Dissolved copper ozole preservotives ore the most common wood preservotives in North Americo; the combinotion of ozoles in the Type C formulotion is the most odvonced form, requiring the leost omount of chemicol.
Wolmonized@ Outdooro wood is the preserved wood bocked by the respecled Good Housekeeping Seol ond its two-yeor consumer oromise.
Wolmonizedto OuidooP wood hos been listed os o Green Approved product by the NAHB Reseorch Center ond con contribute points towords o home's Notionol Green Building Cerlificoiion.
The dissolved copper formulotion is lisled in stondords of the Americon Wood Proteciion Associoiion; its treoted wood is eligible for identificotion under the CheckMork progrom.
The widely known Wolmonized nome hos signified effectively preserved wood for mony decodes. The brono hos led the industry on both technologicol ond morketing fronts.
For more informotion, consult your provider of Wolmonized@ Outdoor@ wood, or visit www.wolmonizedwood.com/west
Osnutsc hus lorrg becn a leodcr in thc rescnrt'lt and dct'clopnrenl oJ'ntu' prorlucts ottcl st'rtices irt sll tress of'Itrnficr ltrcstrtwtiott tct'lttutlog.1" llk p ro t' id c i rr tr o t'rt I i t't u'rnd p resu' t'u I i rc pntrl t t t' I s. u d ut t t t' c d c t t gi n e t r i n g st r t' i t' c s t tt tl t' tt st rt ttt i : c d nturkctittg scrt'it'r's lo our rsluctl custrttntrs, I:sltblislted in I9.J+. Osmrtse, Irtt', is reutgtri:ccl as u unrlrl premiar suppliar of'Iumher preserrulire tct'httologies. Osmose hos u ktng hislor.y ql sut'cass.f ul dat'clopmcnt nnd dirersifit'ulirn inlo spt'cinli:ed nrcus of u'rtod prt'sarrnliott.
/,/l-\ -1.- -
ffiffi-.fuffi'@' PRO' IREATED WOOD T ccA:ifil,ii,il.ii t / t, '1,t,l; : !/ ,f! /i' "':l 't, i/p tl f' !'/ {: For more informotion visit www.osmosewood.com. t & b3 }' k ffi trI #Fu-1,, L t' * #d ' .&lpr. 'q*fe b.*{ k I ,./ .', I / j / tt It tt I .t lt ,t 'l t,t / ,;,t" '' I l'-r, l I Jll ll ti
rhe ilf E n G H lil T nro*io)"'"
Special Features
9 Mnncrn Bunorns
CoNNrcron MRNur,ccrunrRs TRp tNto MRor tN A,vrntc,q MoveurNr
1 0 Pnooucr SporucHr
THe RrrunN or Copprn NnprHrNnre
1 2 Frnrunr Sronv
Tsr OrHrn TRe,qreo Wooo: Molo-lNHtetrtNc SunrRce TnrnrvrNrs
14 MnncrN Butorns
PRNelrzro Roor Svsrrrr,ts ruE Tops ron Co,vt,Mrncr,cr CoNsrnucrtoN
1 6 Pnooucr Sporucnr
Cnoss LnvtNnrro Tt,MgER BACKS Hucr CoNoo Pnotrcr
1 B lNousrnv Tnrruos
Pnrcr PnEssunr Foncrs CoNrn,ccrons ro CHnNcr Tnrtn BuvtNc HRetrs
ln Every lssue
BnrnrrNc lruousrnv Nrws, lNousrnv Pnoro DowNlonos, & Tnr Mrnculr: Dlcrrnl Vrnstoll
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46 PHoro Rrcnp: WWPA ANNunl
Tornuv RnNoou 20 Cor'rprrtrtvr lNrrllrcrNcr 22 OrrN ON Snlrs 24 Gnrrr.r RrrnttNc 26 Fnrr,tLv BustNrss 30 Movrns & Sunrrns 32 KnHLr ON Snlrs 36 ovrnrnr Courrrn 40 Nrw Pnooucrs 50 AssocrnrtoN Uponrr 50 lN Mriuonrnrr,t 5 2 Crnssrrtro Mnnrrrplncr 53 Dnrr Boox 54 lorn FrLr 54 Aovrnnsrns lNorx
4 r fte Medrant l,la@ne r Apdl 2012 Building'Produdscom
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How many businesses are putting the customer first?
f av mcnEASINGLy sHocKED at how bad customer service has become. If only lsome owners and bosses understood what is happening on their front lines, they would surely cringe.
On Friday night, we drove 50-plus miles over two traffic-snarled hours to arrive at a restaurant to celebrate a family birthday and the visit of a nephew from Australia. By the time we arrived, I was ready to eat and drink. My wife and I were the first to arrive at 6:10 p.m.-an early hour when the restaurant was only a third full. Our table was set up and waiting, but when I asked to be seated, I was told in a haughty manner, "No, you must wait until your entire party is here." At 6:15,I asked again. I tried to argue nicely that the restaurant was all but empty. I was told, "No, you MUST wait," with a stare that made me think I was about to be tasered. I can say that the staff's attitude messed up my evening and guaranteed that I will never return. At long last, we were seated-at a makeshift table in the middle of the aisle to the kitchens and bathrooms, where I could not hear a word from someone seated 3 feet away. I suspect our placement was deliberate.
A month before Christmas, I succumbed to all the advertising by AT&T for their U-verse cable system. First I was told that it would take about a month before it could be installed-not until December 30 between 8 and ll a.m. I agreed, even confirming with my local store a few days before. Come December 30,I waited and waited, made three calls to re-confirm they were still coming that totaled about one and a half hours. About 2 p.m.,I finally learned that our order had been put on hold by the warehouse. Nobody could tell me why. On January 20, while I was traveling in another state, a message was left on my voicemail that the installers were on their way. Of course, I wouldn't be home to let them in for another week. Par for the course, here we are in March and not a peep out of them. Guess who is not going to get my business?
How many times do you walk into a store, like I did to retum something at Costco last week, only to watch three of the five help desks close in front of you, and then have to watch the clerks standing around laughing and giggling as the return line grew longer and tempers shorter.
Or when you want to get help in a store and have to listen while the clerks plan their weekends on their cell phones and give you a dirty look because you are interrupting their day? Inevitably, you'll overhear them say, begrudgingly, that they have to get off the phone because some customer keeps looking at them.
A couple of weeks back, two contractors submitted quotes for re-sealing our floors. One gave us his promised quote the following day. The other needed two
promptings before he finally turned in his bid on day seven. Guess who got the work?
When I make calls in this industry, I cannot tell you how many times I am appalled by the ineptitude of some of those who pick up the phone. Many do not even know how to transfer a call. Others leave you on hold for five minutes or more, making you doubt if you are still on hold or not. Yikes!
You would think that in all these instances, your competitor must have found a way to infiltrate your company with these employees to sabotage your business. Sadly they did not. You hired them. Can you think of any better way to drive customers away? Or is it just me?
Alan Oakes, Publisher ajoakes@aol.com
A publication of Cutler Publishing 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Publisher Alan 0akes ajoakes@aol.com
Publisher Emeritus David Cutler Director of Editorial & Production David Koenig dkoenig@building-products.com
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Dwight Cunan, Carla Waldemar, James Olsen, Jay Tompt, Mike Dandridge
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Girculation Manager Heather Kelly hkelly@building-products.com
How to Advertise
Ghuck Casey
Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 ccasey@building-products.com
Alan Oakes www. building-products.com
Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 ajoakes@aol.com
Phone (949) 852-1 990 Fax 949-852-0231 dkoenig@building-products.com
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Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 hkelly@building-products.com or send a check to 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, CA 92660
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Sy Alan Oakes
Ihe ttlednnt n4agzine r April 2012 6r Building-Productrcan
BC CONNECT'" is the new integrated 1-stop online portal with everything you need to manage your EWP business in one place and
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My cuSomer wants a deck rnade for peaceful relo<ation and frlendly gethwings. Plastic lumber? I don't think so. I want to rnake sure this dsck ls strcng and durable with naturalwarmth, beauty, and lasting character. And t care abor.t the environment and so does my customer' That's why this deck is golng to be built with FSCo cortified susitainablg Humboldt Redwood. Ard when it comes to structural support, I ohoose F$C chain-of.custody certlfied Allweather Wood pressure-treated lumber for long-lasting resistance to tsrnites, rot and decay. Humbotdt Rsdwood and AllweatherWood, for me and my customers it's al unbeatable combination.
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Made in America boosts connector business
henlens AND DrsrRrBurons looking l-f to support the Made in America movement-and boost the national economy-need look no farther than domestic nail and fastener producers.
"We're one of the last makers of nails in this country," says Roelif Loveland, president and general manager of Maze Nails, Peru, Il. The family-owned company has been in the business since 1848, making galvanized stainless steel nails protected by a corrosion-resistant zinc coating.
Maze has supplied nails for two high-profile projects: restoration of Philadelphia's Independence Hall and the "All-American Home" built by Anders Lewendal in Bozeman. Mt.
Lewendal, who earned a degree in economics before going into construction, believes that if builders directed just 5% of their construction spending to American-made products, it would add $14 billion to the U.S. economy. As proof, he built a 2,200-sq. ft. home with American-made products.
"We don't need every builder to build every single home with allAmerican products," he says. "That's not practical and that's not necessary. The point is that little things add up."
Lewendal claims American-made nails cost about $5 more per box but save $10 in labor costs because they jam nail guns less often than cheaper Chinese brands. "What we're looking for is the best value," he says. "If a guy has to get down three times a day to clear the gun, that's time wasted."
Lewendal and his crews also used True Spec collated nails from Halsteel. Ontario. Ca. Because each nail in the line is identified with a combination of color and number codes, it's easy for both builders and inspectors to verify the right nail and correct nailing pattern have been used.
"The concept is to provide a quality nailing system that builds confidence with all levels of the building community," says Alan Brown, national sales manager for True Spec. "We believe that our American-made product reinforces our commitment to building a strong economy."
Simpson Strong-Tie, Pleasanton,
Ca., supplied a variety of connectors for Montana's All-American Home. The family-owned, 56-year-old company is proud that its core product line-which includes structural connectors, prefabricated shear walls, and steel moment frames-is made in the U.S. at its plants in Stockton and Riverside, Ca., McKinney, Tx., and Columbus, Oh. SST also produces stainless steel bulk nails in the U.S., at its plant in Gallatin, Tn.
"There are many advantages to having production in the U.S.," says Jacinta Pister, senior v.p. of manufacfuring. "First, it ensures availability of our products so they get to dealer locations and jobsites when they are needed. Second, it allows us to develop products for specific markets and create innovative solutions that address customer needs. It makes good business sense and adds to our commitment to customer service."
* o) N (B I .J q) & E o-
TRUE SPEC nails manufactured by Halsteel are identified with a combination of color and number codes, for easy indentification.
