1 minute read
Tiffany and You
Take a tip from Tiffany, Mr. Lumber Merch' ant!
In song, story, drama, movie, or wherever you hear -or read of expensive and lovely ihings in the jewelry line, invariably you read or hear the name of Tiffany.
Ever think of that?
There isn't a business name in America as well known, and as outstanding in its own line of business.
You might easily find people who have never heard of Marshall Field, but probably never strike man, womarl, or child, who didntt know the name of Tiffany.
Whv? Wouldn't it be fine if YOU occu' pied that sarne position in YOUR business world, that Tifiany does? You would "clean uprtt wouldntt you?
- You may say "Advertisingr" but that would only be partly true. That is, if you think of printed advertising. The name and fame of Tiffany was created by building a business along lines that met with the approval and respect of the public generally, and,keeping up that reputation, and advertising that reputation continuously through a long term of years. The public has been made to understand and approve of the Tifiany ideals and methods.
And YOU can do the same thing in YOUR world if you go at it like Tiffany did. But it's no sitingdown, stay-at-home, hope'thingspick-up job.