5 minute read
.qreed lunrber quick? a carload or a rtickt
Sth and Brannen Str., San FrancLco
WHOLES.A,LER!' with coroplctc rtockr on hand in all Sredcr, both ondinrry aad ululnl rizcr:
REDWOOD (worked)
Cercfully Dricd riltcll Muufrctucd made less money and at the same time the distribution costs showed an increase of. 2%. He said, "something is wrong and it behooves us to check up."
The trouble, Mr. Newstead said, is that in the race for the volume of business the merchants and dealers have gone crazy on service competition, credits, and price cutiing. To overcome this difficulty, he urged a uniform system df accounting, educating competitors who in many cases are price cutters because they don't. know what their actual costs o-fdoing business are, and a review of advertising and advertising methods.
_ fn reviewing the question of advertising, he referred to Berkeley and Santa Barbara where the citiZens are rebuilding_of cem€nt, stucco, and brick because the people are made to believe that houses built of these maferiils will notburn, yet ryo9d is just as serviceable against fire as any of these materials but the fact that wood has not been advertised the people are building with the other materials. He said, California is the third lumber producing state in the country yet the people are building of every olher kind of materials. "Own your own home" is a very good slogan stated Mr. Newstead but the lumb,ermen should go furt-Ler and advertise "Own a home worth owning.,,
Th-e _speaker also talked on the question of Service, which he stated in many instances had gone so far as to increase the costs of rnaterials, the Budgit Plans which is being used by -merchants in merchandisiig their goods, and the attitude of the public towards the bisiness-men.' He said that a movement was on foot to install a School of Business at Stanford -IJniversity, where they would give a course in Merchandising. In closing, Mr. Newstead-spoke on the business outlook for 1926 which he stated *as i.rv favorable and that 1926 would be more prosperotrs than 1925.
At the conclusion of the luncheon and entertainment. there was a business meeting of the Club with presiden[
W._ H. Falconbury presiding._
C. D. LelVlaster,- secretaiy of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, extended an invitation to the Club to lold a joint meeting with the Sacramento Lumbermen,s Club to discuss the question oI Grade Marking and other questions at some future date. A motion was u-nanimouslv passed to accept the invitation and to meet with the Sacramento VlL"f Lumbermen's Club at Sacramento during the month of February.
A. R. Graham, Western Retail Lumbermen's Association. Spokane, issued an invitation to the Club to attend theii annual T_geting at Portland on February lB-20.
R. F. Wells, chairman of the nominaiing committee, announced the following nominations for Club ofificers for the
_The next meeting will be held in January at Stockton when the subject "Grade Marking" will be discussed. Robt. Inglis and W. H. Falconbury were appointed as a committee to arrange for the meeting.
During the business session of the CIub, the ladies retired to the parlor of the hotel wher,e the afternoon was spent in playing bridge, whist, Mrs. George Kewin of Modesto was the winner of first prize, a beautiful bridge set. Mrs. W. H. Falconbury was the winner of the second prize and was arvarded a beautiful deck of cards.
At 4:30 P. M. everybody adjourned to the office of the Stanislaus Lumber Co. where Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Gartin with the assistance.of the office force. served r-efreshments.
At 6:00 P. M., the party assembled at the Modesto Hotel for dinner after whiih dancing was continued until midnight with a seven piece orcheitra furnishing the music.
The Committee of Arrangements for the meeting which inclL!'l d J. U. Gartin, George Ground, Mrs. J. U. Gartin, and Mrs. George Ground were the recipients of very many pleasing compliments for the splendid time and wonderful program they arranged for and they were also extended a vote of thanks by the Central California Lumbermen's Club.
Among those who registered were: lobert Inglis, San Joaguin Lumber Co., Stockton.
C. D. LeMaster, Sec. Sacramento Valley Lumbermen,q Club, Sacramento.
C. R. -Tillson, The Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto.
J. P. Ross, Ross Lumber Co.. Modesto.-
W. S. Tillson, The Modesto Lumber Co.. Modesto.
4. _& 9gtt"p,_\ll/estern Rctail Lumbermen's Association, Spokanc.
C. W. Wood, Strable Hardwood Co.. Oakland
\. _L. lsqigk, Stanislaus Lumber C6., Modesto.