SIMPSON STRONG-TIE is proud that its core oroduct line is manufactured in the U.S. at its olants in California. Texas and Ohio.
/{l/ilzfll2 r lhetylerdantttlagazine r 9
The return of copper napthenate
lft HnNrs ro rHE efforts of Nisus I- Corp.. Rockford. Tn.. copper naphthenate is once again available as a wood preservative for pressure treated railroad ties, telephone poles, bridge timbers, and other industrial wood products.
"If the industry lost this product, it
would immediately increase the use of non-wood alternatives and have a long-term detrimental effect on our industry and the environment," says Dr. Jeff Lloyd, vice president of research and development at the 22year-old company.
"We really don't have a replace-
ment for copper naphthenate, " says president Kevin Kirkland. "It's one of the safest and most effective treatment solutions available for ground contact wood preservation."
Nisus' quest to save copper naphthenate began early last year, when Merichem Co., Houston, Tx., declined to re-register the chemical with the EPA and discontinued production of its CuNap-S. At the time, most plants and customers were expected to switch to pentachlorophenol-even though copper naphthenate is a general use preservative and pentachlorophenol is registered for restricted use.
Once Nisus decided that copper naphthenate would be a natural addition to its wood preservation division, Lloyd and Kirkland met with EPA officials who agreed to expedite Nisus' registration application, which was approved in August 201 1.
"Normally, the registration process takes a minimum of six months, but in this case, the EPA got it done in just six weeks without lowering any standards," says Kirkland. "You always hear stories about inefficient government or government that gets in the way of business, but in our small corner of the world, EPA got it done!"
One month after receiving EPA approval , Nisus produced its first batch of copper naphthenate-with the brand name of QNap- in a leased facility located in Dalton, Ga. By the following month, construction had started on a new 10,000-sq. ft. production plant in Rockford, Tn., which is scheduled to begin operations this
Copper Naphthenate
10 r lhe ltrledunt trbgazine r Ml ml2 &rildingftodudsom
KEVIN KIRKLAND, president of Nisus Corp., inside the new 10,000-sq. ft. plant, which sits next to its existing 42,000-sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Rockford, Tn.
Whcclcr l-unrbcr's treated u'oo(l clivision uscs coppcr nitphtctiatc to scrvice ull its nrarkcts-e\cn l'cncc lrosts anrl landscape tinrbcrs. Altcr l 2003 tire clcstrovccl its uood-tr.calins laciliti' in Whitewood. S.D.. thc corrt pany rebuilt and switchcrl fi'onr thrcc tl il'l'eI.'rtl ehcrttiertl\ t(r.j tt\l {rttr': CuNap-,S flunr N4e lichcnr.
'.lt's u vell clcan plocluct n() ()d{)t'. ll()l Il11rl1r-l1t1jq'." \il\ \ \ ir'\' Ill'f\iclcnt Jell Parlctt. "lt's the onll rtonte:tli.'lr'J. ttil Itu.t'tl Pt'\'\ct\itli\t' ()tl thc ntarkct. so cLrstonrers arc ccttinl. tl'rc bcncfits ol'an oil basccl trcltnrcnt that hclps lubricate thc ',r'ootl cclls lncl prcvcnl srvcllirrs iulcl checking."
Altcr Mcriche rr stol'rpe-cl producit.tu CuNap-8. Whecie r lookc-d to NisLrs. "We uclc \crv Lll)sct that thc product r"'as going a\\u)." sa1's Pa|rett. ''Wc hacl .just cnor:gh to f ill orrlcrs until Nisrrs shippccl ncu' 1-rr-ocluct. so u c tlidn't have to rcturn to oth!-r chcnriclls and possiblv lose sonrc ol'ot-tt c u st()lne rs."
NEW LOGO ror copper laphthenate t'eatments supplied by Nrsus Corp
A nunrber of othcr tr-catels ltar'calso signed n ith NisLr s, including Boatr.ight Cionrpanics. Montevullo.
A1.l Clahaba 'l'inrber. Bricrfield. ,\1.. and Mcllott Woocl Presclvinq. Ncccln-rorc. Pa.
Nisus o11'crs thc tirllowinu col)pcr nalrhthcnatc plorlucts to r'r'oocl treaters: oil bascd QNapl and QNapS and wutcr'-bascd QNap5W. It also ollbls a wulcr-basc(I. tintablc tirrrnulation -QNaplW R-IU to suh-rcgistrirnls \\'ho support thc renrcclial. cnclcut. ancl rctail nrarkets. The colripanv also encouragcs use o1'a clual-trelt trellt proccss usinu coppcI nlphthcn lte and borertc. u,hich is cspccilllv useful lirr lailroad tics traclitionlllv presen'cd r.,'' ith clcosotc
"CoPPcr nilJrhtllellilte i) il !r'cill ',voocl plcscrvativc that ne lrave usccl 1or rnanv ycars. savs Elaina.lackson. I'acil'ic Woocl Prcserving. Bakclslicld. Cla. "Now that Nisus is producirtl rrncl nrarketing coppcr naphthenltc. thcir. cuslorrers u ill rcceive a Irigh tlualitv prodtrct delivcred prol'essionalll lincl personallv."
It's elegant. It's afordable. And it's energy smart. It's also an easy-install post cap that transforms into a mood light with the flip of a switch. All around, itt a great addition to Terratec's solar post cap line. The Zapper comes with a solar rechargeable battery, two blue LED bug bulbs and one white LED mood bulb. For a brochure featuring our full line ofpost caps, including our new solar stair and fence lights, visit us at mcfarlandcascade.com/postcap.htm.
Building- Products. com
TER,RAT.E.C build an outside worth living in
April 2012 I lhe lVerchant Magazine r 11
manufacrured by *t McFcrlond €oscode'
By Huck DeVenzio, Arch Wood Protection
The other treated wood
Dealer dernand growing for surface treatments that inhibit mold
they pick through and expect the lumber to be free of mold and dirt. Their demands are tough to meet with normal lumber."
Anti-mold solutions have existed for several decades and, when applied properly, have shown that they can postpone the onset of mold and discoloration resulting from mold. Different conditions require different concentrations of mold inhibitor. These conditions include local climate, species of mold fungi present, application for the wood, construction techniques used, and length of time for which mold protection is desired.
MOLD can cause darkened color or blotches that make wood hard to sell. When mills apply anti-mold surface treatment, lumber may remain clean-looking throughout the chain of commerce and even longer.
\Zou've pRoBABLy seeN advertisements for "the other I. white meat" or watched movies about "the other woman." Sawmills are facing greater demand from lumber dealers for "the other treated wood."
Some major building supply outlets, including a big box retailer, have grown tired of consumer reaction to mold on lumber and are beginning to require material that has been surface-coated with mold-resistant sprays.
For decades, lumber dealers have bought and sold pressure treated wood. It is produced to resist damage from termite attack and fungal decay, and thus last longer in outdoor applications. Of more recent concern is wood sprayed with mold-inhibiting solutions to prevent, or at least delay, the appearance of mold. Moldy wood is hard to sell to consumers who expect clean lumber.
"Homeowners have taken a greater interest in the lumber in their homes," says Geoff Webb, business manager, specialty chemicals at Arch Wood Protection. "Not just for wall paneling and decking, but even for framing and sill plate. They want all of their wood to look good, even wood that will be hidden within walls. It used to be that homeowners and contractors might pick through lumber bins looking for wood that was straight and wane-free. Now
"We have used anti-sapstain products for years," says Chris Swanson, v.p. of sales & marketing for Swanson Group, Glendale, Or. "Dealers and their customers want clean-looking wood. Last fall, our Glendale sawmill made the change to a different brand of coating, which allows our wood to yard longer without discoloring. Since then, we have seen a significant improvement in the appearance of our wood and less downfall in our inventory."
Neal Shunk, marketing manager for Weyerhaeuser, Federal Way, Wa., is proud of his company's leadership in the use of mold-resistant coatings for wood products and noted what the coatings can do for customers. "These solu-
t2 r llre ttledrant ltlagarjne r Ap]il 2012
Bnilding- Productscorn
MOST COMMONLY, anti-mold solutions are sprayed on softwood lumber, although they may be applied by dipping lumber bundles into tanks of mold inhibitor.
tions significantly reduce the occurrence of mold throughout the supply chain, especially when paired with good inventory practices in the yard and on the job site."
Prior to 2008, mold was a pressing issue and fear of mold liability caused anxiety among dealers and contractors. Concern over mold seemed to subside with the collapse of new home construction. The issue is rising again. however, and dealers are taking steps to avoid moldy wood.
Specifvinq Anti-Mold Gbatin-gs -
For wood pressure-treated with preservative, a dealer can rely on the standards of the American Wood Protection Association or the requirements of building codes when specifying the product. However, for surface treatments, there is no established organization setting standards for proper coating and there are not thirdparty inspection agencies to monitor application. The requirements are determined by the desires and preferences of individual buyers. The mills are expected to provide material that meets those requirements.
Once a dealer has soecified the
degree of protection wanted for particular circumstances. a mill can work with a chemical supplier in creating a treatment adequate to meet the specifications.
Since no standards or monitoring services exist, a dealer must rely on choosing lumber from reputable mills using brand-name products that can be trusted. Respected companies have a reputation to protect and are more likely to provide products and services that will meet consistently the needs of the dealer.
Incidentally, anti-mold treatments do not increase chemical risks to lumberyard workers or homeowners living
Depends on chemical, concenhation, application, exposure
Framing, interior lumber
Spray coating at sawmill or component manufacturing site
in houses with treated framing. MSDSs for wood sprayed with mold inhibitor are typically the same as MSDSs for untreated wood; the chemicals do not raise hazards.
For dealers who sometimes experience mold problems, it is worth considering the other treated wood.
- Huck DeVenzio is manager of marketing communications at Arch Wood Protection, Inc., manufacturer of wood treating chemicals, including AntiBlu surJace protection products, and licensor of the Wolmanized brand r.tf preserved wood. He claims he resembles some picked-over lumber-straight but not alwalts clean. Reac h h im at huck.dev enzio@ lonza.com.
Longevity Main Uses Application Method Decks, exterior projects, sill plate Pressure impregnation at wood preservation facility
Your Lumberyard Storage Experts Krauter outo-stek Over 65 leals of Experience, Now Under One Roof Contact Us Today! 8oo-313-6562 . Fax: $t7) 542-896t Visit us online at: www.krauterautostak.com info@autostak.com &rildittg- Produds"corl LI|I/(,_Nflm].2 r lhe tvledant lr4aqazine I 13
By Lisa Podesto, P[
Panelized roof systems make sense for commercial buildings
tftuenr IS HoPE on the horizon for I- low-rise commercial construction. McGraw-Hill Construction forecasts an average 8Vo growth for commercial building this year, with warehouses and hotels seeing the largest percentage increases. This is good news for building material dealers who position themselves to provide materials for panelized wood roof systems.
