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Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Play
I"Daddy" to Orphans
/ four hundred and eighty-three happy, laughing kids sat ./down to luncheon at the December 23rd meeting of the Los ' Angeles IIoo Hoo Club, at their Christmas party, when the Los Angeles boys gathered together just about four hundred youngsters, ranging in age from six to sixteen, unfortunate children rvithout parents and living in various orphan institutions in the city.
The remaining number of the total given above was made up of the Hoo Hoo Club members themselves, for they were kids for the day, and had an even better time than did the children.
The party had been long heralded by the committee chairman, B. W. (Bobbie) Byrne of the Western Hardwood Lumber Company, and since the affair Bobbie has been given a new name, now "Hardrvork" Byrne instead of his former title, "Hardwood.i' The committee is deserving of a great amount of praise, every one of them, the six original members and a large number of assistants that were called upon. Financial affairs rvere taken care of by voluntary donation and the response was wonderful.
The program was purely one for children, as was the food served. Each member had a certain number of youngsters under his wing, some had two, others as high as twenty. They looked after their flock as daddies, seeing that the kiddies enjoyed themselves, and a large number of the boys lengthened the party rvith a long automobile ride to the beaches and other places, returning their charges to the homes, about dark.
An organ grinder with a monkey provided the big kick of the program. Punch and Judy appeared, Santa Claus made his round, giving a greeting to everyone; two little tots from one of the institutions performed remarkablv on the piano; Felix, the Cat, to*p"d through several reeis of pictur€s; the entire aggregation sang "America," and, with the very appropriate gifts that had been provided for all, the party was truly one to be long remembered.
There were no speeches. Bobbie Byrne presided, after a very short talk by Presiclent Wickersham, thanking the committee for their hard rvork.
The arrangements rvere in the hands of Chairman Byrne, Herman Rosenberg, Roy Stanton, Harry Hanson, Paul Hallingby and Gus Hoover.
A remarkable feature of the meeting was the attendance of a large number of lumbermen there lvho do not ordinarily attend the Hoo Hoo luncheons, and it was highly grati- fying to the officers of the Club. such men as Perry Whiting, Joe Means, Ed Wheelock, D. J. Cahill, Roy Stanton, Sam Hayward, Al Koehl and many others, busy men of large affairs, all taking the time to lend a hand in this very wonderful party.
Man Wanted
Man not over thirty-five years old, with experience in lumber and construction work, wanted by large Los Angeles construction and finance corporation. Position offers splendid opportunities; want a steady man and one rvho has originality. In answer, give particulars that can be used in making decision for interview. Address Box .4.-102, care California Lumber Merchant. 1-1-1