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Public relations help punch up marketing efforts

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/F\ROWINC numbers of retailers

\Iand manufacturers are working on their relationspublic relations that is. In the marketing-intensive and competitive'90s, they've discovered PR can be a cost-effective key to increasing visibility, traffic and sales.

Public relations includes a wide variety of elements, from media coverage to promotions, sponsorship of affordable housing groups, in-store demos and other activities. Retailers are finding they can reinforce all the positive aspects of their store, sending a message to customers that they're knowledgeable, helpful and responsive.

Here are some ideas for building a PR program for your stor€ from John Shaughnessy, Mona, Meyer & McGrath & Gavin, a firm which specializes in promoting d-i-y, home products and the building industry.

Story at a Glance

Innovatlve ways to Increase company vlslblllty, tralllc and sales whlle helplng others...ways to become an expert source of Information...partlclpatlon In local events creates good wlll, posltlve lmage lor your firm.

Media cover"ge through print and broadcast stories is one of the mainsays of a PR program. One way to generate coverage of your store is to take advantage of the publicity programs and materials created by manufacturers and vendors. Check to see ifthey have news rcleases, backgrounders or feature articles that could be localized to support efforts with your media. Building a constructive two-way relationship with the specialists at these companies is another good idea. They can be helpful in providing localized news releases, suppoft materials or pointers, plus they also often look for local retailers to quote or refer to editors for their own PR efforts.

Another good relationship with the editor of your local daily or weekly paper, or the reporter assigned to homes and home improvement is worthwhile. The key is to position yourself as an idea source for the media, providing ideas and information that their readers can use.

For example, you could suggest a story on do-it-yourself insulation and weatherizing projects. Or, ry a spring story on prepping and painting the house. You might even write the story yourself. Many papers print informative articles.

Radio presents opportunities too, since many cities have weekly radio shows that focus on do-it-yourself topics. Call the producer and suggest some ideas he and his listeners might be interested in. You might even propose a weekly guest segment featuring your store's "answer man."

Good PR can have a good conscience too. Growing numbers of retailers and manufacturers are getting involved in homeless and affordable housing projects. Scottys, Inc., is donating up to $10,000 worth of building materials to Habitat for Humanity for every $100,000 in cash register receipts collected at stores in Florida, Alabama and Georgia. This project has merited numerous stories in the press. Lowe's, 84 Lumber, Home Depot and Builders Square are other companies recently receiving newspaper recognition for making donations to charitable organizations.

Participation in these projects can carry the bonus of coverage in the local press. They will carry a feature story or photo of the project, interviewing the sponsors. This can build goodwill, showing customers that you're a good neighbor, giving back to the community.

Major manufacturets such as Stanley Tools, DAP Inc. and Loui- siana-Pacific support affordable housing groups around the country, and there are lots of different ways for you to get involved too. Check to see if Habitat for Humanity or The Affordable Housing Coalition has projects scheduled for your area. Or, contact Paul Peterson at the Local Initiatives Support Coalition, (212) 455-9807. He can help refer you to housing groups that need help.

You can help leverage your promotions by adding some PR to the mix. Think of a way to add a charitable event or neighborhood benefit to your next promotion. For example, for the spring lawn and garden selling season you could invite local drive+ime radio personalities to compete in a riding mower road rally, with the proceeds going to a local affordable housing group. You'll create a great media event, and get plenty of advance radio promotion in the bargain.

Marketing experts say media coverage can go a long way toward building long-term credibility with your customers. In a tough retail market, including PR in your marketing mix just might be the creative solution to keep you a step ahead of the competition.

Builders Express, /nc. filed Chapter I I bankruptcy (see story p. 17)...Builders Scluare opened its first N.C. store in Raleigh, subrnitted plans for a 107,400 sq. ft. store in Coral Springs, Fl., and finished inventory reduction sales for stores being closed in Coconut Creek, Davie and North Palm Beach, Fl....

Sco/t),ls will provide $10,000 in basic building materials to Habitar J'or Hwnanir.], for every $100,000 in cash register tapes until April... Black's Lutnber Co., Corning, Ar., is adding a new storage building...

