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The "Bulldog" Carrier, with a number of important improvements, is now the Willamette Carrier,-a sturdy, cost-reducing machine that makes the whole carrier system of lumber handling practical, because the machine itself is practical.
-A prouen(* ) design; product ol experienced engineering
-25% to 50% less parts;
-Efficient without clumsiness;
-Strength and rigidity uhere needed;
--Tirnken roller bearings throughout;
-Greater ease and econonl,y in operation;
-A rniniffi o1 ^ffir*rne cost;
-Buih by Willamette.
A special engineering study of your operation will be gladly made to prote the economy of carrier handling in your particular mill or yatd. CIip the coupon below. Sign it, and mail. No obligation on your part.
Willametre fron & Steel Works Dept. D Portland, Oregon. Tell us more in detail of how carrier will reduce our handling costs,
OREGON. U.S.A. Clip '3::,o,^ # tl
Tacoma, Dec. 16.-T.wo million doors have been made since January 1 of this year by the Wheeler-Osgood Company of this city, the largest manufacturer of doors in the world. The 2,00o,000th door was turn.ed out Monday afternoon at the company's plant on the tide flats.
Big ocean liners are carrying these doors to all parts of the globe-Liverpool, Yokohama, Bangkok, Miami, Calcutta. Somewhere is a blushing bride who soon may be swinging this 2,000,000th door as she rushes to her kitchen to see whether the biscuits are burning.
Who this girl may be is bringing forth many guesses from Miss Mildred Rogers of the Wheeler-Osgood Company advertising departm,ent. She is very curious to know who will be mistress of this particular door.
Miss Rogers has been doing a great deal of figuring, and some of the results of her efforts follow:
Two million doors piled flat would stand thirty-three miles high, or nearly equal to th,e distance from Tacoma to Seattle. If stretched end to end they would rcach 2,462 miles from Tacoma to Fort Wayne, Ind.
With the capacity of a freight car limited to 1,000 doors, it would require 2,000 cars, or 400 trains of fifty cars each, to haul the doors awa5r.
If all the lumber for the 2,000,000 doors were taken from one tree, it would require a monarch of the forest 1,003 miles high. Should this tree be felled in Tacoma, the top would crash through the roofs in Billings, Mont.
Pleasure To Pay
"Occasionally we find a bill which is a pleasure to pay. Your subscription invoice is one oI them.
J. C. Ellis, Santa Fe Lumbel Co., Los Angeles.
Westwood Lumber Company Will Expand
Portland, Dec. 16.-It is announced here that the Westwood Lumber Compahy, a newly incorporated concern, has taken over the properties of The Wheeler I-umber Company,-Whe_ele_r, Oregon. The plant has a present eight hour capacity of 150,000 feet. A considerable expansion-of business is planned. The officers of the new conc-ern are: Tohn E. pup_oi.s, Jr., president, C. R. Iloevet, vice president, and J. A. Heitkemper. secretarv.
Mickle Companies Plan Big Development
Portland, Dec. l9.-Development plans of the George T. Mickle Lumber Co. and the Mickle Mills includ" "onJt*"- tjon of a paper mill at a cost exceeding $1,000,000, and the doubling oJ the present output by opeiating a double shift at the lumber mill. It is also propoied to idd 1000 feet of dock space to the present dock, making a total of 2000 feet of dock space.
By-products of the mill now sold for fuel will supply the raw material for the pulp and paper mill, which wii hive a capacity-of algut 50 tons of paper a day. Surplus electric po.wer of the big Mickle power plant will operate the paper mill.
Construction work will start soon after January l. When the mill starts operating two shifts production will be in the neighborhood of 600,000 feet a day, and between 500 and 600 men will be employed.
Court orders,_upon motion of the government, have been entered dismissing the government's petitions in the Western Pine Case and the Southern Pine Case
We have prepared a folder on "Why you should uge Redwood in Your Home" containing a reprint of the article "Indestructible Redwood" which appeared in the May | 9th isEue of Literary Digest, together with aarnple pages and description of our booklet "Redwood Home Plane." A supply of these foldere for free distribution will be gladly sent you on request. Write for them.

Redwood Contest Closes December 31
With the date of the Redwood Contest drawing to a close, the Redwood salesmen have been showing much activity during the past two or three weeks. J. Krauss of Los Angeles and Roger O'Hara of Fresno, both r'epresentatives of the Redwood Manufacturing Co., of Pittsburg, and R. E. Caldwell of the Little River Redwood Co., San Francisco, have sent into the Redwood Association office the leading entries during the past few weeks.
Lloyd Harris of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, who is still among the leaders, submitted a very fine entrv which he secured from the Parker Ranch at Vacaville. It is a redwood post and according to the records has seen over 90 years of service. This specimen was one.of the original posts used when the property was secured by the Parker family through the Spanish grants. The post is perfectly solid, free from any defects, and in excellent condition.
Announcem-errt has..already been made that the Contest, which has been creating much interest and activity ary9ng the Redwood representatives, will close on December 31.
The Moore Dry Kiln Company recently received an order for 3882 special dry kiln trucks for the Long Bell's new east mill unit. These trucks are of the special design and are equipped with 8sl-inch flange diameter cast steel annealed wheels. Moore's special Alemite greasing system for drv kiln trucks will be used on all truck wheels. The Moor,e Dry Kiln Company also furnished the dry kiln truck equipment now in use at the first unit of the Long Bell mill at Longview, Washington.
Twohy Lumber Co.

22 | Kerckholf Bldg. Loe Angelee, BDwy. 0843
CARGO-Fir, Rcdwood, Sugar Pinc-RAIL
'We can always Eupply Fir Cokrmns and Drain Boards from stock
Excluaivc Southern California Agcnta
E. J. DODGE alt, Calif.
The California Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles, Calif.
My dere ser:-Aye hev yust gotten yur bil for de subscription for de Lumber Merchant an aye am now goin tu send yu my chak for tu bux. Aye vant tu tal yu Phil dat its about de best tu bux I ever spelt cause lak tu get dis snappy little paper right along ay sufe llttle PaPer rlgnf, aruuB an vile I vish ii vas more svedish in it still I can git along pretty vel anyhow cause I'm not such a dum bell is sum-peopel tink I am even efn I am a svede an aye sure know my snus as ve vould say in de ol countiy. Every time I git de L. M. I read most every vord of her an sum of de yokes in it is funny as hal an aye half tu laf, honest I do.
Vell Fil its puty nere Xmas up here an I vish dat yu could kum op here an hav a little Xmas vit me lause ve sure got de stuff op har tu hav a gud Xmas vit an dats no-yoke, an believe yu me its good stuff tu an der ent a cross vord in a whole barrel of it an dats no yoke neither.
Val ay ges dis is about nuff for dis time an hop,e yu get de chak all O.K. an aye sur vish yu a l\{erry Xmas ind hope dat yu hav as gud a time as me. Ve sure got lots of it here Fil.
Yurs Verv trule.
Care Tilden.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturerc of California White a,nd SwEr Plne Lumber Millr at Suranville and Hih CaL
15O,00O,OOO FeGt Annud CrPacitY
B. W. ADAMS, Mer. Saleg DcPt. Firat National Bank Bldg.- San Franeirco