Homeowners like wood, ond no lumber mofches fhe feotures of Wolmonized@ wood.
The Wolmqnized residentiol bronds ore bocked by fhe respected Good Housekeeping Seol ond ifs two-yeor consumer promise.
Furthermore, they hove been listed os o Green Approved product by the NAHB Reseorch Center ond con contribufe points towords o home's Notionol Green Building Certificofion.
The widely known Wolmonized nome hos signified effectively preserved wood for mony decodes. The brond hqs led the indusiry on both technologicol ond morketing fronls.
Tslk to o licensed Wolmonized@ wood producer for more informotion on Wolmonized@ wood.
,* ;i i r: f,. {ffi I I l: | ; ill!ll lllr zr . -d ##' "'1 .1^_" t'F dfr- I r{1. .' -. \tfu | &i&s ." r' I nm' mn llr EU[ro \ '{fer ff **--a**: ryrr't"\*!' I t \g I {}i I xu Follovr us: Facebook "W0od" anc hrilter "@-\Vcodaholics" After all these years, there's still only one rc;ri choice for a deck, real wood, Give your ctrstonrers the strength and beaury they really want :rnd desene. Give them a deck built from redwood, cedar or pine. 'l he natural choice for tle homeo*'ner and a great choice for the planet. Oo with the grain. Sell d.em a deck made of real w'ood. ?.Ei*:*": Go with the grain and sell thern the deck they reallywant.
!BIEWERg-LUMBER Ttr|I OI$LY Cr|OIEE FOH Qt'lAIITY Lt.lftN$Hffi PMODt.trCT$. " MAOE F'N,OF! PIffiT FCIN " tJffF'[NISI{[O 5L}MFAC tF , IASY T0 II{STALL . MESI$TA|1{T T$ fiOT Al'l **t MENGTH ANO - MEA$Y TO PAI mABiilTv T 3R STAIru BEeAy , .ry991i,6*
This beauty is a bsast.
Armadillo's super tough skin is permanently fused to a composite core made of 100% post-consumer recycled content. Its deeper, richer color, is more realistic and more durable. Armadillo easily shrugs off scuffs, stains and resists fading and will provide years of great looking, low
Special Features ln Every lssue
BPD \. dH ,-ni4-1.!,,'{-r
9 Frnrunr Sronv THr Srcnrrs or SElrtNc DrcrtNc ONrtNr 12 Pnooucr Sporlrcnr Covrposrrr MnNurncrunrns Rolr Our NEw DrcrtNc LtNrs 14 Pnooucr Sporucnr JnpnNesr Covpostrr DrcrtNc TecHNorocY Htrs rHr U.S. 'l 5 lrrrousrnv Tnrnos Srnrcrrn CneeN STnNoARDS FoR Co,vtpostre PnNrrs 16 MnncrN Butorns OSB SuerroontNc NorcHrs Morsrune-FtcHrtNc I NNovATtoNS 40 MaNncrmrNr Trps MAKE "VALUE ADDED" Rrnrrv VRrunsLe : Grvr CltrNrs rHr Ctrr or EoucnrtoN Bnrnxrrc lnousrnv Nrws & I nousrnv PHoro DowHI-onos B urrorNc-PnoDUCTS.coM (Forrow LrNr ron Puoros) BPD: Drcrrnl Vrnstott THr Lnrrsr lssur CnN Now Be Vrrwro Rr B u rrorNc-PnoDUCTS.coM February 2012 r volume 3o r Number 12 BuililinA Pr0iluils Digest\ 6 Tomllv Rnruoou 1 B Coruprrrnvr lNrttucENcE 20 oLsrN oN Snlrs 22 Fruww BusrNrss 28 Movrns & Snnrrns 34 KauLr oru Srlrs 36 Nrw Pnooucrs 42 AssocrnnoN Uporrr 43 lN Mrmonrnpr 44 cr-nssrnro Mnnxrrpucr 45 Dnrr Boor 46 lorr Frlr 46 Aovrnlsrns lHorx
www.a rmad i I lodeck.com (800) 535-4838 /A\ \Ig UNEP Made in United Nations the USA Environmental Programme @2812 Master Mark Plastics 4 r tuiuing hoduds Digest r February 2012 &riHiry-hoductsom
By Alan Oakes
Who wants to be a billionaire? Me!
tftnosrl7o! Howoanr.raBy! Accordingtosomeof usin the99Vo,the lTrpossessmostof I the country's wealth. lay off millions, pay no taxes, don't care about anyone else, and are basically a blight on society. They are the enemyl They need to pay more to fund the healthcare reforms, the unemployed, and the bailouts, which have made them richer, while the rest of us lose our jobs and our houses, and pay our fair share of taxes. Really?
I am both a small business owner and a working employee (although, in truth, with a few more perks). But like most who read this column, I work hard to achieve business success, which allows me to provide for my family. Financially, I've experienced both good times and bad, but have always recognized that I live in a country that offers me with the opportunity to be who I want to be, one that has given me the freedom to pursue the life I'd earlier only dreamed about.
There has been much debate in the press, instigated by the Occupy Wall Street movement, filled with "us" vs. "them" rhetoric. I must say that I'm not one of the lVo by a long shot, but sure would like to be one. While that will never happen now, that aspiration has motivated me to succeed all my working life, starting in the U.K. back in the '60s. Then, I was motivated by wanting more than my parents had. I never expected to be handed anything. I knew I had to work hard and be better than the next guy. I wanted to live and work where there would be rewards for what I achieved and if there was not (as has happened), I could move on and try something else (including changing continents three times).
The OWS movement suggests that we are heading for a class war. Yet it is complete nonsense to suggest that a gap between rich and poor is any different than in any other country or at any other time in history-although some could argue the gap is getting larger. Wealth (and sometimes obscene wealth) has existed from time immemorial, from the pharoahs in Egypt to the capitalist railway barons, the Communist elite (where all was supposed to be equal), and today's tech inventors. Every country that has had wealth has had the wealthy and not-so-wealthy. The difference in the U.S. was that, if you came from nothing and were smart or, even better, had a great idea, you could succeed here like nowhere else. And, you were typically applauded for being a winner. Sadly, the tide is changing. There is an ever-increasing sense ofentitlement.
Yet, it is that go-go entrepreneurial spirit that made this country so great. It's why I made the decision 35 years ago, like many before me, to move to the USA, the international poster child for opportunity. Ironically, the likes of the late Steve Jobs, who 30 years ago might have fit in with the OWS protesters, went on to become one of the world's richest men and no doubt enjoyed every dollar he eamed. That's America!
I have never regretted my own decision and take great pride in what I have achieved here. I do not believe I could have been more successful anywhere else. And though I'll never have the wealth ofthe lVo, I don't begrudge them their success. I have worked directly for billionaires. I've seen how they spend-and sometimes waste-their money. I've even shaken my head at their lifestyles, Dzt in most cases they earned it, along with the right to spend it how ever they want. They had the guts to risk everything, sometimes after losing everything and coming back fighting, to risk it all again and again.
Many of today's super-rich were just like "us" in times past. Isn't it great that we live in a country that gives us all that opportunity instead of the elite few? How many of rts 99Vo drink coffee from Starbucks, helping to make its founder a billionaire? Or purchased Microsoft Windows? Microsoft has made over 10,000 "Us" employees millionaires, while enriching thousands of investors and allowing Bill Gates to become a very generous philanthropist. Successful companies benefit not only employees and stockholders, but the rest ofus as well.
Its rags-to-riches stories have made America the most unique-and prosperous-nation in history, despite its warts. Take that away and who do we become?
I am not blind. I know there is abuse-at all levels. There are too many tax loopholes that should be closed at a personal and comorate level. But the view that all millionaires and billionaires are cheats and not paying their fair share is disingenuous. I suspect the bigger issue is that many of us have become totally disillusioned, after so many people losing their jobs and homes I know a number of "millionaires"-including in this industry-who have also lost everything these past few years. Do not let us change what made this country great!
Alan Oakes, Publisher ajoakes@aol.com
BPII Buildin0 Prorilucts lligest
A publication of Cutler Publishing 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Publisher Alan Oakes ajoakes@aol.com
Publisher Emeritus David Cutler
Director of Editorial & Production David Koenig dkoenig@building-products.com
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Carla Waldemar, James Olsen, Jay Tompt
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Administration Director/Secretary Marie Oakes mfpoakes@aol.com
Circulation Manager Heather Kelly hkelly@building-products.com
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Ghuck Casey
Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 ccasey@building-products.com
Alan Oakes www.building-products.com
Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 ajoakes@aol.com.
David Koenig
Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 dkoenig@building-products.com
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BUILDING PR0DUCTS DIGEST is published monthly at 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660-1872, (949) 852-1990, Fax 949-852-023'1, www.buildingproducts.com, by Cutler Publishing, Inc. (a California Corporation). lt is an independently owned publication for building products retailers and wholesale distributors in 37 states East of the Rockies. Copyright@2012 by Cutler Publishing, Inc. Cover and entire contents are fully protected and must not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. All Rights Reserved. BPD reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising matter, and assumes no liabilitv for materials furnished to it.
6 r BulHing hoducb Dlest r February 2012 Bnildiry-hoduclrom
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Each member of Great Southern Wood's family of quality building products has a job to do - and each one does it well. Folks count on our wide range of products when building their homes, decks, fences and more. So, if you want to build it to last, keep it in the family.
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Engineered for structural integrity with a beautiful appearance, the best columns are easy to sPot.
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The secrets of selling decking products online
tT"t DECK AppEARs to be stacked against selling decking I online. The products can be long and heavy, and are typically purchased in full-project quantities.
Currently, most LBM dealers use their websites to provide product information to "physical customers." E-commerce sales of decking are "maybe, one day."
"I do see us selling decking online to local (25-mile radius) customers in the near future," predicts Eric Murphy, sales manager for East Coast Lumber, East Hampstead, N.H. "I see (an e-commerce site for decking) as mostly a pro tool, since these guys are already familiar with the features and benefits of the products we carry. I don't see any potential at this point for selling to long-distance customers, 'Amazon style.' Shipping and purchase requirements from the manufacturers would mitigate any perceived savings for the customer."
Yet a number of companies have already found a way to make online deck sales work. BPD asked several to share the secrets of their success:
BPD: How long have you been selling decking products online?
Jim Sweet (president/c.e.o., VinylFenceandDeck.com, Rochester, Mn.): Seventeen years.
Dqn Ivancic (director of marketing, Advantage Trim & Lumber Co. and IpeDepot.com, Buffalo, N.Y.): Our e-commerce website research and development started back in 1993. We have been investing in our web presence long before having a company website became standard practice. These efforts have paid off, as online search engines tend to give preference to well-aged domain names. Since then, we have reinvested a substantial portion of our revenue into programmers and online marketing.
Jim Hourigan (v.p.-supply chain, BuildDirect, Vancouver, B.C.): We have been selling decking for over eight years.
Paul Boehlke (general manager, Deck Builder Outlet, Palos Heights, Il.): We have had a website that sold deckrelated products online since 1997 , but the Deck Builder Outlet name and website were introduced and began selling products in 2005.
BPD: What are the primary advantages to buyers of purchasing decking products online?
Boehlke: The biggest advantage is convenience. Customers can sit at home on their computers and shop through the different items available on our site. We carry a number of different manufacturers' products, so there are a lot of options to choose from.
A second advantage is the amount of inventory available. Most big box stores carry one or two manufacturers' products, but in limited colors, quantities or sizes. Our site offers every size and option the manufacturers offer, and 907o of purchases are shipped within a day of order placement.
Ivancic: Customers can have access to a variety of sizes, lengths and species not available at their local yards. Customers who want a few boards to finish a job or do a small project can shop online at their leisure when our phone center is closed. Customers can also take advantage of substantial savings, since many online companies are often structured with lower overhead cost.
Sweet: Customers receive wholesale pricing and can
Online Decking Sales
February 2012 I Building hoduds Di;est r 9
IPEDEPOT,COM is a popular online decking site launched by Advantage Trim & Lumber. Buffalo. N.Y.
work with experts in fence and decking. Unlike a big box retailer that sells thousands of items, we only manufacture and sell vinyl fence and deck.
BPD: Is there anything unique to decking products compared to other building products that makes it easier or more dfficult to sell online?
Ivsncic: Decking, or any wood material for that matter, can be challenging to sell online since wood is a natural material and, of course, no two pieces look exactly the same. So the challenge is often to convince the customer that they will be happy with our staff selecting the product for them.
The long lengths of decking, up to 24', are also a shipping and handling concern, as some LTL caniers are not fully equipped or used to handling such long freight. Conveying a company's rock solid local reputation to a national level is an everyday effort, as Internet scam artists can taint the customer's willingness to trust Internet retailers in any industry.
Hourigan: We make it easier for customers by providing a sample and delivery to the project site. So a customer can order online, check the sample the next morning for color and physical properties, and then have the product delivered without the hassle of going to a store or having to arrange delivery. Decking, especially 16-ft. boards, is a challenge to transport. We, with our freight partners, take the hassle out of getting the product home.
Boehlke'. Most of the deck-related products you find on our site are packaged by the manufacturer, so they can be shipped UPS. Post caps, balusters, deck lighting' screws' connectors and similar products are packaged in small sizes. They can be purchased online and shipped to a customer's home. A customer doesn't need to worry about walking the aisles in a home center looking for these items and hoping they have them in stock.
The cost of shipping is somewhat offset by the savings in sales tax. Building products like framing lumber and bags of cement are too expensive to ship and are almost impossible to sell online.
BPD: Weight would seem a possible issue with actual decking. Are a large percentage oJ your customers located
Hourigan: Yes, we agree that weight and the length of certain deck products may be an issue for some retailers, but we used our demand data to determine the best place for our multiple distribution center system. This system helps us provide the customer with both reduced freight costs and lead times. Also, because of the amount of freight we move, our freight rates are among the best in the industry so our products travel efficiently from our warehouses.
Ivancic'. Weight is a major issue. We went through great pains to ensure we were using accurate freight quotes, as tight margins can easily be eaten up by a misquoted freight price. The last thing a customer ever wants to hear is that their price changed because of inaccurate shipping figures, so it's typically on the dealer to absorb any freight cost discrepancy. As for geographic locations, our customers are spread across the entire U.S. and the world, so it entails searching many carriers to maintain competitiveness.
Sweet: We ship worldwide. Location is not an issue. All of our quotes include shipping.
Boehlke'. We sell composite decking, but only in the Chicagoland area. It's simply too expensive to ship nationally. Most brands are available locally throughout the country, so even if we have lower prices, the cost of shipping puts the price above what a local store may sell it for.