Cost-effective materials, faster installation, and improved worker safety make panelized wood roof systems a good choice for commercial building projects, particularly lowslope roof structures such as warehouses. Panelizing, the process of assembling wood or hybrid roof sections on the ground and then lifting them into place, allows contractors to
reduce labor and material costs.
Typical savings in markets along the West Coast-where panelized roofs are most popular-range from $1.25 to $1.50 per sq. ft. over conventional steel joist metal deck systems. While low-slope panelized wood roof systems are certainly appropriate for eastern markets, design and construction professionals there tend to be less familiar with their benefits. However, with conservative estimated savings of 25A b 5OQ per sq. ft. over conventional steel roof systems, the opportunity for growth in this market exists.
Panelized Basics
There are two basic types of panelized wood roof systems. An all-wood system consists of glued laminated beam girders with wood purlins (glulam, I-joists or open web wood trusses), wood sub-purlins, and a wood structural panel deck. Commonly seen in buildings with spans of less than 40 ft., the all-wood system is particularly well suited for applications where conveyor equipment is hung from the roof structure or in food-processing facilities that need to minimize dust from overhead joists.
The hybrid system uses steel purlin and girder trusses together with wood sub-purlins and a wood structural panel deck. The long span capability of steel framing makes this system particularly economical when spans range from 32 to 6O ft., but much larger spans can be accommodated. Wood decking allows better economy, both in terms of material and installation cost. This is usually the system of choice for large warehouse and industrial structures requiring long spans.
MARGIN Builders
14 r The tytedant lrhgazine r Agil 2012
ALL WOOD PANELIZED ROOF on a 41.000-so. ft. cosfeffective choice.
shopping center in Honolulu, Hi., was the most Photo bv Michael O'Hara
While market share fluctuates with commodity steel and wood prices, about 70Vo of new low-slope, commercial roof projects in California are currently built with hybrid systems, lOTo are all-wood, and the remaining 2OVo are built using all steel.
Assembly & Installation
Much of the assembly is completed on the ground, which improves safety and speeds construction. In one method, the crew nails the wood structural sheathing to the sub-purlins, sometimes called stiffeners, which are typically spaced 24 inches on center. Using a fabrication table or jig. crews then fasten the panel/sub-purlin assembly to the purlins with joist hangers. In the other method, workers attach the sub-purlins to the purlin and then nail the sheathing into place over the top. The roof erector then lifts the pre-fabricated panel into place and connects it to the joists and girders to form the roof structure.
A typical 50 ft. panel takes just five to l0 minutes to assemble on the ground. Panels are then lifted into place by forklifts and reach machines. Two or three people work on the roof deck to land the panels, weld them into place (for hybrid systems), and then nail them, strategically working their way across the structure. An accomplished roof erector with one crew can erect more than 100,000 sq. ft. of roof per week.
Cost-Effective Materials, Gost-Effective Roof
Designers have a great deal of flexibility in choosing components. Wood structural panels can be OSB or plywood, in 4x8 or 4xl0 sheets, even 8x8 jumbo panels. Framers attach these panels to 2x4,2x6,3x4, or 3x6 wood sub-purlins.
Common purlins for an all-wood system include I-joists and open-web trusses, or 2" glulam in some cases. Hybrid systems use K-Series openweb steel joists for short-span steel purlins (less than 48 ft.) and LH-Series long-span steel purlins for applications with spans greater than 48 ft. G-Series steel girders can span up to 120 ft., but are more commonly used for 50-to 60ft. spacing.
With cost savings of up to $1.50 per sq. ft., contractors, developers and owners are increasingly turning to panelized wood roof systems. A typical hybrid panelized system in California for a large project under
normal loading runs about $3.25 per sq. ft.
If insulation is needed, inexpensive batt insulation can be installed below the deck of a panelized wood roof system, saving 50A b 75A per sq. ft. over the cost of rigid insulation. Rigid insulation may be required in regions with cold exterior temperature or in applications with high indoor humidity.
OSB radiant barrier panels offer another option. They cost about 5@ to 10p per sq. ft. more than regular OSB, but their reflective backing blocks up to 97Vo of radiant heat and offers an advantage in cooling costs.
Market opportunity for building materials dealers is promising. A 1.8million-sq. ft. distribution center for Skechers in Moreno Valley, Ca., used an enormous amount of materials: more than 53,150 sheets of OSB, 45 miles of steel trusses and girders (240 truckloads). 1.63 million bd. ft. of
lumber (20 rail car loads), and l4 million nails (four truckloads). Up the coast, a distribution center for Subaru in Portland, Or., used nearly 420,000 sq. ft. of OSB. Both projects were built in 201l.
The commercial building industry is finally beginning to show positive momentum. As demand for low-rise commercial structures grows, market potential for LBM dealers will also grow. Panelized wood roof systems offer numerous benefits to your customers. By familiarizing yourself with the advantages of panelized wood roof construction, you can take full advantage of the opportunities.
- Lisa Podesto, PE, is seninr technical director-building systems for WoodWorks (www.woodworks.org ), a nonproJit providing free project support, education and resources for non-residential and multifamily wood design. For answers or technical support, email lisa@woodworks.org.
45 miles of steel trusses and girders.
Photo bv J.D. Herron
Nflml2 r Thelylerdantltlagazine r 15
HYBRID PANELIZED ROOF SYSTEM was ideal for this large, 1.8 million sq. ft. dishibution center in Moreno Valley, Ca., which used more than 53,750 sheets of 0SB, 1.63 million bd. ft. of lumber, and
Gross laminated
backs huge condo install
L.Tonprt Elr;trt,t ttt o Woon ILtI \ r.cccntly sLrpplrctl its Nor.tlic X Llrrr eross llLnrinlrtctl tintbcrs t() cr-catc fcl)oftc(ll) thc f ir-st conclorrir-tirr[rs in North Anrcricu e onstnrctcrl cntirelv ol' thc nrassirc plncls.
A crcn o1'l'irc riorking l0lroLrrs a clliv lec;Lrirccl .just 12 (lilvs to clect thc lo11 1 .1,rtr. I l-ttttil rll'lt.. lln'(' irt C'hiborr sunrlru. ['.Q. Accorcl ing tcl Nor.rlic's Nicolirs Anglcvs- that's r.or-rshlr' lrlicc llrc speccl ol' trlrclitional concrctc lrncl stccl constnrclion.
"Thc u'intcl conditions rn ncllthcrn Qucbcc e rrcoLrr-lscrl thc builtlcr to rrsc rttassivc w oocl ltlrncls lo rcclrrcc cortstn,rction tinrc antl climirtltc thc ncccl Io hclt thc strrrctrrrc rluring clccti()n." r\rtglcr s saitl.
'l'hc ('L-l' .lanuar'1
f_P_&qqUCr Spottisht E ftI. I-rra T T I I gII T-I i:i T ld x fl I '!l-I t !3r iITI iii ,'l I .r t",. l! rr-iill l'- I;I I irl i
lr lts conrplctctl
16 I The wl€rchant Magazine r April 2012
Building- Products. com
USING massive CLT panels, nsta ers were able to erect a'our-,ro'y 32.400-sq. [t cordo complex n just over three weeks-a necessity in the harsh wrnter of northern Quebec.
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Gontractors change their buying habits
[.lon rHE sEcoND vsRn in a row, I-' L.E.K. Consultins surveved more than 500 contractors across the U.S. While most are cautiously looking toward the future, they are changing how and where they shop in order to remain price-competitive.
"For the first time since the recession, contractors are planning for
growth," says Chris Kenney, an L.E.K. vice president and head of the international firm's North American basic industries practice. "There's an opportunity to capitalize on growth by promoting trusted brands, introducing product features that will command a premium, and reevaluating how to reach customers across traditional and
Contractor Reaponses to Price Pressure
online channels."
Other key findings for LBM dealers, distributors. and manufacturers include:
Pricing pressure continues despite market optimism. A third of respondents said they lost bids last year due to price-double the percentage in 2006. Contractors responded by looking for their preferred products at competitive prices.
Brand loyalty remains higher than channel loyalty. Contractors are loyal to trusted building product brands, not the channels through which they buy. Contractors are twice as likely to channel shop rather than trade down and purchase less expensive alternatives. This indicates that strong brands have significant pricing power and should examine distinct pricing strategies for different channels.
to big boxes
declines. When respondents were asked about their loyalty to sales channels, big boxes remained at the bottom for the second consecutive year. Contractors said that big boxes under-perform on the three most important channel selection criteria, other than price: delivery speed, stock on-hand for immediate purchase, and contractor services. Contractors' loyalty to twosteppers increased the most from 2OlO to 2011.
It's time to re-focus on the pro channel. Manufacturers typically surrender significant profit margins in exchange for large sales volumes generated via big boxes. It might be ber ter to sell new and premium products
Changing Pro Buying Habits
Purchaing same brands at less expensive retailers and distributon 53% 48Vo Working on those fewer jobs which are priced more appropriately Taking lower margins on jobs Performing extra services on each job Purchasing less expensive brands Purchasing same brands but lower-grade products No response categorized as important 14% 16% 20 40 50 80 Fercent ofReipondents Ratlng Response as,mportant 100 I 2ottsurvey I 2ol2survey Souce: L.E.K-I Contraclor Behavior Suro* &o(e 45% 47Vo
lt r lheltrlerdnntMagadne. r{,fnzf/lz Building-hoduds"om
throu-sh pro channcls. where profits afc traditionally higher ancl cliflcrcntiation o1'pnrducts is sustainablc. For this strategy to u,ork. manufacturcrs lnlrst have clclr pricinn rh'ute gies among channels and establish prograrns to support distribution partners.
Online purchasing continues to grorv. Nearly 507 o1' contractors said thcv lrave used thc Internet firr priee errruparisons. uncl 1OC/t' expcct to conduct murc pulchasing onlinc durin-g thc ncxt thrce ycars.
Social media affects purchasing. Along with the Internct, social nrcclia plays a growing rolc in contractols' clecision making proccsscs and pulchasing clecisions. Alnrost a third of thosc surveyed said thcl,are using social mcdia rnore than thcy wcre a year aco to firllolv supplicrs and blancls, and 35% expect to be morc active on social nrcdia this ycar.
Product selection criteria are changing. Encrgy cff icicnt and sustainablc products arc bcconring incrcasingll, important factors in ploduct sclcction. Morc than hall'of contractors indicatecl a .,r'illingncss to pay a l0% or highcr prcmiuni on both product typcs.
Hovn'cvcr. thc impoltancc ol' thcsc two lcaturcs varics significantly betwcen rcsiclential ancl conrrncrcial contlac tors. Residential contractors arc willing k) pav a prcrnium 1'or energy-e1'ficient products and consiclcr it thc sccond rnost irnportant purchasing criterion behincl pricc. But thev lure gcnerally unwilling to pay r.nore fbr sustuinable prod tucls. Ir-t contnrst. conrnrcrcial contractor purchasin-t decisions arc cqually influcnced by both cncrgy efficiency and sustai nabil ity.
