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lr| F lU O suPPot r{oo -u{oo's Lootfl
Next year the Intematlonal Order of Hoo-Hoo, the lralemel oder ot the torest products Industry, wlll celabrate our 100 year annlver' eary. Planned are a centennlal conventlon in Sept€mber, precoded by a commemorative lesue of "Log & Tallyr ln May. supportere of our Industry can be represented in this special edition, to b€ dlstribuled to 7,000lorest poduc-ts professionals, Including loggers, manulacturerp, wholesalers, retallers and transportatlon flrms. All the while, you'll be supportlng the oldest lndustrlal lratemal organlzatlon In the country and our industry in general.
Corponb Sponrorthlp (0S,OOO1 A 112 page ad ln centennlal lssue, recggnlllon In preceding newsletters and'Log & Tallys,' 2 prepald registrations, hotel room tor 2 for 4 nlghts, dally prognm llstlng, banner displayed al hotel throughout convenlion.
Contrlbutlng Sponrorrhlp ($,m01 A 1/3 page ad in centennial lssue, recognition
In preceding neweletterc and "Log & Tallys,' 2 prepaid registrations, hotel room lor2lor 4 nights, daily program listing, banner displayed in meeting rooms.
Gonbnnlal Sponrorrhlp ($t,OOO1 A 1/4 page ad in centennial issue, recognition in preceding "Log & Tallys,' 2 prepaid registrations.
Indlvldual Sponrorshlp ($200) Business card size ad in centennial issue.
For the Softrn'ood lrnoducts Indr.rshy, including both commodity and specialty hrnrber (i.e. Cedar, Moulding and Millwork) aid all panel pnrducb. Crcra/s pnrvide a consistent, current, accurab report on market price, hends, issues and indusbcy-nelvs and psPlj. Every tttu*"ibo iloYtnllt reel

IWottorn lumbcr talct
Structural is hot new item to t2 t3 t4
Northwcr,t analydt
Timber shortages are reall
Added value productt
States encourage new market
Faslener dlfilerences
How to pick the right ones
8ecurlty - dollarc
Lighting is a best seller
Storer ln the newt
Publicity lures customers
Florlda acoret agaln
Top speakers bring crowds
New Sosth open house
Customers tour plant, play
Hardwood producers tackle envhonmental crlsls
Grassroots speaker outlines ways to overcome restrictions
Dealerc Jlnd a new approach to selllng more wood
Winterized deck building program pleases d-i-y customers availab|e.Sing|ecopies-S3;backissues-s4.50whenavai|ab|e,p|usshipping.c||rrE0F|00iqqq !Uum?m0ns[0|0tElispUb|ishedmon|h|yat{500c{0t0t.'8h.|E0.tgd'

Rodnoql hr u*frnhil uUnl pngs{or that ondmr it wlth advant4es over othor rwod spcies. Nov we have improved on tho selection, soasoning, manutacturing and protective packaging of this specbs to deliver Pnmlum Xlffiy-the ellte arnng tight knot redwood sidings.
>Each phr 0t Premhrm Krffiy is individually machlne monitored t0 assure a rdsture contsnt ol fio/o or lsse.
>Osroful po-roloc{or and exacfing contml of seasoning inhibits further shrinkage as well as relleving drying stresses which can contribute to checklng and loosenlng of knots.
>Tlgffrr rbndrrdr of seleclion and grading have also elimirpted all cut-outs formerly allotrvd.
>lmprovod probcfruo ond cep assures that all the values added at the mill ars delivered to the jobsite. The end cap carrles stonage, applicatlon and flnishing instructions to enable lhose values to be pr0perly uiillzed.

A hrndromr$ srw-torturod lrngo sf avaihbb patterns inclu$ Thick Butt
Rabbeted 8evel, V-Jolnt Tongue and Groom, 1" Channel Shiphp, V-Shiphp, and trim. Virtually all patterns have undergone perforrance enhancements including among ofrrors, increaslng to sA"the @ of the rabbet on the Thick Butt Barel sidlng pattern.
Boporly flnlrhcl, Fcmlun Kmilty will prwkle attmstirre, afhrdable, longh$tng porlcrmanco. $0 ild0 uilbfro b6lPnnlum l(rffif Um krot nffi rHlpg. Tho dvlour drolco. lhtunly.
For information on avallablllty and the name of your n€arest source d supply call:
Ibil fno Promhn Knotry Hot Llno 1-80S-637-7 077 fi{t }o7-82?1Q89