B. R. DuVail, Ripon Lumber Co.. Ripon.
T. H. McPhearson, Escalon Lumber Cb.. Escalon.
C. U. Utterback, Valley Lumber Co.. L6di.
SqI.V__C. -P"y-!",- Uniied Lumber Yards Inc., Modesto.
T. H. Kewin, United Lumber Yards fnc.. Modcsto.
S. J. Irwin, Irwin Lumber Co.. Escalon. -
_O_, f-. Rqqsqm, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Stockton. V/altcr Christenson. Modesto.
Qeo. M. Kewin, United Lumber Yards Inc., Modesto.
G. Cornwall, Timberman, Portland.
\ll/. H. Besecker, Tilden Lhinber & Mill Co.. Oakdale.
Mrs. Maurice Casey, pittsburg..,
Jghn ^L. Todd, Western Dooiand Sash Co., Oakland..
Magn__ice_ Casey, Bedrrood Mfg. Co., pittsburg.
F. W. Burgers, Union Lumbir Co., San Frincisco.
Mrs. H. C. Henry, Modesto.
H. C. Henry, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.. Mooesto.
Mrs. O. L: Russum. Stoakton.
Mrs. S. J. Irwin, Escalon.
Marioir Eliott. Lodi.
Mrs. John P. Ross, Modesto.
Mrs. C. R. Tillson, Modesto.
Mrs. W. H. Falconbury, Stockton.
Mrs. Clark U. Utterback. Modesto.
Mrs. Murray G. Payne, Modesto, ber _Co., Stockton ; Secr,etary-freasure., Lester Elliott,.Vai- ley Lumber Co., Lodi. The nominations were unanimously passed.
Mrs. T. H. Kewin. Modesto.
J. J. Farley, The Pacific Lumber Co.. Stockton.
In taking over the gavel, Mr. Gartin said that he felt honored in being elected president and hop,ed that he would be able to carry out _the fine program of thi past year which was initiated under Mr. Falcbnbury,s leadership.- He asked for the- helb and cooperation of ali the membeis during his term of office.
Geo. Cornwall gave a short talk on business conditions in the indu_stry and also discussed several points brought out in Mr. Newstead's address. R. F. Welli made a reiort on the state convention at Fresno and urged all memb^ers not affiliated with the state association to Join at once as they c_omi1g year: President J. U. Gartin, Stanislaus Lu comrng year: Co., Modesto; I rreslclent J. U. Lumber ;Vice President, O. V. Wilson. Central Lumwere doing a lot of dorng of good work for the lumber industry in the state. R. F. Hammatt and I. E. Martin *"r. i1"., J. were also called on for a few remarks.
Lester Elliott, secretary-treasurer of the Club, made a financial report for the year ruhich was unanirhously accepted and approved.
I.1 q: E_lliott, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi.
W. H. Falconbury, Falconbury Lumber Co.. Stockton.
J. U. Gartin. Sfanislans l.umber Co.. Modesio.
Mrs. John L. Todd, Oakland.
Margaret Elliott, Lodi.
Richard Ncwstead, Retail Merchants Association of S. F., San Francisco.
George E. Ground, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto.
Mrs. George E. Ground, Modesto.
Mrs. J. U. Gartin. Modesto.
J. M. Uontgom,ery. Silver Falls Timber Co,, Stockton. Marie Barnett. Stockton..
Mrs. J. M. Montgomery, Stockton.
E. W. Doe. Stockt^- f .r,nbs1 Co.. Stockton.
G. P. Thomoson. Modesto.
Mrs. W. O. Washek, Modesto.
H. S. Fuller, Lodi.
Mrs. H. W. Fuller. r ^.1i. Harvey_fsenhower. Ilolmes-Eureka Lumber Co., Sacramento.
R. F. Hammatt, l:lifornia Redwood Association, San Frinclsco. Nancy Hammatt, Berkeley.
F. F. Wells. West Tqrlock Lumber & MiU Co., Turlock.
Mrs. R. F. Wells, Turlock.
Mrs. E. W. Doe. Stockton.
W. O. Washek. United Lumber Yards fnc.. Modesto.
J. E. Marti-*- "Catifornia Lumber Merchant,;, San-Fiancisco.-