Merchant Magazine - March 2012

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AI Ke3?On9Nene99 Customizotion Pull;Th rough ww{tuffi AZ,,E"K> ROSEBU Dellvaring t dffir$co. RG f The Decking Slxions Company A Fiberweb Bnnd Weather Protection System


From the heart of redwood country comes this product line of certifred sustainable redwood garden products. Gardening, entertaining or relaxing, we guarantee your customers will love these handcrafted, premium redwood products. Our product line includes the following redwood accessories with additional desiqns in develoomenr.

'Adirondack chair & footrest

. Elevated planters (available in several sizes)

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6'picnic table with attached benches

Garden door 42"W x72" H radius top 48" louvered bench

. 48" premium heavy-duty arbor kit (half round)

A/,I products are unstained

Connect Raised Planter Beds

Stack them, slide them, trellis them, garden with them

All heart redwood (green, rough and full dimension) for years of service

Quality fasteners

. Corner posts profrled for convenient PVC or redwood stake trellising

Stack and position for perfect look and frt

Convenient kit format for outside display/storage

Assembly hardware and instructions inciuded

Elegant Planter Boxes

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Quality, craftsman construction & fasteners

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Designed to maximize plant health

Easy to use and maintain

All products come fully assembled & inciude a removable

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Special Features In Every Issue

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The Merchant Magazine (ISSN 7399723) (USPS 796560) is published monthly at 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. t180, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660-1872 by Cutler Publishing, Inc. Periodicals Postage paid at Newport Beach, Ca., and additional post offices. lt is an independently{wned publication fof the retail, wholesale and distribution levels of the lumber and building products markets in 1 3 western states.

Copyright@2O'12 by Cutler Publishing, Inc. Cover and enlire contents are fully protected and must not be reprc duced in any manner without wdtten permission. All Rights Reserved. lt reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising matler, and assumes no liability for materials furnished to it.

March 2012 rhe M I n G HAilI nrorrio)''ume e0 I Number'
lruousrnv TnrNos WHAT's Aurno
CnrrN ButrorNc 'l0 Fenrunr Sronv Ceonns Squnnr
Wesr ro ERsr
MnncrN Bunorns
SupenroRrry 'l 4 Comprllvr tntrlucENcE VrNrnnslr Denrrn CrrrsnRrrs rHe Pnsr ns lr R,qr"rps Up ron rHr FutuRr 1 6 Pnooucr Sporucnr WRC SrrrLEs rNto lNorprNorNcr Hnll 42 Pnorc Rrcnp: Gunnornr Mnnrrr 44 Pnorc Rrcnp: IBS rr.r Onlnnoo 46 Pnooucr Sponrcnr SourHrnN Cvpnrss Hns Coivt"rrnctnr CoNsrnucrroN CovenEo 6 Tourlv Rnnoom 20 oLsrN on Srr-rs 22 GnrrN RrrntrNc 24 Faww BusrNrss 26 Movrns & Snnrrns 32 K*rlr ON Srlrs 35 lN Mrmonrnm 36 Tnlr Bncr 37 |.trw Pnooucrs 47 AssocrnnoN Uponrr 4B Cr-lssrrrro Mnnxrrpucr 49 onrr Boor 50 lorn Frlr 50 Aovrnnsrns tNorx Online
Orr, Fnov
WHrN Reo ls Cnrrr: Trsrs CoNrrnn
4" 4 r The [{ed|ant ltbgazine r Mardr 2012 BulldingRoductron

fu! cus*omer wants a deck made for psaceful relaxation and lriendly ggth€rir€s. Plastb lumber? | don't thlnk so. I want to rnake sure this deck is strong and durable with natural wannth, beauty, and lasiling cfiaracter. fuid I care about the environment and so does my customer. That's why this dek is going to b€ buitt with FSC'o c€rtified sustainable Humboldt Redwood, And whal it mmes to structural support, I ciroooe FSC chain-of-custody cdtifu AllWeather Wood preEsura-treat€d lumber for long-hsting resistance to.ts-nlitge, rol and decay. Humboldt Hedwood and AllWeather Wood, for mg and nrf customers itls an unbeatable oombinati,on; Dor't your contractors deserve the best of both woods?

L,|1 \r V/{ L."/ T-,[,1"4 ,..r^r...or-

Are we off to the races... or back to the kennels?

TTtwo MoNTHS tNro 2012, I've been trying to get a handle on the year ahead. As I wrote a I couple of months back, we have been hearing better news, although perhaps more regional in nature. Recent trade shows have shown a mixed picture of how everyone is doing, but overall there are good signs that this year will be better than last, especially on the remodeling side ofthe business.

I just returned from IBS with a mixed view. On the one hand, the show footprint appeared to be the smallest in memory. But after a quiet first day, the second seemed like old times. As well, I thought the energy and positive news I saw and heard in the Northeast a couple of weeks back at NRLA was very encouraging, although I think everyone agreed the news had better be better with the great weather this year compared to last. And, much to my surprise, I actually got there this year, after being stranded in Chicago at the same time last year (although only my GPS had any clue as to where I actually was staying).

Many of you last year reported a sudden jump in business in March, but one that by May had petered out. For others, there was no real spring business due to the bad weather. For the decking industry in particular, that business could never really catch up. So here's hoping that the good weather continues and we all have a great spring this year.

If this feeling is for real-along with the continued stock market revival, the apparent increase in new jobs, and declines in unemployment-then perhaps we are seeing the first dawn of revival. I hope so! I have always argued you cannot have a U.S. revival without a housing revival, and we are nowhere near that yet. However, I believe we will get there in small steps. Hopefully, the job picture will continue to improve, meaning more money in pockets, more spending, and a continued improvement in sentiment, which will then feed on itself. But there is very fragile psyche with the American consumer about spending. It does not take much to send us into a tizzy. My fear is that all the good news sometimes flies in the face of what many feel is not the reality.

Today, I spoke with an industry veteran who has been looking for a job without much success. Gone are the days I could name four or five companies to call. The recession has changed many things and none more so than the ability to find a job. No longer can you expect multiple job offers, a signing bonus, and a great increase on what you earned before.

The old ways of sprinkling your resume around no longer seem to work. Fewer jobs mean more competition. Job seekers must be pro-active like never before. The Web can notify you of every job posting that might be a fit through job boards, job search engines, and social media. According to the Bureau of Labor, in 2OO7 there were 1 .8 persons per job opening, compared to 4.2 today (at least better than 6.1 in 2009). The reality is that for every prized position, there are probably 100 or more resumes to sift through. You need to be thick-skinned, more energetic, and use great initiative to unearth opportunities.

And yet we still look the same old ways, including sending the same resume to everyone. The reality today is that you need a resume tailored to every position you apply for. Every job and every company have different needs, and with each job you need to sell your ability to fit those requirements. That's easily achieved with your computer. No longer do you have hundreds printed at a time. As in any business situation, you must differentiate yourself and avoid being dismissed when your resume goes through word checking-not only for grammar and spelling, but for identifying key words that outline your skills. Do not believe that every word you write is read. You have about 10 seconds to make an impression on the typical recruiter. And watch out for your low credit scores and drunken stupor pictures posted on Facebook. All today are part of your picture

Lastly, your best bet for a job is using the network you have developed through your career and socially. It can be no fun to have to call peers asking for help, but these contacts can help open doors.

To that end, you are part of my network and have helped me greatly over the years. If your company has a job opening in management, purchasing, sales or marketing. I am happy to ofler you a $60 credir ro advertise your position in the classified section our April issue. Far to 949-852-0231 or email dkoenig@ This means any help v)anted ad under 40 words is free. Again, I want to see my friends back to work!

Alan Oakes, Publisher

www. bui ldi n g-products. com

A publication of Cutler Publishing 4500 Campus Dr,, Ste.480, Newport Beach, CA 92660

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Alan Oakes

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6 r The tvledant tr4aSa?ine r Mad 20f2
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Whatts ahead for green building

f\esrne A slow economy, green building is alive and I-lkicking. Key areas of interest include green remodeling, retrofitting, and zero-net-energy homes-which produce as much energy as they consume.

"The big home builders are starting to put on 2- or 3kilowatt systems as a standard feature, and it's just part of the price of the house. There's no add-on cost, so that's a real breakthrough," says Jerry Yudelson, whose consulting firm, Yudelson Associates, Tucson, Az., has specialized in green building and sustainability for the past 25 years.

"The real trick is to make the home so efficient that it can heat itself with internal loads such as lights and refrigerators and natural sunlight coming through highly efficient windows," he says. "Different kinds of coatings can make them more energy-efficient than even the best doublepaned windows, almost as energy-efficient as walls."

Although Yudelson predicts modest growth in construction this year, he believes the emphasis will be on what he calls frugal green.

"In the past, there was a feeling that you could spend money to add green features," he says. "Today, the real challenge for construction and design professionals is, 'How do I do this on the same budget?' and I think that's the core trend."

Other trends to watch include:

Green Retrofitting. More property owners will retrofit to LEED for Existing Buildings: Operation & Maintenance, which is fairly painless when a building is already Energy Star rated. Businesses want to be able to market their ecofriendliness.

Government Projects. Although funding is tight, existing buildings will need to be upgraded, projects in the pipeline will move forward, and schools-which are funded by bonds-will need to be built.

The federal Better Buildings Initiative was passed last year to accelerate private sector investment in energy efficiency and encourage commercial and industrial buildings to become 20Vo more energy efficient by 2O20.

Water Conservation. Rainwater-capture systems, as well as graywater and blackwater on-site treatment capabilities, will become more pervasive-even in what Yudelson calls "water wet areas." He predicts that "instead of toilet to tap, we're going toilet to toilet." BuiHlng-Produdsom

Global Programs. There are more than 90 national Green Building Councils throughout the world, and LEED projects have been registered in 161 countries. Last year, 447o of total LEED registrations were outside the U.S.

Performance Disclosure. Already popular in Europe and Australia, requirements for buildings to disclose energy use are gaining traction in the U.S. Next month, Seattle, Wa., will require buildings of more than 10900 sq. ft. to disclose energy usage. Califomia will begin requiring disclosures starting next year. Yudelson says such disclosures will have a market impact because they allow prospective tenants to compare energy costs ofdifferent buildings.

"This is going to happen everywhere, particularly in big cities, because it's the easiest move to take politically," he says. "It doesn't say you have to retrofit the building. Itjust says you have to disclose."

Building Management. Thanks to wireless sensors and controls, it's getting increasingly easier to locate and fix maintenance problems, and to do so remotely.

"You make money if you go green," Yudelson counsels. "If you don't go green, you're at a marketplace disadvantage. Doing nothing is not an option."

The ComingYear in Creen
Madr 2Of2 r lhe fvleduril ltlagazine r 9

From west to east, cedars square off

DtcHI-v ARoMArrc, highly decay l\resistant. and all beauties to behold, North American cedars grow from coast to coast. But each type has its own strengths, making it best suited for certain applications and markets.

Western red cedar is the most abundant cedar available in the U.S. and Canada. Primarily grown in British Columbia, it also can be found in western Washington and Oregon. Western red is also the clearest and most decay resistant cedar and, because it comes from the largest trees, it can yield a larger variety of dimensional lum-

ber. Its sapwood is nearly white, its heartwood fragrant reddish or pinkish brown to dull brown. Its abundance and properties make the species popular across the country. "Western red cedar is king in this part of the Northeast," said Phil Payne, Vermont Wholesale Building Products. Williston. Vt. "The natural characteristics of the product make it very stable, durable and weather resistant. WRC is twice as stable as other softwood species. The natural oils are resistant to insects and decay. Best of all, it looks great. It is a great product when left natural. Today's high-tech coatings, when used properly, will provide the best looking and performing exterior wood products on the market. The good availability of such

a broad range of products makes it very easy to maintain a sellable inventory."

WRC is perfect for clear products-siding, decking, paneling, fascia, trim, shakes and shingles, and appearance grade timbers.

Due to its superior qualities and availability, western red is the only cedar sold by many companies. including Boston Cedar, Holbrook, Ma., and TMI Forest Products, Morton, Wa. "For the last six years, we have cut only coastal western red cedar," said TMI's Jeffrey Cook. "TMI has tried five alternative cedar species, but each proved to be less desirable for the finished product."

Inland red cedar is the same botanical species as western red cedar, but hails from the interior slopes of the Rocky Mountains in Idaho, Montana, and into eastern B.C. and Alberta. Grown in drier, higher-elevation forests, IRC trees are small and their wood lighter, more striped, and with less clarity and color variation than its coastal-grown kin.

Enyeart Cedar, Tigard, Or., supplies WRC for clears and IRC for tight-knot orders. "The (IRC) trees grow farther inland, are slower growing, and develop tighter fiber. The knots are small, tight and firm," said Enyeart's Linda Elliott. "But the primary difference is the color of the board. There is less iron in the soil where these trees are grown. As a result, the color of the board is blonder in naturemore creamy caramel with vanilla swirls."

Uses are fewer,

Cedar Comparisons
10 r lhe ttrlerdrant ttlaga?ine I Madt 2012
ALTHOUGH western red is the most popular and plentiful of the cedars, other varieties offer their own strengths and applications.

including smaller dimensional lumber, siding. and split-rail fencing.

Incense cedar is native to the mountains from western Oregon to southern California and the northern Baja Peninsula of Mexico. Its sapwood is creamy white, its heartwood light brown to light reddish brown. Decay resistance and dimensional stabili-

ty are high, yet \ strength, shock resis& tanci. stiffness and Tffi hardness are moder,\l.t ately low.

C&D Lumber Co.. Riddle. Or.. manufactures incense cedar because of its versatility. "It can be used in many applications, including decking, pergolas, T&G paneling, and timbers," said Leslie Southwick. "When dried to less than 19Vo, it is very stable and durable. It has excellent stain-holding properties and is virtuallv splinter free."

Hall Forest Products, Puyallup, Wa., distributes C&D's kiln dried incense cedar in addition to WRC, because, according to Marty Frost, "it's a less expensive option in a very similar quality and grade. All is reversible material, graded all four sides. Kiln drying ensures all our decking is stable prior to finishing or prefinishing. Performance properties are very similar to WRC, but it but comes in a less expensive price point. And once it's got a nice oil finish on it, it's difficult to tell the difference between incense cedar and western red cedar. They do have a slightly different odor."

