Building Products Digest
APRIL 2014
MicroPro Brand Pressure Treated Wood Products ®
with Micronized Copper Preservative Technology Available for Above Ground & Ground Contact Applications.
ȀĀ End uses include interior and exterior Above Ground, Ground Contact, and Fresh Water immersion. ȀĀ Lighter “Natural” color. ȀĀ Better corrosion protection for exterior code-approved fasteners and hardware. ȀĀ Approved for aluminum contact. ȀĀ MicroShades®, innovative micronized pigment color choices - pressure treated wood colors similar to redwood & cedar. ȀĀ Building code compliant. ESR-2240 and ESR-1980. ȀĀ Treated wood warranty programs. Check the treated lumber end tag for End Use Information. See MicroPro Fastener and Hardware Information Sheet for details. See MicroPro Warranty for details. MicroPro pressure treated wood products are treated with Micronized Copper Azole or Micronized Copper Quaternary Compounds. MicroPro treated wood products are produced by independently owned and operated wood treating facilities. MicroPro® and Osmose® are registered trademarks of Osmose, Inc. © 3/2014
BPD Special Features
April 2014
Building Products Digest
In Every Issue
Volume 33 Number 2
JACKSON & LANGFORD WHOLESALE LUMBER 1” Yellow Pine Boards ‘C’, ‘D’, #2 F.J. & Solid Long Lengths 2x4 thru 2x12 #1, #2, #3 S4S Yellow Pine 1”, 2”, 4”, 6” Yellow Pine Treated F.J. & Solid Studs 2” Doug Fir #2 & Better, Utility 2” Spruce Pine Fir #2 & Better, Utility
Yellow Pine CDX & Sturdifloor Yellow Pine BC Sanded Yellow Pine Premium & Decorative Sidings OSB Fire Rated Lumber & Plywood
Lloyd Wheeler, David Jackson, Steve Jackson, Jeff Jackson, Bill Burk, Gayle Cooper, Jerry Weeks, Jerry Magee 3650 Old Bullard Rd., Suite 420, Tyler, TX. 75701 • FAX 903-593-0387
(903) 595-2102
Building Products Digest
April 2014
TOTALLY Random By Alan Oakes
Building Products Digest www.building-products.com
Let’s talk!
A publication of Cutler Publishing
4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, CA 92660
I HAVE had a great month criss-crossing the country visiting four events in 10 days and covering about 12,000 miles. It was great to visit with so many industry friends, hearing about all the good news out there. It will be interesting to see what happens when the long winter finally goes away. There must be some pent-up demand, which augers well for a great spring. Now to get the 8 lbs. of weight off! As the industry warms up again, let me tell you a secret. When someone leaves you a message saying they want to talk, do you know that only about 60% actually get back to you when you return their call? On top of that, even when you set a date and time to connect, only about one out of three are available when you call. Combining those statistics reveals that three-quarters of people who tell you that they want to speak with you will never contact you again. For me, that’s a very sad statistic. In truth, it’s indefensible, since it suggests you do not value the other person’s time, either. Yes, I know we are all busy, but I wouldn’t dream of not returning a call as soon as I can (except cold calls who have no interest). Now, I expect you may want to take this rejection personally. I used to think it was me, but I have long learned it is not my bad breath or lousy people skills (hopefully!), it is just the way it is. I am not only calling and leaving time for the call, but I am also spending and saving time pre-call so that no one calls me for perhaps 15 minutes before or after the expected end of a call. That’s a lot of time lost and wasted. Of course, it is always easy to imagine the worst. I always figured that they knew that it was me, and they were either hiding under their desk or running as fast as they could into the yard or heading off for an early lunch. It used to bother me, but again this is business life today. You need a thick skin for rejection. When you do get the chance to talk with someone, how do you make the most of it? Most of us are in sales of some type. We have all been trained to listen. But even the most experienced of us break that rule over and over again. It takes time and patience. I try to learn everything I can about a person, as every call and customer are different and require a different tactic. It takes effort to understand what the other person is dealing with. I am sure every one of us has been frustrated when someone ducks us or doesn’t reply to our three voicemail messages or 10 emails. Yet, you never know everything that’s going on in a contact’s business or personal life, so they may not feel comfortable giving the real reason for not replying. That is all well and good, but when do you give up on someone? I have written good business from accounts that I mentally might have given up on. Just recently, an account I have worked on for 12 years came in. During that time, they moved up and down my tickler list and sales funnel in priority. I do not suggest wasting time with dead losses, but things change at companies. Our “Movers and Shakers” column is testament to that. I have met many thousands of readers and customers over the years and just come away sometimes shaking my head when I learn what is going on, particularly in their business lives. So I guess the moral of the story is do not take rejection personally and have great empathy, as you never know why and where someone will end up. A few months ago, another prospect I had pursued for years finally came through when he moved to another company, and I learned why he couldn’t buy from me at his last company. If there had been no reasonable contact, this sale would never have happened. Relationships are what this industry is about. Use every opportunity to speak with your peers. I find no better place to meet with customers, partners, readers, advertisers and potential advertisers than at industry trade shows and association events. Some have not paid their dues during the last tough years, and maybe it’s time to get back out there attending events again and supporting your association. Unless you have been in other industries where there are not associations, you may not understand their value. I for one have great respect for them for what they do for this industry. This industry would not look the same without them. Alan Oakes, Publisher ajoakes@aol.com
Building Products Digest
April 2014
Publisher Alan Oakes ajoakes@aol.com Publisher Emeritus David Cutler Director of Editorial & Production David Koenig dkoenig@building-products.com Editor Karen Debats kdebats@building-products.com Contributing Editors Carla Waldemar, James Olsen Advertising Sales Manager Chuck Casey ccasey@building-products.com Administration Director/Secretary Marie Oakes mfpoakes@aol.com Circulation Manager Heather Kelly hkelly@building-products.com
How to Advertise
Chuck Casey Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 ccasey@building-products.com Alan Oakes www.building-products.com Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 ajoakes@aol.com. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE David Koenig Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 dkoenig@building-products.com
How to Subscribe
SUBSCRIPTIONS Heather Kelly Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 hkelly@building-products.com or send a check to 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, CA 92660 U.S.A.: One year (12 issues), $24 Two years, $39 Three years, $54 FOREIGN (Per year, paid in advance in US funds): Surface-Canada or Mexico, $49 Other countries, $65 Air rates also available. SINGLE COPIES $4 + shipping BACK ISSUES $5 + shipping BUILDING PRODUCTS DIGEST is published monthly at 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660-1872, (949) 852-1990, Fax 949-852-0231, www.buildingproducts.com, by Cutler Publishing, Inc. (a California Corporation). It is an independently owned publication for building products retailers and wholesale distributors in 37 states East of the Rockies. Copyright®2014 by Cutler Publishing, Inc. Cover and entire contents are fully protected and must not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. All Rights Reserved. BPD reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising matter, and assumes no liability for materials furnished to it.
FEATURE Story FSC-Certified Treated Wood
Treated wood goes green
PRESSURE treated lumber—at least in the days of residential CCA—was always a favorite target of chemical-averse critics, preserved wood is increasingly being used in environmentally sensitive applications, with the blessing of the Forest Stewardship Council. To advertise that what they are selling is FSC-certified, treaters must have their sourcing procedures chainof-custody certified, but not their manufacturing operations. “FSC does not look at treatments or any alterations to products during the manufacturing process,” explains Jack Mackin, c.e.o. of F.D. Sterritt Lumber, Watertown, Ma. “FSC only certifies the wood fiber and the forest. The USGBC and other green building organizations, on the other hand, do look at chemicals and additives in products that are used during construction.” According to Jeff Currier, president of Great Northern Lumber, Blue Island, Il., primary applications for FSC treated wood products include decks, walkways, landscaping, utility poles, exterior structural components, and bridges. Fire retardant uses include commercial roofs, mezzanines, platforms, stages, scaffolding, siding and structural components. In most cases, certified materials are either required, such as in public projects or high-profile commercial jobs, or desired by developers and owners with an environmental bent or a need for LEED building credits. Dan Haugen, owner of Certified Wood Products, Maple Lake, Mn., notes that more FSC fiber goes into treated plywood than treated lumber— LTHOUGH
“the uses in Use Category 2, protected from continuous exposure to water.” Haugen said the price difference between certified and non-certified treated wood is “the difference in the cost of the raw material. It goes up and down, but typically it’s about $30 to $100 per thousand board feet.” “Generally speaking,” adds F.D. Sterritt’s Mackin, “on an apples-toapples comparison, you can expect to pay 15% more for FSC pressure treated wood, less on plywood.” Treaters are wildly mixed on the growth prospects for treated wood that is FSC certified. Mackin predicts sales growing about 20% to 30% per year— a trend that has held for the past eight
years. Similarly, Great Northern’s Currier expects annual growth of 20% to 40%. “The potential is this great primarily because end-users of forest products are generally becoming more aware of environmental responsibility as it affects their daily lives,” he says. Pam Turner, marketing manager for Biewer Lumber, St. Clair, is more reserved, but sees steady increases continuing, as more building projects are required to use FSC materials. Phil Herman, business development manager with Allweather Wood, Washougal, Wa., doesn’t expect a huge increase in demand. “FSC in pressure treated has always been very job-specific,” he says. “However. I think that FSC will continue to grow in other product areas as concerns for green products continues to expand.” Haugen agrees: “The FSC is such a small percentage of the overall market, if you were to look at it with some sort of monitor, it wouldn’t be perceptible to the human eye. It’s driven by whatever green demands are out there.” In sum, says Steve Knauss, sales manager at Coastal Treated Products, Oxford, Pa., “Our experience indicates there to be a limited growth opportunity because of the tight supply and associated raw material costs. The opportunity for growth would be much larger if supply was more available and costs were more closely aligned to non-certified wood.”
COASTAL TREATED Products received FSC chain-of-custody certification of its Oxford, Pa., treating plant in 2008, so it could respond to a number of quote requests for fire retardant treated lumber and plywood. April 2014
Building Products Digest
PRODUCT Spotlight Treated LVL
U.S. interest piqued in New Zealand-treated LVL
NEW WOOD TREATMENT that protects laminated veneer lumber against both insects and decay—without compromising dimensional stability—is receiving serious attention from engineered wood manufacturers, wood treaters, and suppliers. Azotek—which will be known as Taratek TC in the U.S.—was developed by Zelam Ltd., New Plymouth, New Zealand. The treatment has recently been included in the New Zealand building code as an acceptable solution for internal framing in residential and light commercial construction. “This is a world-first,” says marketing manager Noel Coxhead. “It
essentially makes wet solvent treatments for LVL and plywood obsolete and opens the door to much wider use of LVL framing in building construction. It is difficult to get traditional treatments to penetrate the glue layers that bond the layers of LVL and plywood. The liquids involved also affect the dimensional stability of the finished product, which needs to be dried after treatment.” In contrast, application of Azotek takes place during manufacture, not after. “The finished timber is dry and ready for use as soon as it rolls off the production line,” explains Coxhead. “Because the treatment compounds
NEW DRY TREATMENT from New Zealand claims to make wet solvent treatments for LVL and plywood obsolete. All photos courtesy Nelson Pine Industries Ltd.
