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We Make Special Knives and Repair Circular Saws
Emanuel Fritz On Eastern Trip
Emanuel Fritz, associate professor of Forestry at the IJniversity of California, has left for a month's trip in the east. He plans to visit the Forest Service Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, and also some of the Lake State lumber operations, including a visit to the Henry Ford lumber plant. He will return to Berkeley around the later part of January.
Arthur Lane A San Francisco Visitor
Arthur Lane, the well known New York City wholesaler and lumber distributor, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days calling on the white and sugar pine dealers. lle was also in attendance at the recent Shingle Congress held in Seattle. He left for New York City on December 19.
Ted Lawrence A San Francisco Visitor
Ted Lawrence, Los Angeles manager of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co., was a San Francisco visitor during the past month where he spent a few days attending to company business matters and meeting many of his lumbermen friends in the Bay District. While in San Francisco,. he made his headquarters at the offices of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co.
Atkinson All Swelled Up With New Car
Jimmy Atkinson, Pehinsula representative of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber company, is sporting a new Buick coupe, starting the new year in fine shape" Ed. Garland, manager of the rail department, states that Jimmie is handling the new boat in fine shape, hursing it along at ten miles per hour in the day time, and making his long jumps at night. A pretty slow pace for such a live wire as this fellow Atkinson.