1 minute read
Nearly two thousand years ago that Man who walked as a boy through Galilee, propounded the sovereign principles of service when he said: "Whosoever shall be great among you shall be your minister, and whosoever shall be the chiefest will be the servant of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto but to minister, and gave his life a ransom for many."
Today the questio4 that the man who wishes to progress, in any walk of life, must answer is: "What degree of service can you render?" All the departments of our civilization are working toward the one great object-the intensification of SERVICE.
Service is the basis of all honest business, all creative work, all free government, all orderly society and all true religion. Service is the magic password that unlocks the vaults wherein lie hidden away the best of human possibilities.
Then what fS service? What IS the thing which the Master preached, which men proclaim, which all humans have learned to praise?
Let us turn to the dictionary. It states that service means "assistance renderedr" or "duty performed".
Ben Byrnes Spends Few Days In San Francisco
Ben Byrnes, Albion Lumber Co., Los Angeles, spent several days recently in San Francisco where he was a caller.at the company's .San Francisco office on business matters. He reports that conditions in the Southern California sections look satisfactorv.
As SERVICE affects the modern building business of today, a blending of those two definitions seems a splendid explanation of the true meaning of the word.
Modern merchandising building SERVICE means to furnish the public the fullest possible degree of intelligent, specialized, practical assistance in the USE of those materials.which the materialman sells. ft means that the building merchant shall "do unto others" as he would have them do unto HIM, were their positions reversed, and HE at the buying, instead of the selling end.
Use THAT as the basis for measuring the quality and quantity of your usefulness to the public, Mr. Lumber Merchant, before you put'SERVICE" on Srour letterhead and on your advertising copy.
SERVICE is NOT a physical thing. It is a demonstrable FORCE. The MERCHANDISE you sell is the physical end of your business. The SERVICE is that intangible and dyn.amic development of modern times which makes your goods worth buying, and worth having.
Are YOU giving service?
W. H. Wood, Hart-Wood Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned after spending sev'eral days in the Northwest attending to Company business matters. While in the Northwest he was a visitor at the company's Portland office and also visited their mill operations at Grays Harbor.