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Wlll new favorltes foln old favorltes?
1' HESE days when the talk turns to western I lumber, the question of supply is always prominent in the discussion. Followed in turn by supply's affect upon price and the possibility of other species substituting for western woods.
The latter point is an inriguing one. Some authorities say no way is there enough Canadian east€m white pine, American southem yellow pine or radiata pine from Chile or New Zealand to fill the gap. They claim the same holds true for Douglas fir from westem Canada.
Others arc not so sure. Their side of the argument puts forward the thought that wherever a vacuum exists in the market, some species will rush to fill it. Advocates point out that this is already happening. Case in point: The Southern Pine Marketing Council participated in the products showcase for southern yellow pine sponsored by Georgia-Pacific at its distribution yard in Anaheim, Ca. Reflecting the concem that environmen- talist prcssure will increasingly have a negative effect upon the supply of western wood in a taditional Douglas fir market, the showcase drew architects, builders, developers and rctailers.
While an adequate supply of western woods for the U.S. market is likely for the short term, serious questions overhang the long term picture. Implicit in this is the likelihood that new and unfamiliar species may indeed flrll in, but not supplant western woods.
How the retail-wholesale-disnibution chain will react and respond to these major changes is a question likely to be around for some time to come. It isn't that the woods of the west have lost their considerable allure, it's just that there may not be enough to go around.
Just one more example of how change has become a business constant and why flexibility and the willingness to change are vital to success in today's world.
George Kovooros, pres.
Rick Hovooros, v.p.
Lee Ror.ulin, soles
John Douglos. soles
P.O. box 9300
Foir Ooks. (o. 95698
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(800) 894-5878 Tott Free
FRX 91 6-965-0854
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