Bulldlng Products Dlgest

L)arth I"irst! defcndant Marc I)avis was scntcnced in Arizona to 6 ycars in prison fclr wrecking power Iines and ski resort property; four othcr dcfcnclants interruptcd thcir trial with guilty pleas ancl will probably gct lcsscr sentcllccs...

A new lowa law requires w'ood products to be identificd according to recognized industry standards in all advertising to allow consumers to basc buying decisions on quality rather than price alone..

Home Quarters Warehouse opened stores in Cary and Fayetteville, N.C., and proposed building an 88,000 sq. ft. unit in Florence, Ky...

Home Depot purchased a site in Boca Raton, Fl., for $3,673,654, expects to open a Lakeland, Fl., unit by Oct. '92 and its first N.C. store in Pineville (Charlotte) about a half mile from a planned 100,000 sq. ft. lnwe's by next sumrner...

Lowe's, with expansion plans for 30 large store projects, about 1.75 million sq. ft. of incremental space, in 1992, opened a relocated Burlington, N.C., unit and scheduled stores in Ashland, Ky., Seneca and Anderson. S.C.. and Lincolnton, N.C., as well as conversion of a former North Wilkesboro, N.C., store to office space...

Tahlequah Lumbe r, Tahlequah, Ok., has moved to a new location.. .Wic ke s Lumb e r, Greenville, Al., staged a "Birthday Blowout" ..,84 Lumber held a grand opening in Columbia, S.C....Mill Creek Lumber & Supply Co. purchased Robert Allen Lunber Co., Jenks, Ok,, and an adjacent building as a showroom...

Bennett Lutnber, Vinita, Ok., and Shattnon Supply, Clinton, Ar., closed. ..a Home Depot under construction in Mobile, Al., had extensive damage when a fire reportedly started from a cutting torch...

Grady Fuller Lunber Co., BY' halia, Ms., is celebrating its 27th year in business under the ownership of Grady Fuller...

Guthrie Lumber Sa/e.r has moved its wholesale operation to Austin, Tx.... C. M. Tucker acquired the former Dot'le Lunrber Co. pressure treating plant in Henderson, N.C., and is operating with site mgr. Trae McElheny; sales are being handled by the Tucker office in Pageland, S.C....

Trus Joist MucMillan a Linited Partnership, Trus Joist Corp. and MacMillan Bloede I's Engineered Wood Products Group's new joint venture, will be headquartered in Boise, Id., with l5 mfg. facilities in North America...

Harris-Tarkett held a grand opening for its new $35 million hardwood flooring plant in Johnson City, Tn....National Building Material Distributors As:;ocicttion and Habitat for Hwnanit)' Interna' tional formed a partnership to build affordable homes for the working poor...

A lrrolrosul by tlrc l./..\. l:islt & ll ihllilt' .\r,r licc to drolt more thun .l ntillion ucrcs liottt thc critical hlbitat sct asiclc firr the northcrn sllottcd owl down to 8.2 ircrcs is no\,\' opcn lilr pttblic comntcnts .

Southern Wholesale Hurdware Association celebrated its l00th anniversary by changing its name to American Wholesale Httrdware Associutirn...

National Wood Fboring Associ' tttion moved to 233 Old Meramec Station Rd., Manchester (St. Louis), Mo. 6302l...Door and Hurdwure Institute is now at 14170 Newbrook Dr., Chantilly, Ya.22022...

Residential lighting fixtures are projected to increase 9.ZVo per year through 1995.. .cabinet nnnufac' turers reporl a l0.3Vo year-to-date decrease in sales...

Housing starts for Sept. (latest figs.) were off 2.2Vo to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.03 million...single family starts dropped 2.0Vo; multifamily 2.9Vo ...building permits were up 2.77o ...the South, the only region to post a gain, had a I.6Vo increase ...Martin Regalia, National Council of Community Bankers, said the drop was a temporary plateau, not the start ofa recurring recession.

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