1 minute read
an endless source UTTRESS
HERE are many reasons why it pays Lumber Dealers to push Buttress Wallboard. In the first place it is a Quality Product that you can recommend to your most particular customers without fear or hesitationwe mahe it good to "make good" for you. In the second place it pays a good margin of profit and meets with a ready salenot only today, tomorrow and next week, but throughout the entire year-i1 knows no "seasons."
A Well Advertised Product
The advertisement reproduced in the center of this page is but one of many that we are running in newspapers and other publications to exploit the merits of Buttress 'Wallboardand to make more sales for our dealers. In other words, Buttress VZallboard has a demand created for it before it reaches your yard. It is practically sold when the customer comes to you; therefore, it takes less selling efiort.
There is less time consumed in persuasion and there are fewer kicks by fussy customers. When you sell fussy customers an advertised product of standard reputation, they are convinced that you have given them the utmost in quality and merit as evidenced by the well known brand. Customers always have conEdence in advertised products.
Speeds Up Your Turnover
Today progressive dealers realize that the cost of selling is vastly less on well advertised products; they sell more quick-
Home tt -hnys that
UTTRESS \fallboald ir residences, as well a! lbr L,J ll comes in big, broad, dried, seasoned and ilady for one can apply it.
9tlahes Seaatifal and
Because of its firm, straight eurfice Buttness V/allboard-witf, ne oDen stalled, it lasts practicallv a lifef,me sralled, practicallv a lifedt off. On tte otlier hand,'laih and last but a y@t or two.
For alteratioar and repait rrcrln the urc r saves the bother of moviag out frminue; on the foon
Buttrese lfalboald ir made of two chees ofheavy papen lt heavy paper actc as a aound<i neavy aounddeade and hence, Buttress \falbo.td b plastcr constrrrction.
For a Solld Watl
You can make your wallboard srt| an<l 6ili1 wing Buttress V. B. Sand-Finirh. It comce in ordinary paint. Doec not fade or rub ofr you Ltnber Dula, bc