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Sacramento Club Annual Meeting A Huge Success
E. S. McBride Elected President
The Annual Meeting of the Sd,cramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, held in the Roman Room of the Senator Hotel, -Sacramento, was a very enjoyable affair and was attended by a record registration. - -
I^ E.. S. McBride, manager of the Davis Lumber Company, Davis, was elected to ierve as president for the .*i"g yeqr. Mr. McBride is a very popular member, has beeil active in the Club's affairs for-many years, and was a popu- lar choice.
^ W. A. Waldron, of the Home Builders Lumber Company, Gridley, wa.s made Vice president. Mr. Waldro; prominent in the valley, was formerly mayor of Gridiey and is very active in civic affairs in his city.
C. D. LeMaster was re-elected Secretary-Treasurer.
.The r_etiring president, L. H. Chapman, rvas Dresented wlth a beautiful Shrine pin. in appieciation of 'the very faithful and efficient work that he iras done rot ttt. cr"i, an_d Secretary LeMaster was presented with " ..t tf-goli cluDs.
A very entertaining program was given at the luncheon, an orchestra and a numbei of vocal ind instrum."i"f dancing was in order, late in th. atter the business session.
Mrs. E. S. McBride was awarded the Door prize, a beau_ tiful bridge lamp.
J. H. Shepard, Walter Baker and E. E. Bryan acted as arrangements committee.
Among those registered were:
C. D. LeMaster. ...Sacramento
Mrs. C. D. LeMaster ..Sacramento'
L. H. Chaprnan ....Sacramento
Nfrs. 1,. H. Chapman .... ..Sacramento
Oscar Miller ...... Sacramento
Mrs. Oscar Miller .......................Sacramento
I. H. Shepard .. ....Sacramento l\.{rs. J. H. Shepard Sacramento ft'3 f,'tli;;;; :: ::: ::::::::::: ... :3::::fr:ll:
W. T. Knox . .Sacramento
_Qeorge co.'"",, .. : : :.::::.:::: : : :::.......Sacramento
Walter Baker Sacramenio
H. M. Isenhorver ..Sacramento
Mrs. [T. M. Isenhorver ... .S""r"-.rrio
Bert Neylan .... .San Francisco
Carl Watts S"" p."""i..o lre-d_-pgrggrs .... S"" f..r""i..o
G. Whiteside ... .S"r, Fr"""ir.o
1-' A' {'llY .....San F';;;i;;;
Harry_Offiger .. .$" F;il;i;;;
G. R. Rleecker .. .S"" f,ra".i..o
I. M. Montsomerv ir - ,- r.- Stockton
,Jltt. .t lvl...tvlontgomery .. .Stockton
_n_arry riuner .Lodi
Mrs. Harry Fuller .......Lodi fco
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The inbuilt euality of Goodyears, plus the fact that there is a particular type degigned to meet every condition of hauling, hq" made them th. "hoi"" of ttrose operators engaged in the lu6ber industry, as in all other lines of endeavor.
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