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Saving at the Spigot and Wastittgat the Bung
Are you watching costs closely in your mill and wasting a good part of the resultant saving by using expensive and obsolete rnethods in your yard?
Many progressive mills are finding the solution of their high yarding expense in the HILKE LUMBER PILER. Saving in time, in labor and in damage to lumber are among the economies it effects.
You owe it to yourself or to your concern to get the HILKE story. Send for cbtalog.
The St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Co. is one of the recent purchasers of the HILKE.
The San Diego ffoo Hoo, under the direction of Vicegerent Snark Homer Miller, is plangring a Banquet and Concatenation for the evening of January 8th, Friday.
They invite all Hoo Hoo of the state to attend.
Al Frost Entertains
Employees of the San Diego Lnmber Company, the Frost Ifardrvood Company and the San Diego Planing Mill, all of San Diego, were royally entertained on the night of December 23rd, at the Cabrillo Cafe in the Annual Christmas party, held under the direction of Mr. A1 Frost, interested in all three companies.
Mr. Wm. (Billy) Jameson, manager of the San Diego Planing Mill, acted as host and as Santa Claus, distributing a substantial gift to each of those present, and there was a varied entertainment program furnished by the talent that was found in the respective organizations.
California Ranks Fourth In Lumber
One-{ourth of California's original stand, of timber has been cut and it has remaining apfroximately 15 per cent of all of the standing timber in the entire country, more thair any_ other state except Oregon, according to a survey of lumber conditions in the United States.
Lumbering stands fourth among the industries of California in number of wage earners employed and fifth in the value_ of the product. I umbering employs 25,000 persons 1"4 -t!t-. v-a-lqe of its products of all varieties is approiimate- ly $100,000,000 annually.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec.29 (telegram).-John A. Hooper, 79, president of the First National Bank and of the First Federal Trust Co., died in a hospital here today. He had been ill for several months. Hooper was a lumber magnate and had been prominent here for many years. At one time he was president of the chamber of corlmerce. F-our daughters and three sons survive.
The most significant change in the nation's forest situation within recent years is the degree to which timber growing has bectrme a matter of general interest and understanding, declares Chief For.ester Greeley in his annual report to the Secretary of Agriculture.
,"National progress in forestry will from now on be measured, most of all, by the rate at which timber growing becomes part of everyday land usage," states the report, which further emphasizes the outward spread of forestry as evidenced by many current trends. Public leadership, and economic forces are contributing to the marked evolution in forest land management, Chief Forester Greeley believes.