Building Products Digest
April 2014
are present from the surface to the core of the timber, it can be drilled, sawn, and notched during building construction without any loss of integrity or need for retreatment.” In addition, traditional glue-line treatments protect against insects, but Azotek offers protection against both insects and decay—the first to do so, according to Coxhead. Azotek-treated LVL has been available in New Zealand for more than a year. Its first commercial use was in the rebuilding of a cathedral in Christchurch, which was destroyed by a massive earthquake in 2011. Now known as the “Cardboard Cathedral” because of its innovative use of cardboard tubes, Azotek-treated LVL beams were used for the main structural elements. “To my mind, Azotek is the best treatment on the market,” says Andrew van Houtte, a sales engineer at Nelson Pine Industries, Nelson, New Zealand, which produces Azotek-treated beams, rafters, joists, lintels and bearers. “In a technical sense, it is better than anything the industry has ever seen—exactly the right amount of chemical is applied and it penetrates throughout the product. It takes durability to a whole new level,” he says. “It also has great environmental and health and safety credentials, because no heavy metals are involved in the treatment.” Coxhead says that the two fungicides in Azotek—triadimefon and cyproconazole—are widely used on food crops, but are new to wood treatment. Bifenthrin, a standard wood Building-Products.com
treatment insecticide, is also included in the formula. “Finding suitable fungicides was a long journey for Zelam,” he says. “We had many setbacks. Not only did the active ingredients have to be fit-for-purpose, they had to be readily available and affordable. Having two fungicides in the mix means it provides broad spectrum protection against rot and decay organisms, and a barrier against selection for resistance.” The LBM industry in Australia has shown much interest in Azotek-treated LVL, so field trials of treated LVL and plywood are now underway. “Our biggest market is driven by termites in Australia,” says Andrew Thompson, Zelam’s general manager. “But the bigger prize is likely to be the United States, where a lot of engineered wood is used in housing con-
TREATED LVL is ready for use as soon as it rolls off the production line.
DEEPER-PENETRATING treatment could open the door to greater use of LVL framing in construction.
struction,” adds Coxhead. “Already, wood processors there are showing a lot of interest.” He explains that Zelam is conducting trials in Hawaii— another area with termite challenges, although with a different species than in Australia—testing the new treatment for the U.S. market. “To supply the U.S. market, we need to complete a data set showing similar efficiency under local U.S. conditions,” he says. “We have employed local consultants to assist us through this process, but we do not expect approval for another two years.” In the meantime, he adds, Zelam has received requests from U.S. suppliers “regarding New Zealand-treated product to complement the range of LVL products they are currently selling in the U.S. market.”
April 2014
Building Products Digest
INDUSTRY Trends By Chris Fox, Universal Forest Products
NEW DECK using Dura Color treated lumber was awarded to the winner of the 2013 ProWood Desperate Deck contest.
Advancements in color-treated lumber provide new options
LATEST advancements in color-treating technology let the wood’s natural characteristics remain visible.
looking for new building products that provide more value, less maintenance, and less impact on the environment. With decking, it seems the only new advancements dealers and builders are talking about concern synthetic decks. Although composite and PVC decking have gained market share in recent years, pressure treated wood decking still carries the lion’s share of the market because it’s inexpensive, easy to work with, and can be found at any lumberyard. Of course, pressure treated decking suppliers still have plenty of reason to boast. With the advent of an environmentally preferred treating chemical in micronized copper azole (MCA), treated lumber decking is viewed by OMEOWNERS ARE EAGERLY
Building Products Digest
many as the most cost effective, ecofriendly and easy-to-install option. MCA-treated lumber provides a light, natural look, unlike other treatments and treatments of the past that displayed a greenish hue. And now, newly formulated colorinfused pressure treated lumber is on the cusp of becoming mainstream; it provides a unique low-cost choice for dealers and builders, and a great way to add margin to the bottom line. What’s more, it gives homeowners another option when choosing their deck material. Best of all, it doesn’t require a topical stain to enhance the woods appearance. However, color-treated wood is not new. Osmose, a leader in wood preservative technologies, has been providing color-treating solutions for years. In fact, Universal Forest Products has been producing colored wood fencing for nearly a decade. And today’s pigmented colorant system is far superior and much more reliable than the older dye-based formulation. ProWood Dura Color pressure treated lumber helps fill the gap between everyday treated wood decking, cedar or redwood decking, and high-end synthetic decking. Colortreating technology has helped lumber decking make significant strides just in the last two years. It’s a better look for a treated lumber deck. April 2014
The Dura Color treating process provides a rich cedar-tone or redwoodtone appearance that doesn’t fade to gray, unlike cedar or redwood. In fact, it’s guaranteed to retain its color. In addition to new color-treating options and environmental certifications, new water-repellant stabilizer additives are helping MCA-treated wood decking resist the effects of weathering. More than just decking, color-treated lumber allows dealers and pros to increase margin in virtually any dimensional lumber and with finished goods like fencing and pergolas. – Chris Fox is ProWood Lumber product/brand manager for Universal Forest Products, Grand Rapids, Mi. Reach him at cfox@ufpi.com.
Patent for MicroShades
Osmose has been issued a patent by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office for its MicroShades micronized color technology for treated wood productcs. The new patent involves a method using micronized iron oxide color pigments for treated wood, and complements other patents Osmose has received for its MicroPro wood preservation technology. Building-Products.com
At Fiberon, we embrace the beauty of wood and go beyond it to create decks so unnaturally beautiful, they are naturally in demand. Our HorizonŽ capped composite decking uses patented technology to resist staining and fading—and backs it with a 25-year warranty. But it’s the rich hardwood colors and grain patterns that make it out of this world. To learn more, visit FiberonChoice.com. 800.573.8841
PRODUCT Spotlight BARamine Technology
Treated wood additive catching on
Arch Wood Protection, a division of Lonza, introduced its BARamine technology in North America to complement the copper azole preservative system they invented. Marketed under the Wolmanized brand name, these products provide superior, long-term protection of wood from fungal decay and insect attack. After an initial roll-out of the technology to a select number of treating plants, now approximately 25% of treating companies purchasing product from Arch are now utilizing the BARamine technology platform. The platform is “extremely customer-focused,” says Erin Canosa, global marketing director at Arch Wood Protection. “The concept has grown from providing one solution for all to an umbrella approach that allows us to customize the solution to suit our customer’s needs, addressing different market situations depending on wood species, environmental factors, preservative chemistry, and end-use applications.” One benefit of the new technology is it helps Arch’s preservatives to more deeply penetrate and protect the wood. “Similarly,” Canosa adds, “we can harness our BARamine platform to augment additives within our preservatives that provide enhanced mold protection characteristics or that address aggressive, copper-tolerant fungi, as well as a more efficient treating process and a cleaner end-use wood appearance.” Escue Wood Preserving, Millwood, Ky., has been using BARamine technology since the fall of 2013. The features and benefits to the company and its customers have been extremely well received. “The wood we have treated with the BARamine additive gives our finished product a nice fresh, clean appearance negating a product issue we had with residue from the overall value chain process of securing, treating and selling treated wood,” says general manager Kevin Escue. “It has really improved our quality control process, allowing us to send out a better product to the market.” He notes that Escue recently updated its website, featur-
Building Products Digest
April 2014
SUPER DECKING: Kentucky’s Escue Wood Preserving is using BARamine technology to improve the appearance and performance of its treated wood. Photos by Lonza/Arch Wood Protection
ing the BARamine addition in the Outdoor wood section. He looks forward to promoting the product as the spring season rolls out. “Cleaner, brighter wood is easier to sell. Features such as a broader range of resistance and improved defense against fungi help us in the marketplace. Having BARamine not only improves what we sell, it also changes how we sell. It gives us an improved product to show off.” Everwood Treatment Co., Spanish Fort, Al., began testing and treating with BARamine over a year ago and, according to sales manager Steve Cheatham, “so far the new additive has made it easier to achieve penetration. Even with the confidence we have in the current copper and dual azole formulation, the addition of BARamine has given us a more robust protection against wood decay.” Another treater was plagued with longer than ideal treating times. Adding BARamine into its preservative system created a more efficient treating process and improved cycle times. The global patent pending BARamine technology is one example of a customer-focused innovation that enables Arch Wood Protection to offer the next level in protection and deliver a new force in preserved wood. Building-Products.com
Jason Cameron Licensed Contractor and DIY Network TV Host
It's proven, time and time again, that true professionals choose ProWood Dura ColorÂŽ for lasting color and performance. Learn about Dura Color and get your free sample.
ProWoodLumber.com/DuraColor Š2014 Universal Forest Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
MARGIN Builders By Bill Rossiter, Interrupt
Engineered for success
Selling beyond commodity wood
BUILDING STRUCTURE is defined by its components, both the beautiful and the functional aspects. From an aesthetic standpoint, a home is judged by its eye appeal, the craftsmanship, the overall pizazz that initially engages the homebuyer to walk deeper into the home.
It’s easy to keep the homebuyer excited with these eye-candy items; however, it’s harder to generate interest from the homebuyer (and actually some builders) when it comes to the structure of the home. Sometimes it’s easy for a homebuyer to just assume all is well under the roof, behind the
ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, such as AdvanTech flooring, provide performance advantages over traditional lumber and panels. Photo by Huber Engineered Woods
Building Products Digest
April 2014
walls, and under the floors. Homeowners typically define a great home as one that looks beautiful and has quality that lasts a lifetime. That “quality for a lifetime” aspect is what can help or hurt the builder’s credibility and wallet long term.
Quality Starts with the Structure
In reality, a great home starts with the structure, the framing components. The framing of a home is like a skeleton, where all other components of the body are dependent and impacted by the quality of the structure below it. How that skeleton is formed, and how well you invest in and treat it, will define how the rest of your body performs. It’s the exact same concept with a home. The skeleton of a home—its foundation—lives within its framing components. Framing materials are predominantly wood-based. But as we also know, there are all different levels of wood products that builders and their supplier partners can and do choose from. Having been in the building industry nearly 30 years, I have always found you get what you pay for. Therefore, I strongly believe that the type of framing materials a builder chooses to use truly defines their commitment to providing their homebuyers with a long-lasting home. Commodity wood products aren’t necessarily bad. They are just that—a commodity. A commodity material is Building-Products.com
defined as a raw material that can be bought and sold to satisfy a basic need. Therefore, commodity wood is an entry-level answer to fill a basic need. I would say commodity wood products are more viewed as a “necessary evil delivery device”: “I need these studs, this roof deck, this subfloor, as merely something to attach my expensive siding, shingles and flooring to, never to be seen or heard from again.” Or so you may think.
Reputation & the Wallet
What defines a builder’s reputation is not merely how their homes look, it’s more how they perform at the start and especially throughout the life of the building. A key indication of poor home performance are callbacks. These are issues that frustrate the homebuyer and diminishes enjoyment of their home. Homeowner dissatisfaction threatens a builder’s reputation, and settling these ongoing claims requires delicate negotiation. The most common homeowner complaints in wood-frame new construction are things like misaligned wood mouldings, roof leaks, floor squeaks, and drywall nail pops and cracks. According to Harvard University’s Energy Technology Innovation Project, builders on average report call-back rates of up to 20% or more. This means approximately a quarter of the time builders are disappointing their homebuyers. Besides the issue of hurting the sales process, these callbacks cost the builder thousands of dollars to remedy—taking a bite out of their already tight profit. Research has shown that up-front prevention is always the least expensive and strongest remedy for the reputation and the wallet. This leaves some builders rolling the dice on negotiating payouts versus building with higher quality framing materials at the beginning. Steve Easley, a construction consultant writing for RCI, reported that the U.S. construction industry spends about $9 billion annually on con struction defects due to water and moisture intrusion. The report stated this damage is caused primarily by poor exterior system selection and faulty installation.
