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Douglar Fir Lumber and Tinberr; Southcrn Pinc Lunbcr and Timberr; Creorotcd Lumbcr, Tinbcrr, Portr, Poler, Tier rnd Guard-Rail Portr; Piling; Southcn Hardwood Lumbcr end Timbcrr; Oek Flooring; Califonrie Whitc Pinc Lumbcr; SerL and Doorr; Box Shoolr.
eu"tin Black, ddvertising - manager of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, is leaving for the east on January 5 on a business trip. While in the east. Mr. Black will be a speaker at several of the retail lumbermen's conventions in the Middle West and Atlantic Coast sections. He plans to be in the east about two months.
Lewis Godard Buys Himself A Fine Christmas Present
Lewis Godard, Bay District and Coast County representative of the Hendrickson Lumber Co., San Francisco, stepped out a few days before Christmas and bought himself a fine Studebaker coach. He formerly drove a Studebaker roadster, but "Louie" says his big idea in taking on a large and closed carwas to offer better service to the dealers and he will be able to make "parcel shipment" deIiveries of their Redwood shingles at all times.
Don Clark A San Francisco Visitor
Don Clark of Seattle, the well known northwest stained shingle distributor, was a San Francisco visitor around the middle of the month while enroute to Seattle after spending the past three months in the east where he was calling on the lumber trade. While in San Francisco, he was the guest of A. J. Russell, manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co.
Opens Yard Near Whittier
Mr. W. P. Jackson, formerly manager of the San Pedro Lumber Company yard at Whittier, assisted by Mr. Cy Barkalow of the same company, has opened a yard at Jimtown, a small community near Whittier.
Shipments From Columbia River To Run Past Billion
Some idea of the tremendous movement of lumber froin northwest ports to various destinations throughout the world can be obtained from the fact that water shipments of timber from the Columbia River during 1925 will run well past the billion foot mark, statistics show. A report of the Portland Merchants' Exchange shows that up to November 1 of this year a total of 972,7D,O58 feet has been dispatched from the Columbia River mills.
For the entire year of 1924 the total lumber shipments were 997,OO8,269 f.eet. The report states that the iricrease lor L925 has been chiefly due to the larger movement of timber to California ports and to some of the smaller lumber markets of the world.
Kiln and Air Dried