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[mber sales
teners and finishes. Sales of new tools are another possibility. Pre-packaged kits of materials and plans for individual projects sell easily. People see the prebuilt display and instantly perceive it as doable using the kit. Ready to assemble projects make the purchase easy for the customer and profitable for the store.
Building in the winter for summer use definitely appeals to homeowners. A "build'em indoors when the weather's bad, install'ern outdoors when nice weather returns" feature in a spring issue of Women's Day magazine generated 10,300 requests for plan sheets at 509 each.
A dealer can capitalize on the interest created by articles such as this. "One advantage of having national consumer exposure like this," WWPA says, "is that not only does it call attention to a simple project that virtually anybody can do, but being published in a national consuner magazine gives projects additional authority and authenticity. It's no longer a matter of a retailer or a trade association trying to push his own products. A magazine trusted by millions of readers is saying 'Try this. It works."'
The WWPA will provide a retailer with a free kit including a 20-page, full color book on outdoor building, plans for six projects including a modular deck, clip art advertising, radio taglines and merchandising ideas. Additional plan sheets can be ordered for customers.
Story at a Glance
Promote bulldlng modular decks, planters, benches, play equipment to keep treated sales steady... winter deck cllnlc ldeas... free klt to help you plan.
Clinics can promote some of the other advantages of outdoor living projects. Emphasize that this is the least expensive kind of remodeling since projects involve no electrical work, plumbing, drywalling, or other major expense items. It is also important to point out that outdoor rooms can increase a hone's enjoyment factor, add substantially to its value and enlarge the living area at a minimal cost. Outdoor projects, because they are simple enough for almost anyone, can create pride and satisfaction of accomplishment.
The idea of a winter deck clinic works in a mild climate as well as an area with a harsh winter. As summer activities wind down, most people find they have time for an exffa project or two. Building outdoor furniture, decks and deck accessories arejust the thing.
The complete "Build Outdoors. It's Easy" kit and literature form are available free by writing Western Wood Products Association, Dept. ROS, Yeon Bldg., Suite 400, 522 SW Fifth Ave., Portland, Or. 97204-2 I 22-editor.
Designers, builders, retailers and truss minufacturers are besinning to use new Empirical DesimValuesbased on thdtl-vear In-6rade testinsprosram for 0.s. and canadian luinberl Nearlv 7 0,000 fu ll-size oieces of dim6nsion lumberbnoueh to build loo sinele-familv home"s-were tested toihe brea(ins point to determine the perforinance of a wide range r5f species, erades and sizes.
Among the results, new design values thit confirm the strengtti characteristics attributed to Sbuthern Pine over the past 20 vears, plus data to refine spai tablesind irirprove ensineerfrre desim with wood. There ar-e also foimat ihanges for Southern Pine moisture content designations and density dassiffcations.
One fact is unchanged' Southern Pine retains its positioin as the stronqest specids for trusses and other-struitural applications.
All the latest chinges are induded in new technical pub'lications available from the Sorithern Pine Marketine Council. If vou specifu or purch-ase lumber, isk u^s for i freE copy.