Engineered to Last
The way materials and products perform can change over time, impacting the performance of the home and the way the homeowner Building-Products.com
experiences their home. So if your builder customers are using commodity products, you can be pretty well assured that they will get basic commodity performance over time. They shouldn’t just put commodity framing under all that expensive flooring, shingles and siding. They should use products that ensure quality is at the core of their homes, products that are engineered for long-term performance. An engineered product is defined as a solution designed and built using scientific principles. Isn’t that what you would want at the core of your own home, something that is advanced and produced in a very controlled manufacturing process? That’s why I like engineered wood, it creates a stronger and more quality base for the home building process. So what’s so great about engineered wood? Engineered wood actually has more wood packed into each panel. The manufacturing process uses advanced resins that coat every wood strand. The orientation of these strand are scientifically engineered and positioned to optimize strength and stiffness consistently throughout every square inch of the panel. What results out of this very scientific manufacturing process is a super-dense, super-strong, and very precise panel, which ultimately produce framing materials that are stronger, more consistent, watertight, and more precise. This helps make these products easier to install, a more precise platform for all trades to work with, more moisture resistant, and a superior quality base of the home that can perform at a high level over the life of that home. The ultimate payoff is that the homeowner gets to enjoy a quieter, moisture resistant, and stronger built home—a more confident experience with the building process. And this confidence and fewer callbacks result in more satisfied homebuyers, creating fewer callbacks and a stronger reputation for the builder and its supplier. – Bill Rossiter has over 30 years of experience as a branding and marketing executive in the building materials industry and is c.e.o. of Interrupt, a branding and strategic marketing agency specializing in the building materials and home improvement industries. Reach him via www.interruptdelivers.com.
April 2014
Parker Lumber, Beaumont, Tx., has acquired and is remodeling Elgin Hardware, Elgin, Tx., with a grand opening planned for late spring. Tague Lumber, Media, Pa., will hold a grand opening this spring for its newest location, at the former Danby Lumber, Kennett Square, Pa. Carter Lumber has opened a new 14-acre lumberyard at the former Stock Building Supply in Oakwood, Ga., and a new 10-acre yard at the former Del Lumber in Elyria, Oh. Carter also closed its Sheffield Village, Oh., store, moving operations to Elyria, and shuttered its Medina, Oh., yard, consolidating at its larger facility in Akron, Oh. Star Lumber & Supply is building a new 24,000-sq. ft. warehouse at its W. Wichita, Ks., distribution yard. Holekamp Do-It Center , Bonne Terre, Mo., lost a lumber warehouse in a Feb. 20 fire. Authorities are investigating. Gordons Ace Hardware , Chicago, Il., will open store #6 this spring in Fox Lake, Il. Marjam Supply opened a new branch in Baltimore, Md., and relocated its Jacksonville, Fl., facility. Ace Hardware, Petal, Ms., has reopened, a year after the store was destroyed by a tornado. Niemann Foods opened its 7th Ace Hardware March 10 in Vandalia, Mo.
Ace Hardware added an 8,000sq. ft. store in Townsend, Tn. (Kenny Myers, store mgr.). Lowe’s received approval to build a new store on 26 acres in Leesburg, Va. Curry Lumber , Wooster, Oh., was honored as Small Business of the Year by the local Chamber of Commerce. Ritter Lumber , Lufkin, Tx., received the annual Spindletop Award for good business practices from the local Chamber of Commerce.
Building Products Digest
SUPPLIER Briefs Penn’s Warehouse, Wellston, Oh., closed its home improvement center March 1 after 34 years. West Fraser, Vancouver, B.C., has acquired Travis Lumber Co.’s lumber manufacturing operations in
Mansfield, Ar., with plans to boost annual capacity of the sawmill by 50% to 150 million bd. ft.
Snavely Forest Products, Pittsburgh, Pa., agreed to purchase all remaining acetylated wood from Eastman Chemical , guaranteeing an uninterrupted supply of Perennial Wood, as it transitions to a new manufacturer. Forest Products Supply , Indianapolis, In., and Kansas City, Ks., are now distributing Deceuninck North America’s Clubhouse PVC decking and Clubhouse Elite railing in the Midwest. BlueLinx’s DCs in Buffalo, N.Y., and Pittsburg, Pa., are now distributing Fiberon PVC decking and railing products in N.Y., Pa., Md., and W.V. BlueLinx, Houston, Tx., is now carrying Rhino Deck’s new capped Armadillo Deck. BlueLinx, Tampa, Miami and Jacksonville, Fl., are now selling AERT’s MoistureShield composite decking. Other new MoistureShield distributors are Huttig Building Products, Nashville, Tn., and Jackson, Ms., and Dixie Plywood & Lumber, San Antonio, Houston and Dallas, Tx. Boise Cascade Building Materials Distribution, Delanco, N.J., is now distributing Universal Forest Products’ Latitudes decking & railing and Deckorators CXT railings in N.J., Pa., De., and N.Y. Diamond Hill Plywood, Darlington, S.C., now distributes the complete portfolio of Fiberon decking and railing throughout Virginia and the Carolinas. Absolute Distribution , Richardson, Tx., is now a national distributor of Fortress post caps and LED lights. Cedar Creek, Oklahoma City, Ok., has acquired Reid & Wright Inc., Broomfield, Co. Universal Forest Products inked a distribution deal to co-market National Nail Corp.’s CAMO hidden deck fastening system with its ProWood pressure treated decking. BTL Distributors, Monsey, N.Y., has joined PRO Group. USG Corp., Chicago, Il., has finalized its 50/50 joint venture with Boral Ltd., USG Boral Products, which combines Boral’s gypsum plants in Australia and Asia, with USG’s Asian and Middle Eastern operations. Anniversaries: Sack Lumber Co., Crete, Ne., 115th … Dresser-Hull Lumber Co., Lee, Ma., 110th … Brant’s Hardware, Lebanon, Oh., 85th … Goecker Building Supplies, Seymour, In., 55th … Bayou City Lumber, Houston, Tx., 20th … Maschka’s Building Center, Arcadia, Ne., 20th …
Building Products Digest
April 2014
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OLSEN On Sales By James Olsen
The closer’s heart
HE DIFFERENCE between those who close and those who don’t starts with heart. Closers believe in themselves and what they are selling more than they believe in their customers. Quotrons, product presenters, and information dispensers are not closers because they believe that the customer is the boss. They believe that the customer “throws them a bone,” instead of earning business as a partner. Here are closes that work:
Assume, assume, assume
“Good morning, Terry. I just called to pick up your order numbers on those two trucks of 2x4 we talked about. What are your numbers, so we can get these going?” Instead of “Hey, Terry, have you got all your numbers in yet?” Ugh. Positive, assumptive selling is the highest form of salesmanship. We are all assumptive sellers. Closers assume they will get the business and talk like it. Non-closers assume they have an outside chance of getting the business—and talk like it. They assume, for example, their price is too high—even before they give it. Bill Redman, one of the best closers I’ve ever met, told me, “I talk to the customer like they have already bought the product. We’re just trying to figure out how to get it to them.”
Similar Story
People want proof. The “Similar Story” Close gives it to them. “Susan, I have sold this product to customers just like you, and they love it. So may I have your order please?” A similar story can be used to turn objections around and close. “John, that is a good point. A customer last week was also skeptical about bringing in stock he wasn’t familiar with. I assured him, as I am assuring you, that he would love it. He reluctantly gave me the order. After the stock arrived, he liked it and now wants to put it on contract.” We can use Similar Story in our opening statements. “Pete, we’ve been running this program with our customers that need the very best quality (or price, or tally. Would you like to hear about it?” This sets the assumptive tone for the entire call.
Let’s Put This One Together
I was digging through a garage sale when I came across a sales book. It was similar to the hard-backed 5-1/2-by-81/2 school primers of old. My apologies to the author; I lost
Building Products Digest
April 2014
or misplaced the book. I looked in the table of contents. The last chapter was boldly titled, “The Close That Works Every* Time.” It was the “Let’s Put This One Together” close. The power of this close is that it leads the customer as a friend and a partner. “Let’s” says “let us,” as a team, put this business together. We are not supplicating; we are leading our customer to a shared outcome. It is as if the customer has come to our home and we are saying, “Let’s have dinner.” * I used it myself the very next day and got the order the first time I tried it! I fell in love with this close and have been using and teaching it ever since. Alas, although effective, it does not work every time.
The List Close
Humans like threes. One-two-three has rythym. One-two is for punching and one-two-three-four loses momentum. “Lucille, this 2x10 is perfect for you because: It is the stock you prefer. The tally fits your inventory like a party hat. The market is moving up. So, what is your order number?” Or, “So, let’s put this one together.” The List Close is also a great way to counter objections and close. “Pete, you have a point, but let me give you three reasons this works for you…”
We hate to miss or miss out on things. We use the “Scarcity Close” to move our interested but hesitant customers to action. “Susan, you can shop this for another hour, but the stock I have will be gone when you come back to buy it—and you will come back. We are trying to find more of what I’m offering you and can’t find anything that comes close. You don’t want to miss this deal. What is your order number?” When our (assumptive) hearts are right and we use these closes, we will win. James Olsen Reality Sales Training (503) 544-3572 james@realitysalestraining.com Building-Products.com
Interfor Opening Southeast Hq.
On the heels of completing its purchase of Tolleson Lumber’s mills in Perry and Preston, Ga., International Forest Products, Vancouver, B.C., will open a corporate office in Peachtree City, Ga., to serve as a hub for its Southeast operations. The office, set to open early next month, will house management, sales, accounting, administration and IT staff, supporting the former Tolleson sawmill and reman plant in Perry and mill in Preston, plus former Rayonier mills in Baxley, Swainsboro and Eatonton, Ga., and previously Keadle Lumber facility in Thomaston, Ga.
Indiana’s Brands Retire, Sell Yard
Brands Inc., Columbus, In., has been acquired by Bender Lumber, Bloomington, In., with the retirement of owners John and Jesse Brand. Starting April 1, the 47-year-old Columbus business was renamed Bender/Brands Building Materials.
Lorenzo Moves to Smaller Yard
Al Lorenzi Building Products has relocated its flagship location from Washington, Pa., to a smaller facility in Canonsburg, Pa. The move allows the dealer to sell its old site and lease a 17,500-sq. ft. property on 2-1/2 acres that’s one-fourth the size yet closer to its customer base. President Vince Lorenzi said the company no longer needed all the space. “We will have a nice, smaller location,” he said. ”In the last year, we’ve really streamlined our business due to the business and economic climates.” Lorenzi also operates a showroom in Mt. Lebanon, Pa.
Moulding & Millwork Rebrands
Moulding & Millwork, Vancouver, B.C., is changing its name to Metrie, to heighten its focus on stylish, beautiful interior trim for homeowners and professional designers. The launch of the new company name coincides with a new website (www.metrie.com) and five new, coordinated trim and door collections. “Our new collections present a completely new way of thinking about, shopping for, and selecting interior finishings,” said c.e.o. Gregory Stoner. “Until now, consumers were required to wade through bins of moulding and racks of doors to find the right products for their home. Selecting the right dimensions of moulding that fit together, in designs that work with and enhance your current decorating style is next to impossible.” Founded in 1926, the company operates eight solid wood and MDF manufacturing plants and 26 distribution centers in the U.S. and Canada.
Michigan’s Century-Old Brown Sold
Brown Lumber, Traverse City, has been acquired by Northern Building Supply, Suttons Bay, Mi. Although the Brown name is gone after 110 years, all employees remained and Tom Rochford is new to Northern Building Supply as c.f.o.