According to L.E.K.. contrilctors will havc rnole flexi-
E K 5 Conlractor Beniilor Sururv
>ource L *{s'*J& April 2012 I The fvlerdrant Magazine r 19
bility to rcturn to thcir prcf'erred purchasing habits as the construction nrarket slowly begins to oxpand. However. the f irnr belicvcs that thc winners in thc industry five years fl'or.n nou will thosc that pursue new strategies now.
Exacting Standards . Producede)<clusively for the professional installer Don't Settle For Less . Demand Tubafor SOAo/o Qoastal Western Red Cedar fencingi No lrnitations No Inland, No Incense, - less callbacks, more No lmpditprofit cedar '\- : €| {*}.{J6rS'de'f},*t Loyalty to Channel - Percent Price Premium Contractors are Willing to Pay to Shop at a Channel (2O1 1) e o a o 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 25 2.0 1.0 0.5 o.0 Big Box BroadlineTwo-5tepper I:oro lil zorr
"Companies have ln opportunity right now to gct ahcad of the growth curve," said Robcrt Rourke. vicc prcsidcnt and head of l-.E,.K.'s North American building and construction practice. "Their actions today will largcly dictatc tomorrow's winncrs." Building-Producb.com
By Carla Waldemar
Ninety years young
ago. Bob follows up with another guiding maxim: "From adversity comes opportunity," he says. Then goes on to prove it.
Adversity started growling in the late '70s, when the first big box-a Handy Andy-threatened to chew up the business that Bob's grandfather had nurtured. Originally a buggy and wagon maker in the Old Country, he came upon an opportunity to buy a building in Wicker Park-back then, a neighborhood where blue-collar workers parked their sedans at a tavern. Today, thanks-or not-to gentrification, those comer hangouts have become sushi bars and the Chevies have been replaced by BMWs-a transition we'll pick up on later (as did Bob).
Grandpa stocked the place with hardware and the merchandise of a general store, then installed his wife and three kids in the rear. Long before his demise in the late '70s, he'd added lumber, recalls Bob, who grew up in the neighborhood and supplemented his school days with stints filling shelves, loading trucks, and gleaning from gramps, his wisest mentor. "Even in his late 90s, we had to chase him out at night. I learned the business little by little," Bob recalls. "I knew it was my future."
But along came Handy Andy. "Nearby 907o of our business was walk-in-small contractors and d-i-yers-and they weren't walking in anymore. I knew we had to change. So I started making cold calls on the other l07o of our business-the commercial accounts: the in-house shops of institutions, factories and hotels. I changed our inventory and stated stocking the materials they needed. They didn't like the grade of wood the yard carried, so I upgraded, and I added hardware and plumbing. Now we were a one-stop shop, and," outsmarting adversity, "our business flipped to 907o commercial.
"When we were losing to the home centers, I was still calling on a few small factories, so I decided, 'Let's see who else?"' Bob soon picked up accounts at the likes of Morton Salt and Oscar Meyer, among others.
"I found a hunger for the type of service I was promoting. Here I was, trying to get guys to spend their company's money! They valued service over price, which was just the opposite of the d-i-yers down the block. So with good service and material, price wasn't so important to the contractors I was dealing with. I didn't have to make bids; instead, I developed relationships, had fun! I went after niche markets, such as the entertainment industry, which began using our Styrofoam insulation for making scenery. It helped us weather a lot of situations."
fr's nll ABour adaptability. That's the mantra of Bob IMargolin, whose grandfather launched L. Miller & Son Lumber Co. in a dense Chicago neighborhood 90 years
20 r Ihe tr,lerdnnt lihgiazne r Apfl 2012 Buildiry-hodudsom
HIP CHECK: President Tracy Merchant (/efiJ has helped to invigorate Bob Margolin's 90-year-old Chicago yard, L. Miller & Son Lumber.
Adaptability again.
"I went after IOOVo oftheir orders; I never said no. Ijust figured out ways to be of service. I'd say, 'Just give me your order and go back to work.' Plus, we offered free, same-day delivery. It was a unique concept then, and it enabled us to develop relationships that have continued 25, 30 years. Now their sons come in.
"Our market is based on repeat business. We don't have to bid for an order, we're allowed an honest mark-up, and they don't kill you over price. You spoil your customerswhich you should," Bob instructs. "Once they place an order with us, there was no going backward after they'd experienced timely delivery, courtesy, and dry wood.
"It's all about service," Bob underscores his message, adding, "Basically, I'm an expeditor-a glorified go-fer. When I started calling on prospects, I'd say, 'I know you buy from ABC. Do they meet all your needs?' I'd take away the hardest items"-the thankless stuff-"and pretty soon, picked up the rest. Business grew by word of mouth, no advertising."
Adaptability showed up another day 10 years ago in the unlikely disguise of one Tracy Merchant. The classy young lady operated her own construction business, for which she utilized her talents as an interior decorator for developers of upscale condos. She walked into Miller looking for special moulding and walked out with a job offer.
After her "You've got to be kidding!" reaction, the idea of making good money by working part-time on commission sounded intriguing. Bob, in turn, was impressed by the 20-something-year-old's "strong sense of self. She was smart, pretty, well-educated, well-traveled, and was doing little contracting jobs for friends." (It didn't hurt that Bob himself had a young daughter with her future ahead of her.)
And, talk about adaptable: "Tracy would call on clients with her Gucci purse and then change into jeans to do measurements. And they'd tell her, 'You're the only one I've gone to who really understands what I'm looking for.' She was received very well: good rapport with customers and driven by a good business model."
Tracy worked part-time from 2OO2 to 2007, taking off, oh, about 15 minutes in 2006 to have a baby. A week after her Cesarean section. with her infant son in a carrier. she
was back on the job-greeted by her customers not with congratulations, but rather, "Where's my doors?"
"I'm probably the first one in lumberyard history to be sitting at a desk, nursing her baby under a Pashmina shawl," laughs the company's president.
That's right: Tracy now holds that prestigious title. She oversees accounting and manages cash flow for the company as a fourth-generation "family" member, says Bob with evident enjoyment. "We finish each other's sentences and eat Thanksgiving dinner together," he declares.
Tracy oversees the operation of three trucks, three drivers, and three outside sales reps, who also serve the showroom that serves as an extension of their contractors' businesses. All three reps are women, and that's no accident. "We've had bad luck with guys," Bob claims-plus, as he's observed, "Times have changed over the past l0 years," crumbling the walls of the Good Old Boys fortress. "Nowadays, many vendors' reps are female, too," he notes.
Fine with Tracy. "I've always been interested in buildings and interiors, and I call on some pretty unique accounts," including the Playboy and Broadway in Chicago entertainment operations. Despite the current downturn, "There's still some building going on in Wicker Park-custom homes and remodeling," says Tracy.
In fact, Bob adds, "There's more business than we can handle," acknowledging that the operation is undercapitalized. "We're operating as if there were a governor on our car," he regrets. To overcome that, "We're looking for a partner.
"Chicago is losing its independent dealers," he mourns. "There are only four left. Several closed down within the past six months, so we need to get out and pick up their business. Why not? There'll always be a place for us-things we do better than the boxes!"
Carla Waldemar cwaldemar@comcast.net
BuildingPrcducts.om slliaml2 r ftetYledrantlhgazine t 2l
By fames Olsen
What kind of relationship?
HRt n lsRrl Almost everywhere I go, people warn me about John (or Susan or...). "Yeah he sells a lot, but what a jerk! He's always blah, blah, blah about an order he got that shipped late or..."
What I find is John is the guy who holds the whole company to a higher standard than anyone else in the organization. If invoicing is not done correctly or efficiently, John gets on invoicing. If the truck ships one day late, John is on the shipping department. "Why can't we ship one day early?" John asks incessantly. If John thinks you should get on the phone and quit complaining, he says so. If John thinks management is making a(nother) mistake, he marches into the big man's office and tells him.
If John is such a bad guy, why do his customers love him?
I do field work with salespeople. We will drive by a place of business, they will say, "We don't want to go in there, that guy's a jerk." "Pull over!" I say. When we meet the customer, he is usually no-nonsense and has a very clear idea of what he wants. And he runs a company that is doing great business. Who is selling these guys anyway? The Johns and Susans of the world, that's who. Definitions are funny, huh?
Only the top l}Vo are demanding excellence. They do stand out. Dealing with them is exacting, which can be demanding, but in the end they are just asking that it-the sale, the shipment, the invoice, the product, the commitment-be done the way it is supposed to be done, more if possible. The top l}Vo prefers an edge, but never less! Remember, the top l07o stands out on the sales side, too. Game recognizes game.
Poor Relationship Strategy
Sellers who underachieve have the following strategy:
"I will be as nice as possible, so my customers will like me best, and then they will buy from me." These sellers insult their customers, their competition, and themselves, and suffer for it.
Who marries the yes-man or yes-woman? No one (except my wife). Why? Because "I don't know, whatever you want to do" is boring. Standing up for ourselves (being disagreeable) is part of being likeable, for crying out loudl We must understand the difference between likeable and agreeable. Everyone likes someone with spunk.
Master sellers hold themselves to the standard of being direct-asking for the business in everything they say and
do, being assumptive ("Mr. customer, we are going to do business together") with every customer, on every call, and doing it in a nice way.
It does take skill to negotiate, haggle, cajole and demand things from customers in a way that leaves the relationship intact. That is the master seller skill set.
Contrary to what struggling sellers have convinced themselves, we can be nice, ask for, and get what we want.
Early Relationship Moment
How master sellers and struggling sellers handle obfuscation from customers determines their relationship fate with all customers, for life.
Us: "How much of that product do you use per month?' Customer: "A fair amount."
The master seller repeats the question, while the struggling seller lets it go. (See underachievement strategy).
The master seller sends the message "When I ask a question, I expect an answer." The delivery of the message can be subtle:
Us: "Well... (Silence, pondering) I know you can't tell me exactly, but... (respectful waiting) could you give me a ball-park idea?"
This kind of response, delivered in a nice way, with a smile, conveys that we are a serious person. Customers will respect us, like us, and will not side-step us at closing. When we let customers wriggle away from any of our
questions, we become accomplices in our own demise. We impair closing and the relationship in general.
We are in charge of the kinds of t, relationships we build with customers. We must be conscious of tn the little thines we do everv dav on every call that build the kind of relationships that work for us.
(Note to John and Susan: try some salesmanship on the inside also. It works.)