Port Orford cedar is found in a compact zone near the Pacific coast, from southwest Oreson to northwest California. It's one of the easiest cedars to identify, due to the distinctive yellow tone of its sapwood and the hints of yelIow in its browning heartwood. Decay resistance is high, texture fine and even. The wood is somewhat lightweight and shock resistant, and will shrink slightly when dried.

C&D manufactures Port Orford cedar because of its uniqueness. "No other cedar is like Port Orford cedar, and C&D Lumber is one of the few manufacturers that mills it," Southwick said. "Port Orford is the strongest of all cedars and an excellent choice for both interior and exterior use. Historically, it has been the preferred wood for fine boatbuilding because of its strength and natural oils that make it rot and decay resistant. It is ideal for manufacturing laminated beams because of its superior strength. It is also widely used for decking that turns the outdoors into a unicue outdoor living area."

Alaskan yellow cedar, also known as Pacific yellow cedar and Sitka cypress, grows slowly along a coastal patch from southern Alaska to southern Oregon, limiting its availability. Its rarity is unfortunate, considering it is the hardest of all cedars and boasts easy workability and exceptional resistance to weather, decay, disease and insects. Popular applications are boat building, shingles, sauna boards, trim, fascia and paneling. Although some wholesalers, like Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., Brisbane. Ca.. stock some Alaskan yellow cedar, most handle it on a special-order basis.

Eastern white cedar, also known as Northern white cedar. grow in eastern Canada and the North Central and eastern forests of the U.S. In part because most of the tallest trees were harvested over a century ago, eastern whites are typically not as prized as the larger cedars in the West. Yet the wood is still naturally resistant to rot and insect infestation, lightweight, and easy to work. The sapwood is white, tinged with yellow. The heartwood is light brown, occasionally with a red hue.

The wood is soft and has low mechanical properties. More significantly, it reportedly has the lowest density of any commercial domestic wood, making it a natural for canoe building.

According to Colleen Goodridge, Goodridge Lumber, Albany, Vt., "A

tremendous amount of northern white cedar goes into siding, decking, and log home construction. It's very dry and lightweight due to its cellular structure. The lower density provides the best insulating value in walls. For log homes, cedar is the Cadillac."

She cited the wood's limitations as difficulty to find long lengths, wide boards, and clarity.

Atlantic cedar has similar properties, though is less porous and is found along the coastal plain of the eastern U.S. The sapwood is narrow and white, the heartwood light ' irrl brownwith a hint of red.

Applications include siding, paneling, boat planks, fencing, decking and shingles.

Southern red cedar grows along the East Coast, from northeast North Carolina to central Florida and west to southeast Texas. With a dull-red heartwood, it is lightweight, soft and weak, but highly durable and works and finishes well.

In addition to stocking WRC siding, timbers and paneling, Wholesale Wood Products, Dothan, Al., also makes its own aromatic paneling from locally grown southern cedar, for use as closet lining. Wholesale Wood also markets cypress-a softwood that grows amid the hardwood forests of the South-as "Southern cedar."

"Cedars" are also imported from overseas, most notably Chinese cedar (a fast-growing wood popular for fencing, but structurally closer to fir) and Spanish cedar (a mahogany-like hardwood used in cigar boxes and humidors). Both species are attractive and highly aromatic, explaining why exporters are happy to trade on the reputation of authentic cedar.

Madr 2012 I the llednnt tt{agadne r 11

When red is green

Tests confirm environmental superiority of redwood

/-'l neau. cREE\.., GREEN. Everywhere \fvou look, vou see the sreen building -"trug". But how slould "green" really be measured?

The emerging answer appears to be that building with sustainable, environmentally responsible materials is the one, true "green" way to build. A truly natural, renewable resource, redwood is a material that can actually reduce the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

California Redwood Association enlisted help from the independent Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials (CORRIM) to conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA) to better understand and compare redwood decking to plastic composite decking. CORRIM is a nonprofit research consortium with members from 16 universities and research institutions such as the USDA Forest Products Laboratory. CORRIM has been involved in the field of LCA for well over a decade and is among the most respected institutions performing such work.

Life cycle assessment has emerged as the internationally recognized standard for establishing the environmental burdens associated with the manu-

facture and use of a product from cradle-to-grave. LCA is a prime decisionmaking tool for use by specifiers and consumers to compare the carbon footprints of various building materials. It is being rapidly incorporated into building standards such as LEED.

The table below shows relative values for important environmental impacts. Results of the LCA are conclusive, showing that considerable differences exist between redwood and alternative decking products such as plastics and plastic composites. In terms of global warming potential, plastic-based decking materials are

Environmental lmpact Assessment for Decking Products

contributors, while growing, harvesting and using redwood for decks do not contribute to global warming.

Regarding other important environmental impacts, plastic-based decking contributes anywhere from twice as much to 100 times as much negative effects as redwood. Redwood decks store the carbon that was originally absorbed as CO' from the atmosphere while the trees were growing. In fact, the average redwood deck may store over half a ton of carbon. Once the redwood deck has reached the end of its lifespan, it is easily recycled or reused for other purposes, or reabsorbed into the earth as nutrients for new plants. On the other extreme are plastic composites, which will stack up for decades in landfills.

Detailed data was collected from CRA member mills on such items as raw material production (harvest), manufacture (energy usage), product distribution (transportation), product installation and use (lifespan), and final product disposal at end of life (reuse vs. landfill).

According to Dean Kerstetter, v.p. of operations for Mendocino Forest Products, "The quantity and detail of information gathered by the CORRIM team was truly amazing. Rick Bergman, CORRIM team member with the USDA Forest Products Lab in Madison, Wi., visited our manufacturing facilities in Ukiah, Ca., for two days collecting detailed data on log storage and handling, type of sawmill equipment, dry kilns, boiler, planer-basically anything that consumed energy."

Water usage, packaging such as strapping and lumber wrap, and byproducts for fuel or soil amendments are also examples of the extent to which the LCA looks at all inputs

MARGIN Buifders
Environmental lmpact Global Warming Potential Ozone Depletion Smog Contribution Acidification Water Pollution Respiratory Effects Fossil Fuel Use 12 r Ihe ttlerdunt ltlagazine I Plastic vs, Redwood Composite vs. Redwood 126 times more 100 times more 2 times more 20 times more 6 times more 25 times more 7 times more Madr 20f2 90 times more 70 times more 2 times more 30 times more 12 times more 30 times more 9 times more &

and outputs of production.

Han-Sup Han, professor of forest operations & engineering at Humboldt State University, Arcata, Ca., is the CORRIM researcher who spent days visiting forestlands of CRA member mills throughout the redwood region. According to Professor Han, the forest resource data collection phase of LCA integrates site preparation, stand establishment, stand management, and timber harvest factors associated with forest management into a presentation of total cost, fuel consumption, and carbon footprint for various levels of management intensity.

"The redwood lumber industry has known for years that we have an outstanding environmental record and a great green message to tell consumers," said Janet Webb, president of Big Creek Lumber Co., Davenport, Ca.. and current chair of the CRA. "Operating in accordance with the strict provisions of the California Forest Practices Act places any industrial or non-industrial forest landowner or timber operation at the forefront of environmental responsibility. This new LCA reinforces our beliefs that redwood is a world class product in terms of environmental performance."

Combine redwood's world class environmental performance with its legendary beauty, stability and durability, and why would anyone choose anything other than redwood? Educate your customers about the true environmental strengths of redwood. The next time your employees or customers ask what is the greenest product for use in deck construction. tell them that red is greenredwood. that is.

- Charlie Jourdain is president of the California Redwood Association. Reach him at or (888) CAL-REDWOOD.

"When building o quolity home, it's importonl for oll the froming moleriols to motch. ln other words come togefher os specified in the design plons. lf the froming is off by even o l/n of on inch, il con cosf me lhousonds of dollors in time ond moteriols.

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Building-Roducts.on Madr mf2 r The ltledrant trlagarine r 13
Lyle Lee hos been building custom homes for over 20 yeors. Here is whot he hos to soy obout Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products.
:;'t' ,t,l 1 ir',
Lyle Lee
L. Lee Building Compon;
i6.l IFSCI t_*-:J ".sfi[:o .w
Engineered Wood Products I Reol Wood Siding I Softwood Plywood I Lumber RFPlo, RigidLom", RigidRimt ond Quolity Engineered Wood Producls lor todoy's builderu ore regislered lrodemorks o{ Roseburg Forest Products, Roseburg, Oregon

From first phone to first phone app

cultural base, so the company grew by supplying pole barns, hog houses, even building trusses. Today, Woodford serves custom builders, remodelers and commercial accounts. Thanks to this commitment to gazing into the future, the operation has newly remodeled and expanded its retail space and showroom to encourage homeowners to stop in, too. In fact, despite the economic turmoil that, yes, has hit Clear Lake's builders as well, Jan has just hired another staffer-"an opportunity too good to pass up"another woman with strong design background, bringing Woodford's total personnel to seven.

"They're experienced, they know what they're talking about, and"-here's the clincher-"they're customerfocused. In this work environment, they see they're appreciated and feel they make a difference," Jan emphasizes. "And that carries over to the satisfaction gained from helping customers on what will probably be the most important undertaking of their lives."

Thus, Woodford offers clinics for do-it-yourselfers in skills such as painting, and steers key vendors to its con-

tTt"t CrvIl Wnn was recent history when Woodford

I- Lumber & Home was founded in Clear Lake. Ia.. back in 1869. Five generations later, it's still flourishing in this bump in the road (pop. 8,300) off Interstate 35.

Looking back upon company achievements is intriguing, and good for bragging rights. Two years after Alexander Graham Bell secured his patent, Woodford's owner was pivotal in bringing telephones to town, along with that other radical, new amenity, electricity. After making do with horse-and-buggy deliveries, he was among the first to take advantage of the new railroad connection, which also brought celebrity orators like William Jennings Bryant, Booker T. Washington, evangelist Billy Sunday, and prohibitionist Carrie Nation to Clear Lake's buzzing summertime Chautauqua circuit. But while company history fills fascinating scrapbooks, it doesn't do much for survival in2012.

"Evolve?" fifth-generation president Jan Lovell reacts to a reporter's question. "You have to! Every business has to reinvent itself to meet changing customer needs. That's how we've survived!"

In the heyday of the Seventies, this was a strong agrit4

STAND-UP GUY: President Jan Lovell looks for insoiration from the company's heritage, starting with her greatgrandfather Charles "C.R." Woodford.
r The Iledant lr,lagazine
I tr|adt
INSTALLING NEW signage was part of the recent "reinvention" of Woodford Lumber & Home, Clear Lake, la.

tractor customers to impart savvy, too. But it gets even more personal: "We believe in relationships," insists the president. "To strengthen those relationships with our contractors, we sit down with them and beg for feedback: What are we doing well? What can we do better? We learned, for instance, about their delivery needs. We used to promise 'As soon as we can,' but we've learned from them that they need us to be much more specific."

Woodford recently added a drive-through for their convenience. And inside the store, there's a special contractor corner with coffee and peanuts and conversation. "Plus, we recently upgraded the power tools selection and joined a national buying co-op. You've got to keep moving forward," she reiterates.

pany undertakes to educate its customers on the importance of environmental concerns, and the mission is becoming easier every year: "People are understanding the low-VOC part, so the interest has really grown in the past couple of years. It used to take a lot more effort to promote. "

(Jan continues to walk the talk; she's designated the store as a drop-off point for Habitat's ReStore recycling project in Mason City, eight miles away and eight miles too far for many a homeowner's minivan to carry.

She's served as chair of Clear Lake's Earth Day for the past 15 years, following in the footsteps of her grandparents, environmental activists who donated the island in Clear Lake to the state. The company has also saved a mile-long natural stretch of the lake's heavily-developed shoreline by gaining a conservation easement to allow folks to enjoy its natural beauty. "People need a balance in their lives," Jan advocates.

From low-impact to high tech: Looking at the future once again, Woodford has become adept at electronic marketing. It boasts a Facebook page and interactive website that includes a homey family history "written" by C.R. Woodford, who arrived here at age l8 in 1879 to join his uncle's business. (Jan admits that "in my first life" she worked as a newspaper reporter and editor before returning to Clear Lake 25 years ago, so it's possible that she's the one, um, channeling C.R.)

The website also features a photo gallery ofprojects and salvos by their uber-satisfied owners. "Working with Woodford was an awesome experience! They went above and beyond the line of duty when it came to finding unique products and solutions for our new home," attest Scott and Julie. "It was a wonderful experience working with the Woodford staff. They came to our home and helped us design our new deck. We couldn't be happier!" glow Tom and Janice. Architect Randall Cram adds a professional appraisal: "Woodford has always provided me with the expertise, knowledge and quick service to make informed decisions as a designer. The quality of their materials... is unsurpassed."

"We're also helping these builders become more proactive in using technology to help themselves; they can email us, and we have a Woodford app that makes it easy to contact us 24 hours a day." To woo commercial accounts, Jan sends out letters of introduction, then sets up personal meetings, involving vendors in the conversation who can ease and speed their business, too.

She keeps tapped into the pipeline on product trends to assure that Woodford's lines keep on evolving, too. And when that meant adding more retail space, fine-even at the expense of pride and history. "We removed my father's office," she laughs-"a big step, both literal and figurative, because times are changing and we needed room to put in a signature paint store for Benjamin Moore-which is helping us attract new customers."

Another reason to partner with Ben Moore, Jan feels, is because paint represents a project every homeowner can afford. "Remodeling is where the activity is, these days. Even when money is tight, everybody still wants to spruce up."

Because these "incredible pioneers," as she deems the outfit, offer no- and low-VOC paints is another reason they're a good fit with Woodford, where going green is more than a marketing plan, it's a moral stance. The com-

Attracting new business, of course, is crucial to any company, especially one that boasts 143 years in operation. Jan uses direct mail to her pro list. Mass mailing to homeowners, however, has run its course. "Now, we're more targeted-more bang for the buck," she explains. We also participate in the annual home show in Mason City as a way to attract clients. And we're training our staff to pay more attention to cross-selling"-maybe the brush and drop cloth to go with the Benjamin Moore paints. Hey, even new kitchen cabinets or replacement windows. Or, how about a steel roof?