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Building Products Digest
April 2014
BENDING OVER BACKWARDS: Sherwood Lumber, Islandia, N.Y., and supplier Georgia-Pacific Engineered Lumber featured a “Cirque du Sherwood” theme at its exhibit at the recent Northeastern Retail Lumber Association LBM Expo in Boston, Ma. Stilt-walking and contortionist performers, shown here with Sherwood senior v.p.-sales Dave Gaudreau, entertained the crowds. For more NRLA Expo photos, see pages 43-45. Building-Products.com
COMPETITIVE Intelligence By Carla Waldemar
Small town, big success But in what Jim declares is a “rural community,” you don’t put on airs. “We’re just a jack of all trades,” he says, serving a customer base that’s tilted toward the pros, who build and remodel custom homes—“no tracts!” But he’s open seven days a week, which lures a healthy slice of walk-in traffic, too—especially since the outfit’s most recent remodeling scheme, a major move. “When we first opened, we had a 30,000-sq. ft. sales floor. Now we’ve expanded to 50,000 sq. ft., with two full-time kitchen and bath designers. Kitchen and bath are a very big focus for us, with 5,000 sq. ft. And the ladies love it.” This is the latest and greatest of expansions, but it’s just par for the course. “You start small, and you learn as you grow. I like to change things every winter—always have a project going: Build new displays, rearrange departments—especially to be more female-friendly,” he explains. “I joined my co-op in the ’80s, and I haven’t
OH., IS THE small town (pop. 3,641) that almost wasn’t. It calls itself “the old French city (Gall = Gaul = French), but that’s only because of some sly shenanigans back in the Old Country. In the late 1700s, a French speculator sold deeds to a promised New World nirvana, but when the gullible French settlers showed up at this southernmost tip of what’s now Ohio, voila: nothing. If they’d only waited till 1988, Jim Thomas could have helped them out. That’s the year he took over an existing establishment, remodeled it as a building center with the help of a co-op’s planning experts, and opened Thomas Do it Center. Gallipolis is pronounced gall-a-po-less, which sounds a lot more Southern than French, and so does Jim’s honeyed drawl. To make his way through college, he’d worked as a painter and roofer, which—you know how it goes— sparked an interest in the whole darn building trade. After learning the ropes in another small yard, he felt ready to launch his own operation—which he then expanded, remodeled, remodeled, and expanded—well, you get the idea.
Building Products Digest
April 2014
OHIO DEALER’S customer base is tilted to contractors, but a recent remodel/expansion created a design-oriented layout that draws in a rising percentage of walk-ins. Building-Products.com
OWNER Jim Thomas believes in expanding steadily but gradually.
looked back. We’ve developed strong relationships over 20-some years. My rep doesn’t preach too hard, but if he sees something we need to do, he recommends it.” One of Jim’s more ambitious projects, a few years back, involved building an actual two-story house under his 24ft. ceiling in the middle of the showroom, geared to display different window, door and siding options. Talk about a wow factor! Even before that, Jim had added a rental center: a standalone facility right next door (“which is the best way to handle rental, because it’s a little messier, noisier, with equipment like excavators and Bobcats,” he explains.) Plus, he adds, “If it were inside and someone bought new flooring, they’d expect the installation equipment for free,” he laughs. No sir—the rental division is not only a service, it’s a prime profit center. Jim doesn’t only add SKUs and square feet, he adds locations—well, one, anyway. He launched a second store in Point Pleasant, W.V.—only six miles away, but, crossing a state line and two rivers, a much lengthier perception leap. “We hadn’t had any West Virginia business before,” he documents. The newer store serves a different demographic, too—this time, 80% walk-in traffic in its 20,000 square feet. Never one to let good-enough alone, Jim is in the midst of remodeling this location, too. “Customers like a cleaner look; we’re getting lots of compliments,” he testifies. “And we’ve added SKUs in most departments.” Together the two operations function with a staff of 85. There’s competition from the boxes—of course there is—but Thomas has the edge on them in several ways: not only experienced, knowledgeable staff, including three dedicated outside salespeople who forge long-term relationships with loyal contractor customers, but also a reputation for stocking all premium-grade lumber. “Contractors appreciate that quality. We’re heavy into lumber and building materials; it’s a large portion of our business.” And, best yet, it’s delivered with speed and passion. Delivery, in fact, is Thomas’ forté. It enables him to dominate the market and maintain volume. The company boasts a fleet of 20 trucks—smaller to tractor-trailers—which deliver, for a small charge, anywhere and everywhere, and in any amount, in a 60-mile radius. Thomas also logs a robust amount of special-order business, particularly in Building-Products.com
windows, doors and stairways—high-margin items that please those custom builders and the renovators of the town’s historic homes. But how do you get the message out? That’s the focus of Jim’s daughter. She handles all advertising ventures, from radio and TV to mailers. But the best avenue—no surprise—is word of mouth. “I’ve been here long enough,” Jim says, “and I’m active with customers, always on the sales floor.” (Online? Not yet on the radar. “But we’re working on it. We know we need to.”) The economy has treated Thomas, and the city of Gallipolis, pretty gently. “Rural areas are different,” he explains: “Not the peaks and valleys of cities. We’re more stable, so we haven’t had to cut back. In fact, we’ve grown every year, even in a recession.” No layoffs, either: “We’ve got good people, so I don’t want to lose them. I’ll always find work for them.” Besides, “Building around here is on par—not a lot of slowdown.” Yet stability—not to mention growth—doesn’t just happen. And Jim knows that full well; he’s seen way too many independents go out of business in the past few years. His advice: Keep renovating, keep on moving. “If you stand still, they’ll step on you.” Not gonna happen here anytime soon. Carla Waldemar cwaldemar@comcast.net
April 2014
Building Products Digest
Hixson Adding 2nd Magnolia Mill
Hixson Lumber Sales has broken ground on a sawmill down the street from its mill in Magnolia, Ar. Hixson’s Todd Beams said the facility will employ 40 more workers and is targeting a July start-up.
Mountain Lumber Moves Production
Mountain Lumber, Ruckersville, Va., has relocated its manufacturing operations to Renick, W.V. “We’re going to maintain our headquarters, sales, administration, a mill shop, and a sample shop in Ruckersville,” said c.e.o. Bill Stone. Mountain Lumber’s products include reclaimed antique, prefinished, and engineered wood flooring and paneling. The company merged with Renick Millworks, Renick, last year. “We needed a lot more space,” said Stone. “The prefinished side has really taken off; 80% of what we sell is prefinished.”
in-store, share product information through their social channels, and receive push notifications with special offers and content. The co-op also announced a new in-store pickup feature that will allow customers to check their local store’s available inventory on acehardware.com, go in-store to make their purchase, or place their order online and pick it up as soon as the same day.
Weston Picks Up Rosebank
Weston Forest Products, Mississauga, Ont., has purchased certain assets from Rosebank Forest Products, Markham, Ont., which has exited the industry after more than 20 years. As part of the deal, Rosebank v.p. and general manager Jeff Spellman has joined Weston.
Ace Rolls Out 2 New Features
Ace Hardware, Oak Brook, Il., has launched a mobile app for iPhones that provides all of the features of the company’s mobile website, along with some exclusive new benefits, in an easy to use application. In addition to allowing consumers to conduct research, read reviews, and purchase all products available at acehardware.com, the Ace iPhone app also allows users to access helpful how-to videos and step-by-step project information whenever and wherever they have their mobile devices. Consumers can also scan product barcodes and QR codes to review product information and reviews while
TREATERS were among the vendors showcased at the recent True Value Reunion in Atlanta, Ga. (L-r) Steve Cheatham, Everwood Treatment, Spanish Fort, Al.; Kari Lillard, Madison Wood Preservers, Madison, Va.; Madison’s Mike Tucker; Everwood’s Johnny Morris.
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www.spartanburgforestproducts.com 26
Building Products Digest
April 2014
THINKING Ahead By Rick Ekstein, Chairman, North American Wholesale Lumber Association
Saving Lumber
Innovations to secure the lumber industry’s future
signs of modest economic recovery and positive trends in the lumber industry, dangers lurk. Certainly the recovery and housing starts may stall or even decline, but the threats to lumber and the North American lumber industry are even more foundational than economic swings, including a dearth of next generation leaders, threats to timberland, stagnant markets, and global competition. There are ever-present concerns, but the people of our industry are introducing new ideas, taking risks to avoid stagnation, and addressing many of these issues head-on. Innovation by lumber leaders is evidenced by several bold actions that may help secure the lumber industry’s future. Developing young leaders. While the most obvious lumber job is as a logger, a wide range of new jobs are being created to help support the modern lumber industry. These range from finance and operations, analytic jobs that focus on computers or GPS mapping, to environmental jobs that look at saving and preserving habitats, and helping to handle the current governmental bureaucracy that presents challenges. Many companies are recognizing that hiring qualified workers, and particularly young people who see lumber as a career, is not only great preparation for the future, but also contributes to current vitality. They see that without the infusion of new ideas, new skills, and young leaders, our companies will grow old and lose their edge. One group that is tackling this problem is NAWLA, which is dedicated to educating, inspiring, and planting a new generation of leaders throughout our industry. There is strong representation by younger leaders on NAWLA’s powerful committees and the youth movement is evident at its premier lumber trade show, Traders Market, where next generation leaders are taking the lead in introducing HILE THERE ARE
Building Products Digest
April 2014
new ideas, new technologies, and strategies to attract younger professionals into the industry. And once again at this year’s Traders Market (in Chicago, Nov. 12-14), a Next Generation event will be featured in the program—a new tradition that has taken root and represents a small but significant step to inspire the involvement of a new generation in lumber leadership. Bridging landscape and livelihood. To deal with the increasing view of trees as a balm for urban blues rather than an economic crop, many companies are learning about how to bridge the traditional gulf between landscape and livelihood, either through conviction or necessity. For instance, in Maine, 95% of the forests are in private hands and nearly half of those private owners are timber companies. But even there, it’s getting harder to cut the trees. There’s a growing interest by private owners in leaving the woods uncut to promote tourism, or selling lands to conservation trusts and other groups that value trees as devourers of carbon dioxide. Most major lumber companies have been practicing sustainable forest management for years. Now, many are seeking certification for these good practices that maintain forests’ biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, and vitality, addressing the concerns and needs of those valuing timberland as both beautiful landscape and perpetual livelihood. Adopting new technology. Lumbermen work hard, but in today’s business environment that isn’t always enough. Leaders are increasingly turning to the use of technologies to multiply their labors. These changes are impacting work both in the mill and in the office. An example: At a Plum Creek plywood plant in Columbia Falls, Mt., a computer scanner “sees” flaws in the wood better than the humans who used to do the job, one of many computers in the largely automated plant.
A Special Series from North American Wholesale Lumber Association The technology helps the company use more of the log, it helps reduce waste and inefficiency, and it has increased production by 10%. At Snavely Forest Products in Pittsburgh, Pa., the company drives innovation to develop more competitive products, such as its acetylated wood decking, modified through a patented process that helps wood stand up to rain, heat, humidity and cold. On the other end of the supply chain is Main Street Lumber of Denison, Tx., recognized this year for development of a mobile app called Mobile Visual Pro (MVP) that streamlines its sales process. MVP allows for project bids to be made on the job site with customized specifications, and emailed to both the customer and the company office for distribution. In an industry that is still run primarily with paper bids, the application speeds up sales and also reduces waste from error. Finding new uses for wood. Innovators are also looking at areas where wood has never been considered, or has fallen out of favor. One surprising example: high rise buildings. In the past, wood has not been used for midrise and high-rise structural applications for reasons of cost, safety and fire resistance. Concrete and steel offered the structural qualities required to construct these types of buildings at a much lower cost than wood. But today, architects and developers are experimenting with the use of wood and wood products as key components. Among the best-known architects proposing more wood products in building is Canadian Michael Green, whose architectural firm has come up with a cost-effective structural system that utilizes mass timber panels engineered for strength through lamination of multiple layers. It uses a solid wood central elevator and stair core and wood floor slabs. Steel beams in the perimeter provide ductility to address wind and earthquake forces. Concrete is used below grade for the foundation. A handful of architectural firms are vying to build the tallest wood-based high-rise. Perhaps most notably, the movement received an unexpected boost when Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, a Chicago-based architectural firm known for its design of towers of steel and concrete, including the new One World Trade Center in New York City, signed on to the mass timber structural system and announced plans to build a 42-story residential tower. Battling forest foes. The four horsemen of the timberland apocalypse may be insects, disease, invasive plants, and urbanization—seemingly intractable foes that each carries a devastating punch. The pine beetle, which is now often able to live through the winter thanks to milder conditions, has killed 723 million cubic meters of Canadian timber. The gypsy moth (in larval form, a caterpillar) has defoliated over 80 million acres of hardwood trees in the East since 1930. Diseases, too, can take their toll on forests. Sudden Oak Death, or SOD, is a relatively new but serious threat to American forests, first reported in California in 1995. Since then, it has killed one million oaks. Scientists are
trying to decipher the biology of the disease, but they still don’t know how it spreads. Losses from insect and disease are highly correlated with forest health—vigorously growing forests are much less susceptible to outbreaks than stressed, overcrowded, senescent forests. Characteristics of healthy managed forests that make them less susceptible to physical risk include trees that have natural resistance to insect and disease attacks, closely monitoring health conditions, and bringing insect and disease outbreaks under control as soon as they are observed, by removing attacked or infected trees. About 1,400 invasive plant species pose significant threats to American forests, according to the USDA Forest Service. Most aren’t native to the United States and have no natural predators. As a result, these plants grow uncontrollably, overwhelming and displacing other plants. Kudzu is a great example. In some areas, “the greatest threat to our forests is urban sprawl,” says one U.S. Forest Service director. Scientists at the Forest Service predict that urban and developed land areas in the U.S. will increase 41% by 2060. Forested areas will be most impacted by this expansion, with losses ranging from 16 to 34 million acres in the lower 48 states. Solutions to urban sprawl fall to planners primarily outside the forest service and lumber industry. As troubling as the trends and forecasts are for forests and farms lost to development, market preferences are now trending in favor of closer-in, more walkable living. Future development can respond accordingly, conserving the landscape in the process. Controlling these threats is vitally important, and these are by no means the only dangers facing timberlands and the lumber industry. Notably, as issues present themselves, the people of the industry are rising up with new solutions and surprising new ideas to transcend the problems and point toward a stronger future.