James Olsen Reality Sales Training (503\ 544-3572
OTSEN On Sales
22 r ilre wlerdrant lvlagadne I Aprfl 20f2
/nAZE IUATLS 100% uf,Ir[ IIt TUE ww\rv.mqzenoilS.com l|ur teputation is on the line with EUERYIHING WE MAKE! * CEDAR AND REDWOOD SIDINGS * PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER * FENCING * POST FRAME BUILDING Maze Nails is America's Largest Manufacturer of Specialty Nails Ultimate corrosion resistant nails in double hot-dipped galvanized and stainless steel for the following applications' * FIBER CEMENT SIDINGS AND TRIM * ROOFING * GUTTERS AND TRIM * PVC MOLDINGS AND TRIM * DECKING * LOG HOMES AND TIMBER FRAMES Use the RIGHT nails to get the BEST performance! 1.800.435.5949 Division of W.H. Maze Company Helping to build America since 1848 Get to mazenails.com FAST! Scan this barcode using an application on your mobile devrce. IUIAZE NAILS
Green bricks & blocks
clay brick.
Fly ash bricks are an innovation that could very well capture the imagination of architects, specifiers and builders, and begin to gain significant market share at the expense of traditional red bricks. They fit well with mainstream attitudes and represent a safe way forward.
For some dealers, there are niche opportunities to push the envelope a little further. Recycled paper offers one of the more unusual building materials currently testing the boundaries of what's possible. A new company in Texas, MasonGreenStar (www.masongreenstar.com), is testing the market with GreenStar Blox, bricks made from recycled paper, cement, and proprietary additives. The bricks weigh only about a third of comparably sized adobe or compressed earth blocks (CEB). This technology is not ready for prime time just yet, but it may represent an important alternative building material in the future.
IS oNE of those green building attributes that I-ldoesn't get enough attention. Things that last a long time don't need to be replaced as often, which saves money, material, and energy. Durable items that are reusable and recyclable are even better. And ones made from abundant, recycled, or easily renewable material right from the get-go are, theoretically, the best.
So, why doesn't the ubiquitous and overlooked "brick" get more attention from green pundits and sustainability gurus? It's durable, reusable and made from abundant materials: clay and slate. Where red bricks fall down is high carbon footprint. Bricks require high-temperature kilns, which consume lots of energy, and that's a deal killer for most green architects.
But there's more than one way to make a brick. Innovations in recent years, as well as shifting attitudes about older brick-making technologies, are combining to make the category much more interesting. Are we close to a renaissance in building with brick? Who knows? But for building materials dealers looking to refresh an ancient category, there are innovative new solutions worth evaluating.
Let's start with the basic red brick. Red brick has a specific aesthetic that may represent an important aspect of a region's building vernacular, or may simply be appealing to individual customers. If it has to be red brick, there is a green alternative. Bricks made with fly ash, such as those from CalStar Products (www.calstarproducts.com), can capture that same look and feel, but with a fraction of the carbon footprint. They're made with an industrial waste product, fly ash, and are steam cured rather than kiln fired, and at comparable price and performance to the traditional
In a return to the past, natural building projects are often focused on using materials like adobe and CEB, which can be sourced on the building site. While many dealers are stuck in a "stock and ship" paradigm, on-site material sourcing and production presents a different kind opportunity for the enterprising green dealer.
Renting compressed earth brick-making equipment and hosting training courses could be business opportunities for dealers currently supporting natural builders, or those inspired to evangelize natural materials. Earth Tek (www.earthtek.us) is one manufacturer of brick presses and blenders worth a look.
But if you're interested in building your own, you can do that, too. Open Source Ecology (www.opensourceeco-
logy.org), is developing open-source plans for what it calls the Global Village Construction Set, machines that could be built by almost anyone that would be necessary to deliver the industrial needs of a small town, including a CEB press. For some, this kind of brick making might provide new sources of revenue as durable as the bricks themselves.
JaY TomPt Managing Partner William Verde & Associates (415) 321-0848 info@ williamverde.com
By fay Tompt
A r The tt{edtant lvlagazine r Apfl mf2
Swqnson ond AntiBlu' Mokes You look Good.
Recently Swonson Group teomed with Arch Wood Protection to chonge our onti-stoin treotmenl to AntiBlu@. We now opply AntiBlu wood treoting solutions to oll of our dimension lumber - so you con give your cusfomers lhe cleon moteriols they wont,
Delivering fresh, cleon stock to your yord is o top priority for us, ond AntiBlu by Arch Wood Protection is the leoder in the industry,
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By fames Olan Hutcheson
Goping with famil business ills
55f ucx's A cHANCE, but trouble's sure," the poet A.E.
l-./Housman wrote, speaking to the wisdom of preparing for problems as opposed to counting on good fortune. Even the most serendipitous family business will encounter trouble at some point. Some family business leaders may turn to attorneys, accountants, family-business consultants, and other experts to provide essential support.
But not all problems encountered in a family business will require outside professional help. A well-prepared family business should be able to cope independently with most of the common issues, such as hiring from within the family or a parent's reluctance to step down.
If you want to increase your in-house ability to deal with challenges like these, the best thing any family business leader can do is to install an experienced board of directors.
The next best thing is to embark on a lifelong personal effort to learn all aspects of managing a family business.
Back to School
There are many family-business centers, mostly university-based, scattered throughout the U.S. Dozens more cen-
FAMILY Business
, i.-, :#.' ".'.. EXTERIOH "w000,
26r Ihetr4erdantlthsazine r &ldilmlz Buildinghoductsom
ters devoted to studying and educating people about family business exist around the world. These centers sponsor research, organize events, and offer courses. The Family Firm Institute, a group for family-business advisers, offers good resources for study, many of them available on its website at www.ffi.org.
Some of the university centers offer multi-year degrees or diplomas in family-business management. Others have courses you can complete in a few days or weeks, with valuable information on topics as general as basic management and as specific as intergenerational wealth transfer. Prices vary. Harvard Business School offers a six-day program fbr a whopping $30,000 per four-person group. Less expensive options and single-day seminars also exist.
Visit the Library
Conventions and other gatherings aimed at family business leaders are sponsored by university or professional family-business centers or held by event management companies. They offer good opportunities to learn. They may be one-time affairs, featuring speakers and panel discussions on specific topics, or annual events that focus largely on networking.
Both can be educational. offerins leading-edge ideas lrom recognized experts as well as the chance to network with like-minded family businesspeople who can provide more informal, but often equally useful insight.
Books are another readily accessible resource. Options range from the biographies of famous business families, to discussions of family business management issues, to more general business and professional titles. One of the most entertaining and instructive reads on my bookshelf is Birtfuight: Murder, Power and Greed in the U-Hctul Family Dynasg by Ron Watkins (William Morrow, 1993), the story of L.S. Shoen, founder of UHaul. Another favorite of mine is Generation to Generation by Kelin Gersick, John Davis, Marion McCollom Hampton, and Ivan Lansberg (Harvard Business School Press,1997).
Give Yourself an Edge
For the most timely look at family business issues, there are several family-business magazines, as well as regular coverage on family business published in general business magazines. Building-Produdscom
Family Business Review, the journal published by the Family Firm Institute, presents research by scholars and practical examinations of critical issues by experienced family-business advisers and leaders.
If you take the time to educate yourself about family business problems now, you'll not only learn to solve many of your organization's problems without outside help, you'll learn to distinguish between troubles that really do require expert assistance and those you can handle on your
own. On those occasions when you do have to hire a pro, you'll also be better prepared to decide what kind of adviser you need and you'll have the tools to select the best one.
- Jame.s Olun Htttchc.tt,n i.s munagitrg pdrtner and .t'bunder of ReGeneration Partrters, a Jamily business consulting Jirm headquartered in Dallas, T"r. He con be reached at (800) 406-1112 or rrww .re generation-partners .com
Rcprinted with pt'rntis.tion of ReGeneration Pur'trrcr,s. No portitnt o.f this article nut bc repnducetl bitlruut it s pe nnission..
o premier distributor of whofesde bdtdtng pmduasit Roseburg Engineered Wood Prodtrcts in ihe Soufhem Huff Lumber offurs the complete line of Roseburg eWf .*fil -dih fuii technicol copobilities including loke-off, conversion, plocement drowings cnd engineering services. EWP moterisls qre ovoiloble in mill direct bujk shipmenls, locol unils ond cui piece iob pockoges.
The Roseburg Froming System@ consists of: RFPI@ Joists used in floor ond roof consiruction; RigidLom@ LVL which is used for heoders, beoms, studs ond columns; ond RigidRim@ Rimboord. All of the components ore engineered to the indusiry's highest stondords to help controclors build solid, duroble, ond better performing froming sysfems compored lo ordinory dimension lumoer.
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-.1 :\. HUFF LUMBER COMPANY Santa Fe Springs, California 800.347-4833 Apdf 2012 r lhe l\4erdrant Maqadne a 27
Depot Stuck on San Francisco
Home Depot has filed an aPPlication to build a store in San Francisco, Ca.-a city that has denied two of the chain's previous applications.
"It was disappointing for us, having invested close to a decade in trying to open a location in San Francisco," said spokesperson Kathryn Gallagher. "However. we have never given uP hope, and we've been looking for the right location and opportunity to build a store."
The application is for a 120,000-sq. ft. store with a 18,255-sq. ft. garden center on 7 .9 acres in the BaYview section of the city. Until 2009, the property was home to a printing plant for The Chronicle newsPaPer. Currently, it's a temporary home for Webcor, a construction firm.
"San Francisco is an important market for the Home DePot," said Gallagher. "Our analysis indicates that there is more than enough demand for multiple home-improvement retailers in the city."
Oregon Mill Cited for Leaks
Sanders Wood Products Co., Liberal, Ore., reached a settlement with the EPA to pay over $108,000 in penalties stemming from alleged chemical leaks at its sawmills.
During a 2009 inspection, an EPA inspector discovered leaks in three transformers. He also claimed the transformers were not properly maintained and lacked necessary labels.
As part of the deal, Sanders removed the leaking transformers, cleaned up the contaminated areas,
and certified that all of its facilities are currently in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act.
SlPs Maker Expands Reach
Premier SIPS by Insulfoam, Tacoma, Wa., has expanded to the Eastern U.S. with the addition of manufacturing capabilities in Ohio.
The company currently supplies structural insulated panels throughout the West from plants in Kent, Wa., and Dixon, Ca.
Weyco Ships OSB to Japan
Weyerhaeuser's mill in Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan, Canada, this month begins producing JAS-certified OSB that will be exported to Japan. Shipping should start in May.
"We are very excited to be entering the Japan market," said mill manager Chad Kelly. "This is a great fit for us in terms of our wood supply and our production strengths. We have a 9-ft. wide press so we can produce 3-ft. wide material very efficiently."
The mill will use a proprietary formulation specifically engineered to meet JAS strength and stiffness criteria, as well as stringent F4 requirements for formaldehyde emission levels. To fit Japanese building practices, the panels will measure 9lOmm x1820mm (approx.3'x6') and 910mm x2730mm (3'x9'). Custom sizes will also be produced.
