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Prompt Delivery

Added equipment now enables us to guarantee full shipments of Perfection Brand Oak Flooring upon receipt of order.
The demand for Perfection has increased so rapidly that for the past season we have been scarcely able to keep up with this demand.
This growing popularity of Perfection can only be due to the perfect matching, uniform grading, and our national advertising in the leading home magazines.
We have some attractive folders and a new beautifully illustrated book which we will supply for distribution among prospective home builders. Ask for samples and full information.
New Lumber Freight Rates From L. A. Harbor Effective Dec. 15, 1925
Arkansas Oak Flooring Company
Brand Oak Flooring
May Quarantine Oregon Because Of Pine Disease
Because of the appearance in Oregon of the white pine blister rust, a dangerous plant disease, the Secretary of Agriculture has given notice of a hearing to be held at Washington, January 8, in the offices of the Federal Horticultural Board. It is proposed to prohibit the movement from Oregon into other states and territories of all fiveleafed pin-s, and currant and gooseberry plants, the latter being ihe intermediate host plants necessary in carrying the disease from one pine tree to another. It is expected that with state co-operation, it will be possible to limit the restrictions of the quarantine to the infected western portion of the state. All persons interested may apPear and be heard either in per5on or by attorney at this hearing, which will begin at 10 a.m.
Minard Recovering
Frank Minard, genial manager of the C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, Fresno, and Secretary of the San'loaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, is recovering rapidly from a three weeks' illness.
The nerv mill of the Neff Lu.mber Company, built on the site of the old National mill at Hoquiam, will start operation about the middle of January. One hundred men will be employed and the daily cut will average about 200,000 feet.
"I want to compliment you on your fine publication that is like Velvet Tobacco-IT IMPROVES WITH AGE.''
P. J. Thiele, United Lumber Yards, Inc., Modesto. Illustration used by the Heinemann Lumber Compan !, w au s au, r,f ;;,il!,#,,ik,,l:, "t tlli."
December 24th was the date of the Annual Christma1a{ meeting of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club, an event madeextremely lively and interesting by the appearance of R. A. (Dick) lfiscox, brrayed in his red knickers and the other accoutrements of old Santa, distributing a variety of gifts to the boys who were there.
H. W. Gustafson acted as Chairman of the day, introducing Mr. W. J. Sherman, D. D., who spoke entertainingly on "The Meaning of Christmas."
Little nine year old Nadine Lamenet showed the members how the Charlesto'n was performed, and there was a variety of other entertainment.
The annual meeting of the Rite-Grade Shingle Association was held at Seattle, December 3. Officers and trustees elected to serve in 1926 were as follows:
President, W. C. N[cMaster; vice-president, Paul R. Smith; secretary-manag'er, J. R. Blunt.
Trustees, H. J. Bratlie, Bratlie Bros. Mill Co., Ridgefield, Wash.; Jess Schwarz, Cresaent Shingle Co., Kelso, Wash-; E. W. Gaither, Barr Shingle Co., Kalama, Wash.; L. G. Humbarger, Red Cedar Shingle Co., Markham, Wash.; R. D. Mackie, Mackie Mill Co., Markham, Wash.; W. H. Dole, Aloha Shingle Co., Aloha, Wash.; Phil Mourrant, Woodlawn Shinglt Co., Hoquiam, Wash.; H.A. T,a Plant, Skagit Mill Co., Lyman, Wash.; A. G. Magnusson, Keystone Shingle Co., Raymond, Wash.; Dale Craft, Royal Shingle Co., Whites, Wash.; Dean Carpenter, Baring Mill Co., Everett, Wash.; Louis Flurher, Flurher Bros., Mayger, Ore.; A. C. Nelson, 'Wagner Lumber Co., Monroe, 'Wash.; Paul R. Smith, M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co., Seattle, Wash.; W. C. I\{cMaster, John McMaster Shingle Co., Seattle, Wash.

One of our largest customers once remarked to one of our salesmen: here are a lot of men u.ho will sell more on their first trip than you wiII, but the trouble is ftey don't last."
Neither thir Company nor any of itr raleemen will arsume any obligation that can't be faithfulty kept. Our raourcer are lerge and dealerr can depend on abrolute satbfaction.