1 minute read
Benefit from this Advertising Campaign
In lts True Sense
OU* aim and ambition is not merely to sell you Hardwood Flooring d quality-but to back up each sale with genuine Service. Not the artificial term Service-$ut a definite reality that makes of maior importance the careful selection of the material-its prompt delivery-and, when desired, the expert lanng and finishing d the foors.
Above is pictured (in reduced size) just one of a series of thirty advertisements, being run in Los Angeles newspapers, educating the public on paying enough for their plastering.
How Doer Thir Afrect Dealerr?
This advertising is improving conditions in the plastering industry. When the plastering industry prospers, dealers in plastering mater.ials prosper too-particularly Blue Diamond dealers, because the ent.re building profession knows that Blue Diamcnd is sponsoring this campaign, even though its name does not appear in the advertising.
Blue lDiamond Gompanlr
Producers and Manufacturers of Quality Fire-Proof Building Materials
Los Angeles rAc0.itA PtAilllG illlls, liG., , \. IAGoil[ "Really, 'i
Thisin our opinionconstitutes the tnre meaning of Service----and it is the purpose to which we all have set ourselves resolutely.
Is It As Good As Tacoma's?"