Based in Federal Way, Wa., the company has an office in Tokyo and more than 50 years experience in the Japanese housing market.
r DEALER Brieft
Backstrom Builders Center, Bend, Or., is closing after 41 years, with the pending retirements of Sue Backstrom and Doug Watson, co-owners since 1986.
The hardware store and lumberyard will close "in the next couple months," after its inventory is liquidated.
Progress Ridge Ace Hardware, Beaverton, Or., held a gland opening March 17-19 for the new 13,000-sq. ft. store (Terry Cain, owner).
Floyd's Ace Hardware, Pahrump, Nv., closed March 31 after 49 years.
Sammamish Ace Hardware, Sammamish, Wa., with its lease expiring in September, has found a new location (see March, p. 17).
Cole Hardw?r€, San Francisco, Ca,, agreed to pay over $50,000 in restitution for enabling city workers to buy personal items at its stores using Public Utilities Commission funds,
A former PUC supervisor and his crew were accused of receiving doctored invoices from vendors, including Cole, and submitting them to the PUC for payment from 2003 to 2007.
A former store employee is awaiting a preliminary hearing, charged with 12 felonies linked to the scam.
Ace Hardw?ro, Missoula, Mt., employees blocked a 29-yearold man from driving away after he allegedly pilfered two reciprocating saws and a drill March 24.
According to police, when the suspect tried to flee in his car, one worker stood in front of the vehicle and tried to take its license plate, then a co-worker blocked its oath with a truck and trailer.
Habitat for Humanity treto a grand opening March 10 for its new ReStore discount outlet in Mills, Wy. Habitat also relocated its ReStore in Billings, Mt., to a larger facility and doubled the size of its Salem, 0r., store to 17,000 sq. ft.
Lowe's was named the official home improvement retailer of Six Flags amusement parks.
Anniversaries: Farmer's Buildinq SuPPlY, Grants Pass, 0r., 50th ...Jarnis frue Value Hardware, Cheney, Wa.,40th.
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Brent Bearnson, ex-Foxworth-Galbraith, has been named regional operations mgr. for Bloedorn Lumber Co., Torrington, Wy.
Thom Wright, ex-All-Coast Forest Products, is new to sales at Redwood Empire, Morgan Hill, Ca.
Jeffrey Hoggard is a new lumber trader at American International Forest Products, Portland, Or.
Jerry A. Heemstra, ex-Simpson Investment Co., has been named chief financial officer for McFarland Cascade, Tacoma, Wa. Jason Sele, ex-Bright Wood, is now director of information technology.
Jim Ziminski, ex-Bluelinx, is now category mgr.-insulation at ProBuild Holdings, Denver, Co. Ed Waite, executive v.p.-local operations, transferred from Denver back to Alaska. as senior v.p.-operations. He earlier had been based in Anchorage as president of the Spenard Builders Supply division. Paul Fuller, ex-Reeb Millwork, is now general mgr. of ProBuild's window & door desisn center in Santa Cruz, Ca.
Barry Haugen, ex-Arch Wood Protection, joined Troy Corp., Florham Park, N.J., as western regional mgr. for its coating division.
Don Kavert, ex-Ban Lumber, is now shipping & receiving mgr. for Universal Forest Products, Riverside. Ca.
Jason Allen is now general mgr. of International Wood Products' Tumwater, Wa., branch. Christina Buttz, ex-Lumber Products, is new to sales. Bob Berwick is now v.p.sales & marketing, based in Clackamas, Or.
Dean Hague, ex-Swanson Group, is now with Sherwood Lumber, Medford, Or.
Michael Jarman, ex-Bridgewell Resources, is now handling international sales for Wood Brokerage International, Lake Oswego, Or.
Steven Ward, ex-Talon/AFA-USA, has founded Far East Trading, Wilsonville, Or. Jin-Li Lao, exTalon, is Chinese sales mgr.
Brian Johnson, ex-Clearwater Paper, is new to sales at Enyeart Cedar Products, Tigard, Or.
Eric J. Cremers was named executive v.p. and chief financial officer for Potlatch Corp., Spokane, Wa. Brent Stinnett, v.p.-resource management, is retiring at year's end. Ward Cooper, ex-Weyerhaeuser, is now environmental mgr. in St. Maries,Id.
Robert Argall has been named merchandise mgr. of the hardware department for Orchard Supply Hardware. San Jose. Ca.
Ara Erickson, ex-Forterra, was named sustainability mgr. at Weyerhaeuser Co., Federal Way, Wa.
Kevin Measel was appointed senior v.p.-store operations for Lowe's West division, replacing Jim Frasso, who is retiring after 17 years with the company.
Steven Benasso is new to commercial sales at Pabco Gypsum, Rancho Cordova, Ca.
Steve Stallard has joined ECi Software Solutions. Fort Worth. Tx., overseeing business development for the LBM market.
Kent C. Strait is visually grading boards at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.
(Continued on page 52)
30 r lhe l4edrant ]rhgazine r Apdl 2012 &tiHiryhodudscom
Screw Products Inc., cig Harbor, Wa., rs now marketing its full line of fasteners and hardware through a new site, www.screwsolutions.com,
In addition, Screw Products' C-Deck comoosite deck screw has been approved for use with Trex Transcend and Enhance lines.
Freres Lumber, Lyon, 0r.. suffered damage to a machine shop from a Feb. 16 fire.
Coos Head Forest Products, Coos Bay, Or., is now distributing the FSC-certifiec Humboldt Redwood line of decking, fencing, garden and landscaping products.
Heppner Hardwoods, Azuza, Ca., now distributes Incadex cumaru decking (414"x6" and 5/4"x6") from the Bozovich Group's FSC-certified forests in Peru.
Chicago Suburban, Forest Park, ll., is stocking Diamond Pier from Pin Foundations, Gig Harbor, Wa.
Premier SIPS by Insulfoam, Tacoma. Wa.. has earned FSG chainof-custody certification for the OSB it uses in its SlPs.
Jeld-Wen, Klamath Falls, Or., achieved FSC certification for custom wood windows and oatio doors manufactured in pine at its Bend, Or., facility.
Roseburg, Dillard, Or., obtained Eco-Certified Composite certification from the Composite Panels Association for its four comoosite panel plants-Dillard, Missoula, Mt.; Taylorville, Ms., and Simsboro, La.
Timber Products, Springfield, Or., received CPA's Eco-Certified Composite Sustainability Standard for particleboard at its Medford, Or., plant.
Eco Building Products, vista, Ca., obtained GreenGuard Children & Schools Certification for its Eco Red Shield coatings.
Stimson Lumber's shuttered sawmill in Bonner, Mt., installed a new wood chiooer to break down excess logs and ship the wood chips by rail to mills in Washington.
Nevada Wood Preserving, Silver Springs, Nv., received an OSHA Safe Partner award.
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Smith, CPCU President ond
Biggest time wasters for salespeople
f rt|'rr, )\ I\( i l l\ll \l \ \ rr ;t rtt r t l-ol l.lrle rpcoIle lrts l-rce tt rttl tth:t':siotl of rlinc firr n.rorc than -10 r'cars. In thc last clccaclc. I'r'c bccn involvccl in helping tcns of thor-Lsands ol' sulcspe oplc bcttcr theil rcsLrlts thruuelr rnorc cflcctivc use ol thc'ir tirnc.
Ovcr thc 1'eurs. I'r'e sccn sonrc fcllularll' occLrrrins pattertts dcvclttp -tcnclcncies on the part ol salcspcoplc to ckr things that cletract ll.onr thcir effcctiyc usc of timc. flcrc are the lbur nrost conrlnorl tinrc-rvasters l'r"c observeci. Scc il' any appi;- to you or 1'oLrr sulcspcoplc.
3 Allure of thc urgent/trivial Salcspeoplc lovc to bc bus_"'and activc. We havc visions ol oulsclr'cs ns peolrlc u'ho can get things rlonc. No irlle drclrnt'rs. urc'rc orrt Ihcrc ntaking thin-r:s hapyrcn I
A big portiorr ol'out se nsc- ol' worth lund our personal irlcntitr, is clcpendcnt on bcing l-rr,rsv. i\t sorrrc lcvcl in our scll inrace. bcing bLrsv nrcans that lve r-eullv arc inrpor-tant. Onc of thc worst thrnc.s thlt can happen to us is to hlLrc nothing to clo. nu* hclc to go. uncl nothilrg goirr{ on. So. ue latch onto crcrv task that conres oLrr \\a\'.
rcgaldlcss of thc inrportancc.
[;rlr crantple one o1' our custonrcrs calls u'ith a back-ordcr prohlcrn. "Oh goclcll" wc think. "Sornething to ckr! We ule nccclecl I We can f ix itl" So. rru,c clrt-rp cVcrvthing uncl spe nrl tr,, o hours crpcrliting the lrackolrlc-r. Irr rctr'ospcct. couldn't sonrcone in ptrrchasinu or custonrcr sclr ice hirvc tlonc thut'l And coLrldn't the'1 havc rlonc it bcttcr than you'.) Ancl dicln't vor.r .iust allou sonrethin-e that u'as a littlc ur-scnt but trivial prcvcnt )'()u ll'c-rrl nraking sonrc sales calls'.) Ancl wclulcln't those potcntial sales calls bc
': t, ; ;/i l:, *
a whole lot better use of your time?
Or, one of our customers hands us a very involved "Request for Quote." "Better schedule a half-day at the office," we think. "Need to look up specifications, calculate prices, compile literature, etc." We become immediately involved with this task, working on this project tor our customer. In retrospect, couldn't we have given the project to an inside salesperson or customer service rep to do the leg work? Couldn't we have just communicated the guidelines to someone and then reviewed the finished proposal?
Once again, we succumbed to the lure of the present task. That prevented us from making sales calls and siphoned our energy away from the important to the seemingly urgent.
I could go on for pages with examples, but you get the idea. We are so enamored with being busy and feeling needed that we often grab at any task that comes our way, regardless of how unimportant. Each time we do, we compromise our ability to invest our selling times more effectively.
2.fne comfort of the status quo
A lot of salespeople have evolved
to the point where they have a comfortable routine. They make enough money and they have established routines and habits that are comfortable. They really don't want to expend the energy it takes to do things in a better way, or to become more successful or effective.
This can be good. Some of the habits and routines that we follow work well for us. However, our rapid1y changing world constantly
demands new methods, techniques, habits and routines. Just because something has been effective for a few years doesn't mean that it continues to be so. This problem develops when salespeople are so content with the way things are, they have not changed anything in years.
If you haven't changed or challenged some habit or routine in the last few years, chances are you are not as effective as you could be.
For example, you could still be writing phone messages down on little slips of paper, when entering them into your contact manager would be more effective. This is a simple example of a principle that can extend towards the most important things that we do. Are we using the same routines for organizing our work week, for determining who to call on, for understanding our customers, for collecting information, etc.? There is no practical end to the list.