Looking into the future of the company, "we're very positive," Jan declares. "'We've remodeled, we've added staff. There's a growing population here. We just need to keep listening to people's needs, to do things better. "

Finally, I just had to ask: generation six? "My son is 19," she says. "But we don't want to push..."

WOODFORD LUMBER emplovees Meni Matteson and Mike Ritter at the store's grand reopening.
Mad ml2 r The nledrant ttlagadne r 15

Western red ce lndependence

f, s wonruEN pur the finishing touches on a l4-week la.restoration of Philadelphia's Independence Hall, western red cedar is leaving its mark at the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

The $4.9-million project included replacing damaged brick masonry; painting window frames, doors, and all exposed wood decorative features; refurbishing copper urns; installing new clock faces, bracings, and lightning protection system; applying borate fungicide treatment to interior structural elements, and replacing wood shingles and flashings.

As much as possible, new materials were selected to match the old and products were sourced locally, such as using Horsham, Pa.-based Benjamin Obdyke's Cedar Breather ventilating roof underlayment-a product not yet invented at the time of the last renovation in the 1980s.

Roofing was provided by Bradco Supply, Malvern, Pa., and wood products by Capital Forest Products, Annapolis, Md. Pro-East, Essington, Pa., supplied the fastenersdomestically produced by Maze Nails, Peru,Il.

For the cedar roofing, however, Bradco and Capital had to call on British Columbia to find older-growth trees with sufficient density. "Western red cedar was chosen for its durability and beauty," explained Curtis Walker, of B.C.based Waldun Group. "The existing roof was cedar, and we had to match it with high quality cedar roofing. The old roof was still in great shape after 30 years, but because the extensive scaffolding was up, it made sense to re-roof."

He said, "Originally, the product for this U.S. landmark was to be ljoVo American made. There was an exception

made to have Waldun product installed. This specification was changed because the consistency of the Waldun product is unmatched in the industry, and the product was cut from first growth."

Walker traveled to Philadelphia to ensure Waldun would provide an exact match. "When we first got to the project, I was literally lying on the platforms 15 stories up to examine the underside of the shakes to see if they had a split back face or a resawn back face," he recalled. "We measured exposures and even met with a government official, who was overseeing the particulars, to see the archive room and take samples from the old roof."

Waldun supplied 2,000 sq. ft. of custom-made cedar shakes for the project. Its mill split the 18- and 24-inch shakes, while an old-world craftsman from Washington State hand-split the 36-inch by 3/4-inch shakes. In total, cedar shakes were installed on four ofthe hall's nine levels.

PRODUCT Red Cedar Western Shakes & Shingles
UP & AWAY: Old taper split roof is assessed by Bradco Supply's Kerry Moleski (/efr) and Capital Forest Products' Mark Canoll, who spearheaded efforts to involve the various suooliers.
16 r lhe fvledtant lihgazine r Madr 2012
WALDUN'S Curtis Walker gets a close look inside the bell tower shortly before new cedar shakes and shingles are installed. The first home of the Liberty Bell, the 14-story tower now houses the Centennial Bell.

Ganahl Lumber opened its 9th location Feb. 6 in Pasadena. Ca. (Barrett Burt, general mgr.).

Stewart's True Value

Hardware, Spokane, Wa., is closing after 100 years, according to Mike Czechowski, owner since 1 977.

True Value Hardware, walnut, is liquidating after 14 years, due to big box competition and the economy.

Alpine Lumber Co., westminster, Co., sold its shuttered location in Loveland, Co., to Luke Cos, for $865,000.

Alpine closed the 17,500-sq. ft. facility in September 2010.

Seaside Ace Hardware opened March 5 in Seaside, Or., according to Winfield Muffett, owner of the 7,725-sq. ft. store.

Boise Cascade Acquires Stimson's Arden Mill

Boise Cascade Wood Products, Boise, Id., has acquired Stimson Lumber's sawmill in Arden. Wa.. and added the facility to its Inland Region division.

"Given that the mill is geographically located near our Kettle Falls (Wa.) operation and is a welldesigned, highly efficient facility, it's a nice complement to our lumber business," said Tom Insko, manager of Boise's Inland Region. "In the longer term, the Arden mill offers us the flexibility to expand production as markets improve."

He said that Boise has hired the majority of the 52 employees that previously worked at the Arden mill, which will initially operate on a single shift.

Once the remainder of Stimson's cedar logs are processed, the mill will change over to pine production for Boise.

Based in Portland, Or., Stimson Lumber operates in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana.

Desert Lumberyard Closes

Tehachapi Lumber, Tehachapi, Ca., has closed after operating for more than 65 years.

Several years ago, the company had 35 full-time employees and was named the town's Business of the Year. At the end, Wanda and longtimer Vic Elms were running the business with help from a few part-time employees.

"We're not sure yet what we'll do in the long term," said Vandeventer. She and her husband-who took advantage of the housing slump to finish a business degree-bought the business in 2005. "There will be a new direction in our lives," she said.

Atlas Roofing Adding Polyiso Insulation Plant for Pacific Northwest

In an effort to provide polyiso insulation products to the Pacific Northwest, Atlas Roofing Corp., Atlanta, Ga., has opened a new manufacturing facility in Vancouver, B.C.

"Construction in western Canada is trending upward at the moment and the western U.S. continues steady expansion in commercial building," said Tom Rowe, vice president of commercial sales and marketing. "Both markets require energy-efficient building envelopes to meet increasing federal and local codes and standards."

Ace Hardware operators

Mike and Kim Johnson submitted plans to open a 13,300-sq. ft. store in St. Johns (Portland), Or.

Grigg's Ace Hardware

opened its fourth store Feb. 20 in Kennewick, Wa. (C.J. Grigg, mgr.).

Ace Hardwiro, Sammamish, Wa., is hopeful it has reached a deal with its landlord for a one-year lease extension and that it has found a permanent new home to move into in 2013 (see Jan., p. 15).

Orchard Supply Hardware, San Jose, Ca., has inked a multi-year dealto make Benjamin Moore the exclusive supplier of interior and exterior oaints to its 87 stores. The roll-out should be complete by August.

Parr Lumber, Hillsboro, or., was named Materials Supplier of the Year by the Central Oregon Builders Association and Supplier of the Year by the Building Industry of Clark County.

"There wasn't a single cause, it was several different issues, but by far the biggest reason is the housing downturn," explained co-owner Wanda Vandeventer. "Most of our business came from contractors, and the housing market dropped off a cliff."

The new facility joins an existing one in Toronto, which will enable daily service to many distribution outlets throughout westem Canada.

Atlas also has plants in the U.S., in Phoenix, Az.; Northglenn, Co.; Diboll, Tx.; East Moline, Il.; La Grange, Ga., and Camp Hill, Pa.

Quolity Weslern Cedqr Products

lx4 B0ARDS in 4, 5 ond 6'lenqths 2x4 MllS in 8-10'
rough ond surfoced Cedor 4x4 P0S[S in 4,5,6,7,8,9 ond l0'lengths 2x2 cleor cedor BALUSTERS in 36, 4418 NE Keller Rd., Rosebu4,0R 97470 ' tUt541-672'5676 Don Keller, SolesMonoger' (541) 672-6528 Madr 2012 I lhe lkrdrant lhgazine I 17

Northwest Hardwoods Gloses Mill

Northwest Hardwoods. Tacoma. Wa.. closed its mill in Arlington, Wa., on Feb. 2, due to a shortage of local timber and the housing slowdown.

"We had conflicts on both sides, and we don't see it getting any better," said Brian Narramore, v.p. of human resources, who added that the mill could be sold,

The sawmill had been operating since 1967 and was acquired by Weyerhaeuser, former parent company of Northwest Hardwoods, in 1980.

Last August, Northwest was sold to New York-based American Industrial Partners.

Northwest operates two other mills in Washington, in Centralia and Longview, as well as in Oregon, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Although hours have been reduced at those mills, they are stable, according to Narramore.

Fire Hits San Rafael Lumberyard

Authorities are investigating the possibility that sparks from a panel saw caused a2:45 a.m. fire Feb. 10 at Rafael Lumber & Building Supply, San Rafael, Ca.

Investigators suspect that an electrical malfunction of a panel saw sent sparks into nearby wood shavings, sawdust and other combustible materials.

The blaze burned a large amount of construction material stored outside of the main building, then spread into an office and display area attached to the main building. Firefighters said that a fire sprinkler system helped quell the flames before they could spread to the main building.

Damage was estimated at $50,000 to structures and $35,000 to inventory and contents.

Shenrood Lumber, tstandia, N.Y., opened a sales office in Medford, 0r., headed by Bill Perkins and staffed by Scott Eilefson, Larry Rogers, and inside sales rep Steve Parson.

South Fork Wood Products, Cascade, td., sut fered a Feb. 6 fire that deskoyed a storage shed for finished products.

Lausmann Lumber Go., Loomis, Ca., has restarted its on-site prestain facility, after idling it four years ago. The completely revamped operation offers all stains and Fire Kote 100 fire retardant.

Johns Manville is in talks to move its headquarters from downtown Denver to Greenwood Village, Co. JM hopes to consolidate its cunent 166,000-sq. ft. office space and remote R&D facility at a 306,000-sq. ft., twobuilding complex on 11.4 acres by January 2014.

Milgard Windows & Doors, Tacoma, wa., is shuttering its plants in Hollister, Ca., and Phoenix, Az., but has vowed to continue serving the areas.

Jeld-Wen, Klamath Falls, 0r., is shuttering its window and door manufacturing and distribution facility in North Wilkesboro, N.C.

Arbec Forest Products is preparing to restart its OSB mill in Miramichi, New Brunswick, formerly owned by Weyerhaeuser and idle since February 2007.

Roseburg Forest Products' engineered wood products plantin Riddle, Or., has joined OSHA's Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program (S HARP)

Ainsworth Engineered, Vancouver, B.C., has extended the no-sand warranty from 180 days to one year for its pointSlX Durastrand flooring.

Railing Dynamics redesigned its website at,

CertainTeed has added blended colors to its Buffiech Galveston vinyl fencing: arctic, weathered, and arbor.

Northern California's newest state-of-the-art sawm i | |

We specialize in 4" and wane{ree home center oroducts in either green Douglas fir or a true white fir, in lengths 8'to 20'. FSC will be available by request. Other products include:

2x4 S4S green Douglas tir 4x4 through 4x12 timbers Stud lengths will also be available.

We can also handle all of your rail or trucking needs with next day delivery in most areas in Northern California.

Weaverville, CA 96093

Sales (530) 623-5561

Ply Gem has added a field guide and online visualizer to its design website at

True Value Co. honored 14 retail members with its annual Best Hardware Store_in Town award, including B&C True Value Home Center, Grass Vattey, Ca; Lake lsabella True Value, Lake tsabetta, Ca.;Hoy's True Value, Sweet home, Or., and Red Lodge Tiue Value, Red Lodge, Mt.

Anniversaries: Erb's Ace Hardware, Lewiston, ld., 100th J&W Lumber Co,, Escondido, Ca., 55th Milgard Windows & Doors, Tacoma, Wa., 50th Seneca Jones Timber Co., Eugene, or., 20th.

18 r The lvlerdrant tr,lagazine r Madt 2012


Treated lumber calls for code-correct fasteners... and there's really only one company that makes them. GRK.

There's no in-between when it comes to code. Nobody olfers you more approved products than GRK. (lur iiber0rade'" line-up 0f Ac2b7 & Ac2l3 approved products now includes 5 distiqcJ fastener types. For a copy of the lc0 test results and a closer loffi6{{h'e best screws available, visit www.grkfas,


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What do I do?

fl u" wALKS rNTo the doctor's \Ioffice. "Doc, I broke mY arm in five places, what do I do?" The doctor thinks for a moment and says, "Stay out of those places."

Many salespeople come to me asking for help on problems that are at best mitigate-able but almost never winnable. Let's take stePs before these situations happen.

" I talked to my customer last Friday. He qssured me he would give me the order on Monday. Now I can't get him on the phone." What do I do?

. Sell the whole account. Many sellers save all their charm and attention for the buyer. This is insincere, and the other people at the account know it. Make a conscious

effort to get to know everyone at the account. In this way, when we need allies-and we will-we will have them. If we make the minimum of effort with the receptionists, they will bend over backwards to help us. They live to help those who recognize their importance (and respect their power).

. Create urgency in your closes. To overcome customer procrastination, use urgency, "John, I would love to wait until Monday, but these great salespeople I work with will have this sold by then. Let's just do it now."

"My biggest account continually grinds me down to the last penny. He holds the price of our cheapest competitors over our heqd at negotiotion time and we always cave." What do I do?

Be precise on value. The earlier in the relationship, the better! If you charge more money than your competition, it may be because:

. You always ship on time. Instead of telling the customer you always ship on time, ask your customer if there is a penalty for late shipment. If they ask why, tell them because you make on-time delivery seem easy, but in fact it costs you money to ship on time every time, but you appreciate the erstwhile unknown ability to ship late without consequence. This forces the customer to decide' Of course they want your level of service, quality, expertise and charm at the same price as the cheap guy-but it is our responsibility to sell the difference.

Your product is always right the first time. Ask your customer if there is a penalty for poor product. "But they always make it right" will be a common response. Yes, but

what is the price of the hassle and loss of momentum? In any case, is there a penalty? If your product is always right the first time, force customers to answer these questions.

. Make sure you are not in denial. Just because you say you are better doesn't make it so. The same goes for quality, integrity and the rest. Make sure you are selling a value that truly differentiates you and, more importantly, that your customers will pay for.

Prospect. If we do not prospect, our current accounts own us-and they know it. If we find ourselves in this situation, it will be difficult to win negotiations. If we alwaYs upgrade our account base-the lifetime activity of the seller who wins negotiations-we will get better prices.

"She only wants to communicate by email." What do I do?

Speak to your customers by email as you would in a conversation.

. Always ask questions that demand-or ask for, depending on your and your customer's style-a response.

