2 minute read
Jamec A. "Jlmmy" Guthrle, 64, retired officer of Buzick Lumber & Construction Co., Bardstown, Ky., died Sept. n,1991, in louisville, Ky.
He joined the family business in 1956, retiring four yean ago.
Western timber
(Contlnued from page II) of timber supply change in its history. The problem continues to worsen and will not be resolved without further significant loss ofjobs and productive capacity. Partial or limited mill closures have been substantial during 1990-91 and represent a loss of production and employment roughly equivalent to the full closurcs.
The westem states supplied 447o of the lumber and 33Vo of the plywood consumed in the United States during 1990, a year in which markets were depressed. Current federal timber management policies indicate a clear tend to reduce to &Vo or less the his-
(Continued.from page 23)
Doug Grlfllth has joined Scholl Forest Industries, Houston, Tx. R. C. McCord is now mktg. director-commercial div.
Judy Broverman is now with Ace Hardwarc, Peachtree City, Ga.
Bill Mulllns, shipping & receiving dept. mgr., Roper Brothers Lumber Co., Midlothian, Va., has retired after 2l years on the job. John Eller succeeds him.
Emerson Clauss has joined James Hardie Building Products, Orlando, Fl., as cenfal Fl. sales rep.
Ronald F. Keptner is now Tx. and Ok. terriory sales mgr. for Afco Industries wall products div.
Southem Associatbn News
(Continued from page 19)
Nov. 2l at the Holiday Inn, Fair Oaks, in Northem Virginia. David Mason, regional marketing manager, Southern Forest Products Association, and Gary Schweizer, Atlantic Regional engineer, TrusJoist Corp., will be the instructors. New strength and
Buye Ralllng Llnc
Burton Woodworks, Montgomery, Al., has purchased thc assets of the Rapid Rail division of Hien Timber, Waycross, Ga., and is moving Rapid Rail production to Montgomery.
Burton is adding 40 jobs and 32,000 sq. ft. to its production facility to accommodate production of preassembled rail sections for outdoor decks.
Bulldlng Productr Dlgpet
organized an auction that has become an annual affair with MLA. Since then other associations have used auctions to help their members turn surplus stock into cash.
Called a "pooled auction," these sales offers merchandise from many dealers and lumberyards in a neutral location to avoid affecting the local retail trade of any one participant.
torical patterns of federal timber harvest in the West. This means that between l0% to 13% of today's U.S. lumber consumption and 8% to 12% of U.S. plywood/structural panel supply will have to come from other sources. There is no area in the world capable of filling this void today nor in the coming years when the full impact of federal government policy changes will be felt.
As always, the consumer and taxpayer will pay the ultimate cost of current federal timber management policies. Alternative timber sources to offset this fabricated shortage ane not economically available anywhere in the world.
Peak, who has parlayed his experience with the first auction into a company known as "the lumberman's auction company, Peak Auctioneering conducts most of them. He also holds auctions for individual hardware stores and lumberyards that need to raise cash or liquidate. Peak, who is based in Kansas City, Mo., has developed a formula that covers advertising, direct mail, and personal telephone follow-up as well as soliciting the goods, renting the site, accounting and sending out checks.
design values for dimension lumber, new formats and design procedures will be major topics.
Mlsslsslppl Building Materlal Dealers Association's convention committee has confirmed the dates for future conventions: March 18-20, 1993, Ramada Convention Center, Tupelo, Ms. . March l719, 1994, Convention Center, Natchez, Ms.. March l6-18, 1995, Royal D'Iberville Hotel, Biloxi, Ms.
Dog & Cat Auctions
Auctions sponsored by regional lumber and building material associations to give members an opportunity to dispose of stagnant and overstocked merchandise date back about four years.
Glasteel Tennessee
Hoo-Hoo Internatlonal..............-----Cover II
Hoover Treated Wood Products...................33
Houston Woodtech, Inc.................................ft
Idaho Cedar Sales Indian Countra, Inc..-.------.------.........31
Lakcwood Treating Inc. ...............................17
Loulslana-Pacilic...................................Cover I
Mouldings & Millwork, Inc. ...........................6
Navqio Forest Products Indusir|es...............23
At this time Bob Johns, executive New Sourh, Inc, vice president of Mid-America Lumbermens Association, and Richard Peak, a manufacturer's rep to the lumber and building material trade and a former lumberyard owner,
Product Sales €o..........
Simpson Tlmber Co.........................................5
Southern Pine Marketing Counci1................37 Swan Secure.... ......................26