I had a customer on Long Island that compared our composite decking prices to his local supplier. Our cost on the decking alone was over $800 less, but the cost to ship it to him from Chicago would have offset those savings. We offer composite and vinyl decking comparisons on our site, but due to shipping costs, don't offer (vinyl) for sale.
BPD: Do you accept returns if customers order too muc'h?
Hourigan: We do not accept returns of, say, a single board. We encourage customers to keep any small pieces left over in case they may need to replace a piece that may get damaged in the course of use. Our product experts talk with customers to get the right amount for their job. If they have a significant overage and the product is able to be resold, we will accept a return with certain conditions.
Ivancic: Yes, we accept returns. Returns are often remilled into smaller sizes to remove scratches and dings from excessive shipping across the country and back.
Sweet: For most deck projects, we suggest ordering 107o extra for cuts and unforeseen modifications. We work with each customer on their project, so that the order is usually right on the mark. This is an advantage with working with an expert company that sells only fencing and decking. Each project is unique, and our job is not done until the deck is installed properly. We provide 2417 install support.
Boehlke: We allow our customers to return unopened products for a refund. Our policy states that the customer has 30 days to return the items, and there will be a l57o restocking fee. We allow some flexibility on those rules.
BPD: Decking can be an intimidating prodtrct to buy sight unseen. Does the "typical cttstomer" seem to have done his/her homework, shopped around, and know exactly what (s)he wants, or does (s)he typically have question after question before ordering?
Hourigan'. We have customers that are very knowledgeable, including many contractors who buy from us for all their jobs. They know what they want, but also want to know of new products or trends that we see that can help their business. We also have d-i-y customers that need a lot
En tfil'i. , geographically close to \our point of shipping? El l$*;i*Direct
HARDWOOD and composite decking are featured prominently at BuildDirect.com.
10 r Building hoducb D[est r February 2012
&: -l,rrn n
more information to ensure they have a successful project. We advise on things like spacing, clearance, etc.
Ivancic: We deal with a variety of customers, from wood experts to first-time users. Purchasing any product online can be scary, but typically our customers are comfortable with our strong reputation of supptying products to the "sight unseen" buyer, as they have often seen a job we supplied in their area, previously visited one of our milling facilities, and have done extensive online research.
Educating the customer can be a big investment, as it often takes the same amount of time to talk a new customer through an order of a couple boards as it does an order of several bundles. This makes customer retention an even more important part of everyday business, as repeat customers become the true profit center.
Sweet: Some customers know exactly what they want, others require full support. Our typical customer already has a rough idea of their needs, and we then help them to provide a detailed quote for their project.
Boehlke: The majority of our composite decking sales are to deck builders who know about the different manufacturers and their respective lines, so they know exactly what they want. Composite decking is very uniform and does not have to be picked through like cedar or treated decking.
A homeowner usually does have a lot of questions and needs guidance in differentiating the types of composite and vinyl decking that are available. Even after explaining the differences, we still recommend that the customer stoD by to pick up samples to compare the colors.
BPD: What are the prospects for future growth in online decking sales?
Hourigan: We are seeing huge growth online for this category and forecast much more. Building products and decking in general have not yet achieved a significant percentage of sales online compared to other categories, but the trend is unmistakably clear. Every day more and more people are becoming more comfortable buying building products online, and this is due to how we treat customers and deliver great products and great prices with no hassles.
Ivsncic: We see continued growth for online decking sales as the overall economy improves; however, the risk of rising freight cost, government regulation on Internet sales, and increased competition are always looming issues.
Sweet: We are of the opinion that the market will continue to grow. The majority of consumers are committed to receiving the best price, along with the best service available and are unable to find this local, so going online and working with an expert in the field can provide a solution to the problems of buying local from big box retailers.
Boehlke: We were one of the first websites to offer deck-related products online. Back in 2005, our best-selling products were wood post caps, deck screws, and connectors that were used on wood decks. Now with the popularity of low deck maintenance growing, our site has seen large sales increases in aluminum balusters and post caps, along with composite and vinyl railing systems, which are replacing their wooden counterparts.
Many people building new decks and those rebuilding their old ones are looking for low maintenance, not necessarily on the decking but more so on the railings, which is what most of the products on our site offer. The new lines of LED deck lighting are also catching on. As the economy builds more steam and the low deck maintenance and LED lighting ideas grow, I think the online deck product sales can see additional growth. At least I hope so.
,.-.:: ;"ii'., .I {}jtr ;; )i.
FebruaryNl2 r &rildiruhodurbD[est r 11
Gomposite makers roll out new decking
f, s oecx sEASoN approaches. manAufacturers of composite deck boards are introducing new products-or expanding and improving old ones.
Advanced Environmental Technologies Inc. is the proud parent of NanoShield, the first composite deck board to incorporate nanotechnology. The Springdale, Ar., company developed the new product in partnership with NanoMech, Fayetteville, Ar. The
process bonds inorganic nanoparticles to treated wood particles to form a durable shell of similar composition.
"We believe nanotechnology will be one of the next technology leaders for this industry," says chairman and c.e.o. Joe Brooks. "AERT's NanoShield board will represent a game-changing product with unmatched performance and characteristics."
Brent Gwatney, vice president of
sales and marketing for AERT's MoistureShield brand, says that NanoShield will be a "high-end product that will look more like wood. It will be something to compete with cellular PVC and capstock composites."
Ta,uro Building Products, Joplin, Mo., plans to introduce a new compression-molded deck board that is capped on three sides, but details have not been released. However, industry
PRODUCT New in Composite Decking
TIMBERTECH has added three new colors-brick, slate, and brownstone-to its new Earthwood Evolutions collection. 12 r Building Producb Digest I February 2012 BniHing-Produdscom
sources believe that the new oroduct will be christened Envision, the sa-. name used in 2009 for a PVC deck board that failed to gain significant market share.
The new product will be produced using T.Llrro's compression-molding manufacturing process - already used
for the company's EverGrain composite decking-which experts say gives boards a deeper grain and texture than composite boards that are injectionmolded.
Armadillo Deck is the latest offering from Master Mark Plastics, Albany, Mn., which also produces
NyloDeck Expands Distribution
Nyloboard LLC is expanding distribution of its NyloDeck, NyloTrim, and NyloSheet products in the Southeast. Produced from 100% recycled carpet fiber and VOC-free bonding resins, the products are also available in California and Hawaii.
"We spent much of last year modifying our process to become much more efficient, so we could become more competitive and be able to produce much more volume," said Kevin Guthard, vice president of operations for the Covington, Ga., company.
Last year, the company's 200,000sq. ft. plant was modified and new equipment was added so loose-fill carpet fibers could be used, which significantly lowered manufacturing costs.
"The challenge has mostly been in manufacturing," said Guthard. "We had to travel across the globe to make sure we have the right technology and equipment for manufacturing."
Guthard believes that NyloDeck has an advantage compared to other alternative decking products because it looks like hardwood. lt also has natural resistance to mildew and water because it is made from 100% recvcled
r$lurre hgl5: Deck Ledger Board
carpet fiber and bonding resins that are free from volatile organic compounds.
Available in three colors-caramel, cocoa and gray-NyloDeck has an ultraviolet coating for fade-resistance and can be installed with conventional building tools.
"lt is impervious to moisture and water because there is no wood in the product," said Guthard. "lt also appeals to people who appreciate the idea of diverting carpeting from a landfill."
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NYLOBOARD is expandino distribution of NyloDe_ck, produced trom -t O0% recycled carpgt fibers and VOC-free bonding resin, in the Southeast this vear.
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ARMADILLO DECK !y Master Mark Plastics has wood grain on both sides, in four colors: painted desert, canyon gray, Sedona, and driftwood.
distrbured" Parksitg
&rilding-Prcductrcan Febnraryill2 r tuildlng hoduds Dig€$ r 13
Rhino Deck. The composite boards are made from a proprietary mix of wood pulp and recycled, high-density polyethylene plastics, then fully wrapped with a tough polyethylene coating to resist fading, weathering, scratching, stains, and mildew. Available colors are painted desert, canyon gray, Sedona, and driftwood, with wood grain on both sides.
Trex, Winchester, Va., recently introduced Enhance composite decking, which is positioned between its Transcend and Accents lines. Like Transcend, Enhance has a three-sided shell that protects against staining, fading, mold, rot, cracks and splinters. Available in two colors-clam shell and beach dune-it's manufactured from 95Vo recycled content, including reclaimed wood, sawdust and plastic bags.
"Enhance will both expand and strengthen our high-performance decking portfolio and provide consumers with a composite product that
features a multitude of innovative features," says Ronald W. Kaplan, chairman, president and c.e.o. "We're establishing a clear 'good, better, best' decking line-up, which allows consumers to select the ideal product to meet their outdoor living needs."
TimberTech, Wilmington, Oh., has added three new colors-brick, slate and brownstoneto its new Earthwood Evolutions collection. Featuring proprietary HydroLock technology, the line is the company's first fully capped composite decking product, with a flat-grain surface that doesn't trap dirt and a consistent variegated color for the look of hardwood.
"The success of Earthwood Evolutions exceeded even our expectations, but we knew that customers were looking for a product with increased scratch, stain and fade resistance coupled with unmatched aesthetics," says product manager Toby Bostwick. "The collection brings the
Japanese Composite Technology Hits U.S.
Geolam Inc., Toronto, Ont., is bringing wood-plastic composite decking, siding, and trim products--developed in Japan and widely used around the world-to the U.S.
"We want to bring a whole new level of soohistication to the evolution of wood in the American marketplace," said Ron Factor, who co-founded Geolam lnc. with Christian Stephan seven years ago.
"Geolam-brand products grace the finest buildings in the world, yet have been unavailable in North America," said Stephan. "With much research, independent third-party testing, and market analysis, we concluded there is
a strong need for WPC materials of this caliber in the U.S."
The patented Einwood technology removes 100% of the moisture from the wood-fiber so the injected plastic is fully integrated or embedded, to create a new homogenous product. lt is fully recyclable, has no formaldehyde emissions, and is free of all solvents and chlorine. According to Geolam, it's the only wood-plastic composite to earn Eco-Mark certifi cation.
"The results were very positive and undeniably set a new standard for composite decking performance with the U.S.," said Factor.
same high performance qualities with a color palette that offers customers a more traditional choice."
Universal Consumer Products, Grand Rapids, Mi., is unveiling the next generation of co-extruded composite decking under its Latitudes Capricorn and Captiva brands. The new product has a more natural looking, realistic grain pattern that is resistant to scratches, stains and fading.
"The new cap stock we've employed is highly durable and proven in many exterior applications," says sales manager Geoffrey Meyer. "Builders, d-i-yers, and homeowners will appreciate its great looks and exceptional performance."
ProTekt capped composite deck boards from Fiberon, New London, N.C., are now offered in four colors: two solids, canyon brown, and harbor gray, and two multi-chromatics, chestnut and gray birch. Each board has a rigid core that is encased on three sides with a patent-pending, non-organic surface material that is resistant to staining, fading, scratches, and mold.
"The best aesthetics in alternative decking products drive market demand," says marketing director Edie Kello. "Fiberon offers homeowners innovative. low maintenance products that retain their beauty for years and enhance their quality of life and the value of their homes."
Natures Composites, Torrington, Wy., mixes recycled milk jugs with wheat straw cellulose to Produce TerraDeck composite decking in three grades: standard, premium, and ultimate. All three contain 94Vo tecycled content and 6Vo non-toxic adhesive.
Formerly known as Heartland BioComposites, the company is now owned by the RRM Composites investment group, which stePPed in when Heartland went bankruPt and closed its doors after defaulting on loans of more than $5 million.
Current vice president Heath Van Eaton founded the company and developed the products, which recently received building certification from ICC Evaluation Services, a subsidiary of the International Code Council.
"The market's been soft, but this year is looking much better," said Kim Boos. national sales and marketing manager. "We are priced l5-207o less than traditional wood-plastic composites, and we have a green story that resonates with people."
EINWOOD TECHNOLOGY from Japan is behind GeoLam wood-plastic composite decking.
t4 r Bullding hodud Dirst r Febnrary 2012 Building-Pnductrom
Stricter green standard for composite panels
tT"u Corrlposrre PnNEr- AssocrArroN is rolling out a new I voluntary eco-certification standard for composite wood panels and finished products made with particleboard, MDF, hardboard, and engineered wood siding and trim.
The Eco-Certified Composite Standard (CPA 4-11), or ECC Sustainability Standard, is a more rigorous successor to CPA's Environmentally Preferable Product specification and certification program. The EPP program was established in 20O2 and is currently in wide use throughout North America.
The basis of the ECC standard includes the "CPA Carbon Calculator," a tool developed by a third-party expert to assess the life cycle and carbon footprint of composite wood panels made at a particular manufacturing plant.
The first ECC-certified wood products were introduced in recent months, while the EPP program will be sunset on
March 31,2012.
The North American composite panel industry is predicated on the optimal use of forestry byproducts and residuals-turning this raw material into higher value products so it's not bumed or landfilled. Some consider composite wood panels, by their very nature, to be among the greenest products available for architectural, construction and consumer products.
It's a great green story, says CPA, but it's not enough. Today's architects, designers, retailers and consumers want verifiable evidence of greenness, and the ECC certification program offers that assurance. Only products carrying the ECC seal are produced in a manufacturing plant or other facility that is audited and certified by the CPA.
ECC certification is granted on an individual manufacturing plant basis, and is subject to an on-site qualification audit and subsequent annual on-site audits by CPA. Composite panel products must first comply with the stringent California Air Resources Board (CARB) formaldehyde emission regulation. In addition, the panel manufacturing facility must meet at least three of the following requirements:
. Carbon Footprint - The plant must demonstrate that the panel's carbon store offsets its carbon footprint cradleto-gate as determined in kg-CO': equivalents of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Each plant must use the CPA Carbon Calculator to determine if its panels perform as a carbon sink, resulting in overall net carbon storage.
Local and Renewable Resource - At least 857o of wood fiber must be sourced within 250 miles of the panel plant.
Recycled/Recovered - At least 75Vo of wood fiber must be recycled or recovered or at least 507o recycled or recovered wood fiber plus a minimum of 570 post-consumer wood fiber.
. Sustainability - At least 97Vo of wood fiber is converted to panels or re-utilized as a valued product. Non-valued products include wood residuals shipped to a landfill, material hauled away for a tipping fee as waste material, and boiler ash waste.
. Wood Sourcing - Conformity with FSC Controlled Wood Standard (2008), FSC Chain of Custody Standard (2008), or SFI Fiber Sourcing Requirements (2011).
ECC panels may help achieve LEED credits for recycled content, regional materials, certified wood, and lowemittine material.
