3 minute read
Dry Kilns
Rall Shlpncnt
Moore's natural draft and mechrinical recirculating lrilnr ef practical and nodern typeL
Complete line of dry kiln equipment, euch ar truckr, tranrfer cirs, recording and regrrlating inrtnunente, lumber liftc and f,at and edge lunber rtackerr.
Builders inL926 are looking for Better Construction
They are rightfully asking for more per, manency in home investments
It will pay youand themnot to slight lumber quality for the sake of slight savings in first cost Make 1926 a Better Construction Year at your yard
Sell Long-Bell Douglas Fir on its medts
It is uniforn in quality-one outstanding advantage
High standards of producdon govern its manufacture
Care in kiln drying is one imPortant feature
Every carload speaks for itself on these points
The trade-ffIork on the end of the piece identifies the quality
Dealers everywhere have found it a worthy LongBell Product
Let your next Douglas Fir order prove these things to you
It will pay the lumber dealerthe contractor -anil the ownet!

Nettleton Products Shipped By Barge And Scow To Florida
Deck officers on the open sea, between Puget Sound and Florida waters, during the next 35 days will-gaze with wonderment at the tow of Nettleton lumber en route from our member mills to Miami because the sight is something unusual. Approximately one mile long, it is bound to attract attention.
First on board the two sea-going barges is almost three million feet of Nettleton forest products lumber and lath which we trust will aid considerably in the present Florida building program. The tugs Arago and Helen S. with the sea-going barges and three scows are intended to relieve the present lighterage situation in Miami harbor.
Loading the scows on the decks of the Dacula and W. T. & B. No. 38 was accomplished by drydocking the scows, loading -them on top of framework erected on still larger scows, then rolling them over the rails of the larger to their present position. Capt. Haines of the Washington Tug g Balgg Co., superintended the loading and will be oi hand in Miami on their arrival there to diicharge the equip- ment and look after their interests while engaged irr the lighterage business.
The tug "Roosev€It," which is towing the equipment, has an interesting history of its own. It rvas the vessel on which Peary made his famous dash for the North pole, es- pecially equipp.ed for encounter with ice floes it has many peculiar qualities. Its sides protected with teak me..u.-. six feet in thickness and her pbrverful engines are expectecl to hav_e this long drag off Miami harborln 35 days itea-i"g._ F9l ocean towing her unusual weight and power are invaluable assets.-Nettleton "Cargo Reiiew.',
Curran Ill
Mr. Frank Curran, General Manager of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company operations in S&thern California, has been confined to his home the past two rveeks.
Red Cedar Shingles
Schafer Brog. Shlngle Co. Natlonal Lunber & Mfg. Joe CrecL Shinglc Co. Rlpley Cedar Co. Ultican Shlngle Co.
One of the biggest installations of its kind is the new aircooled burner, construction of q'hich was recently completed^at the plant of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, Toledo, Ore. Th,e burner is 100 feet in diameter.
Record Door Shipment
Enough-.doors for nearly 3000 houses, allowing 12 doors lo t-hg ordinary small bungalorv, were shipped fiom portland for London and Liverpool on the Dutih steamer Noor. derdyk, December 18. There rvere 34,800 doors in the shioments.
Attended by 350 leading lumber manufacturers of the Northrvest, the annual banquet of tl-re Tacorna Lnmbermen's Clgb, held at Tacoma, December 18, rvas the most successful ever held by the club.

James G. Newbegin, retiring president, acted as toast_ master and introducgd a number of prominent guests, in_ cluding Governor Roland H. Hartley,'E'. O. KinsJlev. nresi_ dent of the West Coast Lumbermen's Assoc"iationj and Frost Snyder, the new president of the club.
Speakers were A. H. Landram, chairman of the club's advertising committee;- G_gorge S. Long, manag.er, Weyer_ haeuser Timber Co.; J. D. Tennant, ilan"ger] Lone--Bell Lumber Co., and Henry Schott. rvho is in"charge 3t tt,. national advertising campaign of the West Coast"Lurnber_ rnen's Association.
After a number of unique entertainment features the eve_ ning_was concluded by a presentation by the club to Mr. Newbegin of a_beautifirt clbck as a token of their uppr."i"_ tion of .his work as.president during the year. Vf..^S"J-J., made the presentation address.
For Mlmfactured Bv Montcnno, Waah. Hoquiam, lf,faeh. Aloha, Warh. Aberdcn, Wa;h. Aberdeen, Wash.
We are in position to furnish your requirements in all kirrds of Shingles, either Grccn or Kilu Dried, for all rail or water shipment, and in order to better serve you lrave opened a general sales office in the Finch Building, Aberdeen, Washington.
We manufacture:
6/2 Extra *A*'s
5/2 Extra *A*'s Extra Clears Premium Clears and all corresponding
XXXXX Perfect Clears
Eurekas Perfections Royals second grades
GENERAL SALES OFFICES: s1ilN6tt 00RP0RAT|0N Suit. zat, Fiach Buildin3 Abcrdccn, lferL. of California.
Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar Sawmills, Marshfield, Oregon
Distributing Plant - Bay Point
Annual Production 2OO,0O0,000 Feet
GENERAL OFFICES :'Tl "t$ j:::,?l"t'
Angeles Oftce, ttto Ccntret Btdg.