Contentment with the status quo almost always means salespeople who are not as effective as they could be.
3. Lack of trust in other people in the organization
Salespeople have a natural tenden-
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cy to work alone. After all, we spend most of the day by ourselves. We decide where to go by ourselves, we decide what to do by ourselves, and we are pretty much on our own all day long. It's no wonder then, that we just naturally want to do everything by ourselves.
That's generally a positive personal ity trait for a salesperson. Unfortunately, when it extends to those tasks that could be done better by other people in our organization. it turns into a real negative.
Instead of soliciting aid from others in the organization, and thereby
making much better use of our time, many salespeople insist on doing it themselves, no matter how redundant and time-consuming the task. The world is full of salespeople who don't trust their own colleagues to write an order, to source a product, to enter an order in the system, to follow up on a back order, to deliver some sample or literature, to research a quote, to deliver a proposal, etc. Again, the list could go on and on.
The point is that many of these tasks can be done better or cheaper by someone else in the organization. The salespeople don't release the tasks to
them because they, the salespeople, don't trust them to do it. Too bad. It's a tremendous waste of good selling time and talent.
4.Lack of tough-minded thoughtfulness
Ultimately, time management begins with thoughtfulness. That means a sufficient quantity of good quality thought-energy invested in the process. I like to say that good time management is a result of "thinking about it before you do it."
Good time managers invest sufficiently in this process. They set aside time each year to create annual goals, they invest planning time every quarter and every month to create plans for those times, they plan every week and every sales call. Poor sales time managers don't dedicate sufficient time to the "thinking about it" phase of rheir job.
Not only do good sales time managers invest a sufficient quantity of time, but they also are disciplined and tough-minded about how they think. They ask themselves good questions, and answer them with as much objectivity as they can muster.
"What do I really want to accomplish in this account?"
"Why aren't they buying from me/
"Who is the key decision-maker in this account?"
"Am I spending too much time in this account, or not enough in that one?"
"How can I change what I am doing in order to become more effective?"
These are just a few of the tough questions that good sales time managers consider on a regular basis. They don't allow their emotions or personal comfort zones to dictate their plans. They go where it is smart to go, do what it is smart to do. They do these things because they have spent the quantity and quality of thoughttime necessary.
Of course, there are hundreds of other time-wasting habits. These four, however, are the most common. Correct them and you'll be well on your way to dramatically improved results.
.3. .aaecocnemtcal PAINT + STAINS THE INNOVATOR IN ECO-FRIENDLY PAINT + STAINS ecochemical,com | 800-677-7930 :14 I lhe llerdrant lhgazine r April 2012 BuiHittg' Roducts. cotn
- Dave Kahle is a leading sales educator and author ofnine books, including his latest, How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime. He can be reached at (800) 3311287 or via www .davekahle.com.
Tembec Finalizes Sale to Canfor
Tembec Inc., Montreal, P.Q., finalized the sale of its wood products assets in British Columbia to Canfor Corp., Vancouver, B.C.
Canfor purchased Tembec's Elko and Canal Flats sawmills and the associated Crown tenures, approximately 1.1 million cubic meters of combined Crown, private land, and contract annual allowable cut.
The transaction also includes a long-term agreement to provide residual fiber supply for Tembec's pulp mill in Skookumchuck, B.C.
Tembec anticipates using the cash proceeds to pay down revolving operating debt and for general corporate purposes.
New Website Touts Made-inAmerica Building Products
Dudley Powell and Gary Rackliff, two businessmen from Orlando, Fl., have launched a new website dedicated to rebuilding America with products made in the U.S.
"I've talked to a lot of building contractors and architects who love the idea of buying American," said Powell. "These two industries have been devastated in recent years, and people are excited about boosting our economy while
bringing jobs back to America. It really is a win-win idea."
Powell said that the website-www.buildtheus.com-is a searchable database, not just a list of products and services. Its goal is to connect and showcase American-made oroducts to builders and desisners.
'l 55OO Valencra Ave. [Box 1O7O), Fontana, CA 92335 Fax 909-35G9623 email - sales@fontanawholesalelumber.com www.fontanawholesalelumber. com
April 2012 I lhe Merdnnt lhgazine r 35 AGQ ncopreserve . Borates D-Blaze@ Intenion Fire Retardant Heat Treating ISPM 't5 Complianr . Custom Dnying Rail Served eNsr . TPI Thir"d paruy Inspecred FSC Certified scs-como2b1 3
ACE HARDWARE presented Vendor of the Year Awards during its recent spring convedtion in Atlanta, Ga. Accepting the awards weri64 Greg Costello, First Alert; Terry McConnell, Cargill; Brad Corbin, Vanco; Lindsey Honick, Flanders; Chris East, Camco; Joanne Fillius, Procter & Gamble. and Bruce Fischer. Werner Ladders.
$ nacific Wood laminates,lnc. Boise
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neered Wood Ptod ucts
By Mike Dandridge
Never be second
L.Tevr,n ASSUME that customers
I \ understand when you fall short. You may want to believe that they sympathize when you're short-handed at the counter because someone called in sick, or that they'll be patient when a call-in order isn't ready because you've been busy, or that they don't mind being placed "on hold."
While it would be nice if customers did cut you some slack during challenging times, the hard fact is that regardless of how the economy performs, customer expectations of how suppliers perform continue to escalate.
It's business evolution. Some dealers and wholesalers fail during unstable times, while others emerge stronger than before. The strong see opportunities to turn loyal customers
into advocates and to gain market share from weaker competitors. If that stronger distributor is you, there are several things you know you must do. For starters, ramp up your knowledge of your customers. Find out where they are hurting and how you can help. Determine your firm's strengths and flaws, and be aware of competitors' competencies. And recognize that there are several things you must avoid doing altogether.
l. Nrrq think, " Our customers are dffirent." One of the biggest mistakes a wholesaler makes is buying into the idea that customers in the construction industry are somehow different from customers in the retail world, or that B28 customers are different from
B2C. They're not.
The contractor at your counter today will buy something from a retailer this week. He may take his truck in for an oil change and enjoy complimentary cookies and beverages while relaxing in a comfortable waiting room. He might take his 5-yearold for ice cream where an enthusiastic scooper turns a double-dip cone into a juggling act worthy of a Disney entertainer. When your store is closed, he'll go to a d-i-y box and a knowledgeable greeter will eagerly welcome him. High-performing retailers like Starbucks, Apple and Amazon establish the expectations of today's customers. These expectations aren't lowered just because a customer is dealing with a wholesaler.
Affiliotions: AWPA, W\MPI, lRG,I-ACN, HLPA
WBO D trEMPANIEsi 36 r lhetvledamlhgazine. Nfilzolz Buildinghoductrom
2. Nrru engage in a price war. Identify brands that still command and get full price. Then stock them according to customer demand. Focus on keeping margins healthy. Avoid the "how cheap do we have to be to get this order" mentality. Have a little faith in your own reputation as a solution provider.
3. Nrr", mention "The Economy." It's easy to commiserate with customers and share in the doom-andgloom headlines from the twitchy news people who seem committed to spreading fear. Don't participate in that conversation. As Warren Buffet points out, "Fear is very contagious. You can get fearful in five minutes, but you don't get confident in five minutes." Do you really want to make your customers afraid to buy? Be confident, not fearful.
4. Nnre, promise erceptional service. "The customer is king," "best service in town," and "service after the sale" are clich6s and hype. If your customer hears you make these empty claims, they probably won't believe you.
Instead. offer facts that can be quantified and substantiated. "We
average a 977o fill-rate on all orders." "Local deliveries made within two hours, guaranteed." "On call 24 hours a day." Never make a claim you can't substantiate. Facts, statistics and specs are more believable than broad sweeDing generalities.
5. Nrr", share internal problems. Recently a customer told me about a layoff at a competitor of mine. When I asked a friend who worked at the business in question, he verified the exact information that the customer had told me. The only reason the customer even knew about it was because someone at the company told him.
Customers talk to each other. Sharing negative infbrmation about your company with one customer can instill panic in your entire account base. Keep "family business" in the family.
6. N"ru preach what you don't prac'tice. Persuading your customer to buy the latest "green" product is difficult when you're using last century's technology and products. If you're going to target the green market, you have to practice sustainability within your own business. And the same goes for any market you want to penetrate. Use the products you're promoting.
7. Nrrq assume your customer's loyalty. Your most loyal customers are typically your most profitable, especially when you consider lifetime value. They're most likely to refer other customers to you. increase spending as they grow, and provide an invaluable resource of information. Find out why they buy from you and what you can do to reward their loyalty. Consultant Clive Humby says, "Customer loyalty isn't about customers being loyal to you. It's about you being loyal to your customers. You earn loyalty by giving it."
Companies that avoid these pitfalls discover a business landscape that is more rewarding, less competitive, and less crowded. Look at Starbucks, Apple. Amazon. Each occupies a position in the business stratosphere that transcends commodity and comparison. And when you transcend commodity and comparison, your customers will say, "I'd never take my business anywhere else."
- Mike Dandridge is an industry speaker, founder ofconsulting J'irm High Voltage PerJ'ormance, and author of Business Turnaround. Reach him at (254) 624 -62 99 o r md@ thep e rfo rma nc epro.c o m.
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ALL-WOOD SKYSCRAPERS are the subiect of a new B.C. studv. (Artwork couftesy of mgb lacnrtCTURE + DES/GN. Equilibrium Consulting, LMDG Ltd, and BW Group)
Designers Use EWP to Push for World's Tallest Wood Building
What's expected to be the tallest wood building in North America-and possibly the world-will be built using new construction methods and engineered wood products, rather than traditional concrete and steel.
More than 30 firms have expressed interest in designing and constructing the proposed 1O-story Wood Innovation and Design Centre in Prince George, B.C. The building would be used as a teaching and research center for developing innovative wood products.
"I think the opportunities around non-residential, tall building construction as it relates to softwood is the first really good value-added industry opportunity I've seen," said Jobs Minister Pat Bell. For the engineered wood building industry to be successful, he said, it has to develop technical expertise, create production capacity, and change outdated building codes that don't contemplate using wood beams instead of steel or concrete.
One champion of the project is architect Michael Green, who heads his own firm in Vancouver, B.C., and co-wrote The Case for Tall Wood Buildings, which was released last month. He maintains that up to 30-story skyscrapers can be safely built with "mass timber": cross laminated timber, laminated strand lumber, and laminated veneer lumber.
"The report describes a new structural system in wood that is the first significant challenger to concrete and steel structures since their inception in tall building design more than a century ago," said Green. "It's the first to show how to do it in a predominantly wood way at the scale we are talking about."
