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A Fine New Year's Rhyme
Thig is the date for making New Year's resolutions.
Many will be making them.
Soon they'll be breaking them.
But here is a little ihyme that goes good with this Eeason of making resolutions. And if we will iust get set in our mentalities the homely truths in this bit of lyrical philosophy, .the rest of the reqolutions can go hang; Here it is:
You may bring to your office and put in a frame, A motto as fine as its.paint, But if you're a crook whlle you're playing the game, The motto wontt make you a saint.
Hobbs Wall & Company will spend approximately 9300,000 at the company's mill and logging camps near Crescent City. Among the more important items of the construction program will be an electrically-operated planing mill.
You can stick up the placards all over the hall, But here is the word I snneunssIt isn't the motto you hang on the wall, But the motto you live, that counts.
If the motto says "smile" and you carry a frown, "Do it now"! and you linger and wait; If the motto says "Help"! and you trample men dovrn, lf the motto says "Love" ! and you hate,
You won't g$ away with the mottoea you stall, For truth will come forth with a bounceIt isn't the motto that hangs on the wall, But the motto you live, that counts.
Phil B. Ifart, mah.agrng editcjr of thib publication. 'is happy over the arrival, on December l6th, of a very lively littl_e red-headed girl baby, at the Hollywood Hospital.
Mrs. Hart and the father have been the grateful recipients of a number of messages of congratulat'ion from ;;;i""; parts of the state.