. IJse teasers. Give them a list of five products, listing the price of four. For the product they need/want the most put "Too good to put on the Intemet. Call for secret price'"

. Leave great phone messages. Practice and polish. Our phone message in the age of email and texting is vital. Keep it under 10 seconds. Be bold (not loud or bombastic) and confident in your value. "Hey, Pete, this is Bob. I've got some great deals on the items we have been emailing about. Call me.I only have five left." i,

. Persistent and consistent. Keep calling. There are those who only communicate by email, but to really get close to an account, we will have to talk to them. Be consistent and persistent-they will pick up.

By fames
2O t lhettrledrantlt&gafire I Madr2012
James Olsen Reality Sales Training (503) 544-3572 james .i*euiffi'. Buildingrhodudson

He has good reason to cry. We threw him out. Only the finest pass our tests. SilvaStar@ fascia is 100% usable, defect-free and handpicked from the best of Canfor, the world's largest pr:oducer: of SPFlumber. callusat604264-o0tI. HIGH-PERF0RMANCE W00D FASCIA

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Green spring training

ll rTencu IS MY FAVoRITS month. IYlWhy? Spring is in the air, at least in some parts of the countrY. And baseball is just around the corner. And now, some market research has come out demonstrating that green building is poised to lead this industry out of the doldrums.

Things aren't back to normal, or back to a new and different normal, not just yet. But if you've been working to bring your retail or wholesale operation into the green big leagues, this could be your breakout season.

The study from McGraw Hill reports some interesting numbers that should inspire optimism. The share of new single-family homes built to a LEED or equivalent standard reached lTVo and is exPected to become about a third of the market in five years. Builders report that marketing green homes is easier and the majority of customers are willing to pay a little more. Among builders who are doing some green projects,397o reporl that green work is having a positive impact on their bottom line, compared to 90Va of builders who are fully dedicated to green. There were similar results for green remodelers.

I want to focus on one takeaway from this. The reason dedicated green builders and green remodelers report better results-and are looking forward to better prospects, too, I might add-is because they are focused. They have the knowledge and skills, and therefore the credibility. They know what they're doing and they believe in it. These are the companies driving green forward and these are the companies getting the bigger share ofthe projects. If you're looking to grow your green business, these are the pros you want on your team.

Given the strength of this trend, making green building an increasing focus of your own business is an obvious forward thinking strategy. Equally important is building strong relationships with the leading green builders and remodelers in your market area. To build productive relationships, these four key points are worth repeating:

First, be prepared to walk your talk. No amount of schmoozing will win customer loyalty in this arena without expertise and knowledge to back it up. Don't rely on manu-

facturers and product knowledge to see you through. Go the extra mile and develop internal expertise in LEED or other residential sreen building programs.

Second, go to them. Don't expect them to come to you. Visit them at their office, their job site, green building association meeting, trade shows and conferences. Most regions have a USGBC chapter or equivalent-join it.

Third, bring value to the relationship, right away. If you can help them win a new project, introduce them to a talented new sub, point them to an innovative new solution, they will come to see you as vital part of their business ecosystem. When this happens, they will bring start bringing value to you.

Fourth, dig deeper and find experts: builders, remodelers, retrofitters with specialisations that make sense for you and your region. Energy retrofitting, rainwater harvesting, green roofs, and solar are all hot areas-maybe they're ripe for building new relationships, too. Develop the right product categories they need, host in-store events, and develop referral programs. At the end of the day. it's customer relationships that sustain any business, especially during lean times. This industry is adopting green building at an accelerating pace and demand is showing signs of picking up. It's the leading builders and remodelers who are winning an increasing share of the business. By getting together you can build a solid team and make this a winning year.

By fay Tompt
22 r Ih€ lyledant lt4agazine r Madt 2012
premium quality, import fencing .#1&Btr,2face r no downfall . elegant, gold, yellow hue . kiln-dried r no holes, no wane r liEhtweight & easy to work with r dog-eared, sq uare top, french gothic A Redwood /lEmp!gg-_ ,\ i )irisior ol I)acific Stntrs lntlustrit:s. lnc. Distribution Sales 2 W. Sania Clara St. PO Box 1438 ,gi€ '' fi F. Square . : *€:1: 408"779.7354 800.800.560s So. California 800.743.6991 Top i#.iffl Highest Quality Beautiful Color Excellent Durability 2nd Floor San Jose, CA San Jose. CA 95109 95113

Best practices for Iarnily businesses

ll rfosr ARTIcLES aNo books written to IYladvise family businesses have focused on the various thorny problems and emotional entanglements that come from working with family members. Less focus has been placed on the unique business challenges that stem from the fact that most family businesses are relatively small and do not always have the best possible operating practices in place.

In fact. most of the operating practices a typical family business uses come from inherited wisdom, the school of hard knocks, and from textbook business principles that do not always take small business realities into account. Most of the challenges family business owners and managers face stem from the fact that ownership is highly concentrated, and usually in the hands of the people who are running the business. These leaders tend to operate in relative isolation and do not often receive independent input.

However, if family business leaders could step back from the day-to-day of running the business and look behind the scenes, they would see problematic business areas that need to be addressed with a set of best practices. Family businesses that employ best practices are often the ones that survive and thrive.

Here are three best practices for problem areas unique to small family businesses.

1. Creating a debt management system. This important best practice relates to a family's attitude toward debt. Most accepted principles about debt come from the people who are trying to sell money, and they may not have the business's best interests in mind. These principles focus mostly on securitization and not as much on ability to repay. But debt is one of the few things that can kill a business, and this fact needs to be acknowledged.

Bottom line: A system must be set in place to ensure debt is managed effectively.

2. Managing cash. In a small business, the manner in which cash is used is a potential lightning rod of conflict. That's because most financial reporting systems are not formatted to highlight what happens to cash in the course of operating the business. It is fairly common for family business owners to reach the end of the year and have substantial earnings but no cash, having lost track of the cumula-

tive effect of decisions made about cash throughout the year.

Also, some owners are insufficiently educated on the differences between expenses, cash outlays, accruals, balance sheet changes, capital expenditures, principal payments, and other aspects of accounting.

Bottom line: Famtly business leaders should place a high priority on cash management and ensure a positive cash flow after all obligations are met. They should take any larger-than-usual distributions out of the company after all the cash needs ofthe business and tax obligations have been satisfied. No one should ever borrow money to pay distributions to family members.

3. Long-term planning. Having a smart business plan provides great benefit to the family in terms of communicating direction and establishing expectations. It is also good for the business to align resources and provide a foundation for delegating authority and responsibility. The business plan does not have to be as elaborate as one might find in larger enterprises. It should spell out long- and short-term strategy. It should contain a multiyear financial forecast, including a balance sheet, a profit-and-loss statement, a capital-expenditure plan, and a cash-flow forecast.

If possible, the financial forecast should break down the overall business into its various lines and establish a netbefore-tax number for each. This puts a spotlight on aspects of the business that are doing well vs. those that are not.

Bottom line: Once developed, the plan should be communicated to everyone and reviewed monthly. It should clearly answer: Where are we going? What's expected of me? How does my contribution fit into the overall strategy?

As noted earlier, most family business owners operate in relative isolation and employ practices that are often based upon information that may be irrelevant. Adapting these operating practices into best practices will contribute significantly to a business's long-term business success.

By fames Olan Hutcheson
A r lhe tr,ledrant Magazine r Mardt m12
Reprinted \|ith
No portion of this article
permission. &
- James Olan Hutcheson is managing partner and founder of ReGeneration Partners, a family business consulting firm headquartered in Dallas, Tx. He can be reached at (800) 406-1 I 12 or www .re generatnn-partners .com
permission of ReGeneration Partners

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r MOVERS & Shakers

Chris Gay, ex-Bluelinx, has rejoined Weyerhaeuser, Sacramento, Ca., as an inside sales associate for Northern California. Ron Scherber handles outside sales for dealer accounts. Glen Flores was promoted to product managementsteel products.

Lance Doalson, ex-Simpson StrongTie, is now a national accounts mgr. at Capital Lumber, Chino, Ca.

Guy Selleck, ex-Higgins Hardwoods, is now part of the sales team at Boise Cascade, Lathrop, Ca.

Patrick Lynch, ex-Lynco Wood Connections. is now business director-plywood with Roseburg Forest Products, Roseburg, Or.

Lee Guy, ex-Consolidated Coatings, has been named national product line mgr. for Duckback Products, Chico, Ca. He is based in the Seattle area.

John Gooding, ex-Jeld-Wen, is now Portland, Or., regional sales mgr. for Rocky Mountain Forest Products/Etimbers, Wheat Ridge, Co.

Brian Buck, ex-National Coatings, is now director of sales for the Pacific Northwest with Fiberon, New London, N.C.

Jessica O'Rourke, ex-El & El Wood Products, has joined Simpson Strong Tie, Stockton, Ca., as a dealer sales rep.

Victor Amaya, ex-Budget Home Center, is now handling inventory control for Bloedorn Lumber, Loveland. Co.

Mark A. Miller has been named v.P. and chief information officer for Plum Creek Timber Co., Seattle, Wa.

Hal Hanlon has been appointed sales & marketing mgr. at KootenaY Innovative Wood Ltd., S. Slocan, B.C.

Sandy Fulton, senior v.p. and chief operating officer, International Forest Products, Vancouver, B.C., has retired after eight years with the company. He will continue on a consulting basis. overseeing capital projects, including the current rebuild of its Grand Forks mill.

Richard Dreiling, c.e.o., Dollar General, was elected to the board of Lowe's Cos., Mooresville, N.C.

Ben Battle is new to ECi Software Solutions, Fort Worth, Tx., as chief technology officer.

Kevin Stecher, ex-US Remodelers, is now general mgr. of Window World, Los Angeles, Ca.

Alexander Toeldte, chairman/c.e.o., Boise Inc., Boise, Id., was elected chairman of the American Forest & Paper Association, succeeding Jim Hannan, c.e.o./president, Georgia-Pacific, Atlanta, Ga. Nancy Clark, ex-American Chemistry Council, has joined AF&PA as director of air & climate programs.

Lawrence A. Selzer, president and c.e.o., The Conservation Fund, has been elected to the board of Plum Creek Timber Co., Seattle, Wa.

Barb E. Dahl is now modeling products at trade shows for MungusFungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.

26 r The lkd|ant rtbsazine r Mardt 2012 Buildingrftoductsom

PenPly Passes on Bankruptcy, Prepares to Auction Off Assets

Peninsula Plywood, Port Angeles, Wa., has decided not to seek bankruptcy protection and its assets may be sold at auction in June.

"Filing costs money, and at the end, there wasn't any money," said PenPly's principal partner, Grant Munro. "You file for bankruptcy to protect your assets or because you have a work-out plan, and there just wasn't anything left to protect. If there's nothing to protect, why spend money for attorneys?"

By the time the mill closed last November, it had defaulted on its three loans: $l million from the state Department of Commerce and $950,000 each from two private banks, Enterprise Cascadia and Sound Community Bank. The bank loans were backed with an 800% guarantee from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's rural development program.

The loans had helped the former KPly mill reopen under new ownership in March 2010, after its previous owner, Klukwan Inc., closed operations in 2007 and went bankrupt.

The mill also owes $1.042.102 in unpaid bills, including $314,489 to the city of Port Angeles for utilities, $204,443 to the Port of Port Angeles for rent. and $523.170 to the state Department of Labor & Industries for workers' compensation premiums.

According to L&I, the company began to fall behind in payments in April 2010---one month after opening and a month before a fire that company officials have said severely compromised PenPly's financial position.

"We were working with them and they were making some payments but were not able to catch up," said L&I spokesperson Hector Castro. "It remains in collections."

Two Coat Exterior Prime

0ur two-coat process starts with an aLkyd seater to block tannin migration, fottowed by a high-performance acrytic primer. The result: RESERVE quatity, inside and out.

Superior Wood

Made of quatity, ctear, finger-jointed Western Red Cedar or Redwood, these products are naturatty designed for exterior use-both species are ideaI for enduring extreme weather.

Surfacing + Sizes + Lengths

RESERVE products come in a wide range of sizes, lengihs and finishes. Whether the pro.ject catts for S152E or S/rS. we offer Lengths ranging from 16'to 20'. Pattern stock is atso avaitabte.

1x4 - LxI2 s/ayA, - s/axt)

2x4 - 2xt2

The Finest Stock, The Best Coating

Our Siskiyou Forest Products RESERVE line is specially manufactured and treated to create the highest quality product available. Using state-of-the-art application and curing equipment, our premium Western Red Cedar and Redwood stock is made to last for many generations. We are proud to offer a beautiful, durable product that is ready for installation and final painting the moment it reaches the craftsmen.


FOUR-UNIT dealer Golden State Lumber, Petaluma, Ca., has unveiled a new rogo.

&riHing.Pndudsom Madf 2012 I Ihe ilerdrant Magazine t 27
S I S rcryOU - FOREST- PRODUCTS www. sisk iyouf orestprod 8OO.427.8253 , 6275 Hwv 273. Anderson. CA 96007 :: =i, :t i;1.';i; ii':

WHOLESALER Bluelinx has added its own private label engineered wood products, onCENTER.

Bluelinx Offers Own EWP Brand

Bluelinx, Atlanta, Ga., now distributes its own privately branded line of engineered products: onCENTER.

"The onCENTER brand will allow us to bring a total engineered products solution to our customers," said Kent Marks, general manager of engineered products.

Individual products include BLI joists, LVL, Glulam 3000, and rim board. All are backed by a lifetime limited warranty and are supported by a full-service, cross-functional team of engineers, technicians, software developers, inside sales, and field-based market managers.

Bluelinx offers over 10,000 products from over 750 suppliers to approximately 11,500 customers nationwide, through its network of more than 50 distribution centers.

Sound Restarts Chehalis Lam Plant

Sound Wood Products is consolidating its production facilities in Burlington and Sumner, Wa., at the former laminating plant of Cascade Structural Laminates at the Port of Chehalis, Wa.

Early this month, the rebuilt mill will begin manufacturing laminate wood and decking products for the construction industry, stressing exports.

