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Professional Traders
with expertise and a good reputation in specialty lumber products are needed at Cascade Empire Corporation. Our growing company, with currenl annual sales of $145 million. wishes to double its size within the next five years. lf you're interested in a future with a forward thinking company, please respond to Ray B. Haroldson, president, (800) 767-8371. All responses will be held in strictest confidence.
FOR SALE: Independent retail building material and hardware store. Located in western North Carolina. In business for 2l years. 6500' in storc, 19,000'in warehouse and lumber storagc. Owner wants to retire. Write to Box 85, c/o Building Products Digest.
FAMILY OWNED retail Redwood and Cedar Lumberyard. Established 1981. Sales up to $2.3 million in past. Excellent leasc on real estate in Texas metropolitan city. Needs boost from a new owner. Assets and business for under $1m,000. Write Box 86, c/o Building Products Digest.
CLOSE OUT: Ash, Poplar, Maple. 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x6, 1x8, 1x12-3',
Twenty-five (25) words for $2 I Each additional word 700. Phone number counts as one word. Address counts as six words. Headlines and centered copy ea. line; $6. Box numbers and special borders: $6 ea. Col. inch rate: $45 camera ready, $55 ifwe set the type. Names of advertisers using a box number cannot be released. Address replies to box number shown in ad in care of Buildlng Products Digest, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 4E0, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Make checks payable to Cutler Publishing, Inc. Mail copy to above address or call (714) 852-1990. Deadline for copy is the 20th of the month. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY COPY unless you have established credir with us.
For Sale
Hard to find items, long lengths, custom timbers, special patterns. Clear cedar to 4x12, clear & clear hrt. redwood to 4xl2