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1925 Building Tops Year Previous
\\:itlr the constant wail during I92S that building rvas bad, that totals rvould be far belorv 1924, it is gratifying to tnake a little check of what actually did happen during the year, and rvhile complete figures are not yet available, the sttms given in the table belorv for eleven months ol 1925, and for the year 1924, will show that in practically every case the cities listed will exceed the previous year.
Los Angeles permits for December will run close to $11,000,000. To the night of the 30th tl.rey totalled $10.000,000. rvhich is very good for the year end month, and also considering that Los Angeles has been reported all year to be in a btrilding slump, 1924 was a good year in that city, with a total in nerv buildings valued at slightly over one hundred and fifty million, and then comes 1925 with just the same amorlnt, and not a bad slurnp.
Nervspapers have been full, the past few weeks, with convincing predictions that the country, and particularly California, is headed for a boom building year, this year. Surveys have disclosed housing shortages and plans for trelnendorrs building programs. In Los Angeles one builder has announced plans for the construction of 200 homes, in 1926, at a cost of about $2,500,000. COMPARATIVE
Trademarkpd products mean high quality maintained. Th.y guarantee protection for the buyer f rom the manufacturer through the distributor and dealer.
San Francisco allnounces a huge building ltrogram for this year with anticipated projects for the spring amounting to over trventy million dollars.
Pacific Electric Abandoning Redondo Wharf
The following letter has been sent to interested parties; in Southern California, by the Pacific Electric Co.:
"The franchise for the maintenance and operation of wharf No. 3 at Redondo Beach expires February 19, 1926, and in conformity with supplemental decisions of the California State Railroad Commission it will be abandoned and removed as soon thereafter as possible.
This is to notify you that on and after February N, 1926, this commercial wharf at Redondo Beach, California, will be retired from service and the handling of freight thereover rvill be discontinued."