Wood: The Basics
With the lumber industry showing signs of recovery, opportunities are increasing for people new to the business, many of whom will need an introduction to the industry. That’s what NAWLA’s Wood Basics Course is all about. Taught by industry experts, this four-day immersion class covers the entire spectrum of the forest products industry from seed to tree, from production to sales. More than 1,500 have graduated from the course since its inception in 1981, representing a broad cross section of the industry. The curriculum has evolved with the industry, now including areas such as technology and global trade. Today, the Wood Basics Course provides companies with the best way to ensure that employees have the tools and knowledge to help them succeed. The course is an open to all—you don’t have to be a NAWLA member. The next class is Sept. 8-11 at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Or. For more information or to register, visit www.nawla.org.
April 2014
Building Products Digest
Bookkeeper Pleads Guilty
A former bookkeeper at Brite Lumber, Tom’s River, N.J., pleaded guilty to second-degree theft and faces five to 10 years in state prison. Marilu Hedgecloth admitted that from February 2005 to January 2009 she took in excess of $75,000 from her employer and used it for her own purposes. Her method was to alter paychecks and take cash by substituting account receivable checks for cash through the business’ daily receipts.
USDA Supports Sustainable Wood Efforts
The USDA will invest $1 million in the Softwood Lumber Board-funded WoodWorks program and up to $1 million for a tall wood building competition that will accelerate technology transfer and implementation of expanded uses of wood products for building construction in the U.S. In addition, the Binational Softwood Lumber Council intends to provide an additional $1 million for the project. “The Softwood Lumber Board is delighted to have USDA as a funding partner for the WoodWorks program to provide technical support, education
and resources related to the design of modern wood buildings to architects, engineers and developers.” said Stephen Lovett, c.e.o. of the SLB. “We are equally enthused and supportive of the partnership between the USDA and the BSLC on the tall wood building competition.”
IN Memoriam Robert Rickel, 90, co-founder of Rickel Home Centers, South Plainfield, N.J., died March 8 in Boca Raton, Fl. After earning the Distinguished Flying Cross as a gunner in the Army Air Forces during World War II, he and his brothers, Alvin and Morty, joined their father in the heating business. They opened their first retail store, Rickel Brothers, in Union, N.J., in 1953. In 1969, the chain operated 100 stores in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, and was sold to Supermarkets General Corp. Mr. Rickel ran the company for 10 more years, but the chain struggled to compete against the big boxes. Its last stores closed after a merger with Channel Home Centers in the early 1990s.
Stephen H. Howe, 75, co-founder of Howe Lumber, East Brookfield, Ma., died Feb. 22 in East Brookfield. He co-founded the business with his father in 1965. Last year, he ceded control to his daughter, company treasurer Kate Norrie, and her husband, president Scott Norrie. However, he still worked several hours a day to purchase lumber for the store. Marlyn Eugene “Gene” Hall, 74, former co-owner of Fertile Lumber & Hardware Co., Fertile, Ia., died March 5 in Clear Lake, Ia. He worked for Northern Lumber, Great Plains Lumber, and Forest City Improvement Co., Forest City and Klemme, Ia., before becoming partnering to buy Fertile Lumber in 1978. He retired in 1997 due to ill health. Donald Ruehling, 76, former coowner and yard foreman of East Perry Lumber Co., Frohna, Mo. died March 8 in Cape Girardeau, Mo. Robert G. Sitton, 74, retired executive with Hartford Lumber Co., Hartford, Ct., died Feb. 15. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he spent more than 30 years with the family business.
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April 2014
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Southern Pine Council Revived
The Southern Forest Products Association and Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association are reteaming to reactivate their joint promotional program under the Southern Pine Council banner. The council’s first priority will be to improve export markets for southern pine lumber. The SPC will be managed by a board of directors, consisting of the respective SFPA and SLMA executive committees. SFPA chair Joe Kusar, Tolleson Lumber Co., has been named chairman of the Southern Pine Council, with SLMA chair Chris deMilliano, Steely Lumber Co., serving as vice chairman. SLMA’s Bryan Smalley is director of the Southern Pine Council. “Both associations look forward to working as one voice for the global promotion of southern pine products,” Kusar said. “The Southern Pine Council is an established moniker and can serve our industry for additional areas of cooperation in the future.” “Working together, SLMA member producers can now more efficiently interact with importers and other customers overseas,” noted deMilliano. “Online supplier listings will increase the availability of southern pine products worldwide.”
LMC Dealers Assemble in Florida
Lumbermens Merchandising Corporation met March 5-6 in Tampa, Fl., for its annual meeting. Bob McNamara, Arlington Coal & Lumber, Arlington, Ma., was elected to the board of directors. William Wren, Manor Building Supply, Augusta, Ga., is the new vice chair, while three members were re-elected for three-year
Building Products Digest
April 2014
PRIZE WINNER: At its recent show, Lumbermens Merchandising Corp. president John Somerville (center) presented the first place award for best new product to Brian Betz (l) and Tom McEvoy (r), of Concrete Lumber Co., Flemington, N.J., manufacturer of a patented, stress-reinforced structural cementitious composite substitute for wood, steel, composites, LVL and glulams.
terms: Kyra Bishop, Berry Home Center, Abingdon, Va.; Hamid Taha, Alpine Lumber, Parker, Co., and Drew Orem, Alliance Lumber, Glendale, Az. Best new products winners were Concrete Lumber, Fairless Hills, Pa., 1st prize; Trim Clip, Fairfield, Ct., 2nd prize, and Leatherneck Hardware, Danville, Il., 3rd prize. LMC dealer Sanford & Hawley, Unionville, Ct., was recognized for 130 years in business; Koopman Lumber, Whitinsville, Ma., for 75 years. For full pictorial coverage of the event, see pages 48-50.
April 2014
Building Products Digest
Key factors contributing to this market growth are the devastation caused by natural calamities and the adoption of TPO membranes. One hindrance, however, may be the need to make specialized roofing solutions affordable.
CertainTeed Airs Web Series
DISTRIBUTOR Boston Cedar has added an in-house construction industry education center at its Mansfield, Ma., DC.
Distributor Adds Classroom
Boston Cedar has opened a new Education Center at its Mansfield, Ma., distribution complex, allowing the distributor to host product knowledge and sales workshops, AIA classes, and other events for retailers, contractors, architects, building code officials, and other industry members. “Boston Cedar has always maintained a core philosophy that providing a variety of educational resources to help keep those involved in the
Building Products Digest
design, selling and construction of commercial and residential building projects as informed and current as possible is critical to the success of businesses and the lumber and building materials industry as a whole,” said marketing manager Scott Babbitt.
Roofing Growth Picks Up
The U.S. roofing market is predicted to grow 6.63% annually over the next five years, according to a new TechNavio forecast.
April 2014
CertainTeed, Valley Forge, Pa., has launched a webisode series featuring the grand-prize winner of its 2013 Living Spaces contest. The series will document the $75,000 exterior makeover of the Bielfelt family’s 100-year-old home in Mentor, Oh. To get the project going, the family will select which Certain-Teed products to use, including Cedar Impressions and Monogram siding, Restoration Millwork trim, EverNew decking and railing, Bufftech fencing, and Landmark Pro roofing. CertainTeed also released a new music video, “Sleeping on My Porch,” which was created in conjunction with the webisode series to showcase the homeowners’ excitement about the transformation of their home.
Keene to Consolidates Operations at New Facility
Keene Building Products, Mayfield Heights, Oh., will consolidate operations at a new 11-acre facility in Euclid, Oh. “I grew up close to this area, and my family has a long history in Euclid,” said president Jim Keene. “We selected Euclid because of its proximity to transportation lines and its local support for industry.” The company will create a new R&D laboratory at the new site, along with a prototypes production line for small filament products. Also in the plans is a new 40,000-sq. ft. manufacturing facility.
APP Watch
Application: GP PANEL GUIDE Produced by: Georgia-Pacific Price: Free Platforms: iPhone, iPad, Android Georgia-Pacific Wood Products has launched an app for its structural panel products to deliver content in a convenient, on-demand, and easyto-read format. “This app is perfect for answering customer questions and helping with product selection in the store aisles, on the job site, in the dealer yard, or at home,” said G-P’s Jeff Key. The app is divided into two sections. An applications section introduces colorful dots indicating where each product should be used on a home, while a products section allows users to navigate by brand. Within each product information area, users will find a short product summary followed by links to product specs, installation tips, warranty info, product sustainability facts, and thirdparty certification information. A section shows how to read an APA grade stamp, which appears on nearly all G-P structural panels. Download from iTunes App Store or Google Play Store
April 2014
Building Products Digest
MOVERS & Shakers Scott W. Stanford, ex-ECi Solutions/ Advantage Business Computer Systems, has been named Southern territory sales mgr. for Spruce Computer Systems, Latham, N.Y. He is based in Big Sandy, Tx. Kurt Katuin is new to Building Products Inc. of Iowa, Waterloo, Ia., as assistant general mgr. Mike Mitter, ex-BlueLinx, now heads the engineered wood program at Warren Trask, Lakeville, Ma. Drew Kierzek has been hired by Lumber One, Avon, Mn., as an estimator for single-family home construction. Bill Long has joined Midwest Hardwood Corp., Maple Grove, Mn., as international sales mgr., overseeing export sales as the company expands globally. Randy Spriensma is now mgr.-forest products and Brian Manson is mgr.-building materials at Progressive Affiliated Lumbermen Cooperative, Grand Rapids, Mi. Tom Cashman has joined Steward’s Ace Hardware, Clinton, Ct., as assistant mgr. of customer service.
