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And Selected Soles Oids
Shake Tough
WeatherShakers, Wolmanized pressure treated southem yellow pine taper sawn shakes with a 35 year warranty, are new from T.R. Miller Mill Co.
The 24-in. shakes are colored with a cedar.colored pigment and eventually weather to a driftwood gray. The roofing is said to provide better insulation values than cedar, asphalt or tile, morc strength than cedar, lower labor costs and less waste.
The manufacturing process reportedly provides stability, uniformity, texture and resistance to rot, decay, termites, fungi, cupping, splitting and curling.
The complete selection includes hne thread, coarse thread, laminating, trim heads, tek drill points, hex washer heads, plated screws, pan heads, etc. They come in I and 5 lb. packages.
A "Pac-A-Rac" display stand is also offered free to retailers with a minimum purchase of packaged screws.
Beam Cutter
A 12" beam cutter from hazi USA attaches in 60 seconds to any Skil, Makita, Milwaukee, Black & Decker or Craftsman 7-ll4" wormdrive or hypoid circular saw to allow 12" cutting capacity while improving accuracy.
Blg Yard Bln
Ideal for yard work and trash removal, Top Haul 90-gallon all-purpose containers from Step 2 Corp.
measure 12 cubic ft. to handle loads up to 200 lbs.
A seamless, one-piece body and a rugged handle are balanced on three easy-roll wheels for simple maneuverability. A removable, snug fitting lid is also included.
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It will cut compound angles, arches, rafter pitch cuts, miters, stairs, log cuts, notched 6xl2 panels and ripping.
Closet Llnlng Pack
Cedar closet lining from George C. Brown & Co. is now offered in newly designed Tra-Pac packaging.
ic pattern for any category, while incorporating fixture size, demographic data and product mix and movement information.
Instead of constantly rearranging planograms to fit their vision, merchandisers input their design and then watch the software do the work. Their expertise, coupled with customer demand, yields a finished planogram that is financially sound, space efficient and aesthetically pleasing to shop.
Horizontal and vertical merchandising by category and subcategory, similar to a "family tree" effect, helps create a generic pattern, usable for other planogram versions, cluster or store specific planograms.
lt consists of an inventory interface which determines how much of each product to stock and a physical blocking capability which develops the correct placement on actual shelfsets.
Handle lt With Brass
Up to 20 of the new boxes are displayed in an easily assembled rack measuring 33" wide, 13" deep and 63" high.
Preservatlve Sprayer
The new Deck Saver wood preservative applicator from Ames applies wood preservatives, sealers and light stains without messy drips or waste.
Five new handlesets manufactured of solid forged brass have been designed by Kwikset.
The Sheridan and Monarch models, of contemporary design, and the Arlington series, with'a colonial traditional motif, come in polished brass, antique brass, antique nickel and polished chrome. Colonial-style Chelsea handlesets are finished in polished brass, antique brass and antique nickel. The Mediterranean-design Athens model is available in either antique brass or antique nickel.
The handlesets, which can be matched with interior knobs or levers, contain an all steel rack and pinion mechanism, plus separate matching rose design, with a l" steel deadbolt.
& sturdy 2 gallon poly tank fea- removable poly flat fan-type nozzle, heavy duty poly shut-off, extra long 18" curved poly extension wand and 32" hose.
Pattern Merchandlslng
Spaceman Asno-Set from logistics Datr Systems allows merchandisers to use their expertise by creating a gener-
Two interior level styles, as well as six knob styles, are available in combinations with single-cylinder deadbolts and dummy functions.
New transparent, wrap-around packaging shows consumers the handleset style, finish and interior hardware. The back of the package features illustrated instructions for both replacement and new installations.

Long Strand Lumber
PSL 300 long strand lumber from Trus Joist MacMillan uses wafer-thin shands of wood from currently underutilized species, such as aspen, to build quality lumber for the wood window industry and the residential consfruction market.
Hollday Light Hooks
One-piece, solid brass hooks to hold holiday lights on homes or buildings without rusting or leaving ugly stains on siding are now available from Curtis lndusfies.
The long-lasting hooks make it easy to install lights by hand on most surfaces, with strong grip threads to support heavy strings oflights.
Point of purchase displays contain 42 boxes. Each 4O count box is UPC coded.
Roofing lnsulatlon Nalls
tVersatile, cost effective nails from Maze Nails are ideal for applying roofing paper, insulation board, housewraps and other roofing and insulation materials.
tAvailable in eight sizes from 3/4" to 2-112", Plastic-Hed nails feature large 15/16" head size for good bearing pressure and clipped corners to protect against cutting into roofing felt and housewraps. Deep ring shanks ensure superior holding power.
Cedar Sauna Kltr
New easy-to-assemble cedar sauna kits from Am-Finn Sauna Co. come in over 100 sizes from 4'x 4'to l0'x l0'.
chandiser from Stanley maximizes sales in a space.

