2 minute read
California Hoo Hoo Have Active Year in 1925
A short sketch, or review, of Hoo Hoo activity in California for the year just closed, discloses a world of activity, a host of entertaining features and a volume full of intelligent effort expended by the officers and directors in the various districts.
The state is divided into 11 Districts, or Jurisdictiorrs. each having their Vicegerent Snark and most of them having a Hoo Hoo Club, with separate officers and functioning separately from the parent body. San Diego at the far south of the state, then the Orange County District, Los Angeles, Citrus Belt, (San Bernardino, Riverside, etc.), San Joaquin Valley, Sacramento, Oakland, San Francisco, Coast Counties, Susahville and Westwood are the names under which the various Jurisdictions operate.
During 1925 there were eleven Concatenations held, taking in a total of one hundred and eighty-three kittens. Not a large number, nor nearly as large as the huge totals that were piled up in 1923 ahd the year before that, when Hoo Hoo was newer in the state and contained more material to rvork on.
San Francisco led in number of Concatenations but not in numbers of Kittens initiated. There were three during the year, with a total-of 35 initiations, while Susanville, a cornparatively new District, took the blinders from the eyes of fifty poor unfortunates, at their one Concatenation, on May 9th.
Fresno comes next with 35 Kittens, at two Concats, then San Diego with the same number of parties with nineteen new members. At the joint meeting of the three Valley Lumbermen's Clubs, held at Stockton on April 15th, there were fourteen hew members taken in, Kittens taken from three districts and the credit given to the Sacramento Nine. .Los Angeles had but one Concat during the year, on February 27th, when sixteen pairs of eyes were opened and then came the San Tose Concat for the Coast Counties District with six.
The Hoo Hoo Clubs have been active, without exception. In fact the large amdunt of effort expended by the order has really come from the Clubs, all of the social activities, dinner dances, golf tournaments, etc., and it is really gratifying to note the large number of splendid affairs that have been successfully planned and executed by the tireless workers that Hoo Hoo is proud of.
In the line of golf, Los Angeles held three tournaments during the year, one in January, then one in April and the last big affair on September 19th when the retailers of the city battled with the wholesale boys, and came out victorious. San Francisco staged a monster tournament, a very enjoyable aff.aft, on April 6th. The notable feature of this event was the many handsome prizes' awarded. Then Fresno held a tournament at one of their beautiful courses, orr May 10th.
The San Diego District held one of the finest parties of the year at their Annual 'Hard Times' Party, held on April 18th, unde'r the direction of Snark Restine. It was attended by practically the entire membership of San Diego and by a number of the boys from Los Angeles. The San Francisco dinner dance, on the night of Jane 27th is an affair long to be remembered and one which earned a great amount of praise for the committee in charge.
During the year four new Clubs were installed and they are all active and showing plenty of interest in the old Black Cat. On February 16th, at Susanville, Club No. 37 was dedicated with the aid of the Parson, who journeyed
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Dec. 17th, at 4701 Santa Fe Ave., we gave an actual fire demonstration of the fire retardent qualities of Somozided Lumber and Paint.