Tony Ledford has been appointed engineered wood products mgr. at The Building Center, Pineville, N.C. Dustin Ferriso, ex-WindowRama Enterprises, is the new territory mgr. for Long Island and New York City for Fiberon, based in Lindenhurst, N.Y. Michael Miller, ex-DW Distribution, has joined Huttig Building Products, Dallas, Tx., as territory mgr. Frank Austin, ex-Besse Forest Products, is new to sales and marketing at Pacific Hardwood, Gladstone, Mi. Nisha George has been named marketing & communications mgr. for Atlas Roofing Corp. Atlanta, Ga. Doug Dobbins is new to Tara Materials, Lawrenceville, Ga., as a lumber procurement specialist. Ed Zimborski has been named general mgr. of Granite Valley Forest Products, Marathon City, Wi. Eric Salmi is new to sales at Marvin Design Gallery by North Shore Window Solutions, Middleton, Ma.
Turning Good
Gerald Volas, group executive, Masco Corp., Taylor, Mi., has been appointed to the board of Trex Co., Winchester, Va. Lainie Sleppin, ex-Mid-State Lumber, has formed Lainie’s LBM Solutions, Whitestone, N.Y., representing Barrett Outdoors, Artisan Builders Guild Corp., and Phoenix Manufacturing. Anise Thorpe, ex-Huttig, is new to sales at Kaycan Building Products, Orlando, Fl. Craig Menear was promoted to president-U.S. retail for Home Depot, Atlanta, Ga. Mark Holifield is now executive v.p.-supply chain & product development. Michael A. Jones has been named chief customer officer for Lowe’s, Mooresville, N.C., replacing Gregory Bridgeford, who is retiring April 30. Gary Stockner, ex-Stockner’s, is new to outside sales at Stock Building Supply, Richmond, Va. Larry Vaughn has been named operations mgr. for United Plywoods & Lumber, Birmingham, Al.
DIY Exterior
DIY Interior
Building Products Digest
April 2014
Nicholas D’Errico, ex-Harvey Building Products, is now assistant branch mgr. at Allied Building Products, Wallingford, Ct. John Bavester, ex-PAL, has joined BlueTarp Financial, Portland, Me., as v.p. of business development. John Mixson has been promoted to v.p.-sales & marketing for National Gypsum, Charlotte, N.C., succeeding Craig Weisbruch, who has retired after 39 years. Rod Lopez is new as Chicago, Il.-based market development rep for PermaBase cement board in the Midwest. Bob Gordon is new to Professional Builders Supply, as president for the Charlotte, N.C., market. Chuck Power, ex-Square Deal Building Supply, is now territory mgr. for greater Detroit, Mi., at Midwest Roofing Supply. Joshua Diaz is a new market development specialist for the New England region for Versatex Trimboard, Aliquippa, Pa. Chad Domrase is handling the Michigan/Chicago region; Bryan Hord, Kentucky, southern Ohio, and Tennessee, and Tom Harman, Virginia and the Outer Banks. Todd Nelon, ex-Building Supply Association, is a new territory mgr. for Atlanta Roofing Supply, Marietta, Ga. Frank Ruperto has been appointed senior v.p.-corporate development & strategic planning for Rayonier, Jacksonville, Fl. John Branigan and Tom Morgan have been promoted to retail performance mgrs. at Do it Best Corp., Fort Wayne, In. Danielle Mikesell has been appointed director of marketing for PGT Industries, North Venice, Fl. Phillip “Terry” Kingsfather, president and c.e.o., Simpson StrongTie, Pleasanton, Ca., is retiring June 30 after 35 years. He will be succeeded by Roger Dankel, as president of North America sales, and Ricardo Arevalo, as chief operating officer. Rusty Carroll, ex-director of corporate marketing at LP Building Products, has been appointed executive director of Operation Finally Home, Dallas, Tx. Stan Still is new to counter sales at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.
April 2014
Building Products Digest
NEW Products
Gypsum Roof Boards
Coated LSL
Trus Joist Timberstrand LSL rim board from Weyerhaeuser can now be protected with a Flak Jacket coating. The factory-applied coating meets IBC non-combustible requirements for Type II (infill) multi-family construction. No special handling or storage of treated boards is required.
WOODBYWY.COM (888) 453-8358
National Gypsum’s has launched a new line of gypsum roof boards: DEXcell. The line includes two DEXcell glass-mat roof boards and a DEXcell cement roof board. Both of the glass mat boards are produced in three thicknesses, in sizes 4’x4’ and 4’x8’. One is suited for mechanically fastened roof systems; the other is designed for fully adhered roof systems. The cement roof board is lightweight and resistant to moisture and mold, in sizes 4’x4’ and 4’x8’.
Custom Trim Fabrication
Storm-Resistant Windows
The Pro19 from Tapco Tools allows installers to fabricate custom trim and flashing for roofing, siding, gutters, windows, doors, and HVAC applications. The product can handle thick metals such as copper sheet and coil, soft aluminum, and galvanized steel on the jobsite.
Silver Line’s new windows and patio doors are designed to help protect homes at or near the coast. The impact-resistant products have vinyl construction for low maintenance and upgraded glass for impact resistance and energy efficiency. Styles include double-hung, sliding, casement, and awning windows, plus sliding patio doors.
(800) 521-7567
Building Products Digest
(800) 234-4228
April 2014
Smart Cedar Shingles
Ecoshel’s Smart-Shingle System automatically offsets shingle joints over two courses, providing an installation that prevents leaks—even in extreme weather. The system also includes a built-in, ventilated rainscreen to eliminate trapped moisture that causes cupping and decay in conventional installations. The premium-quality 18” KD, R&R sanded western red cedar shingles are offered factory pre-finished in an array of semi-transparent and solid colors.
ECOSHEL.COM (207) 370-6247
Easy to Open Knobs
Push-Pull-Rotate doorknobs from Hampton Products International are built on a cylindrical chassis normally used in commercial applications. Each entry, privacy and passage unit can be installed with a Phillips screwdriver. Matching deadbolts are available, in polished brass, satin nickel, and Tuscan bronze.
Cost-Effective Wall Sheathing
Rboard from Atlas Wall is a cost-effective, energy-efficient sheathing material for exterior wall assemblies. Constructed of rigid foam, the product has a non-reflective, glass-reinforcement facer on both surfaces. It can be used behind a range of claddings, including wood, brick, vinyl siding, or stucco.
ATLASROOFING.COM (800) 388-6134
April 2014
Building Products Digest
Engineered Slate Roofing
Fluid-Applied Barrier
Engineered slate roofing from Ply Gem is molded from nearly 100% recycled materials. The shingles have deep shadow lines and chiseled edges like natural slate, but are lighter weight and easy to install with indented nail flanges. They are also tested to withstand wind up to 110 mph, as well as golfball-sized hailstones. Natural slate is added for four authentic colors: sagebrush, brownstone, pewter and charcoal.
StoGuard fluid-applied weather barrier reportedly is faster and easier to apply than traditional housewraps. The low-VOC product can be sprayed on or applied with a roller, with no additional breathing apparatus or special handling. The coating fully adheres without mechanical attachment, reducing opportunities for moisture and air intrusion.
Architect : ABCP Architecture
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Building Products Digest
We provide a full product mix of 2x4 thru 2x12, small timbers, and lengths up to 24 feet, from mills in Mississippi and Georgia. Phone 601-264-2559 Fax 601-296-4740
April 2014
Fire-Resistant Gypsum Boards
Quickly Vented
TAMKO has designed QuickVent to properly ventilate attic spaces, when used in conjunction with soffit vents. The continuous-ridge vent is made of nylon matrix and can be installed with a nail gun. It provides effective shingle-over ventilation.
(800) 641-4691
CertainTeed contains a fire-resistant option to its line of Easi-Lite gypsum boards. Easi-Lite 30 is made of up to 99% recycled material and is UL classified for fire resistance. It is
ideal for commercial building code applications where a single-layer, one-hour fire rating is not required.
CERTAINTEED.COM (800) 233-8990
When a global supplier with a world-class line of wood products introduces
SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE... ...word gets around.
Integrity double-hung replacement windows from Marvin Windows & Doors combine the strength of Ultrex pultruded fiberglass with the beauty of wood. For easy replacement, the windows are available in 1/64” increments with a 3-1/4” replacement frame for through-jamb installation. Dual operating sashes allow either the upper or lower sash to be opened and removed for cleaning. An optional controlopening device prevents falls.
Interfor is one of the world’s largest lumber producers. With annual capacity of 2.6 billion board feet we have the broadest range of products in the business – now including 880 million board feet of Southern Yellow Pine offerings, from the heart of Georgia. That means more choice, more supply and all backed by our promise to build value for our customers every step of the way. Find out more at interfor.com
April 2014
Building Products Digest
Baffled Ridge Vent
Benjamin Obdyke’s Shark Vent XLP extracts heat and moisture from residential attics. The externally baffled ridge vent has the rigidity of a sectional vent, but can be installed with a nail gun. Available in 25-ft. rolls, the product has internal and external baffles with 1/8” vent holes that protect attics against rain, snow, and infiltration by insects.
Power Up
Stanley’s new power inverter allows users to power and charge cell phones, laptops, DVD players, gaming devices, and more. The 140-watt Powerit includes two electrical, household-style outlets and a USB port. An easyto-install bracket can be mounted inside a vehicle. Also included is overload and short-circuit protection, fault interrupter technology, and LED power and fault indicators.
STANLEYTOOLS.COM (800) 262-2161
Send us your news!
Promote your recent expansion, new hires, product intros, or other changes on the news pages of BPD’s next issue. Send to kdebats@building-products.com.
Building Products Digest
April 2014
NORTHEASTERN RETAIL Lumber Association hosted its 120th annual LBM Expo Feb. 26-28 at John B. Hynes Memorial Convention Center, Boston, Ma. [1] Steve Bartholomew, Gerry Gluscic, John Buso. [2] Ken Bernstein, Gary Smith. [3] Lou Kurcsics, Rick Benton. [4] Darren Kennedy, Craig Jacks. [5] Jeff Building-Products.com
Easterling, Steve Banahan. [6] Dena Cordova, David Mitchell. [7] Peter Allen, Dan Panchura. [8] Ernie Couillard, David Ondich. [9] Joe Mason, Rob Williams. [10] Frank Grynkiewicz, Bert Falcone. [11] Trus Kowski, Andrew Goodman. [12] Craig Myers, Sheila Michaud, Bob McSorley, Bob Lemieux. [13] Curtis April 2014
Walker, Phil Martin, Kirk Nagy. [14] Jeff Osborne, Jeff True, Mike Descouteaux, Jim Poulin. [15] Clint Darnell. [16] Brett Kelly, Rick Hurwitz. [17] Pat Lynch, Bill Ingham, Chad Cannon, Kevin Smith. [18] Kevin O’Connor. [19] Joshua Kaye, Bill Christou. (More photos on next two pages)
Building Products Digest
BOSTON EXPO (continued from previous page): [1] Bob Eslinger, Jason Rastrad, Josh Goodman, Tom Glauber, Andy Goodman, Dave Gaudreau, Chris Burns, Dennis Bott, (front) Amy Alvarez, Robin Gardner, Joseph Sollitto, William Giguere. [2] Ryan Black, Greg Gallagher, Brett Belair. [3] Hans Ward, Bernie Nugent, Rob Stewart. [4] Tom Garth, Donna Kelly. [5] Matt Duprey, Gil Adams. [6] Patrick Hanulak, Tony Stevens, Larry
Building Products Digest
April 2014
Laughlin. [7] Brian Black, Jim Miller, Ed Fredrickson. [8] Stephen Richardson, Leon Desrocher. [9] Paul Harris, Kalvin Eden. [10] Barry Russin, Robert Gibson, Kevin DeMars. [11] Joe Biss, Dave Nanos. [12] David Daly. [13] Frank Butterfield, Stephen Jones. [14] John Junod, Reg Underwood, Mark Lipsius. [15] Dan Winigrad, Mike Barnett, Scott Nowatzki. [16] Tom Jenkins. (More photos on next page) Building-Products.com
MORE NRLA LBM EXPO (continued from previous two pages) in Boston: [1] Scott Haupt, Tom Jones. [2] Darrell Hungerford, Bob Lattanzi. [3] Al Neu, Vin Rodger, Mark Favara. [4] Brian Needham, Bill Kopecky, Chris Costello, J.P. Gallagher, Kevin Brockmyre. [5] Robert Acierno, Dan Plouffe. [6] Steve Teixeira, Dave
Zappone, Dave Durst. [7] Dena Stephenson, Larry & Deborah Stephenson. [8] Tony Morgan. [9] Annie Beck, Chuck Gaede, Mandy Sebring. [10] Laurie & Dan Coleman. [11] Dave Gaudreau, Amy Alvarez. [12] Mark Ritz. [13] Vanessa E., Ronald Brodie. [14] Chris Hunter.
