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A Sigtt of Quality KLICKA LUMBER I I
Klicka Lumber Co.
Main Officc end Yardd-i0th and Univerrity Tclcphone Hillcrert 1000
Klicka Lumber Company Believes In Advertising
The Klicka Lumber Company, one of San Diego's largest hustling retail yards, is also one of the most persistent advertisers in the southern city.
They are operating four plants now, the main yard and mills right in the city proper and smaller yards at East San Diego, Normal Heights and National City. :
The yard on 30th Street, the main plant, is a busy place, and is efficiently operated. They are doing a tremendous business, and, according to George Klicka, they are strong for advertising, keep at it month after month, and feel that they have never lost a penny of the cost, in the many years that they have followed this habit.
A good piece of copy that appeared recently in one of :al newsDaDers is reoroduced below. In commentinp local newspapers reprod commentilng this particular advertisement, Mr. Klicka remarked that had a real "come-back"
Weyerhaeuser Election
Spokane, \Mash., Dec. 18.-T. J. Humbird was reelected president of the 'Weyerhaeuser Sales company at the annual mebting held in the offices of the company at Spokane. Other officers reelected were:
. Yiq. presidelt, F. E. Weyerhaeuser, St. Paul l secretary, A. W Laird, Potlatch, Idaho; treasurer, Huntington Tay- lor,_Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; assistant secretary and treasurer, 'W. H. Farnham, general manager; L. S. Case and I. N. Tate, assistant',managers, all of Spokane.
One new member was elected to the board, Charles H. fngram, w_ho was recently made manager of the Snoqual- mie Falls Lumber company.
US-THAT'S ALL TRinity 1189 634-646 Alico Street
FIFTY YEARS AGO the FrOoRt1.|0 - Loc Angeler
V,, (From the L. A. Express, Dec. 7, 1875)
As $ood As $ood Furniture t'Everlasting" flooring comes from a city famous for its 6ne woodwoikinc. ThZ tumber is dried in the game kilos uled in drying-the lumber for Grand Rapids furnitur€, atrd by the same acientific methods. Our craftsmen hlve the skill gained from a lifetime of woodworking. They operate -machines.gauged to sptit h-air accuracy. Tecting aad inapection is continuoue. Is it any wonder that. t'Everlactirig" flooring has the quality of fine lufllrtule.