INDUSTRY Trends Composlte Panel Certification
Bulldlng-Produdscom February2012 r BuiHlngPrcduGDigest t 15
COMPOSITE PANELS or finished products made with comoosite wood may now feature the ECC certification stamp on panel unit bundles, purchase documents, or other informational materials,
OSB subfloor notches moi$ fighting inno
dust or adhesive, and allows water to drain even if the panels are not properly gapped. Preventing standing water reduces water absorption and helps maintain the floor system's integrity.
"The new Down Pore technology removes the need to sweep pooled rainwater off the floor or drill holes to let it through," said Bob Olson, engineering & technical director for Weyerhaeuser OSB. "Our new self-draining panel design removes water quickly, reducing the drying time needed before installing finishing materials. That can save several days or more during construction. Plus, our proprietary edge sealant also saves builders time and money since they do not need to sand panel edges to achieve a smooth surface."
Other recent enhancements to Edge Gold panels include a proprietary edge seal formulation that significantly reduces edge swell, and extension of Weyerhaeuser's "no sand" guarantee for the panels from 90 days to 200 days.
tTtHe KNocK oN OSB has traditionally been its susceptiI Uitlty to moisture. When the panels get wet, their edges swell. Consequently, home builders often must sand OSB subflooring to ensure their floors are flat.
But moisture-fighting innovations over the last several years have helped OSB take over a majority of the subflooring market. And, the upgraded panels have dealers again marketing OSB as a premium, instead of a commodity, product.
Most recently, Weyerhaeuser has added another feature to its premium Edge Gold flooring panels to further enhance the panels' resistance to rain and moisture. The company's new Down Pore self-draining technology channels water from the panels' surfaces and drains it off the joists below. Along with a high-performance edge seal, this helps reduce construction delays for contractors during inclement weather.
The Down Pore technology consists of three specially shaped drainage grooves on one of the narrow ends of each 4x8 panel. The unique design resists clogging from saw-
The move follows on the heels of Ainsworth's introduction last year of its PointSIX subflooring. It features a patented tapered-edge technology whereby a thin layer of the highly compressed fiber along all four edges of the OSB panel is milled off, removing the part of the subfloor that's most prone to swelling. PointSIX takes its name from research results indicating a .6mm taper depth to be the most effective in reducing edge swell.
The taper on PointSIX is almost imperceptible, and it's
Premium OSB Panels g. t-.-,"'\
RATHER THAN resist moisture, Ainsworth's pointSlX acknowledges that 0SB swells and accommodates the effects of moisture via its tapered-edge technology.
NOTCHED Down Pore drainage grooves channel water off the surface of Weyerhaeuser's Edge Gold 0SB subflooring panels.
16 I tuilding hoducb Dipd t February 2012 BuildinglPrcductsom
a dimension that won't require sanding. With moisture, the wood fibers expand to essentially "fill up to flush" the micro-taper. If no moisture contacts the engineered subfloor, it does not require any filler or mastic. APAapproved for structural integrity, PointSlX features a precise tongueand-groove profile for a secure fit.
According to Mark Sutherland, Ainsworth's general manager of marketing, "We created PointSIX and its patented edge taper to accommodate the effects of moisture and put an end to a problem that builders have long struggled with: OSB edge swell. The industry response since the product's introduction has exceeded our expectations, with our dealer partners reporting positive feedback from customers who no longer have to factor edge sanding into labor and budgets. More important has been what we haven't heard: Since introducing pointSlX, we've received noticeably few callbacks due to edge swell or other moisture-related problems."
Huber has long marketed its AdvanTech, Norbord its Stabledge, and LP its TopNotch subflooring as premium products that offer minimal water absorption, SO-year warranties,
and guarantees against the need for sanding. (TopNotch, in fact, gets its name in part from its RainChannel notch system that helps protect the OSB against moisture absorption and edge swell.)
They and other OSB manufacturers continue to improve their resins, sealants, and manufacturing processes, committed to making OSB a maximum-value-added building product.
I 1
&rilding-Productsorn February 2012 r tuiHilrg Ploducb D[est t t7
IHD?|^TJ9! ]q tJ9.!80-dav no-sand.guarantee, PointSlX Durastrand flooring reportedty is the onty USts 0n the market t0 carry a limited lifetime wananty.
By Carla Waldemar
Jackts be nimble
mute to work. Plus, Wiggins was built upon lumbering and still retains a plywood plant and three pole facilities.
Jack's Center, where Jeffry's wife, Morgan, also works' managing the paperwork, billing and marketing, boasts a staff of seven, "and I trained every one of them," says the boss, making customer service a top priority. "Two guys have been here since day one."
Why do they like it here? "It's a good working atmosphere," Jeffry maintains. "We make a great team. And I'm a pretty good boss," he adds when prodded for a comment: "very understanding. Around here, we put family needs first."
During the golden years when Jack's first opened, its builders were completing 20 houses ayear, and figured as '7O7o of the company's customers. Now, down to six new homes in 20 I I, the ratio has swung-deliberately on Jeffry's part-to 607o, with 5O7o as his goal. And he's drawing more of these d-i-yers by design, not accident.
f lre R r-or of people reading this magazine, Jeffry IJP.te.s grew up working in his dad's lumberyardhauling bags, waiting on customers, sweeping the proverbial floor. Then, like some of you, too, he felt the urge to strike out on his own.
He did some reconnoitering, found a nearby town where new homes were sprouting, and decided to earn their business. To open his own yard there, he had a metal structure built-like dad's but a tad more compact-then completed all the interior work himself, with the help of a couple of buddies. By putting in sweat equity, he says, he not only achieved the "clean and modern" operation of his dreams but-important-saved himself a pile of cash.
Jeffry opened Jack's Home Improvement Center (named after his dad and mentor) in Wiggins, Ms., exactly nine years ago. Today, he' s 29 Do the math and gasp.
Not a big fan of academic learning, Jeffry picked up his business acumen-and, as we'Il see, there's no shortage of it-on the job, based on innate smarts and passion. "I had the heart to be successful, to go out and do my own thing. I admired what my dad was doing. So, at 20, I picked this community and brought in lumber and hardware, and I moved my family." True to form, "I married young," he adds.
Why Wiggins? "There was a void-no lumberyardand there's a real good highway, 45, to feed off of. They call it 'Main Street Mississippi'," serving the countryside of 30,000 as well as tiny Wiggins, pop. 5,000, sought after as an ideal place to live for many who do a 3O-mile com-
lE r Building hoducb D'rgest r February 2012
PERSONAL SERVICE has been a hallmark of Jack's Home lmorovement Center since dav one.
"We adapted for the downturn. I changed the store layout, adding more hardware, grills, and John Deere toys where we used to have sheetrock mud right out front. Now, it's a different set-up, with more of an old-fashioned hardware store appeal, so people can come in, walk the aisles, and see all the stuff. My favorite customer," he adds, "is the one who brings in a broken part and we can fix it, so they don't have to call a plumber or electrician."
Christmas promotions. The company launched a contest with prize of $150 in merchandise; for every $50 spent, a customer was entered in the drawing. And it worked firfe. "They'll have a bill of $38, then go back and buy something else to raise it to the $5O,"Jeffry reports. "Our goal was to raise the average transaction from $30 to $50, and it's working."
Another holiday promotion was called John Deere Bucks. For every $10 someone spendt on one of the Deere toys, he received a chance to win a whole package of the popular gifts. Jack's had Case Cash going, too: Buy a Case knife and be entered in a drawing for a complete set. And a Christmas Open House featured photos with Santa, mailed to each kid who sat on his lap.
An earlier promo, offered as a community thank-you for its support, was Jack's Antique Car Show, which drew 125 vehicles and 600 attendees-"a big event for us, and fun for the whole family." Naturally, attendees were offered coupons to use within the store. Jeffry also serves on the town's Economic Development Committee and buys his business supplies-paper, whatever-right here in his home base. "Wiggins should grow, and I want to be part of it," he explains.
Jack's product mix is also changing with the times. "We listen to what customers are asking for and make a list of what we don't have. If three or four a week want the same thing, we add it."
Or add it simply because Jeffry's got his eyes open. "There's an RV camp with 300 spots in Flint Creek Park, so when campers sign in, they're handed a coupon for 10Vo off whatever they need-maybe a sewer hose, a power supply."
So far, there are no looming boxes to prey on his business, but the prospect doesn't make him blink. "Our prices are competitive, our quality is excellent, and our service? No comparison."
That kind of service is Jack's forte. The extra mile? You bet. "If ever there's something wrong, I'll take care of it," says Jeffry. He talks about the guy who'd bought a Green Egg grill and came in six months later saying, "I can't figure it out." Jeffry's response: "Buy some meat and go home. I'll stop by around 4 o'clock and cook your supper."
He also takes the big-picture economic slide in strideagain, by adapting. "If you're a product in my store, you gotta work for me," he insists. "l look at each square foot of the store, to get the profit I need from it. For instance, we had a strong power tool department, but nowadays they aren't selling fast enough. So I cut back 64 sq. ft." To spin off the excess, he sent out an e-blast to his customers. announcing Tool Closeout Tuesdays.
That's another way you can tell he's 2O-something: Not only those e-blasts ("Customers tell me they don't leave home in the morning until they've checked to see if there's a deal today"), but other social-media venues go to work for him, such as a strong Facebook presence, which Morgan oversees.
That's how customers learned about Jack's recent Building-hodu<ts.om
Talk about service: When Hurricane Katrina was forecast to hit on a Monday, Jack's stayed open all day Sunday, when it's normally closed, so folks could stock up on supplies. Then, after being slammed by the storm on Monday, when the store sustained substantial damageholes in the roof, outbuildings gone with the wind, no power for two weeks-"I opened back up on Tuesday, by myself," Jeffry notes. "With banks closed and credit cards inoperable, we took checks and trusted folks. It was chaos for a long time."
In these times-tough in a different way-he's back to trusting once again, by extending credit to good customers. "So far, it's been okay; I stay on top ofit," he says. "They come to me and I try to take care of them."
"The economy has bottomed out here," in his view, "but the worst is over. We've lowered our operating costs. so we'll be fine." His modus operandi: "Learn by common sense. Learn by doing. And have the hearl for it.
"I decided early that I was going to be somebody-whatever I decided to do, I'd be the most successful at it, because my heart is in it." Sounds like a lumber guy.
Carla Waldemar
JACK'S gWl'lEB Jeffry Peters is intently focusing on increasing its snare 0r o-r-v Dustness.
Febnary2Ol2 r BuiHinghodudsDigest r 19
The Goddesses of Yes, No and Maybe
j'-loNIrtoer.rr SELLERS cer 807o of the \-rbusiness in any market. Why? Because people want to be associated with winners.
Confidence is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Humans are drawn to confidence more than anything else. The opposite is also true. When sellers lack confidence, customers will do everything they can to avoid them.
In 1893, the Italian socio-economist Vilfredo Pareto (1848 - 1923) observed that SOVo of the wealth in Italy was owned by 2O7o of the people. Upon further study, we see that Pareto's Principle affects more than just wealth creation:
. 2OVo of the carpet in the room you are sitting in gets 807o of the wear.
. 207o of the players on a basketball team score 80Vo of the points. Scorers are not afraid to miss and will continue to shoot despite misses, while the majority of players (80%!) become more conservative in their shot selection or stop shooting altogether.
2OVo of the fishermen catchSOVo of the fish.
. 2O7o of the sellers in every industry get 807o of the business !
Think about #4.lf we are not in the top 20Vo, we are fighting over 20Vo of the business with 807o of the competition. No wonder many sellers are miserable.
What are the top 207o doing differently? Confidence is the main ingredient in their recipe.
The only way to Yesville is through Noville. Many sellers are so afraid of the No they will never get to the Yes.
Master sellers fail at a 907o rate, while struggling sellers fail at a 98Vo rate. The struggling seller looks at master sellers and thinks they are selling all the time. They are selling four to five times more than their weaker-selling brethren, and they make it look easy, BUT they are still in the 9OVo rejection businessl In fact, master sellers get more No's in a week than struggling sellers get in a year! The crucial difference between these two groups is not experience or product knowledge. It is their relationship to Yes, No and Maybe.
Yes, No and Maybe. Master sellers are not afraid of the No. They search it out.What they are disdainful of is the Maybe. The struggling seller will take the Maybe, a fool's
gold victory, because of their fear of the No.
Forgetfulness. Master sellers forget about No's. No leaves a lasting impression on the struggling seller.
Denial. For the master seller, No does not exist. "Let's not call it 'No,' let's call it 'We'll do business in the future"' is the attitude of the master seller, while the struggling seller will be emotionally bruised for an hour, day or career because of a simple No.
The Three Goddesses
There are three goddesses. The Goddesses of Yes, No and Maybe. The Goddesses Yes and No hang out with winners, while the Goddess of Maybe, while initially the most attractive, if only for ease of access, will turn any salesperson that falls for her into the dreaded Willy (or Willamina) Loman.
We must have a good relationship with the Goddess of No. In fact, when we chase after her, the Goddess of Yes will become jealous and chase after us. If, on the other hand, we fear the Goddess of No and consort with the Goddess of Maybe, Goddess Yes will run from us and the Goddess of No will kick us around just for fun.
What is your relationship with the Goddess No? Do you fear her? Avoid her? The Goddess No is a wild animal. If she smells fear, she will mangle us. But if we show confidence, she will find someone else to pick on.
Author Neil Straus, in The Game, suggests that if we treat our potential sweethearts like queens, they'll treat us like paupers. He advises treating them like our "best friend's little sister" (i.e., tease and flirt with them, and they'll treat us like kings).
The same can be said for the Goddess of No. We should have a playful, nonchalant attitude with her and she (and our customers) will treat us like sales kinss!
James Olsen Reality Sales Training (503\ s44-3572 james@realitysalestraining.com
By fames Olsen
20 r BuiHing hoduds Dlgest I February 2012
Highest Quality Beautiful Color Excellent Durability premium quality, import fencing #1&Btr,2face o no downfall o elegant, gold, yellow hue . kiln-dried . no holes, no wane .lightweight & easy to work with o dog-eared, square top, french gothic A Redwood /JEm@_ \ l)ir isrrn ol |acilir: Stali.s lrxlusir-ics. lnc. Distritlution Sales 2 W Sarrta Clara St. PO Box 1438 2nd Floor San Jose. CA San Jose. CA 95109 95113 408.179.7354 800.800.5609 So. California 800.743.6991 I ogq-rarea www, redwoodem p. com
share leadership When siblings
f\gnNces ARE GooD
lUtnat a lons-lived family business will eventually be led by a sibling team. But despite sharing common values, siblings face real obstacles when cast in the top leadershiP spot.