The plant suffered a fire in 2009, forcing CSL to relocate operations back to its corporate site in Eugene, Or. The port recently acquired the Chehalis Lam site and completed a $400,000 infrastructure improvement project to upgrade buildings, fire protection, and electrical systems.

Lessee Sound will initially employ about 15 workers, increasing to about 30 over the coming year and expanding production with the construction of a new plant to fabricate metal components for its wood decking products.

New Vinyl Window Maker Unveiled

Vinyl window manufacturer Crystal Pacific Window & Door Systems, Riverside, Ca., has been launched by Thomas Chen, founder of Crystal Window & Door Systems. Flushing. N.Y.

In addition to its factory and headquarters in an 111,000-sq. ft. facility on nine acres in Riverside, Crystal Pacific also opened sales offices in South El Monte and San Diego, Ca. Both offices have warehouses and will eventually add showrooms.

The company currently has about 30 workers at its Riverside factory, using approximately half of the building's space and hoping, as demand increases, to expand operations to the entire building.

Universal has been a key supplier in Southern California for years. With the broadestlineup of lumber and specialty products in the area, it's no wonder why dealers look to UFP as a key supply partner.


IilRDY/titRttts, A Mllak Compony I m,.
- TechShield - SPF Pattern & Fascia - Vinyl Lattice - Concrete
2100 Avalon Blvd. Riverside, CA92519. 95f -826-3000 2t r Th€ tyledrant lrhgazine r Madt ml2
UFP's Riverside location features top - SmartSide Siding
SmartSide Trim - Hardy Frames - Plyrvood & OSB brands and a diverse product offering

TMI Launches Tuenron Pro Brand

TMI Forest Products, Morton, Wa., has revived its former company name-TuseFoR-as a brand for its high-grade coastal western red cedar fencing manufactured for and sold specifically to the pro market.

"The TMI name has always represented reliable products; however, with our new computerized grading system, we can produce the same quality TMI brand coastal WRC fencing and cater to the ultra-high-end pro-installer with a separate product line," said Todd Shipp, pro sales account manager. "We brought back the Tusepon name for this premium product category. The industry has always recognized 'TuseFon' as synonymous with high quality, so it was the perfect fit for this new product line."

To ensure the quality of TuelpoRmarked fencing, TMI installed a proprietary electronic grade scanner and optimizer. Additional quality assurance practices were created, including tightened manufacturing tolerances, inspection by tags in every unit, and forklift drivers signing every tag when trucks are loading to verify correct shipments.

Pro shipments will be covered with TuseFon wrap, while retail shipments will continue in TMl-marked manila bags.

Montana's Stoltze Proceeds with Biomass Facility

After three years of negotiations, F. H. Stoltze Land & Lumber, Columbia Falls, Mt., has a power purchase agreement with Flathead Electric Cooperative and can proceed with plans to build a new biomassfueled electric generation facility.

"It's a good thing for the community, it's a good thing for Stoltze and our employees, and it's a good thing for Flathead Electric," said Chuck Roady, Stoltze's general manager. "This is just a very positive project."

The new biomass facility will cost about $20 and primarily use wood waste such as bark and slash to generate electricity.

Under the agreement, FEC would purchase an annual average of up to 2.5 megawatts of power-enough to power 2,500 homes annually-for 20 years, beginning in 2013.

Southern California Hoo-Hoo #117 Presents: The,,5th Annuaf Don Gregs-on Memorial Golf Tournament 'l'i,ltff'JJfi:'?'lz *ffit;r;ffiffi""$:l'€ ffia -..:. Gontest - Glos0st to the Pin (all Par 3's) Tee Prizes - After-Golf Buffet After-Golf Raffle - Awards Fol More Infomation Gontact: Tournament Director Mike Nicholsol - Email Phone (7601324-0842 cel (951) 768-2134 To register online go to: and click Glub 117 Greens Fees - $99.99 Sponsors Tee Signs - $99.99 San Dimas Ganyon Golf Glub, San Dimas, CA woItNDuD wanttlon IrltoJn0T Cityor Hope Puttin$ &rilding-Rodudscan Mardr 20f2 r nre ttledunt tr4agazine t N

Viance Fishinq for Best Treated Wood-Decks

Wood preservation chemical supplier Viance LLC, Charlotte, N.C., has launched a new dcck contcst to promote its Ecolif-e stabilized weather-resistant wood.

Thc Ecolife Fish-Morc Deck Challenge will award a team grand prize to the builder and homeowner of the winning decka Tracker Pro Team 175 TF boat. motor and trailer to the contractor. $2.500 in cash to the homeowner.

Monthly prizes will also be award-

ed for l0 rnonths, with $500 each going to l0 pro deck builders and l0 d-i-y builders.

To quality. builders and homeowners first construct an Ecolif'e (EL2) deck project, then submit photos, materials receipt, and entry form at To bc eligible for the grand prize. the builder and horncowner must co-register.

"The Fish Morc Deck Challenge promotes the idca that deck builders and homeowners ailike can 'take back their weekends' by building decks

Old World Crafumanship In Today's Designs

Tru-Dry Timbers

with Ecolif-e." said Viancc director of marketing Christopher Kollwitz. "We are excited to review the crcativity of deck builders and homeowners across the country."

The challenge began in February 2012, with the last day fbr entries on Dec. 31 ,2012. The winning deck project will be selectcd by a team of independent prof'essionals from the Building Products Industry.

EL2's proprietary stabilizer improves the performance of deck surfaces by sharply reducing the cracking, checking and splitting associated with weathering.

Funding Increased for Timberland Restoration

The Obama Administration has allocated another $40 million to fund forest restoration projects in Montana. Washington state, Oregon, Idaho, California. and six southern states.

All FGL Tru-Dry timbers are dried in "HeatWave USA's RFV" kilns. which use clean. renewable energy and have zero emissions.

Tru-Dry timbers are dried completely and evenly throughout so you won't experience the sticky problems often encountered with beams that are not dried to the core.

Combine our selection of Douglas fir timbers along with our skilled milling staff and you've got one ofthe best resources in Southern California.





"This is about jobs. It's about restoration and making sure forests are in a position to preserve precious water resources," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. "We're going to be working to rnake surc that we get the best use of the forest opportunities we have."

The projects are part of the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program, which was enacted by Congress in 2009 but has never before received full-time funding. Over the next three years. the projccts will expand by 20Vc the number of acrcs thinned and restored on national forests, increase timber production by 25cl and muintain or generate I ,550 jobs.

"We want to move beyond the conflicts in the past that slowed progress down," Vilsack said, pledging that the Forest Service would up its timber production from 2.4 billion bd. ft. in 2011 to 3 billion bd. ft. by 2014, boost bark beetle treatment, and improve markets for wood products such as biornass-based fuels.

Forest projects will launch in five western states, plus Arkansas. Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahomir. and North Carolina.

,F I
i;lii iii iil ;].1 illlttll t,r :!$
Geo. M. Huff Lumber Co. has teamed up with Forest Grove Lumber to become the exclusive Southern California stocking distributor of Tru-Dry Timbers.
30 I The Merdrant Magazine r Mard 2012

LBM Dealer's Floor Collapses

Rotting beams caused a showroom floor to collapse at Beyond the Studs Building Supply, Gorst, Wa., Feb.2.

"It's very fortunate nobody was injured," said county building inspector Jeff Rowe. "The beams just rotted and fell."

After an investigation, Rowe determined that untreated beams and construction methods-the building was constructed in the 1930s-were to blame for a sudden "catastrophic failure" of the floor joists that caused the 700-sq. ft. showroom to drop about 2 ft. The entire building was closed until a structural evaluation and repairs can be completed.

Owner Rod Blake said that if he can't get back to work soon, he could easily go out of business.

Serious Shifts Production

Serious Energy, Sunnyvale, Ca., will shift production of its windows from a facility in Chicago, Il., to its plants in Boulder, Co., and Vandergrift, Pa.

Serious is exploring options for the Chicago plant, including closing it or finding a buyer.

The company acquired the plant in

2009, when it purchased the assets of Kensington Windows shortly after then-owner Jancor filed for bankruptcy. Serious installed new equipment and gradually rehired ex-Kensington employees.

Insulation on the Uptick

Residential and commercial insulation demand reached $5.6 billion in 2011, split largely between fiberglass, foams and cellulose, according to a new Principia Partners study.

Demand was split roughly 60Vo residential and 407o commercial. Both sectors are predicted to benefit from a one-two punch that includes an upturn in construction spending along with more stringent building codes calling for more insulation per structure.

Do it Best Upgrades Online Member Connection

Do it Best Corp. has re-launched an enhanced version of its member exclusive portal for up-to-the-minute communication, program information, and product knowledge, including the rollout of a more robust online catalog.

The site went live Feb. 15 after months of intensive development, beta testing, and mem-

ber feedback. Upgrades include a cleaner look, smoother user interface, streamlined navigation, and enhanced functionality. The site also offers members new or enhanced services across a range of store operations, including merchandising, ordering, logistics and marketing.

Tapping into the popular "Made in the USA" trend, the co-op introduced a new easy-to-use filter within its online catalog that makes it even quicker for members to search for and order any of the American-made products they stock.



Cedor is on enyitonmsnfolly friendly producf. lt leoves o TFP is so confident in the performonce of Evergreen thot o 50 yeor much smoller corbon fooiprinl ihon cemeni, PVC, or metol-bosed worronty is provided on every purchose. Evergreen producls ore producis. Job trim ends ond sowdust noturol y decompose {os o lree mode in fhe USA ond ore reodiy ovoiloble in oll stondord sizes would) minimizing ony impoct on the Eorth. ond profiles from your supplier.

Properly instolled cedor products ore low moinlenqnce, ond will provide decodes of problemJree service. Evergreen exterior producis ore monufoclured by Terminol Forest Products (TFP), o nome lrusled in the building industry for decodes.


For distribution informotion vislt our website, www. term inc lforesl. com

#ffiT ffi al ffi r({ ral f I H ffix:ii:,yi
&rlHing-Produ<lscom Madr mf2 r nre Mednnt lvlagazine r 31

Selling commodities

That's a question I'm often asked in my seminars.It uncovers a problem that is spreading to almost every industry. The rapid pace of technolog-

ical development and our ultra-competitive global economy means that no one can keep a competitive edge in their product for very long. Develop a hot new product or service and before you can take your first check to the bank, a competitor has a hotter or cheaper version. As a result, customers are more and more inclined to view your product or service as a commodityno real difference between you and the next guy.

This complicates life for the salesperson. In some cases, you are selling exactly the same thing as your competitor. In other cases, your product may not be exactly the same, but the customer views your product as a commodity with no real differences between what you sell and what your competitor offers. How much real difference is there between Coke and Pepsi after all?

Regardless of the situation in which you find yourself, the problem for the salesperson is the same-getting the business in the face of the customer's perception of your "me too" Droduct or service.

H? H", J ?Y'f# i' .1 "5:T 5'1 from the competition when you are both selling a commodity?
Racks Systems
. Montreal Racks
;:.--. Gonhct Todd Hopman at 8{Xl-353.0892 exL 2l0 Info@Sunbeft I 37521 l&ilh 20th $.lPhoenh,AZ 85086 wffi British Columbia WESTERN RED CEDAR, D Fir, Hemlock FSC /PEFC CERTIFIED Rough, Finished & Engineered Products cp.:ol(r),Forlo C;Eteeik Lcrrtgerl co- Ltt>. Surrey, BC . fax 888.620.3964 r 604.531.7 600 o 32 r lhe lledrant lihgazine r Madt 2012 Consult. Deslgn Gonstruct &rlldlng,Produdsom

So, what do you do? To put it simply, you must detail and communicate the important ways your offering differs from your competitor's offering.

That's easier said than done. To do so effectively, you need to spend some time thinking and preparing. And that means that you must carefully consider the two most important elements of the sale-your offering, and your customer. Let's focus on one part of that equation - your offering.

Granted, your product may be exactly the same as the competition's, but the totality of your offering may be dramatically different. I use the word "offering" to indicate every aspect of the purchasing decision-not just the product. For example, the customer buys the product from a company-yours or the other guy's. The customer buys it from a salesperson-you or the competitor. Your company and you are part of the "offering." In addition. there may be differences in your terms, delivery, your customer-service capabilities, your follow-up, your return policy, your value-added services, etc. All of these are part of your "offering."

The product may be identical, but everything else about your offering may be different. For example, let's say you are contemplating purchasing a new Taurus. You have identical price quotes from two dealers. The product is the same, and the price is the same. However, one dealer is close by, the other across town. One dealer has a reputation for great customer service; the other has no such reputation. The salesperson for the first dealer is the brother of an old high-school friend, while the salesperson for the second dealer is a bit cocky and pushy. The first dealer has a clean, comfortable establishment, while the second one is cramped, cluttered and dirty.

From whom do you buy your Taurus? Of course you buy it from the first dealer. Not because of any differences in the product or the price, but because of differences in the offering. Got the idea? There is a whole lot more to a decision to buy than just the product or the price.

Your first job is to identify those differences. Here are some very specific steps you can take today.

1. ttrint about everything that is associated with the product when a customer purchases it. Create several categories, and label columns on a

piece of paper with the names of those categories. For example, the first column could be headed with the word "company," the second with the word "salesperson," the third with "terms." Continue in this way, identifying every aspect of the offering and placing each of those components at the top of a column.

2. No*, consider each column one at a time, and list all the ways that your offering differs from your competitor's in that column. For example, your company may be locally owned as opposed to your competitor's

branch of a national company. Or you may be physically closer to the customer, or larger, smaller, newer, older, etc. After you've exhausted one column, move on to the others, filling in the details as you go.

3. fnlr exercise will typically reveal dozens (and in some cases hundreds) of specific, detailed differences. Far too many than you can easily communicate to the customer. So, your next step is to pick out those differences that are most important to your (Please turn to next page)

Madr mfz r The lvlednnt lr4agarine r 33


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Selling Gommodities

(Continued from previous page) customer. Keep in mind that often what you see as important may not be viewed that way by your customers.

At one point in my career, I worked for a company that celebrated its 100th year anniversary. That was unusual. No other competitors had been in business nearly that long. The company decided to make a big deal about it. A history of the company was written, brochures printed, even murals depicting significant moments in the company's history were painted on the walls of the corporate office. We all thought it was important.

