1 minute read
Thc Long-Bell Lumbcr Company announcet thc purcherc of tLe plant of thc Superior Oak Flooring Comprny at Hclcnan .A,rkanrar.
lltith thc ecquirition of thir prop€rty Thc Long-Bcll Lum. ber Company bccomet thc rccond largcrt manuficturcr of oeL flooring in thc Unitcd Steter. Thc Supcrior plrat war built about thrcc ycar. ago, thoroughly nodcrn in cvcry dctril. Itr product har crtablirhcd rrr cnvieblc rcputetion undcr the brand namc ttSuperior.Ancricetr Fincrt.tt TLc rarnc high rtandardr of menufacturc and rcwicc which The Long-Bcll Conpany cndcavorr to cerr5r out in ell of itr opcrationr will prevail at thc Superior plent.
in our modern and up-to-date shop we repair Circular Saws and make special Knives for woodworking shops, in the shortest possible time. We also carry a full stock of self-hardening, High-Speed Steel for shaper knives and cutters.