Sure, perceptions of parental favoritism and longstanding rivalries can make cooperation diffi-
.-wrcult. But the biggest challenge? Almost all second-generation sibling teams must somehow adapt a decision-making process dominated by a single autocratic leader into one that works for two or more people. The key is preparation.
So how do you prepare sibling teams capable of this challenge? When your children are young, define your expectations in written form and formalize procedures that all employees, family and nonfamily, are expected to follow. If you wait until your kids are ready to assume leadership roles to do this, it may engender conflict rather than prevent it.
Do it before they enter the business and all involved will know what's expected and have a chance to grow into their roles.
Necessary Paperwork
Documents you'll need to include a buy-sell shareholder agreement, an employment policy, compensation guidelines, and job descriptions to help all understand who will be hired, under what circumstances, how they'll be paid, and what their responsibilities will be.
As children grow, they should be introduced to the business so they can get to know employees, hear stories about the business's positive and negative aspects, and learn why you started and continue to run the business. Older children should be invited to take summer jobs.
Before joining the company full time, siblings should be required to obtain the necessary education and training to execute their responsibilities. This may include college or
technical schools, and should include a period of time working at an outside company. where the family name carries no significance, before they join the family company.
Team Concept from the Start
When siblings have joined the company but aren't vet in the top leadership jobs, encourage them to work as a team by pairing them in jobs that require cooperation. Avoid putting them on tracks that have them following each other in the same job, or you risk encouraging unhealthy competition'
When siblings are sent out for training or seminars, have them attend together when possible. It will encourage a sense of togetherness they can use to represent the family firm to outsiders.
You should also set up regular family meetings and organize a board of directors that includes outsiders. Prepare a process for breaking tie votes in the event the siblings can't agree on some future decision. Consider having an outsider or one of the siblings take a rotating role as the tiebreaker.
Once the siblings are in leadership roles, you as a parent should not act as a tiebreaker-it should be their responsibility.
The job of preparing siblings for sharing leadership of a family company is a challenging one. With luck, it will pay off during and after their successful run, when the next generation will be ready to take the reins.
Reprinted with permission of ReGeneration Partners. No portion of this article may be reproduced without its permi.ssion.
FAMIIY Business lames OIan Hutcheson
- James Olan Hutcheson is managing partner and founder of ReGeneration Partners, a family business consulting headquartered in Dallas,Tx. He can be reached at (800) 406'1112 or wl/")w .r e 8 e ne ratton- part ne r s .c om.
22 r Building Rodud Db€st r Febnrary 2012 Building-Ptodudsom
Central Network Retail Group, Germantown, Tn., has acquired NFL Building Center, Daphne, Al., and will reopen NFL's shuttered location in Gulf Shores, Al., retaining the NFL name.
Home Lumber, Sedalia, Mo., is liquidating after nearly 50 years and will close next month. -David and Linda Schroeder, owners since 1990, sold the property to a develoPer.
Rocky Mount Supply Co., Rocky Mount, Va., will retain its irame and staff, following its acquisition by 4-unit CMC Suppl!, Roanoke, Va.
Tallapoosa Builders Supply, Tallapoosa, Al', recently held a grand opening under new owner Caleb Gooden.
Builders Surplus, Louisville, Ky., hopes to open a 50,000-sq, ft. store by April 2 in Newport, Ky'
Montevallo Buildinq & Supply, Montevallo, Al., has opened on the former site of t[ciltiombe Building Supply (Heath and Michael Klinner, owners).
ProBuild held a grand opening Jan.20-21 for its new 65,000-sq. ft. yard in Altoona, Pa. (Carl Allison, general mgr.).
84 Lumber has shuftered its yard in Mount Vernon, Oh.
Dakota Craft, Rapid City, S.D., agre-e! to sell its Truss Craft division, Cheyenne, Wy., to Mead Lumber, Columbus. Ne.
George's Hardware, Gainesville, Fl., has closed after 44 years, witn tne retirement of owner Robert George.
Wilson True Value Hardware, Kingsville, Tx., closed Jan. 31 with the retirement of owner Ben Wilson lll. He had been with the family business for 34 of its 66 years.
Hamblen Hardware, St. Augustine, Fl., is liquidating after 137 years, with the retirement of K.C. and Gail Kramer, owners since 1995.
Liberty Roofing Cqnter, New Kensington,Pa., sold its Troy, 01., location-to Richards Building Supply' Chicago, ll.
Richards now has 37 branches across nine Midwest states. Liberty is left with seven locations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Virginia.
Lowe's opened 103,000-sq. ft. home centers Jan. 12 in Mount Pocono, Pa. (Scott Crouse, store mgr'), and Jan. 5 in Riverhead, N.Y. (Marcus Lewis, mgr.).
Home Depot reopened Jan. 11 in Joplin, Mo., nearly eight months after being devastated by a tornado.
Menards is preparing to break ground this spring on a new store on 35 acres in SW Springfield, ll., to open by the end of the year.
Cedar Creek Moves into Alabama
Cedar Creek, Oklahoma City, Ok., has purchased the engineered wood products division of Stringfellow Lumber Co., Birmingham, Al., and will lease the division's facilities as its thirteenth DC.
The operation-linking Cedar Creek's DCs in North Carolina and Tennessee-serves Alabama and parts of Mississippi, Florida and Georgia, under branch manager Ron Westmoreland.
The acquisition came about shortly after a deal fell through for Cedar Creek to purchase Wholesale Wood Products' DCs in Birmingham and Dothan, Al. (see Dec" p.17)-
Stringfellow's wholesale and distribution division is unaffected by the sale and continues to operate as a subsidiary of Jemison Investment Co., Birmingham.
Weaber to Merge under New Owner
Hardwood lumber and millwork manufacturer Weaber Inc., Lebanon, Pa., has been acquired by private equity firm Resilience Capital Partners, Cleveland, Oh.
Matt Weaber said the company had found itself in "a difficult situation with our bank group" and that Resilience "quickly provided both financial and operational stability during an extremely challenging time in the lumber industry;'
Resilience will merge Weaber with another holding' Taylor Lumber, McDermott, Oh., which it acquired in 2010. Weaber will continue as president and chief operating officer of the new company, with Resilience principal Ronald Cozean as c.e.o.
"The Weaber acquisition effectively complements the strengths of Taylor Lumber by broadening the merged companies' product mix and produces key operational and sales and marketing synergies," said Resilience's Ki Mixon.
Founded in 1941, Weaber currently employs more than 300, less than half its number of employees in 2006.
Lumberyard Shooting Claims Four
A disgruntled employee at McBride Lumber Co., Star, N.C.. shot and killed three co-workers and wounded another Jan. 13. He then returned home and fatally shot himself.
Authorities said that 50-year-old Ronald Dean Davis killed Eusebio Diaz Gomez, 34; Jose Galdino Lopez Azquierdo, 25, and Daniel Thomas Davis' 32, who was the gunman's cousin. Florentino Tellez Aparicio,2l, was also shot, but is in fair condition.
Authorities said that 16 employees were working at the warehouse at the time of the shooting. Reportedly, Davis went directly to the four victims and shot them point blank with a l2-gauge shotgun. He then briefly chased fleeing workers into the woods, firing several more blasts from his shotgun, before he returned home and shot himself in the head with a semi-automatic handgun.
Supervisor Jeff Latham told a local news station that Davis was paranoid and believed that Spanish-speaking employees were talking about him.
Sheriff Dempsey Owens said that a six-page' handwritten note left by the gunman was "very vague and rambles a lot. I don't know what would send a man off the edge to go and do such a heinous act."
Davis had worked at the lumberyard for 12 years.
An r Bullding Producb Dlgest I Februaty 2012
dealers can design a deck in a few minutes, keeping them sr *1t$:.('ili',lllli[lTff
Many lumber dealers are seeing their annualtteck saloe DeckTools@ software. The program is simple t0 leam and which makes it easy t0 show and sell upgrades that you stock.
more deck sales.
'ff :fr
I'JlI3'?I#iXiil'#,H' :
r 3D photo-quatity image of their deck attached to theiil ffi is cuslomizable and includes many brand-name daol, takes care of all the paperwork with quotes, take-otfs and plans.
Hood Industries signed a 1O-year lease for a74,240sq. ft. facility in Ayer, Ma.
Whitson Lumber Co., Palmyra, Tn.,lost its sawmill in an early morning electrical fire Dec. 22.
Reed Bray Lumber Co., Red Boiling Springs, Tn., suffered $1 million in damages from a Jan. 9 eleckical fire that devoured its 10,000-sq. ft. sawmill.
Columbia Forest Products' CFP Components, division, Greensboro, N.C., has acquired Gabinotch, Owensboro, Ky., developer of an innovative system for assembling face-framed cabinet boxes.
Nucor, Charlotte, N.C., is closing its Nuconste€l plants in Denton, Tx., and Dallas, Ga., this spring and will no longer fabricate light gauge steel framing for residential construction.
CalStar Products is relocating its headuarters and R&D activity from Newark, Ca., to its manufacturing plant in Caledonia, Wi.
Georgia Gulf Corp., Atlanta, Ga., reiected.an unsolicited $1-billi6n buyout offeiby Westlake Chemical Corp., Houston, Tx., calling it inadequate.
Separately, Georgia Gulf announced plans to next month shut down its Royal Building Products plant in Milford, In., which produces vinyl decking, fencing and railings.
Universal Fastener Outsourcing, west Fork, Ar., has appointed PAM Fastening Technology, Charlotte, N.C., as exclusive master distributor of UFO's Ballistic Nail Screws in U.S. and eastern Canada.
U.S. Lumber, Atlanta, Ga., expects to begin distributing Georgia-Pacific engineered wood products Feb. 13.
Mid-State Lumber Corp., Branchburg, N.J., is now dishibuting Dow Building Solutions products in the MidAtlantic region.
Bluelinx is now distributing Natures Composite's TerraDeck composite decking in Tampa, Fl.
Parksite's DCs in North Brunswick, N.J.; Louisville, 0h.; Bolingbrook, ll., and Tampa, Fl., are now distributing RDI's Endurance, Titan Pro, and MetalWorks railing lines.
Emery-Waterhouse, Portland, Me., now distributes PolyWhey wood finishes from Vermont Natural Coatings, Hardwick, Vt.
Absolute Distribution, Minneapolis, Mn., is now distributing Solutions aluminum railings and balusters for Fainrray Building Products, Mount Joy, Pa.
Advantage Trim & Lumber, Buffalo, N.Y., has added Massaranduba exotic hardwood decking.
RoyoMartin division Rocky Creek Lumber, Mexia, Al., has been approved to produce FSO-certified southern pine lumber products.
Revised Southern Pine Design Values Gain Paftial Approval
The Southern Pine Inspection Bureau's proposed design value changes have been partially approved by the American Lumber Standard Committee's Board of Review, effective June 1,2012.
The board approved proposed design value changes for No. 2 2x4 southern pine visually graded dimension lumber and all lower grades of 2x4'. No. 3, Stud, Construction and Utility. It declined to approve the proposed design values for other grades and sizes of southern pine, but was mindful that testing is currently underway on a full matrix sample.
"southern pine producers and their customers are pleased with the board's decision on design values," said Cathy Kaake, SFPA's senior director of engineered and framing markets. "Industry and customer groups need time for an orderly implementation and this announcement provides that."
The Southern Pine Design Value Forum, held last November in Atlanta, was instrumental in bringing industry and customer groups together. SFPA will continue to facilitate the dialog among key industry segments to help formulate a unified approach to implementation of these new design values.
"The decision from ALSC is a good thing," said Kaake. "We are receiving positive reactions from our customer groups and will continue to work with them on a united front going forward."
Helping Hands Let Massachusetts DealerBounce Back from Fire
Investigators have determined that a Jan. 3 fire that caused between $1.5 and $2 million in damage at DresserHull Lumber,Lee, Ma., was ignited by an engine block heater in a delivery truck.
"This was a significant fire with a lot of combustible materials that firefighters were able to prevent from spreading," fire chief Alan Sparks said of the blaze that destroyed building materials and six delivery trucks stored inside a 6,400-sq. ft. cinder-block structure.
Despite the damage, the business opened as usual the next morning and made deliveries with trucks lent by suppliers and competitors. "That's the spirit this town, this county, has always had," said president Dick Shields, whose family has owned the 107-year-o1d business since 1953. "This truly is why I live here."
MJB Wood Group Expands
MJB Wood Group Inc., Irving, Tx., has expanded its operations across North America.
A new DC in Simsboro, La., opened in November. In December, MJB added DCs in St. Paul/Minneapolis, Mn.; Louisville, Ky., and Charlotte, N.C.
"We have had great success with our distribution facility in Elkhart, In., and wanted to duplicate this model to service accounts in the Midwest and Southeast," said v.p. of sales Jeff Messick.
The company's Mexican subsidiary, MJB Tableros Y Maderas, expanded with a new DC in Merida. "This new market will allow us to expand the exceptional service MJB Tableros is so well known for to the Yucatan, along with our expansive product offering of panel products and lumber," said president Juan Escobedo.
26 r tuilding RoducDig€st I Febnrary20r2
Wolr Reorganizes Divisions
WoLr, York, Pa., has restructured, streamlining from 13 business units to seven.
Although no positions were eliminated, several executives took on new titles and responsibilities.
Craig Danielson, president of The Wolf Organization, will also serve as president of the new Wolp Home Products business unit, formerly called Wolp Building Products. Brad Kostelich is now president of Wolr, previously known as Wolp Distributing Co. Mike Sessinger is executive v.p.-sales. Regional v.p.s are Rick Post for the Northeasr; Bob Lett, Mid-Atlantic building products; Joe Facini, Mid-Atlantic kitchen & bath, and Mark Simmers, Southeast.
Patty Cobaugh is now executive v.p. of Woln Support Services, and Michael Newsome is chief financial officer and executive v.p. of Wolr' Corporate Division.
Arauco Acquires Moncure Production Complex
Arauco Panels USA LLC, a subsidiary of Arauco Wood Products, Atlanta, Ga., has agreed to purchase Uniboard USA's MDF and particleboard facilities in Moncure. N.C.
One of the largest facilities of its kind in the U.S., the 340,000-sq. ft. operation includes an MDF line that can produce up to 226 million sq. ft. annually, a particleboard line with an annual capacity of 156 million sq. ft., and two melamine lines.
"This acquisition shows our commitment as a long-term supplier of sustainable, high-quality forest products to the North American market," said Charles Kimber, Arauco's corporate affairs & marketing director. "We are very excited about the prospects ahead as we blend the talents and technology of Arauco, Arauco Panels USA, and the Moncure facility."