Our customers, however, didn't care. After respectfully listening to our boasting, their response was some form of "So what?" In other words, our lO0 years didn't mean anything to them. In no way did it make their jobs easier, simplify their lives, or make them more important to their companies. What we thought was important turned out to be irrelevant from our customers' perspective.

Don't make the mistake we made. Instead, take the time to critically analvze vour list and eliminate those

items that are not important to your customer, that don't impact their jobs or make a difference to them. You should be left with a handful of items.

4. One more step to the preparation. Translate each of those items into statements of benefit to the customer. For example, your company may be local , while your competitor ships from 50 miles away. So what? What does that mean to your customer? You could translate that item of difference into a benefit by saying something like this: "As opposed to some other suppliers, we're just l5 minutes from your plant. This means that you can get quick delivery of emergency shipments, as well as rapid response to any problem that might develop. So, you'll have potentially less downtime in the plant, and of course, less stress and pressure on you."

Now that you've professionally prepared, you are ready to communicate those differences to your customer. You need to point them out in an organized and persuasive presentation.

Prepare a sell sheet with each of the differences noted as a bullet. Next to each bullet, have a few comments that

Direct lmporters of Hardwood Decking, lumber, & Flooring

Boise Gascade Engineered Wood Products

o2012 Boise cascadewood Products, LLC BOSE cAsGDE, the TREE lN A CIRCLE syhbo, BC CONNECTafd "Great products are only the beo nninq" are tldemarks ol BoiseGscade LL C or ts!flilates :14 I lhe ltledram ltlagarine I Mad m12
4N 2) Custom Millingavailable from our U.S. Facilities .ifab\e ilBrindshippingisalsoavailable "-*' Your direct source for Ipe, Tigerwood, Garapa, and Cumaru decking Many Options To Choose hom: 1) Shipping from osr Bruzilian Mills direcr to your job site or lumberyard Wholesale Division Ls Telephone: (941)-388-9299 S www.Advantagelumber. com/wholesale &tiHing'hoducgom

capsulize the benefit statements you prepared. Then, meet with your customer, lay the sheet down in front of him/her, and talk down through it, explaining each point as you go.

Treat it like you would any other well-done presentation. Be sensitive to your customer's reaction, and ask for feedback as you work down through the list. Say, "How does that sound?" or "Does that make sense to you?" and emphasize those things that seem to be more important to your customer. Then, leave that sheet with your customer.

I'm always amazed at the number of salespeople who are confounded over the customer's perception that their product is just like the other guy's, when those salespeople have done nothing to show the customer how it is different.

As always, if you have done a good job of analyzing, preparing, and communicating, your customer's perception should be altered and you

gain the business.

If you haven't done well at this, then your customer will continue to see no difference between buying from you and buying from the next guy. And, if you haven't shown him/her sufficient reason to buy it from you, then he shouldn't.

From the customer's point of view, if your offering is just like the competitor's, then the customer is absolutely correct in buying from the cheaper source. However, if there is any difference between your offering and your competitors', then the responsibility is totally yours to show the customer that difference. Follow the process described here, and you'll have far fewer customers treating you like a commodity.

- Dave Kahle is a leading sales educator and author ofnine books, including his latest, How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime. He can be reached at (800) 33 1I287 or via www .davekahle .com.

Kentucky and Youngstown State University.

After serving as a group v.p. for International Paper, he headed Roseburg from 1982 to 1991.

James Brandon Sweeney, 73, owner of Alki Lumber, Seattle, Wa., died of cardiac arrest Feb. 5 in Seattle.

He attended the University of Washington, but left after two years in 1959 to take over the family business after his father had a heart attack.

Gary R. Leeper, 67, former manager for Timber Products, Springfield, Or., died of cancer Jan. 26 in Springfield.

After graduating from the University of Oregon, he spent 30 years with Timber Products, including opening a starting and managing a branch in Mexico. He retired in 2001.

Andrew Stephen "Andy" Artzer, 87, longtime Northern California lumber grader, died Feb. 15 in Tuolumne, Ca.

John Morrison Headley,17, former owner of Yardbirds. Santa Rosa. Ca., died Feb. 17 in Santa Rosa.

In 1961, he opened Home Center Store in Seattle, Wa. After a merger with Pay N' Pak Stores, he became president of the 67-store chain. He resigned in 1975 and moved to Northern California to establish Yardbirds, which he would expand to l0 Bay Area locations.

In 2005, he sold the chain to Home Depot, which closed several locations and remodeled others into co-branded, small-format stores. Four years later, Depot closed the five remaining Yardbird locations.

Donald Robert Moreland. 75. retired president and partner at Lane Stanton Vance Lumber, City of Industry, Ca., died Feb. l9 in Pasadena, Ca.

After graduating from the University of Washington, he began his lumber career with Weyerhaeuser. He then became a partner in Lane Stanton, retiring in 2000 when the company was sold to Hampton Affiliates, Or.

John J. Stephens, 83, retired president and c.e.o. of Roseburg Forest Products, Roseburg, Or., died Feb. 6 in Bronxville, N.Y.

After serving with the Army, he earned degrees at the University of

A seaman first class in the U.S. Navy from 1943 to l946,he worked as a certified lumber grader at West Side Lumber Co., Tuolumne, and Pickering Lumber Mill, Standard, Ca., from 1946 until his retirement in 1986.

Willard Curtis, 91, retired logging engineer, died Feb. l9 in Springfield, Or.

Mr. Curtis served with the U.S. Army during World War II, as a technical sergeant with the 247th combat engineers.

He worked for Booth-Kelly Lumber and Georgia Pacific for 35 years, as chief logging engineer in the Springfield-Eugene division.

Buildiry-Prcductson Mad 2Or2 r lhe lvledant MaSadne I 35

Tribal Branded Wood Proposed

Consumers looking for environmentally friendly wood products may soon encounter a new brand: SpiritWood.

The brand is one of several under consideration by the Inter-Tribal Timber Council, Portland, Or., which was established in 1976 to improve management of natural resources belonging to Native American communities.

Such brands would help "differentiate tribal products in the marketplace" and generate "higher revenues critical to (continuing ecologically superior) management practices," according to Tina Hagedorn, a consultant who worked with ITC on a year-long marketing study.

Hagedorn says, "A compelling element of the SpiritWood marketing strategy is that tribes are the only group in America that can sell substantial, sustained volumes of

tribal forest products from permanent land bases. The brand would allow tribes to jointly supply timber products to the marketplace."

More than 200 reservations in the continental U.S. are forested, containing more than 7.7 million acres of timberland and another 10.2 million acres of woodlands. In addition, there are 44 million acres of Alaska native lands. Of these, just four tribes-located in Hoopa Valley, Ca.; Menominee, Wi., and Coquille and Warm Springs, Or.have earned FSC certification.

r TAIK Back

We welcome your letters to the editor. Send comments to Fax 949-852-023 I, dkoenig@, or The Merchant Magazine,4500 Campus Dr. #480, Newport Beach. Ca.92660.

HrrrrNc Horvrc

I thought Alan Oakes' article ("Here's Hoping") in the January issue of The Merchant Magazine was one of the best articles I have read in a long time.

Arrow Lumber & Hardware operates six locations in western Washington, and every topic you discussed in your article hit home. I made copies of the article and sent it to all our managers. Also, I gave some of our suppliers a copy. Our suppliers, many of whom we have been partners with for 35 years, have really worked with our company.

I am very close with our 66 personnel and work from the philosophy of "positive affirmation." I send each one a birthday card on their birthday with a hand-written message and usually call them on their birthday, as well.

We have a customer appreciation day for each store with a huge response from our dedicated and loyal customers.



Arrow Lumber & Hardware turned a profit last year, and in this economic environment, was a testament to the points you stressed in your article.

Again, very fine article.

Barney Wagner

Founder and c.e.o. Arrow Lumber & Hardware, LLC barney @

Respecting the forest, honoring the past, building the future. A nation's pride you can huild on. Manufacturers of | 0 million bd. ft. monthly of . 5/4 &.6/4 Ponderosa Pine Shop 4/4 Premium Pine Board Programs Stateof-theArt Hewmill & Headrig Mill Contact
Howell t5091 874-1163
Bretz 1805t 395-0100 Yakama Forest Products 3191 Wesley Rd., White Swan, WA 38952 Fax 509-874-11E2
ww.yakama -f Cal Coast $rholesale Lumber, Inc. Pressure Treated Forest Products Alkaline Copper Quat (ACg) Custom Treating Selected Inventory Available P.O. Box 67g .3150 Taylor Drive ' Ukiah, Ca.95482 Phone 7O7 -468-0141' Fax 7O7 -468-0660 SalesJor Coast Wood Preseruing 36 r lhe ttlerdrant Magafire r Madr mu BuiHitrghodudsom

Redwood Planters

The California Redwood Company now offers artisandesigned planter boxes constructed of premium redwood.

Measuring 23 -3 I 4" x20 -3 I 8" x 20-318", the planters can be customized with 6"x6" decorative copper panels.

A removable GeoPot minimizes contact between soil, water and the wood. while increasing airflow for better plant health.


(866) 791-7474

Protective Shingles

Atlas Roofing's Pristine roofing shingles are Scotchgard protected to eliminate black stains and streaks caused by algae.

The treated shingles come in l3 colors, with a limited lifetime warranty against algae damage and wind damage up to 130 mph.


(800) 388-6134

Pro OSB Flooring

T-GRADE PRO professionalgrade OSB flooring fiom Tolko Industries is designed to meet the challenges of extended construction delays and exposure to wet weather.

Each panel is fully sanded on both sides for a uniform appearance and a tighter thickness tolerance. A tongue-and-groove panel edge ensures a smooth surface for floor coverings.


(250\ 545-4411

Natural Beauty and Exceptional Quality.

Bonded Gomposite

EverGrain Envision bonded composite decking is TAMKO's latest offering.

The new bonded outer layer is formulated for a low-sheen appearance with a deep woodgrain texture, in four multi-shaded colors (grey wood, rustic walnut, shaded auburn, spiced teak).


(800) 641-4691

With Coscodio decking, the unsurpossed noturol beouty of Western Red Cedor is motched with Terminol Forest Products' reflowne0 monufocturing quolity. This creotes o product thot is beoutiful, functionol. ond ecojriendly. Coscodio decklng is mode from o 100% renewoble ond sustoinoble North Americon resource unlike PVI ond composite decking, which is lorgely mode from non-renewoble peiroleum products. Third-porty life cycle onolysis deorly shows WRC decking os the be$ environmentol choice for decking: WRC signifirontly outperforms sustitute products in every environmentol meosure.

D $ributed trltDt N'?#w'N p.0.Boxl802,Medford,0R9/50t.Fox54t-535-3288.(541) Superior Sewice, Products & Support Madt 2012 r lhe ltilerdrant Magazine t 37 l- rEG rD|fi'DHCKING HY Frrw Let your deck shine Building-Productrcon

Framing Fasteners

New framing fasteners from Simpson Strong-Tie simplify installation of framing products.

The LRU rafter hanger is designed for rafter-toridge connections and can accommodate solid-sawn rafters 2x6 to2xl2 in size.

A single-screw solution for truss and rafter uplift and lateral loads is the SDWC truss and rafter screw. It requires no pre-drilling, so it can be installed before or after exterior sheathing is applied.

SDWS and SDWH structural wood screws are high-strength alternatives to through-bolting and traditional lags screws for various fastening applications.


(800) 999-5099

Dazzling Trimboards

Claymark's Solid Gold radiata pine trimboards from New Zealand are treated for both interior and exterior use.

Free of fingerjoints, the solid boards are protected by the Tru Core process against decay, rot, and termites and certified to Forest Stewardship Council standards.


(871) 287 -4406

PFS ffp THE PAtrIFIC PRESERVINGi WEOD trt]MPANIES Affiliotions: AWPA, W\MPI, lRG, LACN, HLPA 3E r The lrledrant lbgazine I Madr 2012 Building-Roductron

Golorful Gedar Shingles

Bardobec's B-Chroma cedar shingles are Olympic pre-stained in opaque or semi-transparent colors. Naturally durable, their acoustic and insulating properties keep buildings comfortable and quiet.


(514\ 2'73-2221

Perennially Beautiful Decking

Eastman Chemical's Trulast Technology protects Perennial Wood decking against rot, decay, shrinking, swelling, cracking, cupping, and warping.

Deck boards, rails, balusters, posts, stair treads, and fascia are factory-finished in a choice offour colors.


(800) 530-7495

The use of Screw Products, lnc. Star Drive Bronze Star Wood Screws can cause side effects such as significant time and cost savings, decreased effort and fatigue

1lb, slb and bulk pails FREE drive bits. Droo now and visit our web site to mofe before you start your next

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haruesting and milling high quality California redwood.

During our 63 years in the redwood business, Big Creek has developed a reputation for being a reliable supplier of high quality lumber. We produce a wide range of grades and dimensions, custom cut timbers, pattern stock and fencing. Order full, mixed or partial truckloads.

LIKE us on Facebook & learn how YOU could win a FREE Gold StarAssortment Kit! www. sG f€w-prod u m @mt @ Toll Free: (888) 26+6902 .*,ffin- SGREWtl*<w-"47 I=E/g PROIIUGTS IIfG. I
history of practicing
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For highly experienced and personalized service contact
loEh%"* "Growing Redwoods for the Future" 3564 Hwy. 1, Davenpoft, CA 95017 (831) 457-5024. Fax 831-423-2800 BuildingRodudsom Mardr 2012 I The fvledunt lhguine r 39
Frank "Lud" McCrary, Janet McCrary Webb or Jim Busick

This beauty is a beast.

Armadillo's super tough skin is permanently fused to a composite core made of 100010 post-c0nsumer recycled content. Its deeper, richer color, is more realistic and more durable. Armadillo easily shrugs off scuffs, stains and resists fading and will provide years of great looking, low

Gordless Nailer

The Paslode CF325L| nailer is cordless for easier installation of drywall.

Its lithium-ion battery drives up to 6,000 nails per charge, while a depth-of-drive function allows easy adjustments. Included are a rugged carrying case, charger and safety glasses.


