1 minute read
lnveils fard
prompt service, hard working employees and honest work ethics.
The business has evolved considerably since its founding in Dallas in 1977: growth by area and size of inventory, and a more aggressive approach to sales plus telemarketing.
Story at a Glance
Lee Roy Jordan treats customers and suppllers to open house at new Houston, Tx., yard...nearly 100 tour plant, check out extensive redwood Inventory.
Still, the changes are far from over. Hare predicts "mor€ demand and less availability of lumber due to environmental issues and restraints on cutting of timberlands. (Bu$ a better economic picture for Texas at a steady increase."
Emplqees lute the danga ond uork to bansfer to dumryter or truck- A fant mlnutq whenunpcklng unlts, raults ln this amryt, aslly stord oafuable stzap, alrady stord ln o steel drum lor dispoul qd sle. Thc
HARDW000 FOLKS: (1) Erica & Arnold Curtis. (2) Norm Murray, George Banett. (3)Tom & Virginia McGoldrick. (4)Jim & Mary Holmstrom. (5) Pal & Herman Herkert, Tommy Thompson. (6) Bill Abraham, Don Weber. (7) Valerie Johnson, Tom Hirons. (8) Shirley & Eudell Bivens,
Laura Gavis, Ron California. (9) Eric Lacey, Kenneth Averitt, Victor Baninger. (10) Ruby Lanier, Georgia Robinette, Norma Harrison, (11) Don Brugge, Gary Gestring, Mike Boden (12) Roy Newman, Butch Pope, Faye & Jack Kelly. (13) Stacey & Robert 0usley, Charlie
James. (14) Jim Krutiak, Sue & Duane Roth. (15) Val Beesley, Dennis & Cindy Snow, Bud Mikelonis. (16) Tom Millan, Bob Owens. (17) Johnny Schaffauser, Guy McLean, J L. Gary, Noel Collins. (18) Laura h Dick Gavis, Bobert Goodfellow, Russ Jacobson.