Uniboard Canada will continue to supply Canada and the U.S. market with particleboard, MDF, and thermofused melamine products, including the Uniboard Melamine collection. Arauco will license the Uniboard Melamine collection for sales in the Southeastern U.S.
The deal is set to close during first quafier 2012.
Arauco is making the purchase after being forced to shut down its Nueva Aldea forestry complex in Chile, after a rash of forest fires that began Dec. 3l spread to its panel mill.
Two Coat Exterior Prime
0ur two-coat process starts with an aLkyd seater to btock tannin migration, fottowed by a high-performance acryLic primer. The resutt: RESERVE quatity, inside and out.
Superior Wood
Made of quatity, clear, finger-jointed Western Red Cedar or Redwood, these products are naturatty designed for exterior use-both species are ideat for enduring extreme weaiher.
Surfacing + Sizes + Lengths
RESERVE products come in a wide range of sizes, [engths and finishes. Whether the project catts for S1S2E or S4S, we offer Lengths ranging from 16' to 20'. Pattern stock is atso avaitabte.
The Finest Stock, The Best Coating
Our Siskiyou Forest Products RESERVE line is specially manufactureo and treated to create the highest quality product available. Using state-of-the-art application and curing equipment, our premium Western Red Cedar and Redwood stock is made to last for many generations. We are proud to offer a beautiful, durable product that is ready for installation and final painting the moment it reaches the craftsmen.
Ix4 - IxI2 s/ox{ - s/ax!) 2x4 - 2x12
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Steve Levinson has joined the inside sales team at Wholesale Wood Products, Birmingham, Al. Harris Mayo is new to inside sales in Dothan, Al.
Eric Harbison and Heath HoPPer, ex-Merritt Lumber Co., have opened a Cullman, Al., sales office for Double L Industries, Peachtree City, Ga.
Brad Hodgins, ex-Bluelinx, has joined the outside sales team at Consolidated Lumber, Clifton, N.J.
John Beers Jr., ex-Weyerhaeuser, has rejoined Progressive Affiliated Lumbermen, Grand Rapids, Mi., as mgr. of business development.
Tom Demers has been named chief financial officer at Kleer Lumber, Westfield, Ma.
Lynda Anthony, v.p.-human resources, safety & environment, Anthony Forest Products, El Dorado, Ar., has retired after 28 years with the company.
John DeYoung, ex-Allied Building Products, has joined Moulding & Millwork, as regional general mgr. for the East, based in Chicago, Il.
Larry Burton, ex-Smurfit-Stone Container Corp., has been aPPointed v.p.-business development for International Forest Products, Foxborough, Ma.
BJ. Fagin, ex-Lowe's, has joined the sales team at Millard Lumber, Omaha, Ne.
Alex Apolinar, ex-Shelter Products, is now handling contractor direct sales in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Tx., area for Bridgewell Resources.
David C. Parker has been named mgr. of Cramer's Home Building Center, Pocono Summit, Pa.
Bill Richards has retired from The Buying Center, Greer, S.C., after 40 years in the industry.
Adam Lane-Olsen is a new assistant store mgr. at Lowe's Home Improvement, Hutchinson, Ks. Frank Mofford, ex-Home Depot, has joined Menards, Indianapolis, In., as supervisor of the lumber department.
Kurt Koehler has been promoted to division mgr.-East Coast operations at MJB Wood Group, Huntersville, N.C.
Reed Rediger, ex-Christensen Lumber, has joined the sales team at DMSi. Omaha. Ne.
Michael McCann has been named v.p.-global sales at Guardian Building Products, Greenville, S.C.
Erik Carlson is now interactive marketing mgr. for Pella Corp., Pella, Ia.
Marc Held, ex-Marvin Windows, is a new commercial sales rep at Malta Windows & Doors, Malta, Oh.
Stephen Truhan, ex-HD Supply, is now repping MasterBrand Cabinets for Ervolina Associates, Longwood, Fl.
Laurie Larsen has been named materials mgr. for Industrial Door Co., St. Paul, Mn.
Jim Chrysler has been promoted to director of procurement for DuroLast Roofing, Saginaw, Mi.
Paul Harrison, ex-Tolko Industries, is new to Progressive Solutions, Vancouver, B.C., as mgr., professional services-LumberTrack.
Sheron Dinnoo has joined Forest2Market, Charlotte, N.C., as mgr.information technology.
A brand new WATERPROOF ALTERNATIVE to Wooden Deck Joists, Unmatched in Fl-FXlBlLlTY, DURABILITY and STngf'IGTH!
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Winner of Architect magaaine's 2009 R+D Award, DryJoistEZ is a structural deck drainage system that provides the slructure of the deck, a waterproo{ solution and a finished ceiling with a traditional bead board appearance, all in one step!
for balconies and decks for both residerrtral and cornmercial applications.
Brett McCutcheon has been promoted to general mgr. of Fasco America, Muscle Shoals, Al., and Empire Products, North American distribution divisions of the Beck Fastener Group. He succeeds Jerry Koontz, who has retired after 2O years with the company.
Rusty Winter, ex-Horizon Roofing, is a new sales rep at Boise Cascade, Auburn, Ga., serving ThermaTru door customers in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Robert Marchbank, ex-Wolseley, has been named c.e.o. of ProBuild Holdings, Denver, Co. Interim c.e.o. Fred Marino remains vice chairman.
Joe Graziano has joined HD Supply, as national accounts mgr. for the Milwaukee, Wi., area.
John Dickey is new to Roofing Supply Group, Dallas, Tx., as sup, ply chain mgr.
Tom Dillon, ex-Lowe's, is now senior v.p. of sales at GXi Outdoor Power, Clayton, N.C.
John Johnson, ex-JR Ball Contracting, is now territory sales mgr. for CertainTeed Gypsum, Little Rock, Ar.
Brett Boyum has been promoted to v.p. of marketing at Marvin Windows & Doors, Warroad, Mn.
Ryan Furtado is new to cedar sales at Western Forest Products, Vancouver, B.C. Nathan Tellis is new to industrial sales.
Alan H. Koblin, ex-Silgan Plastics, has been named president of Clopay Plastic Products Co., Mason, Oh., replacing Gary A. Abyad, now senior advisor.
Thomas I. Morgan, chairman and c.e.o., Baker & Taylor, Inc. has been elected to the board of directors of Rayonier, Jacksonville, Fl.
Joel Rood, ex-CertainTeed Canada, has been named c.e.o. of Calstar Products, Caledonia, Wi.
Brian Luoma, Louisiana-Pacific, Nashville, Tn., was elected chairman of the American Wood Council, succeeding Joe Patton, Westervelt Co., Tuscaloosa, Al. First vice chairman is Fritz Mason, Georgia-Pacific, Atlanta, Ga., and 2nd vice chairman Andrew Miller, Stimson Lumber, Portland, Or. Ray Dillon, Deltic Timber, El Dorado, Ar.. was elected and Rob Taylor, Weyerhaeuser Co., Federal Way, Wa., was reelected to the board.
Susan Peterson, Belletete's Inc., Jaffrey, N.H., has been elected a trustee of the Lumber Industries Self Insured Group Trust, Concord, N.H. Joan Randlett, P.J. Currier Lumber Co., Amherst, N.H., was re-elected as a trustee and the group's clerk.
Paul K. Smith has been named president of Hiifele America Co., Archdale, N.C. He succeeds John Hossli, who has retired after 12 years as president.
Bill Naumann, Northeast regional sales mgr., Versatex, Alquippa, Pa., was named the company's
2011 Salesman of the Year. Travis Risser, Babcock Lumber, Claysburg, Pa., and Scott Cady, Weekes Forest Products, Grand Rapids, Mi., were recognized as Versatex's Distributor Sales Reps of the Year. Roy O. Martin III, president, RoyOMartin, Alexandria, La., has been appointed to the state's board of regents by Gov. Bobby Jindal. Laurel Anne Hardy is now handling media relations at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax. Nv.. according to co-owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.
Count On PeakAuctioneering, the nation's oldest and largest building material auction company to turn unwanted surplus into cash. Serving the building msteriol industryfor over 25 years!
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Nurlcrl thc .'\\ltttttlert \\'lrr-r'ior." the
l.l-50-1t. r'iclc ol.rcrtcrl llst Altril at Qr-rassr. u srrtltll. Irttttilr'-ounctl lunr-l\cnrcrtt ltalk in N'lidtllcbtrlr'. Ct.
"lt's l snltll r-itlc lhlt ol'lct's lt lltrltastic expcricttcc lirr its sizc." sltitl coonner Gcorgc Ft'rttttzis. "Wc'rc bccn
tolcl that tinrt- atttl aglirt lrr ()Llf 1]tlcsts ancl cotstet' c\perts ri lro Illtr c trilvclccl .-r'cllt rli\tttllr'e. t,' t irlt' il."
FoLrncLccl in 1910. S.l. Storl hits supplictl trr-ated soutltcrn vcllou l.rittc lirr-rollcr coastcrs arouncl the u'orlcl. l-hc litle uls ciesigned b-v--l'hc (ir.lr itl (iroup. Cincinnati. Oh.. arrcl is thc lirsl ".junior coastcr" in the rtlatlttI ilctU|cr s lloftli)lio.
It clrrncrl tltc rttosl \'otcs as bcst lunruscnlcnt llrlk attlactittll on the flelrirrrl tlre Tlu ill. u elr:ilr'.
Thief Pilfers Mill Equipment
Authoritics lutr c arrcstccl ll l3ycur'-olcl nlttt l'or lrllcgcillr stcltlillg itcrns valucrl itt rtcrtt.lr S-17.(XX) tt'orlt Griff in l-unrtrct 's rrrill irt Cor.tlclc. (ilr.. betucen Dcc. l7 rttttl .lrttt.l.
Tiger Deck now offers banrboo deckltrg tn addltron to our tigerwood decking line Our banriroo is pre finished clear and easllv takes tints for a uniforfft co or vrh e !s ng lhe prct''en hidcbn lastenrnlJ sysfcrrt Tiger Deck picneered
' Lasy to trstall
' Extrerrely CLLrable
' Lo\r./ l|;lNTenance
30 r Building Products Digest I February 2012
Gcrico Scrlbirr .lolltlsillt ltlts bccrl accusecl ol' tu icc r isiting thc ltrollcrtr to f crro\ c c\tl'it llat'ts lr0rtl tltc saunrill antl scll thcrtt t() lt lttcltl lcct' cling bLrsiness.
Building- Products.com
"r-", r' :' " ll';1 e' -iq!...t,'t* tr.. '14$ ,
* I t,
TREATED SYP from S.l. Storey Lumber built an award-winning roller coaster in Connecticut
A ncu' wo(xlcrt rollcf coastcr btlilt $'ith tfcrrtc(l lutlbcr liont S.l. Storel Lrr rrrbcr'. Arnruchcc. Cia.. has been nurncrl Attttctiort ol'thc Yr-ttr b1 r'eaclcrs ol llrt clltlttlsillst\' \\ cbsitc.
' No sitrfltce Perletratlols
Treated Southern Pine Roller Goaster Wins Award
,,\gthorities saicl t[1t 9l'tltc S-](r.(r7-5 rr olth of parts stolett. itcllls vn'tlrth S j+.8.5-5 \\ ere rccoverccl in gootl cttlt rlrtion. Thr- felltilining itcms \\'crc too rlurnuqcrl to bc trsablc.
Buyer Tweaks Home Center
After 103 years, the English family has sold their home center, English's, Altavista, Va.-to a buyer also coincidentally named English.
New majority owner Don English and partner Brent Ashwell will keep the English's name, but change the name of the corporation from English's Inc. to English's The Complete Home Center LLC.
In the spring, Don English will also relocate his Triple E Rental business to the property.
Hankins Takes Time Out
Hankins Lumber Co., Grenada, Ms., has ceased operations for up to six months, effective Jan. 6. until the lumber market improves.
"We've taken extreme hits with the market, and we need to do what needs to be done to keep this company viable for the long term," said office manager Jerry Pegg, who added that the shutdown would affect most of the company's 150 employees.
Founded in 1950 by Bewel and Burton Hankins, the company was incorporated as Hankins Lumber Co. Inc. in 1912. Burton's sons, Al and Lee, took over the operation of the company upon his 2001 death.
At PLM, we understand that you need an insurance company with property and casualty insurance products and services that you can trust today and tomorrow.
For over 100 years, our experts have been providing quality claims and risk management services to the lumber, woodworking and building material industries. Remember, "you get what you pay for." We understand wood. We know your business... because it's our business too. Wood is all we do.
Habitat for Humanity addeo a 7,000-sq. tt. ReStore disiount LBM outlet in Detroit, Mi. (Reginald Poole, store mgr.); is tripling the size of its shop in Kingport, Tn.; relocated to a larger storefront in Mobile, Al., and opened a ReStore in Maumee, 0h., to replace a unit destroyed by an Oct. 2010 fire.
Alside, Cuyahoga Fatts, Oh., opened a 37,000-sq. ft. supply center in Export, Pa.-its 100th and second in Pittsburgh area.
Versatex honored Babcock Lumber, Claysburg, Pa., as its 2011 Distributor of the Year and Eldredge Lumber & Hardwar€, york, M-e., as Dealer of the Year.
Saeman Lumber, Cross ptains, Wi., recently added U.Haul truck and trailer rentals.
Anniversaries: Kuiken Broth. ers Co,, Fair Lawn, N.J., 100th.
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Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company tJlit'{. *;}i:}rn:{'r-.i: \r;g;llrf. jdiC}5 \Xilrhl{5tr.s."Etl, \{tilr l,:{Xt i!!:!l;r<.ir'i1:iri;i. i:\ lr.;i{}.i 1 lt,{; l{{}{}.7;i"l, {Sil5 At UNITED STATES STRVINC CONTINENT t February 2012 r Building Prroducb Dige$ I 31
Millwork lndustry Looks Online for Training
The Association of Millwork Distributors' Learning Management System for its online education programs has quickly become one of thc preferred education training systems for AMD members and non-members alike.
In less than two years, the Program has grown to currently offer more than 20 online courses and has become the "go to" source for millwork companies to train their employees on a wide range of industry topics, including mouldings, doors, door frames, windows, stairs, and cabinets.
The latest addition is a l6-hour online course on the "Principles of Professional Sell ing."
By request, AMD also recentlY introduced a Spanish version of its most popular program, "Millwork Principles and Practices," to accommodate employees whose PrimarY language is Spanish.
To date, more than 900 students have taken over 5O00 hours of AMD online education since the program was launched.