April 2014
Building Products Digest
FAMILY Business By Wayne Rivers
Relationships are key to family business success
most important element in the success or failure of a family business is the relationship among key members of the business family. Most businesses can survive the threats of competition, economic cycles, changes in technology, or other factors, but the deterioration of interpersonal relationships will devastate the business and tear apart the family. Both the direct and opportunity costs can be monumental. If family members spend just one hour per day bickering, avoiding each other, or talking to others about family problems, the cost of lost productivity is measurable. Even more costly are the opportunities that will be missed because of the conflicts. Whatever affects the family is likely to reverberate through the business, and vice versa. Unfortunately, little is taught about how to build good relationships. Yet there are skills that can be taught, to make working together and living together more rewarding and enjoyable. These skills form a pyramid that, if implemented, will help improve relationships within the family and the business. The foundation for building good relationships is open and honest communication. Often poor communication is the biggest problem, and work done on this element can pave the way for improved relations. Parties must be willing to address issues that might be touchy or controversial. Avoidance only makes the problems more severe when they surface—and surface they will. Equally damaging is silent agreement just to keep the peace. Find ways to disagree without belittling or enraging the other party. Communication ERHAPS THE SINGLE
Building Products Digest
must be built upon honesty, otherwise the other party(ies) can have misunderstandings which will ultimately damage the relationship more than the initial confrontation. Remember that about 70% of all communication is non-verbal. Your body language may negate your words and call into question whether your communication is honest. Your tone of voice often conveys more than what you say. Take care to remove sarcasm, anger, doubt, and superiority from your speech. Active listening is another vital part of good communication skills. Seek to understand rather than be understood—a good axiom to follow in building relationships. Like a building constructed on a faulty foundation, relationships that do not start with honest and open communication are doomed to crumble. The next block on the pyramid is the agreement on common values.
April 2014
What values are important to you? Ask the other party to identify those values he or she believes important. Match them up. Values such as honesty, trustworthiness, stewardship, loyalty, hard work, harmony, tolerance, and courtesy are some common qualities most family members admire. Seek agreement on values. What shared visions do the parties have in common? Families in business with each other rarely talk about shared vision, but to build a meaningful and caring relationship with someone with whom you work and live requires agreement on outcomes you would like to see. What is your vision for the future of the business? How about the future for the family? Spend time talking with the other party about his or her vision and look for common ground. It is also important to reach agreement about expectations, both within
the business and the family. It is reasonable to expect family members to show up for work and stay on the job for an appropriate number of hours. It is fair to expect family members to appear at family functions. What specific expectations should you have of someone with whom you have a relationship? Differing expectations are great sources of misunderstanding and conflict between people. Identify the roles you are expected to play, as well as the roles of others. For instance, in a typical family of four there are a total of seven different roles that can be played out. There is the husband and wife relationship. They are also father and mother. You can have mother and daughter, as well as mother and son. Then you could find father and daughter and brother and sister. If this family works together you must add the roles of employers, employees, coworkers, and owners. This could increase the number of roles to 14. Sometimes in family businesses, one party might need to begin a conversation by identifying the role he or she is representing. Is this a father talking to a son or a boss talking with a co-worker? Because it is difficult separating roles, this factor complicates good relationships in family businesses. Another essential building block is accountability. Family members must be accountable for their actions within the family, just as they must be accountable for performing certain responsibilities within the business. Every member must be accountable for his or her actions. Most family businesses have no written job descriptions for family members, so there are no written performance expectations or accountability requirements. To whom are you accountable? Spell it out in order to achieve better relationships. What attitude do you carry into the relationship? Is it one of concern and care for another, or do you demonstrate a disregard for their interests and feelings? The attitude you demonstrate goes a long way toward establishing mutually fulfilling or broken relationships. Again, attitude is often demonstrated through body language and actions as much as through what you say. Genuine attention and interest in other parties will encourage them to demonstrate the same in return. To have a good relationship with others you must have contact with them. Spending time together helps strengthen bonds, especially when that time is out of the office. Make certain that you agree to not discuss business during family social settings. Playing together is just as important as working together. Social settings often help you understand the other person and learn more about the factors that affect other areas of his or her life. Conversely, if all contact is in an informal social setting, it is difficult to gauge how a person will perform in a work setting. Like all other areas of life, balance is important. Understanding the decision-making process will go a long way toward improving relationships. Historically, in the home and at work, a strong leader made all the decisions, with other family members expected to concur. When family members enter the business, they are less likely to automatically accept these dictates, leading to strains on relationships. Business families need to understand what authority will be shared at home as well as at work. The ideal model would be to establish how far leaders can go in making decisions, which decisions need agreement by a majority of family members and which might need a “super majority” to concur. One patriarch observed, “We don’t have time to turn this Building-Products.com
business into a democracy and take a vote on every decision.” This is exactly why everyone needs to understand the process for making decisions, who can make them, and when they can expect to be involved in the process. Those who feel they have input in the direction of an organization will feel better about their relationships with other members of the organization. What do you do when conflict arises? Any family that denies it has conflict is either in serious denial or else family members are afraid to disagree. Either alternative points to serious relationship problems in the future. How do you resolve conflict? Do you pretend it doesn’t exist? Do you get together with the proper person and discuss it? Call a family meeting and resolve it? If the disagreement persists, do you call in an independent third party to help in mediation? Again, a written understanding of this process, before conflict arises, will help prevent misunderstandings and bad feelings when conflict occurs. A good family meeting can be held on the subject of how to resolve conflicts when they do occur. Do family members understand that compromise is necessary? Constantly being on the short end of a win-lose relationship will only encourage problems between family members. In order for win-win solutions to surface, parties must be willing to seek compromise. No one would suggest that you compromise values, but finding common ground on solutions to disagreements doesn’t generally require giving up one’s basic values. Problem-solving exercises can help demonstrate how to seek compromise. Mutual respect is essential. The best way to receive respect is to conduct yourself in a consistent and honorable way. You must also treat others as persons of worth. Do you communicate honestly and openly? Are you accountable for your actions? Do you demonstrate as well as verbally embrace the values that are respected by others? Do you show respect to others? If you talk down to others or treat them in a disrespectful way, do not be surprised if others do not treat you with respect. When mutual respect is present in a relationship, a sound basis is established for ironing out any differences that exist. The top block on the relationship skills pyramid is trust. Trust is something you earn over time. Trust can also easily be broken through mistreatment of others, dishonest communications, conflict, and other intentional and unintentional actions. Once the trust relationship is broken it is difficult to rebuild, so great care must be taken to be trustworthy at all times. Another important element is forgiveness. When someone admits a mistake and asks for forgiveness, we must be willing to move forward with the relationship, understanding that the trust element might take a while to repair. The implementation of these skills will improve existing relationships and help build new relationships that are lasting and fulfilling. Keep in mind that none of us is perfect, so we must constantly work to build goodwill and improved relationships. Families that work together and live together are mutually dependent on both the business and the family. Good relationships will cement the successes of both. – Wayne Rivers is president of the Family Business Institute, Raleigh, N.C. Reach him at wayne.rivers@familybusinessinstitute.com or (877) 326-2493.
Reprinted with permission of the Family Business Institute. No portion of this article may be reproduced without its permission.
April 2014
Building Products Digest
LMC Photos by BPD
LUMBERMENS MERCHANDISING CORP. hosted its annual meeting March 5-7 at the Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Fl. [1] Steve Reeder, Steve Page, Gary Roth, Phil Herman, Gary Converse. [2] Tom Peterson, Troy Allen. [3] Vivian & John Somerville, J.D. Saunders, John & Rena Saunders, Frank Monk. [4] Kirk Hammond, Tim Weston. [5] Rich Mills, Mary Jo Nyblad, Bill Moyer, Tom Shew. [6] Dick Willard, Dan
Building Products Digest
April 2014
Kane, John Brissette. [7] Mark McLean, Steve Gaeckle, Gary Pittman. [8] Lisa Martin, Alan Oakes. [9] Kevin Jarvi, Jack Delaney, Kevin Potter. [10] Greg Ackerman, Chuck Post, Dave McConachy. [11] Mark Collins, Todd Filipek, Fred Miller. [12] Bob & Karen Barreto, Dianne & Keith Pound. [13] John Loftus, Steve Churco, Scott Brown. (More photos on next two pages) Building-Products.com
LMC Photos by BPD
MORE LMC (continued from previous page) in Florida: [1] Mike Barnett, Brandon Holly, Clancy Herr. [2] David Welborn, Rick Wasieleski. [3] Lisa Mack, Cindy Moss. [4] David Gaudreau, Rick Fortunaso, Steven Hofer. [5] Andy Faircloth, Charlie Risinger. [6] Ton Lipsey, Michael Rowland. [7] John & Ruta Kelly, Susan Merigan, Dave McGoldrick. [8] Brian Johnson, Ken Munyon. [9] Steve Short, Tavis Lager. [10] Chris Building-Products.com
Freeman, Brian Bunt, Bobby White. [11] Craig Little, Mike Melczarczyk. [12] Steve Page, Kevin Dussault, Dave Perkins. [13] Rob Campbell, Greg Haupt, Matt Weaber, Rob Campbell Jr. [14] Joe Angelo, Barb Hart, Dick Southard. [15] Gary Roth, David McKinney, Jack Kinkead. [16] Ryan Williams, Julie Baker, Frank Fletcher, Pat Patranella. (More photos on next page) April 2014
Building Products Digest
LMC Photos by BPD
EVEN MORE LMC (continued from previous two pages): [1] Doug Asher, Tya Camp. [2] Salim Jawa, Greg Bates. [3] Thomas Muto, Peter Brady. [4] Jay McCarthy, Darrell Hungerford. [5] John Parsons, Frank Butterfield, Jack Parsons. [6] Dan Kukol. [7] Bradley Marks, Phil Dodson, Joe Woodward, Phil Heck. [8] Garrett Chace, Kevin O’Connor, Reed Rediger, Cory Chace. [9] Mark Swinth. [10] Drew Orem Steve
Building Products Digest
April 2014
Firko. [11] Tom Glauber, James D’Annunzio, Robert Kruse. [12] John Bumby, Eddie Cox. [13] Brad Chalker, Rick Rakoczy. [14] Colby Mayeaux, Terry Secrest, Wayne Miller. [15] Jim Miller, David Stewart. [16] Lindsay Forbes, Blake Shimpaugh. [17] Andy Toombs, Dane Kane. [18] Jack Kinkead. [19] Rick Stout, Jorge Robledo. [20] John Broomell, Steve Roth. [21] Donald Clayton, Ed McNulty. Building-Products.com
ASSOCIATION Update Lumbermens Association of Texas has added another presenter to the lineup at its annual convention April 23-24 in Arlington, Tx. Construction attorney Robert Bass will provide an update on changes being discussed for Texas construction lien laws. Mid-America Lumbermens Association is staging its annual Swing into Spring event May 1-2 in Lake of the Ozarks, Mo. Day one will feature a bass tournament and trap shooting, followed by a steak and chop fry. Day two will be a golf tournament at Bear Creek Valley Golf Course. The 26th annual Sunflower Shootout will be June 13 at Hesston Golf Course, Hesston, Ks. An awards luncheon and live auction will follow the tournament. Builders Supply Association of West Virginia kicks off its annual meeting April 11-13 at the Resort at Glade Springs, Daniels, W.V., in connection with the Appalachian Mountain Festival.
the Quail Run Golf Club, Columbus, Ne., and June 3 at Otter Creek Golf Course, Ankeny, Ia. Mid South Building Material Dealers Association will feature an Obamacare seminar presented by Federated Insurance during its 90th annual trade show and convention May 1-2 at the Grand Marriott Resort, Point Clear, Al. Michigan Lumber & Building Materials Association is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. North American Wholesale Lumber Association will host a regional meeting May 8 at Hyatt Regency, Birmingham, Al. Southern Forest Products Association has sold the 10,000-sq. ft. building it has occupied in Kenner, La., for the last 26 years and moved to a smaller building five minutes away in Metairie, La. “It became apparent that the staffing level would not justify keep-
ing and maintaining this beautiful building,” said chairman Joe Kusar. The association’s new address is 6660 Riverside Dr., Suite 212, Metairie, La. 70003. Phone and fax numbers remain the same. Composite Panel Association will host its spring meeting May 18-21 at CasaMagna Marriott, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Highlights will include a welcome reception and dinner, plus the chairman’s dinner. Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association will gather May 18-20 at the Waldorf Astoria Resort, Naples, Fl., for its 93rd annual meeting. Keynote speaker Dave Crowe, chief economist for the National Association of Home Builders, will discuss markets by city and region. Speakers from the Environmental Investigation Agency, World Wildlife Fund, and HPVA will review the new national consensus standard on legal timber due diligence and the associations accredited certification program.
