2 minute read
New Profits From a New Product
The same properties that have made White Pine the standard of quality,-plus new b-eauties ;ft;t;i;;uit"* developed by iotary cutting.- Fo-r rernodelling or new work. For homes, "ii.", fliels, th."tres. Beautiful- "t ough for the finest, at a cost surprisingly low.
Interior of a modest bungalow remodelled and panelled with PAUL BUNYAN'S CALIFOR. NIA WHITE PINE VENEER PANELS. Cost no more than lath and plaster. Sarne panels and 6nish now going into one of Los Angeles' 6nest buildings, releced above moot expenrive woode on beauty done.
(Continued from Page 10.)
^ W. G. Kahman, Sales Manager, McCloud River Lumber Company.
^ B. A. Cannon, General Manager, Sugar pine I_umber Company.
James-Tyson, President, Yosemite Lumber Company.
In addition to the above, the following were elected to the Board of Directors:
F. S. Murphy, President, F. S. Murphy Lumber Com_ Pany.
^ W. T. Virgin, Vice-President, Clover Valley Lumber Company.
James ^Danaher, General Manager, Michigan California Lumber Co.
A. S. Land, Vice-President, Hutchinson Lumber Com_ pany.
L H.. Swayne, President, Swayne Lumber Company.
^ W. A. Pickering, President, iV. if. pickering ^f_"i"tre, Lompany.
Edward P. Ivory,_former Manager of Trade Extension, for the California'White and Sug-a, pine Manufacturers, Association, was made Sales Man"ager. Offices fr""" fr.L" opened in Suite 1000, Monadnock-Building, 6gl U"rt.i Street, San Francisco, California.
-,'The.Company rvill sell from 8S/o to 9O/o: of the produc_ t1"," "l ..yCar pine in the grades of No.3 Shop ancl Better. nqvertrslng campargns to acquaint the users of lumber wrth. the general merits of the wood and the properties and qualities which make sugar pine so desirabl. ?o. ."ri"i" specialized uses will,be piomptly undertaken. Th.r;-ir;;;; among' others, are: Pattern making, Doors, yacht Deckine. and all other uses rvhere soft, easil-y worked *;"J th;i J;"1 not shrink or swell is required o. *h.r" Urtf, f"rg iif"-"; utilitarian beauty must be combined.
The new company will get under way the first of the
New Year. It is not the intention of the organization to disturb in any way the present channels of di.a-rib";;;;l;; rather to increase the opportunities for the sale of Suear Pine. by rvholesalers and retailers through mat ing ,".if"-Ui. to them the combined stock of twelv"e large ;usai Di"e mills and by rendering a service not feasible ;;;;r-;i;; tormer plan of individual mill distribution.

The watch-word of the Sugar pine Sales Companv will be. prompt shipment and quicf delivery of Susa, Fi"J fi.a well assorted stock of tlioroughly seisonedlumber. The company will make available the -largest stock of genuine rvhite pine to be had from any one" source. Thir';h;;il prove a boon to the vast army of wood users who reotrire soft.textured, easy working, durable wood, with a mi"lirrr" o.t shrinking_and swelling such as can be found only among the White Pines. The_new company marks "" 6poln ii the merchandising of Sugar pini, which has n.i" nounced by the technologists of the united States Gov!r.,- ment in Technical Note No. 215, issued by the Forests pro_ ducts Laboratory and other gover.rmeit publications, a true white pine.
San Fernando Club Re-elects Officers
at Annual Meet
Iy' fni.ty members. of the San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club met at San Fernando on the night of December 9th, for their Annual Meeting and election"of officers.-,,JVIr. Fran\ |oy. made a very interesting address on "Salesmanship," and there were other enteriainment fea_ tures provided by the program committee.
All officers were re-elected, Mr. Frank Fairfield as presi_ dent, R. Blanchard of Lankershim, Vice president, ""d J. Rumsey of Van Nuys Secretary-Treasurer.