This year, AMD will look at enhancing the curriculum of online
education courses by partnering with other organizations to make available a broader anay of education topics as related to the millwork industrY.
For 2012, AMD plans on develoPing of a series of safety courses and instruction on door, window and skylight installation.
Mid-State Lumber Makes lts Mark in New England
Micl-State Lumber Corp., Branchburg, N.J., has completed its gradual , 1S-month launch into the New England murkets. now serving dealers in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New HamPshire.
Headed by Mike Kelly, sales manager for New England, the team includes John Fijalkowski, Connecticut territory manager; Dennis Brooks, Massachusetts South Shore territory manager; Jack Knight, Massachusetts North Shore territory manager, and Otto Kinzel, New England field marketing.
MSL has also secured the rights to distribute Tamko's Evergrain decking and Tam-Rail railing in New England markets. MSL is also suPPlYing the
region with Royal Building Products PVC trim and mouldings, FastenMaster products, Blue Star meranti, World Class ip6, Jamcs Hardie fiber cement. Interfor western red cedar, Selkirk specialty cedar, Pacific Western Woods cedar Products, Evergrain Decking, Windstorm wall sheathing, and other branded lines.
According to co-owner Ken Bernstein, "Mid-State Lumber will be the first family-owned independent distributor that currently offers the 'complete business package' for dealers from Delaware to southern New Hampshire. Typical delivery service is within 48 hours throughout our footprint. Mid-State Lumber offers experienced outside sales representation, active pull-thru support, weekly product demos, full marketing support, plus a product line in which the dealer can expand."
ldled Potomac Supply Seeking Investors
After temporarily shutting down its manufacturing operations in Kinsale, Va., Potomac Supply Corp. is aggressively pursuing the capital required to restart operations, according to c.e.o. William T. Carden Jr.
Options include new financing, private-equity investment, divisional divestitures, or sale of the company. The company plans to continue serving customers from existing inventories until supplies are depleted.
Founded in 1948, the company had been buying $35 million of standing timber and selling $150 million worth of wood products annually, including treated wood, treated wood fencing and decking, and wood pallets and wood-fuel pellets.
Twin Cities Hoo-Hoo Club Gets Swindled
The former treasurer of the Twin Cities Hoo-Hoo Club has pleaded guilty to swindling $154,000 from the local chapter of the lumber fraternity.
Minnesota lumber wholesaler Donald Peter Boehmer. 60, who served as treasurer of the club between 2006 and 2010, was charged with nine felony counts of theft bY swindle. His sentencing date is scheduled for Feb. 21 in Dakota CountY District Court.
Under Minnesota senlencing guidelines, the maximum sentence fbr conviction of these crimes is 57 months.
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coastalplt ,t ood.com (80O) 359-eKP 32 r Building Produds Digest I February 2012 Building-Produds.com
Il/lichigan Dealer Puts Finishing Touches on New Warehouse
D. Baker & Son Lumber is planning a March move-in at its new storage warehouse in Grand Haven, Mi., a little more than a year after heavy snow caused the roof on the original building to collapse.
"We're doing great," said business manager Nada Edson. "The project has really come along quickly since the foundation started."
During construction, the 14O-year-old business has operated from nearby leased space. Edson said it was difficult to adjust to the new building, but her staff pulled together and made it through the transition period.
The new 15,706-sq. ft. building is being built on the same footprint as the old one, although it is taller and customers can drive through the 66-ft. long space. Other improvements include a larger office, additional showroom space, and a new computer system-which hadn't been upgraded since the 1990s.
"It's been a very emotional year for all of us at Baker Lumber," said Edson. "We're excited to eet back there and be back for another 140 years."
Boise Moves New Hampshire DC
Boise Cascade's Building Materials Distribution has moved its operations in Portsmouth, N.H., four miles away to a larger facility in Greenland, N.H.
The DC includes 15 acres of yard space, 120,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space, and 9,000 sq. ft. of office space.
"This move represents a very significant increase in the physical size of our location," said manager John Tiano. "This will be a safe and more efficient operation. In addition, the increased capacity is going to allow us to significantly increase our product offering."
Strong-Tie Acquires Truss Plate, Goncrete Repair Businesses
Simpson Strong-Tie, Pleasanton, Ca., has acquired the majority of the assets of truss plate firm Automatic Stamping LLC and Automatic Stamping Auxiliary Services LLC, Edenton, N.C., and has entered the concrete repair, protection and strengthening business with the purchase of Fox Industries, Baltimore, Md., and Switzerlandbased S&P Clever Reinforcement Co.
The former owner of Automatic Stamping, Bill Black, will continue to lead the manufacturing and plate innovation operations.
In addition to the new truss plate offering, Simpson Strong-Tie will launch an initial release of its new truss plate software later this year. The company acquired the source code of Keymark's truss software last fall and has been aggressively developing its software and technical support capabilities.
Founded in 1969, Fox Industries manufactures a complete line of cementitious, epoxy, urethane, elastomeric and polyester coatings, grouts, mortars, adhesives, sealers, sealants, membranes and custom-manufactured fiberglass parts for the marine, industrial, transportation, commercial building, and public works industries.
Formed in I 998, S&P Clever produces epoxy resins and fiber-reinforced polymer materials for concrete and asphalt reinforcement. Its systems are manufactured from fiber made of materials such as carbon, glass and aramid.
S&P also provides static design software to engineers
and planning and design offices. S&P's manufacturing and distribution facilities are located in Switzerland, Poland. Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.
"Simpson Strong-Tie has been in this industry for more than 15 years with its Anchor Systems product line and is excited to bring complementary product lines to our customers in the U.S. and in Europe," said SST president Terry Kingsfather.
Arson Suspected after Two Fires at Kentucky Hardwood Mill
Arson is suspected for fires that hit East Anderson Hardwoods, Waynesburg, Ky., on Dec. 20 and Jan 2.
"It was just fully involved, and the roof had fallen in," said fire chief Danny Glass of the second fire. "We let it extinguish itself."
Co-owner Lowery Anderson said he lost about onethird of the company's finished inventory-about $600,000-in the Dec. 20 fire.
Arson investigators from the Kentucky State Police are assisting in investigations of both fires.
February20l2 r Buruing hoduds DiFst r 33
Ensure your bid is the final bid
Ifow Do you ensure that you get the last look in a comlloetitive bid situation?
ttris ls a question that I'm often asked. In a lot of industries, particularly those involved in construction, government purchases, and large-volume manufacturing, most of the customers require an official bid. It's not unusual for these to be highly formal and structured.
Here's a typical scenario: The customer sends a bid to five suppliers, and each responds with a written document by a certain specified date. The customer reviews the bids and awards the business.
The writer of the question wants the ability to go in after the bids have been submitted, to look at the competitive bids or at least the lowest bid prices, and to change his/her prices in order to be awarded the business.
First, it should be noted that in some instances, the "last look" is illegal.In many cases, it's viewed as unethical. In other industries and situations, it's viewed as business-asusual. This question and answer is only relevant to the latter situation.
L. Avoiding a bid situation to begin with.
Okay, I know that bids are standard operating procedures in your business. But, I also know that a lot of business is "negotiated." In other words, the customer selects the vendor he/she wants to work with, and then negotiates the best deal with that customer.
I'd much rather you get yourself into a negotiating rather than a bid situation. That way, you'd avoid the bid scenario altogether.
And, while it is true that you'll never convince IOOVo of your customers to negotiate with you rather than send out bids, ifyou are successful over the next few years in moving 207o to 3O7o of your customers to negotiating status, you'll see a tremendous improvement in your sales.
How do you earn that position? Two ways: First, build powerful business relationships, be a reliable supplier, and offer a special relationship-"negotiating"-with all your good customers.
In other words, bring the subject up regularly, plant the seed in your customer's brain, tell stories about how you were able to work effectively with others-how they cut
costs, paperwork and time out of the cycle by working with you.
If you are good, and persistent, you'll eventually convert a significant chunk of your customers.
The second way to operate effectively in this situation is to become more deeply involved in the customer's buying process and influence the creation of the specifications in such a way so you are the only one who can meet those specifications. The bid then becomes superfluous.
Some of you who have been in my programs have heard me tell the story of how I did the most profitable transaction of my life in an account whose policy it was to bid everything to five vendors.
2. Vtut ittg a last look unnecessary.
The whole concept of a "last look" implies that the reason the customer would do business with you is that you are the lowest price of the group of bidders. While there is a time and place to be the low price, I'd like for you to question whether or not this is how you'd like the customer to think of you. If you have done a good job in the past for the supplier, if you have become the low-risk supplier, if you have understood the customer's situation at a deeper level than your competitors, if you have some aspect of your product, service or offer that sets you apart from the competitors, if you have communicated those things in a persuasive way, then the customer should be happy to do business with you even if you are not the absolute lowest price.
Bv Dave Kahle ',ll fftl {ft! 'W f
!14 r &ilding hoducb Digest r February 2012 Buildirg-hodudsom
In other words, if you have done a good job of selling, then a couple percentage points in the price should have no impact on the deal.
So, rather than try to be the low price, I'd prefer that you do a deeper, better job of selling this account so that you don't have to be the lowest price. And that means that you have created powerful, trusting relationships with the key people, that you have understood the dynamics of their situation at a deeper and more detailed level than any of your competitors, and that you have fashioned a unique proposal that meets their deeper needs.
When you do that, you don't need to worry about the last look.
3. Insuring that you get a last look.
While everything I said above is fine, the reality is that there will still be some situations where you won't be able to implement those strategies and are reduced to one option-be the low bidder.
Some of your customers negotiate the business with you, and the last look is, of course, not an issue with them. Some of them will buy from you because of the good job of selling you did, and the last look, with them, is not an issue.
But you will still probably be left with those who are going to bid and award the business primarily on the basis of price. It's that group for which you'd like to have the last look.
How do you do that? By achieving excellence in the basics: building powerful. positive business relationi ships with those key contacts, by understanding their needs in deeper and more detailed ways than any of your competitors, by doing everything you can to assure that your company is highly respected by the customer, and, finally, by asking for the opportunity.
What you are really asking for is the preference of the customer. In other words, where the customer sees no difference between you and the other guy in your offer, he still prefers doing business with you. This scenario assumes that there is no difference between you and your competitor, and there is no reason for the customer to pay a little more to do business with you. Your only hope is that the customer will prefer to do business with you, providing you are the lowest price.
Ask yourself why the customer would prefer you. Create a detailed answer. Then set about becoming the supplier with which your customer would want to do business. Continually ask for the opportunity to have a last look.
Remember that getting the last look is the last, least desirable strategy to pursue. While there will always be times and situations where it is your last resort, those times and situations should be minimal
- Dave Kahle is a distribution industry consultont. trainer, seminar presenter, and author of nine books, including his Iatest How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime. Reach him at (800) 331-1287 or v ia www .dav e kahle.c o m.
At Long Last, Jeld Wen to Start Up in North Louisiana
Late this year, Jeld-Wen will finally open a long-delayed door-facings facility in Winn Parish, La.
The Klamath Falls. Or.-based manufacturer first announced the facility in 2006. It began construction soon after, but mothballed the $ 12O-million project before it could be completed.
"Jeld-Wen felt now was the time to
complete the plant," said spokesperson Teri Cline. "We already had quite a bit invested and want to see it come to fruition."
The facility near Dodson, La., will initially employ 75 workers, manufacturing wood fiber door skins.
ABS Buys United's 15 Stores
Allied Building Products has purchased the assets of l5-unit roofinc and siding distributor United Producti Corp., Minneapolis, Mn.
Founded in 1975, United has seven branches in Minnesota, three each in North Dakota and in Wisconsin, and one each in Nebraska and South Dakota.
Century-Old Supplier Closing
Builders Supply Co., Petersburg, Va., is liquidating after 108 years.
According to president Jim Vanlandingham, "With the operating losses combined with the financial obligation to buy out the retirees and past employees, the decision was made to stop our business."
Over the last four years, the dealer/ truss plant trimmed its workforce from 70 emplovees to 23.
February Z)12 r tuilding hoducb Diged r 35
Engineered for Strength
OnCenter engineered lumber from Bluelinx offers superior strength and consistent uniform properties. The line includes BLI Joists in varying widths and depths, 1.5E, 1.9E, and 2.0E LVL, Glulam 3000 beams, and rimboard.
(877\ 9r4-7710
Gomposite Gate Kits
A new gate kit from TimberTech is fully customizable in applications spanning up to 4 ft. with 36" railing systems. Each kit includes all the necessary components to construct and install a gate, including two powdercoated side rails, brackets and hinges, and matching fasteners. Available colors are classic black and coastal white.
(800) 307-7780
Software on the Move
Epicor Software Corp. has released Epicor Eagle Release 2l business management software for smallto medium-sized businesses.
Compatible with both Apple and Android mobile devices, Mobile Manager provides real-time metrics and inventory, sales, and customer information, while Mobile POS brings the register to the customer.
Other improvements include better access to realtime performance data and streamlined inventory planning tools through Performance Manager, Inventory Planner, and POS Touch.
(800) 999-1989
Pretty Timber
Tomball Forest mills pine and western red cedar timber to create architectural-quality beams for exposed construction.
The milling process removes chain stains, banding marks, oxidation, rail rub, and water stains on all four sides.
(877) 701-8965
36 r Building Roduc Dge* r February 2012 Buildingftodudsom
Screen that View
Quanex Building Products offers a top-hung, extruded-aluminum patio screen door in a choice of 10 colors, totally assembled or in a kit.
Sizes include 30" ro 48" wide and up to 96" high. Door handles and an integral side latch are preinstalled, and a fiberglass insect-screen mesh is standard. Upgrades include BetterVue, pet, and solar screens.
(7 13) 96r-4600
Tougher Gypsum Board
Georgia-Pacific has made its ToughRock line of gypsum boards 25Vo lighter than traditional wall and ceiling drywall products.
The products reportedly also have improved impact resistance, to reduce pre- and post-installation wear and tear.
