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Cara Bulkley and Johnny Rodriguez are new to sales at L*e Roy Jordan Redwood Lumber Co., Houston, Tx., according to mgr. Tony Hare.
Cecil Jordan has joined Grady Fuller Lumber Co., Byhalia, Ms.
Michael Leary is now northeastern Fl. sales rep for James Hardie Building Pnrducts, Orlando, Fl.
Roy Jolly, pres., E.C. Barton & Co., Jonesboro, Ar., is recuperating from major surgery.
Rick Harris is now with Tabor City Lumber, Charlotte, N.C.
Jim Sanders has opened a new engineered wood products sales office for Boise Cascade in Atlanta, Ga.
Robert Tillman, Lowes Cos., North Wilkesboro, N.C., has been promoted to exec. v.p.-merchandising, reports pres. and ceo Leonard Herring. Robert J. Sampere is the new store mgr. at Chesapeake, Va., and Marty Aynes is mgr. in Tyler, Tx.
E.C. tChuck" Steiner is now residential roofing products mgr. for Celotex Corp.'s roofing products div., Tampa, Fl. Rich Gelatka is commercial roofing systems prcduct mgr., according to J.D. Hasselbach, div. v.p. & gen. merchandising mgr. Smith A. Funk, gen. mgr.-technical administration, has been accredited as a certified roofconsultant by the Rmf Consultants' lnstitute.
Greg Easley, Georgia-Pacific, Lubbock, Tx., has been named pres. of the Lubbock Lumbermen's Association.
Ken Morey, Morey Lumber, Fort Worth, Tx., has been elected pres. of the Fort Worth Lumbermen's Association.
Joann Gillebaard, Holland Southwest, Houston, Tx., had a 6 lb. 8 oz. child, Ahxandra Nicole, July 8, 1991.
Tom Hanover, Hanover's Cash & Carry, Pflugerville, Tx., has joined the board of directors of Pflugerville's Chamber of Commerce.
Victor L. Gaylor has joined Georgia-Pacifrc Corp., Atlanta, Ga., as gen. mgr. of containerboard recycling operations.
Ray Eggert Jr. is now gen. mgr. of Columbia Forest Products' laminated pnrducts div., Thomasville, N.C., according to prcs. Andrew J. Honzel.
Jim Burnett is the new sales mgr. for Wholesale Wood Products' engineered wood products div., Birmingham, Al., rcports pres. Chuck Harris. BJ. Jones is engineered wood products techni cian,
Don Baldwin, DBI, Kennesaw, Ga., a Frontier Cedar Siding rep, has returned from a trip to Califomia.
Harold R. Zassenhaus has been named export director for the Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America.
Rick E. Keup is now pres. and c.o.o. at Ames Lawn & Garden Tools, succeeding Richard G. Mason, who has retired, reports chairman and c.e.o, Douglas E. Cochran.
Tony R. Parks, v.p.Jand mgr., AndersonTully Co., Memphis, Tn., spoke on wetlands legislation at a recent Lumbermen's Club of Memphis luncheon.
William Morgan Flammer, Home Depot, Kennesaw, Ga., married Carol Lynne Morgan June 8, 1991.
Debra Parnell, Gretchen Heunemann, Mickey Leapley, Richard Huie and Ken Wantuch, Lowe's Cos., North Wilkesboro, N.C., recently won awards in the company's employee suggestions program.
Ed Mayberry has been promoted to mgr. of Moore's Lumber & Building Supplies, Norfolk, Va.
Bob Vanderlinden has been promoted to national training director for Bruce Hardwood Floors, Dallas, Tx., according to director of mktg. Dave Hicknra&
Russ Kimball is now handling sales for Idaho Timber Corp., Rison, Ar.
Don Nelms is the new pres. of H&P Wood Tumings, Inc., Rocky Point, N.C.
Chuck Harris, Wholesale Wood Products, Dothan, Al., and Tom Talbot, Glen Oak Lumber & Milling, Montello, Wi., were on the faculty of North American Wholesale Lumber Association's recent wood marketing seminar in Athens. Ga.
James "Jim" A. Chaffman is now store mgr. for [-owe's, Greenwood, S.C. At North Wilkesboro, N.C., hq., Dan Par. due is senior director-real estate: Stan Hostetter, director-real estate; Robin C. Watkins, replenisherJawn & garden products; Ricki Barger, advertising analyst, and Jodi Deal and Kathy Hamby, suggestion awards program winners, Seymour Wood is now in charge of VIP tours at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.
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