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ALLBOARD dealer dollars
of your all Surfaee .ffths RrGHT!
more and more populat for 6ne ,es and ot{r.er tyryj. ol constructior. t panek-Ya or %-inch thick-kiln tsasily and q.ri.kiy handled-any-
door ja'.. and baseboard ft tight to s to harbor dust and dirt. Once incracking, warping or &opping rlessinstalled by an expert-may
Wallboald caves time o.d expense; the anaoyance of wet, mussy ilaster
plaster, comprecced betweeo , ignite, or trarsmit f,re. The big solid sheets do not vibrate, s couad prooftho- lath and ly than other products; they have less complaints about them than they have of unadvertised products. And, most vital of all, they can make more turnovers of advertised products, and every well-informed dealer hnows that he makes his sure profits on turnover. cxacdy like sand.Gni"hed plastered work bv fer.ent shedes and is applied with a bruah til6 "V. Bu. Finbh ftom
Lumber Dealers everywhere find that it is "good business" to carry a stock of Buttress Wallboard-and also to tell their customers that they carry this dependable material.
When a Lumber Dealer stocks Buttress Wallboard he knows that his customers will be glad to buy it. He knows that it will sell, and satisfy, and repeat. And he knows that he will make a profit on each and every sale.
As the great multitude of Buttress Wallboard users increases, few, if any, ever change from Buttress. Through a consistent fair trade policy we count upon your co-operation in the distribution of this widely-used popular product.