumber Business ? Capable of, and now handling large business. Can shorv employers good profit. Expect good salary and will earn it. Good reason for desiring change. Address Box A-94, care California Lumber Merchant. l2-15-l