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Central California Lumbermen's Club Hold Annual Meetin$ and Ladies Day at Modesto
J. U. Gartin Elected President
The annual meeting and ladies'day of the Central Cali- Moclesto Lumber Co., with the a_:sistance of his stenografornia Lumbermen's Club was held at the Modesto Hotel, phers Misses Blanche Catling.Virginia Beach, and Dagmar Modesto, on Saturday, becember 12. About seventy-five Olson and his bookkeeperE.Misses M.argaret Haesh; Florsat down to an exceilent luncheon. In opening the pro- ence Taylor, and Bertha Olsen, wou_ld present -a on-e act /gram, President W. U. Falconbury, introduced 1fU. Cartin sketch entitled "Office Effic'iency." George -made a.light-
Co. who wetcomed ihe visiting ning change make-up and when he appeared he was decked lumbermen ""d th.ir-guertr to Uoa..to. Mr. Gartin said up wittr his straw hit sombrero and a wild west outfit, and that he wanted everyEody to have a good time and that with the assistance of the six.young ladies in full wjld west "th;r;;;;iJl. ""-6trt;"! aoi"g elrerfminute from 12:00 costume who made an excellent chorus, he sang "$9se.9f p. M. to 12:00 A. M.,, ' the Rio Grande." George and his chorus made a big hit / He then introduced George Ground of the Modesto Lum- and for an encore he rendered "Ha-Ha'" ' ber Co. who had charge of ttre entertainment program. 7 Mr. Ground then introduced Richard Newstead of the Walter Christenson got the crowd happy by leading in com- y'Retail Merchant's Association of San Francisco, as sqeaker munity singing. LJona Stewart and- Hotty Williams, ex- of the day who delivered an excellent address on "Merponenis otlhe Charleston, gave an excellent dancing ex- chandising." In his opening remarks he touched on busiI ifrition. Sammie Zeff, with his black face make-up and ness conditions throughout the country during the -past introduced as Sambo, made a big hit with the crowd with year, which he stated were very prosperous as far as volume l,,is dancing act. George I. gulk sang several delightful ivas concerned yet merchants-madti-no money. Referring vocal numFers and Miss Anna Gartin, daughter of Mr. and to a financial report which was recently issued, he stated a Mrs. J. U. Gartin, played some excellent piano selections. survey of the department stores showed that -they did a N{r. Gartin then announced that George Ground, of the larger volume of business in L925 than in 7924 but they