(800) 22s-6r l9
R EGIS TER NOWI Aprit L2-14, zol;2bAry
AN N UAL CONVENTION a/ La Torretta Resort on Lake Conroe, Montgomery, TX (North of Houston) REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE at www.LAT.oRG RECHARGE yourself & your
Refurn On fnvestment Seminar-
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Best practices have doubled profitability and tripled Return on Inveslment for many distributors. Most best practice im-plementations fail due to the lack of a link to the firm's financial statements. Thii session examines the most significant best practices and demonstratesthe process of linking best practice implementation to financial statements-. -The process creates measurable goals thit can be tracked-to "nio." a successful implementation. 1'frit session will demonstrate the top best practices and how to link them to profitability using real case examples.
by F. Barry Lawrence, PhD, Industrial Distribution program, TAMU
employees...RESTORE business connections ... RENEW friendships
Sponsored by Higginbothams www.hisqinbothams.com efltr is -the Lumbermen's Association of Texas & Louisiana - sewing quality building material dealers since 18g6. see www.lat.orq for updated convention information for both attendeis & exhibitori or call us at g00-749-5862. Make your hotel room reservations at La Torretta Resort BY MARCH2ICall 877'286'9590 and note LAT for single / double Tower suite rdtes: grsg &rilding-Produdscom February 2012 r BuiHing hoducb DiFst t 97
Ultra-Green Exterior Gomposite Trim
Boral TruBxterior Trim is composed of a minimum of TOVo recYcled content, reportedly the highest amount of recycled content for exterior trim.
Ideal for ground contact and moisture-prone areas, the composite trim does not require end-sealing, special adhesives, or other
costly installation techniques. Made from bio-based PolYmers and coal combustion materials, it is reversible, can be painted anY color, and is virtually free from rotting, splitting and termites.
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Direct lmporters of Hardwood Decking, Lumber, & Flooring
Gaps for Posts
VersaCaps from Deckorators have nested inserts for a snug fit over the most common size posts.
Each cap comes with three inserts, making them adaPtable for posts ranging from 3-l12"x3112" to 4-518"x4-518".
Options include traditional solar, solar band, and high Point pyramid, in a variety of colors.
(800] 332-5724
Versatile MDF Doors
Masonite's new router-carved MDF door collections offer something for every d6cor.
The Cyma and Carte Blanche lines each include 65 standard designs.
The Bolection line allows homeowners, designers and architects to create their own custom door designs.
(800) 663-3667
"dN 'i r,1'f trv Brazilian Hardwood Specialisa Your direct source for Ipe, Tigerwood, Garapa, and Cumaru decking Many OPtionsTo Choose From: l) Shipping from ov Brazilian Mills direct to your job site or lunrbe ryard , ^ " i) C*ro* Millingavailable from our U.S. Facilities .;ilablq 3) Btind ShiPpinsis also available ""*\ Teleph o ne : (9 4l) -388-9 299 www.Advantagelumber. co m/wholesale .sJ o x,UI :lE r Building Prcduds D'rgest r February Z)12 Building-Ptodudscom
Expanded Deck Fasteners
Simpson Strong-Tie has expanded its line of Dexxter fasteners for composite and encapsulatedcomposite decking.
Now available in coated carbon steel, the product has a trim pan head and patented thread formation to reduce mushrooming. Other improvements include a Type-17 point for faster starts and a Quik Guard coating for corrosion protection.
(800) 999-5099
Specialized Lumber Goatings
Cornerstone Products has introduced three VOCfree, non-toxic sealants formulated specifically to treat lumber, fencing, and cedar.
The TriCo Polymer coatings create a thin, breathable barrier over wood and other porous surfaces.
Lumber Seal stops mold growth, to stabilize lumber during drying and protect the wood's original color.
Fence Seal extends the life and color of wood fencing.
Cedar Seal is formulated to preserve the natural beauty of cedar siding, shingles, and fencing without harsh cleaners or heavy oil finishes.
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Make lrvalue addedtt really valuable
Give your clients the gift of education
7TturNx oF How stupid the average I salesperson is and then consider that half of all salespeople are even more stupid than that. Don't expect value from this second-tier group.
Smart salespeople, on the other hand, can earn more clients in five months by being interested in the success and happiness of others than in five years of getting them interested in you. Yet, the majority of salespeople make routine sales visits without thinking, "How am I going to earn their business?" and "How can I make my selling proposition so compelling that no one else will stand a chance?"
Focusing on adding value to Your repertoire and providing education for your clients will bring in huge increments of revenues versus making virtually the same presentation (lots of talking) day in and day out.
First, let's address education. As a sales representative, I gave my first convention speech at age 25. Then as a regional sales manager, I developed an all-day seminar that typically drew 150 to 200 industrial attendees by invitation only. It was so successful, the company had me speak nationwide as it was bringing in tens of millions of dollars. Then with another industrial firm, I started providing seminars on sales, leadership, culture, exporting and other topics. Again, millions of dollars flowed in.
My next venture in life was sPeaking and consulting. I've had many retainer clients where I work with a firm for one or more years-usually a
week per month. While my initial services are invested with the president, v.p. of sales, and the sales force, we soon begin to seek out target accounts that are progressive and could represent considerable revenues for mY clients. We then arrange for me to speak or consult for them. In each of these scenarios, I furnish usable information for growing people and revenues. That's value.
Let's face facts... all indicators point to slow growth for several more years. So do we just ride it out and hope for the best? There are tons of ignorant corporations doing just that. Organizations that focus on competition will eventually die. And those that focus on creating value will thrive.
I've seen building material distributors that have grown during the recession. How? By taking business away from competition that still "sell" and operate in the old school way: products, pricing and service. The successful have these same three components, but they add value.
Let's look at our own people. How many sales and management Personnel do you have that acted on just 12 new skills in the past year? The answer should be "all of them." Yes, education costs money, but ignorance costs more.
Here are real-life examples of the benefits of providing education.
. During a speaking engagement for one company, we took a coffee break about 9:30 and I noticed the
c.e.o. and his executive team talking among themselves for 90Vo of the break time.
We went back in the room and the c.e.o. asked if he could speak before I continued. Of course I didn't say "no." He said, "We just talked about the fact that we just learned more in one hour than the quarter-million I spent on education on this group last year. What is it you want from us?" I replied, "Just all of your business and I'd like to leave here today with your (largest item) business."
He asked what time my flight departed. He then suggested we stop the seminar by a certain time to get to their headquarters to get the order and get me to the airport on time.
I've been part of many sporting events where the client hires a sports legend and fan favorite to sign programs and balls. I'm there to sign books and offer consulting advice.
Many ask if I can visit their executive team before I leave town. Again, I'm not going to say "no." I respond in the affirmative and set uP the appointments before the game ends. I'm armed with a state map and mY day planner so I can set appointments that make geographic sense. But I always conclude with "get your team prepared to ask me questions that you're struggling with" and "get them prepared to give us our first order. Is that fair?" I've never encountered a "no."
We then arrive, field and answer questions, sign a book for each execu-
40 I &Ming Produds Dig€d r February 2012 BulHhrg.Rodu<lsom
tive, get our first order, and often offer a seminar... for additional busiNCSS.
. A large plumbing contractor said he wanted me to be the first visitor in his new home. My client's salesperson dropped me off and the client, his wife, and I met on the patio. In advance of our meeting, I said, "Get your order pad ready for water heaters," which my client had sold him a total of zero.
I got 200 units plus about 25 minor items, but Ms. Bean Counter (spouse) said, "Their heaters are $X, representing $Y more for the 200." He replied, "Yes, but I get Bill." Our agreement was that he would drive 90 minutes for lunch and it would be a workine lunch. I just told him that we couldnir spend three hours of travel time plus a 90-minute lunch each quarter. He cheerfully responded, "I'll gladly drive to you." At every lunch, which was a consulting session, we received new ltems.
90Vo of corporations-they drift. We know that most romantic affairs take place because of the bedroom monotony at home. The same applies to business. You can't blame the economy, but you can stop the drift and build excitement among your people and clients.
. At a breakfast seminar in Atlanta, I arranged for the c.e.o. of a very large firm to sit next to my client's c.e.o. At the conclusion, the c.e.o. guest was in no hurry to leave, but I loved his question to our c.e.o.: "Do you mind if I ask you what your revenues are?" My client replied, "$50 million." Silence. Then the guest said, "It's kind of embarrassing for a $5billion client to be educated by a $50 million vendor. I'm very appreciative, as I learned a lot. How do you propose we build on this relationship?" Ka-ching!
reason. I got something like, "They're not going to switch." I had him make an appointment with the #2 guy in the organization and had a salesperson drive me there, where I received a modest $20,000 trial order.
But here's the classy portion: I invited him, his executive team, and their spouses to come to my client, who was based in a tourist city. We had the ladies touring in horses and carriages and, without them knowing it, we arranged for stops at classy stores along the way where a gift (sometimes inscribed) awaited them. While they toured, I provided a management seminar for their spouses.
I've spoken for my clients at conventions, usually at breakfast or lunch. One big rule for a nice tum-out and avoiding a run-in with the convention is that your event must not be held while convention events are taking place. What I like is the venue is held in the same hotel where your target accounts are staying. No one has to travel and everyone needs to eat. And they receive value. . I provide consulting in my clients' booths at conventions. We set up a section in the corner of the booth with comfy chairs, pastries, coffee and end tables, beverages etc. It's
clients' another by invitation only. The c.e.o. has gifts purchased for the clients, along with a neat note that I give at the end of our consulting session. Over 90Vo of the time, we get business and they never ask what our prices are.
Most exhibitors do the same thing every year... same booth, same people, same literature. As with many other things your group does, they do them by habit. Look at every major segment of your annual sales and marketing plan and figure out how to put a spin on it. New, new, new helps you to avoid what happens to over
. On a routine basis, I join the salesperson on a target account sales call. Naturally, we tell them we want the c.e.o. in attendance and ask that
My c.e.o. got his bank to loan us his yacht, chefs and servers. The #2 executive came to the back of the boat where I was sitting watching the porpoises "escort" our boat while swimming along side. It was as if we had trained the porpoises to entertain our group. He said, "Bill, we cancelled the rest of our agenda to just plan on implementing the education we received. This was the best management retreat ever." There's more to this client example, but I can share that we received millions of dollars in orders in five months.
Providing valuable education helps your clients be better prepared to sell more (often your products) and lead better. You've provided a valueadded service, they will remember you for years, and you've further bolstered your reputation.
everyone be armed with their best questions. Caution: I've been doing this long enough that I can share that your one-hour visit often winds up as a two- to three-hour session. Often the group is dismissed and we wind up in the c.e.o.'s office. And most often, the c.e.o. asks me to get our salesperson to go make a call elsewhere as a plethora of things on the c.e.o.'s mind is confidential in nature. The c.e.o. gets better and we get business.
. This one was classy. There was an extremely large potential client and I noticed the v.p. of sales never mentioned them so I inquired about the
If you do not create competitive advantages, you cannot successfully compete. Forget the old school lunches, ball games, and holiday gifts. Instead provide a service that will help your clients be more successful. The rewards will come back to you 10,000 to 100,000 fold. You can srill have Iunch, but you will be setting up the next seminar-for more business.
Education is one of the most valuable gifts you can provide.
Febnaryil2 r &rilding hoducbDigest r 4l
- Bill Blades, CMC, CPS, specializes in growing people and revenue in the areas of sales and leadership. Contact him at wblades@aol.com or (443) 4770061.
Florida Building Material Association president Bill Tucker has stepped down after 20 years heading FBMA.
Lumbermen's Association of Texas will host its annual convention April l2- 14 at La Torretta Resort, Lake Conroe, Tx.
The event will open with lunch and golf at Crown Colony Golf Club, Lufkin, Tx., and continue the next day with a daylong tour of logging sites and mills.
Other events will include a LUMPAC golf tournament at the resort's course, an evening beach party at Lake Conroe, and a President's gala dinner with awards and raffle.
Construction Suppliers Association elected Michael Townsend, v.p.operations, Townsend Building Supply, Enterprise, A1., as chairman of its board of directors.
Also new to the board are vice chairman/chairman-elect AndY Brown, Brown Lumber, Columbiana, Ga:, Znd vice chairman Alex Hill, Hills Ace Hardware & Lumber, Winder, Ga.; secretary/treasurer Chris Moon, Harbin Lumber, Lavonia, Ga., and immediate past chairman Chuck B ankston. B ankston Lumber, Barnesville. Ga. Additional directors
are Jason Boehm, Junior's Building Materials, Ringgold, Ga.; Tee Bridges, Stone's Home Centers, Bainbridge, Ga.; Ray Gaster, Gaster Lumber, Savannah, Ga.; Mike Grady, Mulherin Lumber, Evans, Ga., and Mason Kocher, Kocher Lumber, Montgomery, Al. Associate directors are Phil Odom, Blue Linx, Atlanta, Ga., and Ida Ross Swift Hicks, Swift Supply, Atmore, Al.
On March 8, CSA will host an insight meeting at Hilton Garden Inn, Albany, Ga.
Illinois Lumber & Material Dealers Association kicks off its annual expo March 2O-21 at Peoria Civic Center, Peoria, Il.
Educational seminars will focus on such topics as estate planning, using technology to compete, and how to improve customer relationships.
Additional workshops will cover deck construction, solutions to common framing errors, and installation of exterior doors.
Mid South Building Material Dealers Association has scheduled its trade show and convention for March l5-17 in Natchez, Tn.
Highlights will include a crayfish boil hosted by the owners of Home Hardware Centers and a banquet with a live auction to benefit the Carl
Fruscha/Betty Hellenthal Scholarship Foundation.
Northwestern Lumber Association will present project-estimating seminars led by Gary Thompson March l3-14 in Bismarck, N.D., and March 20-21 in Roseville, Mn.
An outing to watch arena football between the Iowa Barnstormers and Utah Blaze is March 17 in Des Moines.Ia.
Oklahoma Lumbermen's Association is sponsoring a blueprint reading & material take-off workshop Feb.22-23 at its office in Oklahoma City, Ok. Western Building Material Association's Casey Voorhees will lead the instruction.
Mid-America Lumbermens Association will host its Arkansas spring meeting March 22-23 at Embassy Suites, Hot Springs, Ar. MLA has partnered with ICSNational Collection Services to offer debt-collection services to members.
Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association holds its annual spring meeting March 6-7 at Atlanta Airport Hilton, Atlanta, Ga.
Speakers will include Wade CamP, senior economist at RISI; Zoltan van Heyningen, executive director of the U.S. Lumber Coalition, and Tom Cator, SLMA's Washington legislative council.
North American Wholesale Lumber Association will present its Wood Management Course-Level II on March 12-15 at Mississippi State University's College of Forest Resources. Starkville. Ma.
Classroom topics will include strategic planning for U.S. and global markets, use of financial statements, evaluating credit risk, social media tools, and inventory management systems.
Hardwood Manufacturers Association will meet March l4-16 at Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans, La., for its annual meeting and expo.
Mike Snow. executive director, American Hardwood Export Council, will discuss projects and provide a market update. Deborah Hawkinson, executive director, Hardwood
SingleAisle Orive-Thru Euilding wlh Mulliply Rack Storage Systems see
q2 r BuiHing hodud Dbest r Febnrary 2012 Building-Ptoduct*com
PF€ogln@Bd St$l Bllldirq syltt@ Ret Stor|ge Syrtere iof Bullding t.ta @E Astmated Lumb€t Stot.go Sy*em Crntllgvor Rack, Pallot Relq Afnmo R.c* l{@aniE, Mouldirg Rackt, St ck Rtck! NNtlomlly LiceGed GsneEl codncto.