Kentucky Building Material Association has drafted Kentucky Wildcats football coach Mark Stoops to keynote its 109th annual convention and product expo April 24-25 at the Hilton Downtown, Lexington, Ky. KBMA also plans a blueprint reading & material take-off workshop with Casey Voorhees May 19-20 at KBMA headquarters in Louisville. Building Material Suppliers Association will have Casey Voorhees in town to deliver a blueprint reading & material take-off seminar April 16-17 at the OCSA office in Columbus, Oh. Northwestern Lumber Association is finishing out the spring with a collection of sporting events. On April 10, it’s Minnesota Wild Night, with hockey vs. the St. Louis Blues at Xcel Energy Center in downtown Saint Paul. Two days later, MLA members will attend an arena football game— Iowa Barnstormers vs. San Antonio Talons at Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Ia. Golf outings are set for May 22 at Building-Products.com
April 2014
Building Products Digest
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Deadline: 18th of previous month. To reply to ads with private box numbers, send correspondence to box number shown, c/o BPD, 4500 Campus Dr. #480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. Names of advertisers using box number cannot be released.
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Listings are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with sponsor before making plans to attend. American Coatings Association – April 7-10, conference & show, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga.; (888) 433-3976; www.paint.org. Northeastern Young Lumber Execs – April 10, spring conference, Northampton, Ma.; (800) 292-6752; www.nrla.org. Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association – April 10-11, annual convention, Seaport Hotel, Boston, Ma.; (207) 829-6901; www.nelma.org. Northwestern Lumber Association – April 10, Minnesota Wild Night, Excel Energy Center, St. Paul, Mn.; April 12, arena football, Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Ia.; (763) 544-6822; www.nlassn.org. Builders Supply Association of West Virginia – April 11-13, annual meeting, Resort at Glade Springs, Daniels, W.V.; (304) 342-2450; www.bsa-wv.com. Peak Auctioneering – April 12, LBM auction, Marion County Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, In.; (800) 245-9690; www.peakauction.com. Transload Distribution Assn. – April 12-14, conference, Hilton Rosemont, Rosemont, Il.; (503) 656-4282; www.transload.org. New Hampshire Retail Lumber Association – April 15, legislative breakfast, Concord, N.H.; (800) 292-6752; www.nrla.org. Building Material Suppliers Association – April 16-17, blueprint reading & material take-off seminar, OCS Hq., Columbus, Oh.; (800) 849-1503; lynns@myocsa.org National Wood Flooring Association – April 16-19, conference & wood flooring expo, Music City Center, Nashville, Tn.; (800) 4224556; www.woodfloors.org.
Paint & Decorating Retailers Assn. – May 6-8, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 737-0107; www.pdra.org. National Hardwood Lumber Association – May 7, forest products marketing workshop, NHLA Hq., Memphis, Tn.; (540) 231-0978. North American Wholesale Lumber Association – May 8, regional meeting, Hyatt Regency, Birmingham, Al.; www.lumber.org. Northeastern Loggers Association – May 9-10, equipment expo, Champlain Valley Exposition Grounds, Essex Junction, Vt.; (800) 318-7561; www.northernlogger.com. Peak Auctioneering – May 10, LBM auction, Howard County Fairgrounds, Baltimore, Md.; (800) 245-9690; www.peakauction.com. Wallace Hardware – May 13-15, spring market, Gatlinburg Convention Center, Gatlinburg, Tn.; (800) 776-0976; www.wallacehardware.com. New Hampshire Retail Lumber Association – May 15, board meeting, Bedford, N.H.; (800) 292-6752; www.nrla.org. Rhode Island Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn. – May 15, board meeting, Augusta, Me.; (800) 292-6752; www.nrla.org. Peak Auctioneering – May 17, LBM auction, Metrolina Tradeshow Expo, Charlotte, N.C.; (800) 245-9690; www.peakauction.com. Do it Best – May 17-19, spring market, Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, In.; (260) 748-5300; www.doitbestcorp.com. Composite Panel Association – May 18-20, spring meeting, Marriott CasaMagna Resort, Puerto Vallerta, Mexico; (301) 6700604; www.compositepanel.com. Kentucky Building Materials Assn. – May 19-20, blueprint reading & material take-off workshop, Louisville, Ky.; (800) 844-1774; www.kbma.net. Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Assn. – May 19-21, annual convention, Waldorf Astoria, Naples, Fl.; (703) 435-2900; www.hpva.org.
Lumbermen’s Association of Texas & Louisiana – April 23-24, annual convention, Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center, Arlington, Tx.; (800) 749-5862; www.lat.org. Kentucky Building Materials Assn. – April 24-25, convention & expo, Hilton, Lexington, Ky.; (800) 844-1774; www.kbma.net. Peak Auctioneering – April 26, LBM auction, Prince William County Fairgrounds, Manassas, Va.; (800) 245-9690; peakauction.com. Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America – April 28-May 2, woodworking conference, Wyndham Rio Mar Beach Resort, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico; (443) 640-1052; www.wmma.org. Structural Insulated Panel Association –April 29-May 1, annual meeting & conference, Marriott Pampano Beach Resort & Spa, Pampano Beach, Fl.; (253) 858-7472.; www.sips.org. International Wood Composites Symposium – April 30, May 1, annual symposium, Red Lion, Seattle, Wa.; (800) 942-4978; www.woodsymposium.wsu.ed. Mid South Building Material Dealers Association – May 1-2, convention & show, Grand Marriott Resort, Point Clear, Al.; (877) 828-3315; www.mbmda.com. Mid-America Lumbermens Association – May1-2, Missouri Swinginto-Spring golf tournament, Lake of the Ozarks, Mo.; (800) 7476529; www.themla.org. Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association – May 37, annual convention & exhibitors showcase, Loews Portofino Bay Resort, Orlando, Fl.; (847) 680-3500; www.mheda.org. American Wood Protection Association – May 4-6, annual meeting, Marriott, Newport Beach, Ca.; (205) 733-4077; awpa.com. National Hardware Show – May 6-8, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (888) 425-9377; www.nationalhardwareshow.com. North American Retail Hardware Assn. – May 6-8, convention, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 772-4424; www.nrha.org. Building-Products.com
April 2014
Building Products Digest
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Service with a Pop A new dealer in Reynoldsburg, Oh., serves up helpful advice, optimism, and a firm belief in the American Dream. Free popcorn for every customer is also included. Owner Viktor Prozapas, who immigrated to the United States from Ukraine in 1998, opened a new Ace Hardware in Reynoldsville, Oh., after the local True Value closed last year. Fittingly, the store’s location is on Main Street. “I knew this was a land of opportunity, and I want to remind people that we can work hard toward our dreams and we can achieve those dreams,” he says. “The opportunities are out there, and anyone who really wants to can make it in this country.” Prior to becoming a dealer, Prozapas owned and operated a construction company for 10 years. When he began looking for new business opportunities, he learned about the closure of the True Value store. “They did not close because there was no business, but because of high overhead costs,” he says. “Then I started talking to local people and they said the city really needed a good local hardware store.” The new store has a “Helpful Hub” desk where customers can place special orders and get keys made. This is also the spot to pick up that free popcorn. “People should come in to see us and bring their kids,” he says. “We serve fresh popcorn every day.” Not surprisingly, Prozapas has definite ideas about how he wants to operate his store. “My mission as an owner in this community is to make it very personal,” he says. “I want every person, family, and business to think, ‘This is my Ace.’” Prozapas is also looking for ways to serve his new neighborhood. “I hope to find many ways to give back to the community,” he says. “We hope to have events like petadoption days and mulch fundraisers for local sport teams. We want fire department partners to come in and promote safety. I would also like to work closely with the police department and promote whatever is on their agenda,” he says.
Allura [www.allurausa.com] ............................................................3 Anthony Forest Products [www.anthonyforest.com] .......Cover III Arch/Lonza [www.wolmanizedwood.com] ...................................27 Biewer Lumber [www.biewerlumber.com] .....................................7 BlueTarp [www.bluetarp.com].......................................................32 BW Creative Wood [www.bwcreativewood.com] .......................36 Center-Line Group [www.center-linetrailers.com] ......................42 Crumpler Plastic Pipe [www.cpp-pipe.com] ................................53 Do it Best Corp. [www. www.independentsdoitbest.com]............5 Everwood Treatment Co. [www.everwoodtreatment.com]...........8 Fiberon [www.fiberondecking.com] .............................................13 Great Southern Wood Preserving [www.yellawood.com]....16A-B Hood Industries [www.hoodindustries.com] ...............................40 Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance [www.plmins.com] ......35 Interfor [www.interfor.com] ...........................................................41 International Beams [www.internationalbeams.com]........Cover II Jaaco Corp. [www.jaaco.com].......................................................45 Jackson & Langford Wholesale Lumber ........................................4 Kearns Plywood [www.kearnsplywood.com] ..............................34 Maze Nails [www.mazenails.com].................................................31 Nordic Engineered Wood Products [www.nordicewp.com].......40 Osmose [www.osmosewood.com] .......................................Cover I Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance [plmins.com] .....35 Quality Borate Co. [www.qualityborate.com] ..............................30 Roseburg Forest Products [www.roseburg.com] .......................21 RoyOMartin [www.royomartin.com] .............................................23 Simpson Strong-Tie [www.strongtie.com]...................................19 Siskiyou Forest Products [siskiyouforestproducts.com]...........37 Snider Industries [www.sniderindustries.com] ...........................42 Southern Forest Products Assn. [www.southernpine.com].......51 Southern Lumber [www.southernlumber.net] .............................18 Spartanburg Forest Products [spartanburgforestproducts.com].26 Swanson Group Sales Co. [www.swansongroupinc.com].........33 Tank Fab [www.tankfab.com]........................................................39 Tri-State Lumber [www.homanindustries.com]...........................22 Universal Forest Products [www.prowoodlumber.com].............15 U.S. Tarping Systems [www.ustarpingsystems.com].................25 Viance [www.treatedwood.com].........................................Cover IV Woodbrowser [www.woodbrowser.com] .....................................11
Building Products Digest
April 2014
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