(80u 222-6990

Gurvy Golumn Gover

Fulcrum Composites' curved column covers are a durable, lightweight way to cover poles. The covers can be installed like conventional drywall, with depth-set screws, taping, and mudding. Each half has tapered edges to hide the taped joint. Standard lengths are 8' and l0', with 72",15", and 20" diameters -plus custom sizes.



o89\ 636-102s

Zippy Door Govering

Made of 4-mil plastic sheeting. heavy-duty. glued-in zippers. and double-sided tape, ZipWall quickly covers door openings to create a complete dust barrier. Fire retardant, it fits doors up to 4'x8'.


(800) 718-22ss

End-Gut Protection

TimberTech has developed a latex-based paint to cover endcuts of its decking boards.

Each 8-oz. can covers approximately 250 end cuts when applied with foam or bristle brushes. Colors include cedar, grey, rosewood, teak and walnut.


(800) 307-7780

535-4838 !!= Made in the USA O2012 Nlaster lMark Plastics 40 r lhe lvlerdant lvlagazine I Mardr 2012 &ilding-Produdsom

Glubby Decking & Railing

Clubhouse decking and railing from Deceuninck North America is formulated to be up to 25Vo lighter than most wood and composites.

Constructed of lOO7o PVC, the products feature a natural wood appearance with deep grain embossing. SunShield protective capstock resists fading, cracking, brittleness, and surface degradation.

The Hardwood line offers four variegated grains, while EarthTone offers four solid colors.

Also offered are Clubhouse Elite and Clubhouse Plus vinyl railing products.


(877\ 563-42s1

Non-Gombustible I nsulations

Winco International has developed two new noncombustible insulations with up to 13.7 R-Value.

Skytech seals with an airtight but vapor-permeable envelope, while Nest reflects up to 977o of radiant cold or heat.

Both use continuous filaments of E-glass fiber to create a high-density blanket without glue or binder, which is then encapsulated in an aluminum membrane.


(832) 516-8125


From window and door flashings like DuPont* FlexWrap*, Flashing Tape and t,1

StraightFlash* to superior wraps like Tyvek@ HomeWrapo and Tyvek@ StuccoWrapo you can be assured you are using the brand leader in weather resistant barriers.

BUILD IT ONCE, BUILD IT RIGHT. Tyvek DuPont* Tyvek@ has the right balance of properties to air seal and weather protect Bear Forest Products offer the complete DuPont" Tyveko Weatherization System. Call951-727-1767 ext.127 for Ren6e McMicfrael, ext126 for Lorena Marodi, or ext.129 for Marc SpiE.
your projects no matter what the climate. Backed by a I 0-year warranty. I r
O 2012 WPL. All nghts e*rved. DuPonts, Tyvel@, a€ tradema.ks d registercd traderorks of E.t. du Pont de Nemilm and Cmpany or its alillales. All dghts mseoed -l h.ishtFb*l brs6ga4l BuildingPrcdudscorn Madr 2012 r The llerdunt ltrhgazine I 41

Palace, Las Vegas, Nv. [1] David Ellis, Anthony DiSanto. [2] David Emanuel, Roger Probasco, Ron Welch. [3] Bill Spencer, Gary Dean, Scott Jennings. [4] Sheri Schon, Jay Johnson. [5] Rick & Lori Hullinger. [6] Tim McDermott, Dan Summers, Ron Knudsen. [7] Michael Hock, Phlllip Bryson, Gary Price. [8] Sarah Dix, Darryl Little. [9] Scott Nowatzki, Rod Dennison, Larry Crossley, Jon Booth. [10] Don Adams. [11] Wanen White, Chris Brown. (More photos on next page)

GUARDIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS hosted its annual spring show Jan. 29-31 at Caesars
4i2 r The llerdrant tvlagazine r Madr 2012 Building-Productsom

Not All Suppliers Are Creoted tqucl Buy your Western Red Cedar from these quality producers.


Downie Tirnber/Selkirk Specialty

Enyearl Cedar Products

Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd.

Haida Forest Prociucts Ltd.

ldaho Forest Group


Mary s River Lumber Co.

Mid Valley Lurnber Specialties

North Enderby Timber Ltd

OrePac Building Products

Power Wood Corp.

Ouadra Wood Products

Sawarne Lumber Corrrpany Ltd.


Skana Forest Products Ltd

Twin Rtvers Cedar

West Bay Forest Products

Western Forest Products, Inc.


BW Creatrve Wooo Inclust.ies

Cedarshed lndr-rstries

Outdoor Living Today

Synergy Pacif iclOuattro Timber



I I =
GUARDIAN (continued): [1] Sara Eller, Susan Faulkner [2] Jay Levy, wt-attnew Schindler. [3] Joan & Randy Oscarson. [4] Chuck Croskey, Hal Musler. [5] Rob Everson, Ken Elliott. [6] Uli Walther, Julie Rathjen. [7] Mark Headtee, Joseph Headlee, Joseph Headlee. [8] Alex
Madr 2012 r The llednnt Magazine r 43
Hines, Chris Hammack. [9] Richard Schmith, Ben Sachs, Tim Hoffman. [10] Yvonne & Rene Saulnier. [11] Scott Enter, Elorinie & Ron Enter. fl21 Brian Basham, Troy Basham. [13] Bill Dean, Rick Greenwell. [14] Audie Farquahar, Chris Thompson. [15] William Bazzle.

INTERNATIONAL BUILDERS Show attracted a big crowd Feb. 8-11 at Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Fl. Ill Len & Tina Kasoerski. I2l Jim O'Neill, Dan Gibson. l3l kvte Loveland, Kim Pohl, b-avid Pool. [4] Doug Reid, Chris Shope. [5] Roger Farnand, Dale Robley, Marion Bailey. [6] Ricli Sanders, Craig Young, Dan Beaty, Chuck niqoni. i7i Mesan Garrity, Caiol Kelly. [8] Chris Kollwitz, Da"n Danki, Brian Delbrueck. [9] Shayien-e Adam, Maureen MurraV, Troy Sinks, Michael Gori [10] Phil Jackson, Deborlh Baum Crain, Jim Flickinger. [11] Barry Lyons, Carol LVn Groce. [12] John Niedzwiecki. [13] Sharon Loitus. Pam C6rn. Camille Sciullo. 114l Brian Mav, Bill Naumann, Ri C6rn, Camille [14] Brian May, Bill Rick Kapres, Josh Pace. [15] Steve Kearns, tony DiRienzo,-David KenworthY.[1jl Jon Nesbit tlTlJrin 6ailey, Wayne Hiltori. [18]Audrey Ordenes, Randy Engh, Jeanine

N F e N ra E I
Building-Ptodudscom 44 r lhe lvlerdant trhgazine r Mardt m12
Jerkovic. [19] Bill Langmaid, Scott McGill, Paul Colliton, Scott B{!tl [20] Ken Kera-nen, Erik Killunen. [21] Steve Killgore, Alan Oakes. [22] Steve (More photos on next page) Krystosik, Tim Willoughby.

IBS (continued): [1] Pete l4zo, Hallie Cunigan, Justin George. [2] Carey 9reenway, Richard Hicks. [3] Peter Krihak, Brent Gwatney. 141 Rel Scoti, Mac MacDonald. [5] Clark Allen, Rick Oblak, Bryan Rychlik, Ryan Kaelin. [6] Tracy Wilson, Patrick Hanulak. [7] Barbara Stewart, Leda Jotinson. [8] Gly Palumbo, Leon Desrocher, Bob Flute. [9] Phil Lail, Brian Orchard. [101 Brandy L-owery. [11] Dan Kukol, Brad Finck. [12] Steve Kelly, Scott vori 9onte_n, Shawn Herrington. [13] Jeff Sturdivan, Mik-e Moran, Sebn Seymour. [14] Courtney Watkins. [15] Chuck Casey, Kevin Guthard. [16] Melissa Morine-lli, Joel Adamson, Tom Hall, Garnett Douglass. [17] Michael Griffiths, Tony Saad, Dave Varallo, Jean-Marc Dubois. [18] Tom Diavis, Dave Nixon, B_e-rt Falcone, Uli Walther, Chris Johnson, Kurt Hogard. [19] Colin McCown. [20] Jack Delaney, Lance Humphrey. [21] Jonathan Santiago, Dan lvancic. [22] Brett McCutcheon, Christian Beck. [23] Joel Cone.

I E u, 19 c { }€
BuildingProductscon Madr mfz r lhe ltrlednnt lhgazjrr r 45

Gypress has buildings covered

f\Evrano FoR cYPRESSs remains stable, even as the lumLlber industry as a whole continues to struggle. Part of this demand can be credited to the increased use of cypress siding in institutional and commercial projects.

"Building professionals are looking for resource- and energy-efficient materials," says Ernie Pyle, Ontario Hardwoods, Keysville, Va., and president-elect of the Southern Cypress Manufacturers Association. "However, they also are looking for locally sourced and competitively priced materials, and cypress addresses all their needs."

On the outskirts of Dallas, horizontal tongue-and-groove cypress was used to clad part of the 22000-sq. ft. Trinity River Audubon Center. Brown Reynolds Watford Architects' Gary DeVries said, "Cypress was selected for its beautiful appearance as well as its natural rot resistance and longevity." Because the cypress was sourced from within 500 miles, it contributed points to the project's LEED Silver certification.

"Design professionals who are looking for a natural alternative to cedar and redwood, with superior qualities at a competitive price, are turning to cypress," Pyle explains. "Cypress products add warmth and beauty to any project, and their popularity is spreading across the country.

The durability of cypress was a requirement for Jackson Hole Airport in Jackson, Wy. Situated between the Teton

mountain range to the east and the Gros Ventre range to the west, the facility required exterior siding materials that were durable enough for Wyoming's drastic winter weather-dry and often reaching minus 30o-while adding beauty and aesthetic warmth to the project.

The design team wanted to utilize wood's natural attributes on the building's exterior and interior. "We originally specified Douglas fir, but we substituted it with cypress, which is considered more rot-resistant," explains Brent Mather, design director and senior associate of Gensler's Denver office. "The extreme weather exposure of the exterior was the major driver behind the change."

The project was Mather's first experience working with cypress, but it left a positive impression. "It stacks up to other wood for value, price, and quality," he notes. "It looks great, and the owner and the design team are very pleased."

Chuck Harris, Wholesale Wood Products, Dothan, Al., says he has seen a number of inquiries for cypress come across his desk in the last 60 days. "We recently received an order for cypress to be used on a new school," Harris adds. "A large portion ofthe exterior is select grade cypress siding, and they are using cypress timbers as well. I met with the architects on this job to help them with the specs and learned they had two more commercial jobs they wanted to use cypress on."

Nancy Tuck, Gates Custom Milling, Gatesville, N.C., says she is supplying select grade cypress in a special profile to clad a 50,000-sq. ft. facility for the University of North Carolina Coastal Studies Institute on Roanoke Island. "Cypress is capitalizing on the lack of cedar logs and lumber available in the marketplace," she says. "Cypress is becoming a much bigger piece of what we do."

- To learn more about building with cypress, visit SCMA's website at and download its updated brochure, " Cypre s s Siding Installation Guideline s."

PRODUCT Southern Cypress
NEW AIRPORT required exterior siding that could withstand harsh conditions in Jackson Hole, Wy. Photo bv Mafthew Millman Photo by Michael Lyon PhotograPhy
6 r lhe tt4erdunt lvlagazine r Madr 2012
CYPRESS SIDING in T&G format clad part of a new 22,000-sq. ft, nature center near Dallas, Tx.

Western Building Material Association honored Bruce Abel, Don Abel Building Supply, Juneau, Ak., as its 201 I Distinguished Dealer of the Year during its recent convention.

Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance, Indianapolis, In., was named Associate Member of the Year.

Bill Mackie, Madison Lumber & Hardware, Ketchikan, Ak.. is WBMA's new president. Other new officers are lst v.p. Randy Stemper, Astoria Builders Supply, Astoria, Or.; 2nd v.p. Mike Werner, Builders Alliance, Bellingham, Wa., and Young Westerners Club president Tom Rider, Plywood Supply, Kenmore, Wa.

On March 21-22, executive director Casey Voorhees will lead a blueprint reading and material takeoff class at WBMA's Kincaid Learnins Center. Olympia, Wa.

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association installed Dennis Gardner. ProBuild, Midvale, Ut., as its new president, succeeding Dena Cordova, Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Co., Colorado Springs, Co.

Other new officers are presidentelect Dan Lowe, Alpine Lumber, Parker, Co.; treasurer Cordova; secretary Paula Ervin, Randall Lumber & Hardware, Taos, N.M.: national director Scott Yates, Denver Lumber, Denver, Co., and national alternate Walter Foxworth, Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber. Dallas. Tx.

Kimberly Kent has returned to the association as a part-time administrative assistant.

During MSLBMDA's Colorado Council year-end party at the Mile

High Stadium Club at Invesco Field, Dena Cordova was honored as 20 I 1 Lumberman of the Year. Outstanding Sales Awards went to A.J. Kolarsick and Mickey Jones, Allweather Wood, Loveland, Co.; Terry Frank, Snavely Forest Products, Denver, Co.; Brenda Long, Taryn Taylor, Emily Bonilla, and Wade Paff, Boise Cascade, Denver; Tom Chase, Dan Nuttal, and Mike Tristan, Capital, Phoenix, Az.; Kate Wyeth, Bluelinx, Denver; Bobby Reid, Reid & Wright, Broomfield, Co.; Tim Gleason, R/W Specialties, Henderson, Co., and Monty Trumbull.

Lumber Association of Catifornia & Nevada hits the links June 7 for its annual associates/dealers golf tournament at Rancho Solano Golf Club. Fairfield, Ca.

Moulding & Millwork Producers Association has changed the location of its March 19-24 winter meeting to Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel. Santa Monica, Ca.

Western Wood Preservers Institute has moved its June 24-26 summer meeting to Ritz-Carlton Bachelor Gulch, Avon, Co.

North American Retail Hardware Association will host its annual convention May l-3 at Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, Nv.

Western States Roofing Contractors Associationts annual convention and expo is June 24-27 at Paris Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nv.

Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club will host its annual Ladies Night May l0 at Orange Hill Restaurant, Orange, Ca.

-{t ACO . Borates D-Blazet Interion Fire Retardanu Heat fpefting tSpM 1S Comptianr . Custom Drying Flail Senved eNsr . TPI Third parry Inspecred FSC Certified scscoc-oozs.l B 909-350-,t 214 155OO Valencia Ave. [Box 1O7O], Fonrana, CA 92BBb Fax 9O9-35G9623 email - www.fontanawholesalelumber. com BuiHing-hductsorn Madr 2012 r The tylerdraril trbgazine t 47
CUED U_P: L^os Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club held its annual pool tournament Feb. g at Plrlny (r, Orangg, ca. (Front.row, l-r)Jim Gaffney, walt Maas; (2nd row)charley Bohnhoff, Christa Bohnhoff, Alan Arbiso. Mike Bohnhoff, Jack Skinner; (3rd row) Dale'Bohannbn, Richard Phillips,_D:n Eohannon, Jim Demach, charley Fiala;(back)Nathan osborne, Jim Gaithei, charley James, Bill Burns, Bill Fitzgerald. photo bv Wattei Ratstoi


Rates: $1 .20 per word (25 word min.). Phone number counts as I word, address as 6. Centered copy or headline, 99 per line. Border, $9. Private box, $'15. Column inch rate: $55 if art furnished "camera+eady" (advertiser sets the type), $0S if we set type. Send ad to Fax 949-852-0231 or dkoenig@ For more info, call(949)852-'1990. Make checks payable to Cutler Publishing. Deadline: 18th of previous month.


General manager with over 25 years of experience in the building supply industry seeking a challenging career position. Successful work history in business development, management, and analysis with a background increasing profits and setting sales records. Building industry experience includes sales, marketing, purchasing, advertising, estimating, budgeting, and accounting. Motivated, professional candidate with superior leadership skills willing to relocate or travel for the right opportunity. Contact Mike at



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Ganahl Lumber in Corona has an opening for an industrial sales rep. We are looking for someone with a proven track record to get us the following results:

Work closely with both Operations and Purchasing to offer our full line of products to businesses delivering sales to Industrial accounts of $250K a month within 24 months.

. Consistently search for new business opportunities within the Industrial segment by cold calling and offering new products to existing customers. Target growth of 207o in new business year over year.

Proficient with a computer. As the primary contact with our customers, we are looking for someone that can utilize all forms of technology to communicate professionally both within our organization, and with our customers.

. You must be able to assemble and present a professional and effective product presentation to both existing and potential customers for the full line of products we offer. An effective presentation will utilize all the resources available'

This position is compensated based on performance. The right results will produce an income over $100000.

If you have a proven track record in accomplishing the above, and you can clearly communicate how you can accomplish the results outlined above, please aPPIY via resume@

Name Phone ( Address City State _ Zip COPY Let's get the lumber industry back to work! If your company has a job opening in management, purchasing' sales or marketing' The Merchantis offering a $60 credit to adveftise your position in next month's April issue. Fax your copy to 949-852-0231 or email This means any Help Wanted ad under 40 words is FR,EE (ads longer than 40 words will be billed 91.20 for each additional word). Ads MUST be received by March 20,2OL2, to meet our print deadline and qualify for this offer. CONTRACTOR PLANNERS PRINTED WITH YOUR LOGO L.I.INDUSTRIES 800-526-6465 FAX 718-793-4316 www.apronsu /A r The lyledant l,lagadne r Madt 2Or2 &riHlnghodudscom


lisfings. are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wrfh sponsor before making plans to attdnd.

Western Wood Products Association - March 12, annual mee! ing, Embassy Suites Downtown, Portland, Or.; (503) 224-3930: www.wwpa.0rg.

North American Wholesale Lumber Association - March 12.15, Wood Management Course, Mississippi State University, Starksville, Ms.; (800) 527 -8258: www.lumber,org.

WoodWorks - March 13, Wood Solutions Fairs, Oreoon Convention Center, Portland, Or.; March 15, Washinqton Stite Conference Center, Seattle, Wa.; (866) 966-3448; wwr,

Redwood Region Logging Conference - March 15-17, Redwood Empire Fairgrounds, Ukiah, Ca.; (707) 443-4091;

Remodeling & Decorating Show - March 17.18, Orange County Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, Ca.; (818) SbZ-ZSS0;

Moulding & Millwork Producers Association - March 19.24, winter meeting, Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, Santa Monica, Ca.; (800) 550-7889;

Epicor Software - March 22-23,LBM customer training conference, Denver Maniott City Center, Denver, Co.; (888) 4694700; www.

Sealtle Remodeling Expo - March 23-25, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Wa.; (800) 374-6463;

Remodef ing & Decorating Sllow - March 24-25, Pechanga Casino, Temecula, Ca.; (818) 557-2950;

International Wood Products Association - March 28-30, annual convention, Miramonte Resort & Spa, Indian Wells, Ca.; (703) 820-6696: www.iwoawood.oro.

North American Wholesale Lumber Association - March 2g. regronal meeting, Embassy Suites, Portland, 0r.; (800) 5278258;

American Institute of Timber Construction - April 2-3, annual !Ll{ing, Naples Beach Hotel & Gotf Ctub, Naptes, Ft.; (303) 2929559;

American Architectural Manufacturers Association - April 10-l 1, gpfqrS rytegtllS, Embassy Suites Portland Airport, Porfland, Or.l (847) 303-566a;

Structural lnsulated Panel Association -April 10.12, annual 1_e-e!pg & conference, Embassy Suites, San Antonio, Tx.; (253) 858-7 47 2.: ps, org

National Wood Flooring Association - April 10.13, conference & wood flooring expo, Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, Fl. ; (800) 4224556: www.woodfl

International Wood Composites Symposium - April 11.13, Red Lion, Seattle, Wa. ; (509) 335-2262; woodsymposi u m.wsu.ed u.

Lumber Association of Galifornia & Nevada - April 12, associates/dealers golf tournament, Black Gold Golf Club, yor6a Linda, Ca.; (800) 266-4344:

North American Wholesale Lumber Association - April 12, regjonal meeting, Vancouver Club, Vancouver, B.C.; (800) 5278258;

Southern California Hoo.Hoo Club - April 18, dinner & meeting, Anaheim Hills Golf Course, Anaheim, Ca.; (760) 324-0842; www.hoohool

Olympic Logg-ing-Conference - April 18.20, Fairmont Empress, Victoria, B.C.; (360) 452-9357 ;

Remodefing & Decorating Show - April 21-22, Civic Center, Santa Monica, Ca.; (818) 557-2950;

Transload Distribution Association - April 23.25, conference, Doubletree, Memphis, Tn.; (503) 6564282;






BnlHfurg'hodu<lsom Madr 2Or2 r nre ikrdrant tt&gadne r 49

Little Cars Have Big lmpact

Opening its doors to hundreds of cub scouts brought increased sales and community goodwill to Old Town Ace Hardware in Alexandria, Va., a historic area just outside our nation's capital.

Rich Heilman bought the business, housed in a 9,000-sq. ft., two-story brick building, in 2008. The following January, faced with a winter slowdown, he looked around for a way to increase business.

Heilman didn't have to look long or far' When the local Boy Scout group asked for help with its yearly Pinewood Derby, he went into action. He was familiar with the events-in which scouts build and race wooden cars-through his own sons.

To supervise the action and prevent injuries to young hands, he secured the expertise of an expert: carpenter Jesse Cathell, who brought all needed equipment, set up a temporary workshop at the back of the store, and rough-cut designs that each scout traced on a small block of wood. When rough-cutting was complete, scouts moved to another table and sanded their creations under the watchful eye of their parents and older scouts who volunteered their help.

The first event, held on just two weekends, was a real success: scouts and their parents waited up to an hour and a half in the snow to get inside the store. Last year, about 300 scouts attended the event over three weekends. This year's event was held over four weekends, with nearly 400 scouts.

Besides contributing space for the workshop and popcorn for snacking, Heilman donated 5Vo of sales for all related products-wood kits, spray paint, sandpaper-to offset the cost of operating the local Pinewood Derby. Participating families who attended the workshops were asked to donate $l per cut. Together, about $1,000 was raised, of which half went to the Children's Miracle Network-a charity favored by Ace Corp.

Heilman says that parents, who often drive miles to attend the workshop, mention how grateful they are for the help. Many return to shop at the store and become regular customers, as do residents who read about the event in local newspapers.

Bear Forest Products [] ..........,..............'."..41

Big Creek Lumber [www,]...,..,..,........'..'."".'...39

Boise Cascade [www.bcewp.coml

Cal Coast Wholesale Lumber ."'."."'.........'.".'36

California Redwood Association [www.calredwood'orgl'.."26

California Redwood Co. []...Gover ll

Galifornia Timberline []."'...."......"..."4

Canfor []..... ,.,,....,...'..'....".""21

Capital ['..""....."....Cover I

Crawford Greek Lumber [crawfordcreeklumber'com].'....""'32

Fontana Wholesale Lumber ffontanawholesalelumber.coml "4T

GRK Fasteners [] .....,............'..'."."'..1

Humboldt Redwood [www.getredwood.coml

ldaho Forest Group [www.idahoforestgroup'com]...'....'..."."'3

Keller Lumber

Mary's River Lumber [www.marysriverlumber.coml'.'..".""'33

Master Mark Plastics []........'."..'....40

Maze Nails [].......,,. .'.....""8

Norman Distribution [] ....'.....".'..'."..'.37

Pacific Wood Preserving Cos. [www,] "..".38

Redwood Empire []................'..'..""'23

Roseburg Forest Products [www.rfpco,com] .,,...............'....'13

Screw Products [www.screw-products.coml.......'.'.".'.'........39

Simpson Strong-Tie [www.strongtie,com].,,,......'..'..'.'Cover lll

Siskiyou Forest Products [siskiyouforestproducts.comt."'.27

Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club [www.hoohool]..'29

Sunbelt [] ..."'.".'.......32

Swanson Group Sales []'..""'.,25

Terminal Forest Products []'......."'31

Thunderbolt Wood Treating [thunderboltwoodtreating'com].'35

TMI Forest Products [] ..,............'."".""....'.'7

Trinity River Lumber........... ..............'...."....."..18

Universal Forest Products []'....,'.".'.'..'..'.......28

Viance [] ...,.,....,..,..,....,'..'..".."'Cover lV

Western Red Cedar Lumber Assn. []"."'..42'43

Yakama Forest Products [www.yakama.forest'com] ""......"36

50 r The fvlerdrant llagadne I Mad 2012 ADVERTISERS fndex I For more information on advertisers, call them dircclly or visit lheir wcbsites lin bracketsl. Advantage Trim & Lumber [] "..34 Allweather Wood Treaters []'.'."...5
CUSTOMER Damon Wright and scouts (l'r)William Keough, Nathan Keough, and Dillon Wright sand their racecars at Old Town Ace Hardware. Alexandria, Va.
Hoover Treated Wood Products [www,frtw.coml..'.......'."....49 Huff Lumber

Shuctural-Connector Nai ls

Smooth Shank - Annular Ring Shank

Hot-Dip Galvanized - Bright - Stainless Steel

Roofing, Tile and Slaling Nails smooth Shank - Annular Ring Shank - Washered Cooper - Aluminum - Stainless Steel

X0 Screw Steel 0€cking to Structural Ste€l - Steel Stitching - Cold-tormed Steel Framing 0uik Guard'i Coatino

rtim Head Screw

Standard and Box Threads for Wood and Composite Decking to W00d ] ouik Guardo Coating in 4 Colors] Stainless St8el with Painted Heads in 13 Colors and Unpainted

Dexxter Screw Unique Thread Reduces Mushr00ming in Composite Decking to W00d 0uik Guard'. Coating in 5 C0lors - Stainless Steel with Painted Heads in g Colors

DHPD Screw

Paddle Point Helps fliminate Splitting in Hardwood Decking to Wood Stainless Steel

Wide variety, specilic results.

Bugle Head Screw

Standard and Box Threads t0r Wood Decking to W00d Carbon Steel - Stainless Steel

@WSNTL $crew

Subtloor and Sheathing to Wood - Decking l0 Wood Yellow Zinc - Quik Guardo - Mechanically Galvanized

Her-Washer Head Screw wilh IPDM Washer [4etal R00fing/Siding Panels to Wood Joists 0r Cold-Form€d Steel Mechanically Galvanized - Stainless SteelPowder Coated in a Laroe Varietu of Stock Colors

Shong-Drive@ 8DS $tructural Wood Screw

Various Simpson Strong-Tielr Connectors as well as Wood t0 W00d Double-Barrier Coating - Stainless Steel

Slrong-Drive@ S0 Structural Conneclor Screw

Beplaces Naals in lvlany Popular Simpson Slrono-Tie:' Connectors lvl€chanically-Galvanized Coating

Slrong-Drive@ SDWC Truss and Raller Screw

Single-Screw Solution tor Truss and Rafter lJplitt and Lateral Loads Clear Zinc Coalino

Shong-Drive@ S0tl/ Struclural Wood Screw

Desig0ed to Fasten Multi-Ply Members such as Plated Trussos E-CoalrM Coatin0

Slron g-Drive@ SDWII Slructuml $crew

For General-Purpose Wood-io-Wood Fastening 0ouble-3atrier Coating

Slrong-Drive@ $OWS Slruclural Screw

For Slruclural Wood-to Wood taslening Including Deck Ledger Double-Barrier Coatino


IryEST FRASER TREATED SALTS Sundre. Alberta. CN 250-991-5324


SUPERIOR WOOD TREATING Sumner, WA 800-422-3120

ALLWEATHER WOOD Loveland, C0 800-621-099r


FONTANA IryHOLESALE LUMBER Fontana. CA 909-350-1214


. UL@ Classified with FR-S Rating Code Compliant under ESR-2645

Very Low Smoke Rating

AWPA Standardized

. City of Los Angeles RR-24502

50-Year Limited Warranty

No VOC's or Formaldehyde

BIM Objects at

oG o.rr*r
CANADA trrI € ,-ff,
ffi Content
FR-S Rating

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