Federation, will also provide an update.
Jim Alampi, managing director of Alampi & Associates, will present a breakfast talk on "The Executive Tune-up: Getting from Vision to Execution." Alan Beaulieu, president, Institute for Trend Research, will discuss economic forecasts and business implications.
Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers will hold its annual meeting Feb. 29-March 4 at Marco Island Marriott, Marco Island. Fl.
Moulding & Millwork Producers Association convenes its 49th winter business meeting March 19-24 at Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel. Santa Monica. Ca.
Jimmy Deleon O'Rear, 68, retired vice president with Birmingham International Forest Products, Birmingham, Al., died Dec. 8.
Victor J. Buccino,96, retired New Jersey LBM salesman, died Dec. I in Holmdel, N.J.
He served with the Army Air Corp during World War II. Afterwards, he operated his own construction business before serving as sales manager at Linden Lumber, Linden, N.J. He then joined Ply-Gem, Union, N.J., retiring in 1984.
Daniel Patrick Landon. 53. retired manager of Add Lumber, Dunkirk, N.Y., died Dec.29 in Bath. N.Y., after a lengthy illness.
He served briefly with the Marines, receiving a medical discharge in 1975. He was later employed by Fan Lumber, Westfield, N.Y., and retired from Add Lumber due to illness in 2008.
Build Added Safety lnto Your New Deck
Strengthen the most important structural part ofyour new deckwith an engineered LifeLong Ledger Board & Joist Hanger System'"
Emmett Francis McCoy, 88, founder of McCoy's Building Supply, San Marcos, Tx., died Jan. 7 in San Marcos.
Mr. McCoy served with the Army in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Afterward, he joined the business started by his father in 1927, McCoy Roofing Co., and later started the business that would become McCoy's.
By the time he retired in 1997, the business had grown to more than 90 locations with sales exceedins $400 million.
Clarence ttWhiteyt' Precin, 86, retired owner and president of Home Building Supply, Tinley Park,Il., died Dec.26 in Tinley.
During World War II, he served with the Navy in the Philippines. He retired at age 83, after owning the business for nearly 30 years.
Atlie S. Warren, 84, retired senior vice president at North Pacific Lumber, Waynesboro, Ms., died Jan. I in Waynesboro after a long illness.
He began his career with North Pacific in 1968 and retired in 1991, after serving as manager of the southern division and Allen Timber Inc.
Timothy Blair, 54, former partner in Niece Lumber, Lambertville, N.J.. died Jan. 6 in Lambertville.
Mr. Blair's grandfather purchased the company in 1966.
Roger H. Emanuel, 88, retired general manager of Lincoln Wood Products, Merrill. Wi.. died Jan. 7 in Menill.
He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II as a gunners mate in the Pacific Theater.
He served as general manager of Lincoln Wood Products from 1972 to 2007, spearheading the company's name change to Lincoln Windows & Doors and launch of sister company Timeline Vinyl Windows & Doors, Menill. in 1994.
George R. Mitchell,91, retired owner of G.R. Mitchell Inc.. Refton. Pa., died Dec. 20 in Willow Valley, Pa.
Mr. Mitchell served wirh the U.S. Air Force during World War II. He began his career managing I.B. Graybill & Sons, which he purchased in 1969 and renamed.
After he retired in 1985. his son took over the business.
Emilio J. DeAsi, 88, retired Northeast LBM salesman, died Jan. I I in New Canaan, Ct.
During World War II, he served with the Army's 873rd Engineer Aviation Battalion in the Pacific Theater.
After working many years for the New Haven Railroad, he joined New Canaan Fuel & Lumber. He retired from Ring's End Lumber at age 65.
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Plywood, OSB, particleboard and MDF by the truckloads. Lumber Source, Phone (800) 874I 953, Fax 888-576-8723, email LumberSource@hotmail.com.
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CEDAR SPECIALTIES MILL sales position available. Customers are wholesale distributors, also inventory sales from the cedar industries largest producers. Position is available in Portland, Oregon. For consideration, please send resume and cover letter to: Cedar Sales' P.O. Box 2743, Tualatin, Or.97062.
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.l,isftngs. are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wrfh sponsor before making plans to att6nd.
Indiana Hardwood Lumbermen's Association - Feb. B-9, convention & expo, Indianapolis, In.; (800) 6404452; www.ihta.org.
Northwestern Lumber Association - Feb. 8-9, Wisconsin dealers convention, Wisconsin Dells, Wi.; (7ffi) 5aa-6822; nlassn.org.
International Builders Show - Feb. 8-11, Orlando, Fl.; (800) 3685242; www.buildersshow.com.
Florida Hardware Co. - Feb. 11-12, market, Doubletree Hotel. Orlando, Fl.; (904) 783-1650; www.floridahardware.com.
Long.Lewis.Hardware I Fg!.. !1.12, market, Montgomery Civic Center, Montgomery, Al. ; (205) 322-2561 ; www.long--lswls i6r.
South Dakota Retail Lumberman's Association - Feb. 14.15. annual convention, Best Western Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center, Sioux Falls, S.D.; (605) 665-5089; www.sawbucks.com.
True Value Co. - Feb. 20.22, spring market, Convention Center, Orlando, Fl. ; (773) 695-51 71 ; www.truevaluecompany.com.
Wood-Works - Feb. 21, Wood Solutions Fair, College park, Ga.; (866) 966-3448; www,woodworks.org.
Nationaf Roofing Contractors Association - Feb.22-24, annual convention & expo, Orlando, Fl.; (8a7) 299-9070; www.nrca.com.
North American Wholesale Lumber Assn. - Feb. 23, regional meeting, Birmingham, Al.; (800) 527 -8258: www.lumber.orgi
WoodWorks - Feb. 23, Wood Solutions Fair, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Md.; (866) 966-3448; www.woodworks.org.
Northwestern Lumber Association - Feb. 23-24,lowa lumber convention, Des Moines, la. ; (763) 544-6822; www.nlassn.org.
National Frame Building Association - Feb. 29-March 2, frame buibing expo, St. Louis, Mo.; (800) 557-6957; www.nfba.oig.
Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers Association - Feb. 29. !ar9! 4, annual meeting, Marco lsland Marriott, Marco lsland, Fl. ; (336) 885-83'1 5; www.appalachianwood.org.
Panel & Enginee,red Lumber Conference - March 1.2, Omni Hotel, Atlanta, Ga.; ($a) 834-1 170; www.pelice-expo.com.
HDW fnc, - March 2-4, dealer market, Jackson Convention Center, Jackson, Mi. ; (800) 256-8527 ; www. hdwi nc. com.
Peal Auctionee1ilg - llqqc.tr ,1.!, LA{ auction, Howard County Fairgrounds, Baltimore, Md.; (800) 245-9690; peakauction.com.'
National Wooden Pallet & Container Assn. - March 3.6. leadership conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.; (703) 519-6104; nwpca.com.
National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn. - March 5.7, t:gjd g!yq. qolleJgnce & spri n g meetin g, Maniott, Wash in gton, D.C.; (800) 634-8645; www.dealer.org. -
Window & Door Manufacturers Association - March 5.7, legislative conference, Maniott, Washington, D.C.; (800) 223-1301: www.wdma.com.
Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn. - March 6.7, spring meeting, Hilton, Atlanta, Ga.; (770) 631-6701; www.stma.org.
Greenprints - March 7.8, conference, Aflanta, Ga.; (404) 872-3549; www,greenprints.org.
ENAP Inc. - March 7.9, annual meeting & show, Disnev's Coronado Springs, Orlando, Fl. ; (800) 4564300; www.enap.co'm.
Lumbermens Merchandisin_g C-orp. - March 7.9, annual meeting, Ft. Worth, Tx.; (610) 293-7049; www.tmc.net.
Northwestern Lumber Association - March 8, Nebraska lumber dealers convention, Embassy Suites Hotel & Convention Center, La Vista, Ne. ; (763) 544-6822; www. nlassn.org.
Ace Hardware C9rp. - March 8.10, spring market, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, 'Gal; (630) 991-7662; www.acehardware.com
International Home & Housewares Show - March 10.13, Chicago, ll. ; (847) 2924200; www.housewares.org.
North American Wholesale Lumber Association - March 12-15. Wood Manageqglt Qgurge, Mississippi State University, Starksville, Ms.; (800) 527 -8258;www.lumber.org.
Construction gupqtlqq Association - March 13, insight meeting, Savannah, Ga.; (678) 674-1860; www.gocsa.com.
New Hampshire Retail Lumber Association - March 13, roundtable & board meeting, Bedford, N.H.; (518) 286-1010; nrta.org.
Southern Cypress Manufacturers Association - March 14, annual meeting, Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans, La; (412) 244-0440; www.cypresstnto.org.
Hardwood Manufacturers Association - March 14.16, national conference & expo, Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans, La; (4j2\ 2440440; www.hmamembers.org.
Retail Lumber Dealers Association of Maine - March 15, legislative breakfast & board meeting, Senator Inn, Augusta, Me.; (518) 286-1010; www.nrla.org.
Mid South Building Material Dealers Association - March 15.17, convention & show, Natchez Convention Center, Natchez, Ms.: (877) 828-331 5; www.mbmoa.com.
Emery-Waterhouse Co. - March 16.17, market, Rhode lsland Convention Center, Providence, R.l.; (800) 283-0236; www.emeryonline.com.
Peak Auctioneering - March 17, LBM auction, St. Charles, ll.; (800) 245-9690; www.peakauction.com.
Moulding & Millwork Producers Association - March 19.24, winter meeting, San Diego, Ca.; (800) 550-7889; www.wmmpa.com.
lllinois Lumber & Material Dealers Association - March 20-21, convention & expo, Peoria Civic Center, Peoria, ll.; (800) 2528641; www.ilmda.com.
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Filling tNre Void
When the local hardware store in Wilton, Ct., closed last October, the city's sole remaining buiding supplier saw an opportunity to fill the gap.
Founded in 1902, Ring's End Lumber has traditionally served builders and architects throughout Connecticut. But after Keeler's True Value Hardware closed, the Wilton branch of Ring's End decided to let locals know that its neighborhood location offers more than just lumber and tools.
"When we opened here in 2005, there were two hardware stores within a mile of here. Now there's none," says general manager Mike Burkhart. The chain, which has its headquarters and flagship store in Darien, Ct., has a total of l0 retail locations in the state, plus a millwork division, an educational center, an estimating and design office, and a distribution center.
"We're trying to listen every day, to see what people are asking for. We'd like to get more seasonal things out there. In winter, have ice melt or wood brick fuel, and more consumer-friendly type things," he continues. "For instance, we just brought in bird seed-I don't think a lot of other lumber businesses stock bird seed. We started cutting keys, we started selling chains, water softener. salt, which we never had before, but a lot of people in Wilton have wells."
The store has also expanded its electrical aisle and is changing its overall look, to make it more consumerfriendly. "We're raising aisle shelving l8 inches so we can bring in more stuff," says Burkhart. "The shelves were low for an open feel, but we think it's important to get more inventory in here to meet the needs of people in town."
The store's layout is also being tweaked, to make homeowners feel more comfortable shopping there. "It's intimidating for a homeowner is to see power tools as the first thing," says assistant merchandise manager Corey Bates, who came to Ring's End after Keeler's closed. "We're going to change so lawn and garden is in the front of the store."
The store's merchandise manager, Christopher Quintal, says that he tries to do whatever he can to make consumers-not just builders and architectshappy.
"Especially the last couple of years, as the housing economy has not been doing so well, that's become more of a focus of ours," he says. "It's helped us to stay profitable and continue to grow."
Burkhart agrees. "The biggest thing has been listening to our customers, learning what people are asking for outside of the normal realm of a lumberyard," he says. "We're keeping a running list of things that customers ask for. If we don't stock it, we'll add it to the list to get it in. This is an evolving thing that we've taken on, and we want as best as we can to help meet the needs of homeowners."
For morc infornration on adverlisers, call theln dirccllv or visit their rvebsiles Iin bracketsl'
Advantage Trim & Lumber [www.advantagelumber'com]'...38
Anthony Forest Products [anthonyforest.com],.'.....'..Cover lll
Arch Wood Protection [www.wolmanizedwood.com]...Cover I
Biewer Lumber [www.biewerselect.com] .'.,"'..'.......'."'....'......3
Boise Cascade EWP [www.bcewp.com].",.........."".'.'..'.'....""7
California Redwood Association [calredwood.org]'..'.Cover ll
Capital [www.capital-lumber.com]........."..'.."........"..'.."'......35
Coastal Plywood [www,coastalplywood'com]...'..".'..'.'...'.'.'32
Crumpler Plastic Pipe [www.cpp'pipe.com]'...."""'..'.....'.'..'45
Great Southern Wood Preserving [www.yellawood.com].".."8
GRK Fasteners [www.grkfasteners.com] .'..."..".....'...'.'.'."'..1 7
lpe Clip Co., The [www.ipeclip.com] """.'........'...'.'...'."""."..1 1
Kleer Lumber [www.kleerlumber.com] Gover lV
Association of Texas [www.lat'org] .".'."........37 Master Mark Plastics [www.armadillodeck'com] "...'.."'.".'.'.'.4 Osmose [www.osmose.com].........,.,.. '.'.'....'...'5 Parksite [www.parksite.com],......,...... ".'..13' 43 Peak Auctioneering [www.peakauction,coml ..""'.'.'..........."29 Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance [plmins'com]".31 Redwood Empire [www.redwoodemp.com]..".." "".".'. " " ". "21 Selkirk [www.selkirkcedar.com]......'...""'.."."..'.'......'..'.'."""33 Simpson Strong-Tie [www.strongtie.com] ..'....,......'..'.'.".'.'..25 Siskiyou Forest Products [siskiyouforestproducts.conl. " "2T Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn. [slma.org]"Cover ll Sunbelt [www.sunbeltracks,com] "'.".'..'."""'42 Tiger Deck [www.tigerdeck.com] ,........... .'...."30 TMI Forest Products [www.tubafor'coml ...'.."'.'..."."."'........39 Versatex [www.versatex.com] ...,,'..'... ......'....'23 Wahoo Decks [www.wahoodecks.com] ....'..'.28 Western Red Cedar Lumber Assn. [www,wrcla.org]"..Cover ll 6 I Building hodud Digest r February 2012 BuiHingProductront
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