4 minute read
This was the last meeting before the huge Christmas Party for the orphans, and much of the time of the meeting was devoted to a discussion by the committee members, on the coming event.
Vice President Cliff Estes presided at the meetjng, in the absence of President Wickersham.
Mctropolltan Blda. - Vancouvcr' B'C. ADvrcrE lxlRrsE*vrcEs
In British Columbia or The Wcst Officers and Directors:
M. ,{, Grainler, Pree. - Alrd Flavcllc, Vlco-Prcr
F. R. PcDdlctor, I)ircctor - L. Lrfon' For..t EDJlr.ar
Dimmick Lumber Company
PACIFIC COAST LUMBER CAR rud CARGO s,GDrGrGrt tlvc. Port Otford Whltc Ocil|r IgGrt.n lylltG OCdr! Oo. I)oug:la. IF|t-Slrrucc-Bcnlocl f,.r|llcld' Orc[to n 1. rJrr.of f,u:l-.f, Oc. Rei Ocdar thrnairc. Ooqrlllc, Orcro! Ccdar Polcr trd Pllhri
Fifc Btdg. SAN FRANCTSCO Tel. Douslar t9lzli Van Nuyr Bldg. LOS ANGELES Td. TRinitlt Ttgl
Lumberman Convicted For Fraud
"The conviction and sentence to imprisonment of E. V. Dawson of Dann, N. C., in the United States District Court of Raleigh, N. C., several days ago for the fraudulent use of the mails in violation of Section 215 of. the Criminal Code," said W. W. Schupner, Secretary of the National American Lumber Association "sets a most wholesome precedent not only for the lumber industry but for all industries."
"The indictment charged Mr. Dawson with using the mails for the transmission and collection of sight drafts, with bill of lading attached, which falsely stated the number of feet of lumber contained in the shipment involved, the alleged variation between the feetage stated in the bill of lading and the amount actually shipped being very large. Over a yebr ago several of our members complained to the Association, and through our national counsel, Davis and Jones, of Washington, D. C., the matter was taken up with the Post Office Department and the indictment followed. The case sets a precedent in the administration of postal laws for while the alleged fraud was perpetrated through the mails, the merchandise lvas not carried by mail, as has been the case in previbus cases under the law."
Benson To Buy Steamer
Benson Firm to Operate Shipping Board Craft in Off-Shore Trade Here
San Diego, Dec. 20.-Atlnouncement that he is negotiating with the United States shipping board for the purchase of a lake type steamer was made here yesterday by Frank Lynch, president of the Benson Lumber company.
When purchased the vessel will be equipped with Diesel engines and operated in the offshore trade. The new vessel will be 4000 tons larger than the motorship Frank Lynch, now being purchased by Mr. I.ynch from the shipping board.
The president of the Benson Lumber company further announced that six 900-foot log rafts, the largest number ever towed to San Diego in a single season, will be brought here next year from the Columbia river. The raft will contain a total of 30,00O,00O feet of lumber and will carry deckloads aggregating 5,000,000 feet of cedar poles in addition to millions of shingles.
Three of the huge rafts already have been launched at Wallace slough.
Study Sierra Timber
The Division of Forestry of the University of California, whose investigative work during the past several years has been largely devoted to reforestation in the Redwood Region has this season shifted its activities to the pine region of the Sierra.
One of the principal questions that requires solution, says F. X. Schumacher, is the growth in useful products of the species of so-called lesser value-fir and cedar. To this end Mr. Schumacher and P. D. Hanson spent much of the field season in measuring the growth on 125 fir plots -ssmplgs of forests from practically every Sierra County between Shasta and Fresno. Members of the United States Forest Service are cooperating in the study and have added the measurements of fifty other fir plots.
It is believed that the results of this work, which will be available in the spring, will have an important bearing on policies of care of private timberlands in the Sierra.
Woodhead Recovered
David Woodhead, president of the Woodhead Lumber Company, Los Angeles, Past Vicegerent Snark of Hoo Hoo in the Los Angeles District and Past Supreme Gqrdon of the order, has fully recovered from a two weeks' illness.


The officers for the year L926 for Tacoma Lumbermen's Club are as follows: President, Frost Snyder, Clear Fir Lumber Co.; vice-president, Ralph L. Dickman, Dickman Lumber Co.; secretary-treasurer, Roy J. Sharp, Mountain Lumber Co.
In addition to the above named the following members were elected to the board of trustees: K. F. Richards, Pacific States Lumber Co.; Fred Roberts, Newbegin Lumber Co.; J. C. Hill, North End Lumber Co., and C. H. Kreienbaum, Reed Mill Co.
Portland, Dec. 15.-The Clearwater Timber Company, subsidiary of the Weyerhaeuser corporation, is reported to have purchased the pine timber holdings of H'enry Turrish of Duluth, Minn., in Clearwater county, Idaho, for $1,800,000. The tract is said to be one of the finest stands of Pine timber in the United States.
Texans Endorse Grade Marked Lumber
Houston, Texas, Dec. 1l.-More than 2OO of. the leading representatives of the lumber and building industries of Houston and Galveston heartily endorsed standardized and grade-marked lumber, as recommended by Secretary of Commerce Hoover, and pledged their aid toward establishing this national movement in this section, at a banquet held in the ballroom of Hotel Bender tonight, under joint auspices of the Hoo Hoo Club, the Lumbermen's Club and the Southern Pine Association. This action of the gathering was expressed in resolutions unanimously adopted, which also urged all lumber producers to grade-mark their products, approved the system of branding employed by the Southern Pine Association and commended that group of manufacturers for their efforts to promote the program throughout the country