Door Systems minimum of literature and a tamper-proof literature holder for pricing and warranty information.
Overstrlke Force
A sturdy fiberglass hammer featuring a high impact yellow polycarbonate alloy jacket for overstrike protection is new from Stanley Tools.
The pre-fabricated panel system makes it possible to install the kit in about four houn.
Features include fragrant cedar planks said to be water and rot resistant, specialized stainless steel heater that can produce both hot dry air and wet rock steam, and insulated safety glass vision panels.
Garage Door Caddy
A free standing garage door mer-
The unit stands high for better visibility, features panel samples that allow product examination, has a scratchresistant vinyl surface, and includes built-in slots for consumer "take-one"
While traditional fiberglass hammers may splinter with repeated overstriking, the new l6 oz. curved claw and ripping claw models are designed for superior durability.
Sidinq Nails-
o No Staining
. No Streaking o Slender shank and blunt diamond ooint
Hlghest quallty nalls for cedar, redwood and other flne wood materlals.
Diamond oattern head blends with wood texture. Small head diameter oermits lace nailing and blind nailing o Annular ring threads preclude nail head popping and cupping of siding boards. AlSl Grade 304 nickel/chromium alloy.
IItlllood Screws
o Self-counter sinking bugle and trim heads r Seuare drive recess eliminates driver bit cam-out Sharp point for quick penetration with minimal oressure o Self-tapping coarse threads o Coated with non-stick, dry lubricating film o Solid nickel/ chrome stainless steel for suoerior corrosion resistance r 6 lengths: 1" through 3"
For additional data and dealer information:
Fan Club
A contemporary fan merchandiser designed to display more fans in less area has been introduied bv Boitoir Metal Products.
The Boston Breeze display features a vibration-free frame, engineered and designed to hang anywhere in a store without interfering with store Iighting or sprinkler systems. Modular sections provide flexibility for expansion or adaptation.
Treated Lumber Saw Blade
A new carbide circular saw blade designed for smooth cutting through pressure treated lumber is new from Oldham U.S. Saw Co.
The 7-114" Deck Blade features an antistick chemical coating to eliminate bind-up and reduce friction between the blade and the lumber. It is ideal for decks, landscape timters, retaining walls, fences and other outdoor projects.
lt also has an ultra-thin kerf and an agsressive-hook angle to provide high-speed cutting acdo;iilith minimal stock loss. Shallow side clearance angles are designed to smooth-cut materials without splining or chipping. And the micro-grain Carbide X-Cel t6oth c-ons auclion-improves impact resistance by 22Vo over conventional carb-ide to keep the blade cutting sharper longer.
They are available in bulk displays or attractive individual packages that are fully recyilable.
Space Saving Sink
A full-size vanity top that can be built into a corner to make best use of tight areas or for layout and design flexibilities is new from Swan Coqp.
The neo-comer vanity top is constructed of Swanstone, a unique material that provides uniform thickness throughout and is impervious to stains. Reportedly cigarette stains can be easily rubbed off, and deep scratches or cuts can be removed -with fine grit sandpaper or abrasive pads. The top carries a 25 year warranty against cracking.
Vanity lavatories are offered in a range of neutral soft tone solid and aggregate colors,
Super Suctlon
A rrew line of heavy duty wet/dry shop vacuums has been introduced by Genie Co.

The Professional Power line includes a 2O-gallon vacuum with 3.0 peak hp motor and a l6-gallon and 12gallon model both with 2.5 peak hp motors.
Fclt Fartcncrr
Plasti-Top felt nails from National NailCorp. attach dry-in felt on steep, nailable roof decks.
The fluorescent green nails have large l" diameter polyproplylene caps pre-assembled with 3/4" to 3" ring-shank nails. Edges are beveled
All three pick up wet or dry materials both indoors or out. They arc ideal for heavy household cleaning and major bulk pickup jobs, such as for garage or workshop debris, sawdust, teaves, broken glass, wood chips, standing rainwater, laundry room spills, basement soepage and clogged drains. They are easy to use, tip rcsistant and simple to stor€.
All Natural Fertlllzers
Two new organic fertilizen derived from animal and plant sour@s and free of manmade chemicals have been inroduced by Koos, Inc.
Produced as homogeneous mixes, Nature's Best All Natural Organic Lawn Fertilizer and All Natural Organic Garden Fertilizer both contain 80Vo water insoluble nitrogen that down, creating strong bearing pressure and eliminating blow-offs and lateral slippage of the felt. slowly rcleases nutrients into the soil. Because of this slow rclease pnocess, the granulized fertilizers are non-buming and do not need to be "watered in."
Roofing nails which fasten overlaying shingles or tile will penetrate the plastic top.
The lawn fertilizer nurients are derived from borc phosphate, sunflower seed hull ash and natural animal organic ammoniates, which contribute to better root development. The garden blend comes from bone phosphate, hydrolyzed feather meal and sunflower seed hull ash, to yield similar results. lf Burldrng Materials is your business, get to know BPA, a leader in the ield. We offer a diversrfied money making line of products * BPA IIRYWALL SCREWS -
Complete line includes regular, coarse thread plated. drill points. pan heads, etc * BRAND NEvt'!
Now available in fast selling. high-profit 1# and 5# packages for the retail and contractor trades.
* BPA EUCKETS Giant profits. 1flsf packases
Color coded contractor buckets of