He sees tall wood buildings as a way to tackle climate
:lE r nre lkdrant Magazhe r April 2or2 BniHiryrRoductsom
change and increase sustainability in urban areas. "Concrete production is responsible for 5-8Vo of the world's carbon emissions," he said. "Steel production eats up 47o of the world's energy." Combined with responsible and sustainable harvesting of natural resources, he said, wood is a costeffective, practical, and responsible material for structural use in mid-rise and tall buildings.
Another issue is cost. According to Green, the cost of building a l2-story wood building would be the same as for concrete, about $283 per sq. ft. A 20-story wood tower would cost marginally more than concrete, at $300 per sq. ft. versus $294.
"For the idea of tall wooden buildings to be viable they have to be cost effective," Green said. "We can show that wood structures are dollar for dollar or cheaper compared to other buildings."
According to experts, there's a worldwide trend toward taller wood buildings. In Norway, a 17-story wood building is being considered. Austria is contemplating a 30-story hybrid wood and concrete building.
"We're at the stage where we're able to show what's possible, a bit like that Eiffel Tower moment," he said. "That was built when no one used or understood tall structures, but it showed what could be done and, just as importantly, it stretched the imagination."
DuraLife Decking Revived
Former CorrectDeck executives have formed Integrity Composites LLC to acquire the Duralife composite decking line and Biddeford, Me., production facility from GAF Building Materials, Wayne, N.J.
GAF acquired the bankrupt Correct Building Products plant and other assets in2OO9, but decided to discontinue them late last year.
Integrity will again manufacture decking, railing, porch and dock products at the 100000-sq. ft. plant.
"We are extemely pleased to be manufacturing and shipping state-ofthe-art decking products to our customers and to have the opportunity to work with key personnel, some of whom have been employed at the facility since its inception," said general manager Jeff True.
True had been c.o.o./v.p. of Correct. Integrity chairman Matt Bevin was president and chairman of Correct. BuiHhgrhodudsonr
Lyle Lee hos been building custom homes for over 20 yeors. Here is whot he hos to soy obout Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products.
"When building o quolity home, it's importont for oll the froming moleriols fo mofch. ln other words come together os specified in fhe design plons. ll the froming is off by even o t/t of on inch, it con cosf me thousonds of dollors in time ond moferio/s.
I find Roseburg's RFPI@-Joisf ond Rigidlom@ IVL to be very consislenf in width ond depth. When I use Roseburg's RFPI@-Joist, my floors ore more level, stiffer ond truer, moking my iob much eosier.
fhis home is 6,000squorefeef so lusedlJoist ondLVt from severol dif{erent unifs ond the monufocturing consisfency wos exoctly fhe some. lf you wont to moximize your profit, I would recommend using Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products".
Lyle Lee
L. Lee Building Compony
TF 800-245-t I t5
-,Hslgo 3F7 -\jw \\\E\\ \llN l\\'
Nflmlz r TheMedrantttlagazine r 39
Engineered Wood Products I Reol Wood Siding I Softwood Plywood I Lumber RFPI@, RigidLomo, RigidRimi ond Quolity Engineered Wood Products for todoy's buildero ore regislered lrodemorks of Roseburg Foresl Products, Roseburg, Oregon
Goated Deck Screws
Deckfast epoxy-coated screws by Starborn Industries are now available with a star recess in additional colors: gray, green, red, and tan.
The epoxy-based polymer resin coating over zinc plate provides corrosion resistance in many types of decking, including ACQ-treated lumber.
Fire-Resistant Joists
Weyerhaeuser's TrusJoist linc now includes Flak Jacket, which has a specialty coating that enhances l'ire resistance.
The coating allows one-hour flclor/cciling assemblies that meet 20 l2 f ire protection rcquirements fbr both single- and multi-family projects. Builders can cut and drill the joists as usual and assemble with standard hangers.
(888) 453-n3-58
Moking Greal Wood Better
Rosboro Alaska Yellow Cedar Glulam
Ideal for above-ground applications and exposed beams. AYC glulnm has a natural resistance to decay, mold and insects. With its tight grained appearance and fine texture, AYC glulam is the premier option for deck beams and girders, trellises, porches and balconies.
For more information, including custom curves and fabrication, cirll us today at 888-393-2304.
Roshoro Growing Today' Building Tomorrow@ Glulom Soles: I
Technicol Supporl: l -87 7 -451 -41 39 Emoil: info@rosboro.tom o Web: wwwrosboro.com 40 r The Merchant Magazjne r April 2012 Building-Produds.com
Easy-to-Ghoose Exterior Finishes
The new Storm System line of exterior finishes from California Paints reportedly makes choosing the right product easier than ever before.
The finishes are organized in five easy-to-understand categories that utilize familiar color-coded weather symbols and conditions. Category I "Clear" transparent finishes (natural oil finish, wood life extender, waterproofer) provide basic moisture protection. Cat 2 "Light" toned and semi-transparents (oil finishes, pentrating oil finish, latex stain) offer moisture and light UV protection.
Cat 3 "Moderate" semi-solids (alkyd linseed oil finish) supply moisture and moderate UV protection. Cat 4 "Heavy" solid-color finishes (alkyd linseed oil) provide moisture and heavy UV protection. And, Cat 5 "Extreme" primers (acrylic latex, quick-dry oil) are formulated for extreme conditions.
(800) 22s-114r
Gombination Housewrap
HydroGap drainable housewrap from Benjamin Obdyke combines a water-resistant barrier and drainage system into a single application.
The product has a tri-laminate substrate, with the moisture barrier protected between two non-woven layers. A spacer on the surface creates a lmm gap between sheathing and cladding materials to promote faster drainage.
(800) 346-7655
Hi-boro brand treated wood is a borate treated product desisned for interior house framins in Ha ili-bor" treaied wood resists attack bv Foimosan termites and numerous hbusehold
brand interior ffre retardant is the construction industv's newest and most advanced fire Drotection $6t€m fl for wuid. The unique FircPro ctremisry is a patent peiding formulaion that contains no phoqphorous-hased comfuounds.
Buildingiftodudsom April m12 I Ilre ttledrant lr4agazine r 41
,*s,ffii!{ Ff,rePRO-'
Proaid,i,ng Customer Satisfaction i,n All We Do P.O. Box 75 . McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone: 503-434-5450 . FAX: 888-TSO-VOOD (888-875-9563) Hlbor. Flrem, rrd Adw GDrd ft ftAbftd hdemds of $T-N lbldlqq bc. Ehor, rlttmo, .d Advre CE d prodr$ c prodE d by hdeFadcilly aftncd ard oF-d wood pG€rltrg t ctlftl€3 a2w
Recycled Plastic Decking
Lumberock decking is manufactured with at least J5Eo post-consumer recycled plastic and a mineral additive.
Available in nine colors, the boards are warranted against cracking, rotting, peeling, and fading.
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Q Strengthens the Critical Deck Connections
More Green Studs
In response to market demand, Rosboro has expanded its green stud product line to include 3x and 4x green studs.
Available dimensions are 3x4,4x4, and 4x6 in lengths of 8', 104-5/8",116-114", and l0', with special trim lengths upon request.
All products are S4S and are available in #l &better or #2&better, and are 7O-75Vo FOHC. Each grade is stamped separately to avoid confusion on the jobsite.
(888) 393-2304
WD-40 Branches Out
TWD-40 has introduced five new products for specialized jobs.
The new line includes a rust-release spray, a rustremover soak, water-resistant silicone lubricant, protective white lithium grease, and a long-term corrosion inhibitor.
(888) 324-7596
42 r The lledant ttlagazine r AWil 2Ol2
Quality & Service you can trust! Stock quality fasteners your customers will love!
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Wood-Like Asphalt Shingles
Laminated asphalt shingles from Tenaro offer the look of wood shakes.
Heritage Woodgate is designed with a wider cut, a unique blend of color, and enhanced shadow line.
Double layers of fiberglass mat impart strength. while a ceramic mineral topping provides weather protection.
(800) 64r-469 l
This beauty is a beast.
For a complete listing of services ond capabilities, please visit us ot www.JHBaxter.com
Armadillo's super t0ugh skin is permanently fused to a composite core made of 100% post-consumer recycled content. Its deeper, richer color, is more realistic and more durable. Armadillo easily shrugs off scuffs, stains and resists fadinq and will provide years of great looklng, low www.armadillodeck.com
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r$)ftr llamrrlaftr rymFn;*hrhB tmoFnEaun$r*l woooFruH\,ln
BuiHittg'hodudsom Nflz0l2 r lhe tt4erdrant ]tlagazine I 43
535-4838 O2012 Master l\,4ark Plastics
Ad!ust;nhl* {'tead*rx
.\rl.ju:tublc Irt'lriler kits frortt FocrLl I)oint protttisc 1tr sirttqrlilr lirrishing ttl's ittrlotr. itrt(l clottt-s. Irlre h kit e otltuitls 1\\ () e r()\\ hcatl lrlr Ir c\ thlt cilrt bc e tlt to cract sizc rtccrlcti. rt kct slottc trl corcr tltc cttt. ltnrl casr ittstlrlllrtiol irrstrltetion:, l\lirclc of liuhtrrcigltt ltolvr.trcthnnc. tlte hcltrlct-s ut'r'rc\istitltt t() \\ atcr'. fot. nriklcu urttl irtsccts.
II;oc,\t-PolN't I)RolJLrc']'s.C( )NI (8(X)) ()61-5-;50
#srlsrfui Fiber #ement Penels
lllLr rnitliliott Sctics libct e e nrcnt 1'rrncls flonr N ichihli lrlc no\\' l\ lrillrblc rn lttt lrtt'itr ril ctts tonr e olorr. ntthct- tllttt itrst f ir"c stock e rtlots.
. LlsinS its rtct Ciolor Irr1tr-cs sl()lts svstcnl. tlrc e()r'rlpitn\ eall ] nrltch rtrtr' lltint tttitttttfltcltttcr's sllLntlarcl colot-s itt lr satitt linislt.
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WFRlcln' qrx" l. FcsGFr,:' )P'si '4 f*. -* -.-s .&k{ FW r,-.*&d'--..d. ji rif. U r the Merchant Magazine I April 2012 Building- Products. com
Gellular PVC Decking
Trailways cellular PVC decking from Gossen Corp. is available in five colors: sierra walnut, summit grey, acorn brown, alpine grey, and shoreline sand. Made in America with recycled vinyl, the dualextruded boards are protected against swelling, cracking. warping. and splintering.
(800) 558-8984
Engineered Wood Flooring
Prolength Plankfloor is pre-jointed and ready to install.
Made by Owens Flooring, a division of Quanex Building Products, the engineered wood planks combine a composite base with a solid wood wear-layer. Seven species are available in six stains.
(1 13\ 961-4600
A, *"", Lurnber Service, we supply dornestic and foreign hardwoods.
Our products and services include:
. Flardwood Lumber & Pine
r Ffardwood Plywood &Veneers
. Melamine Plywood
o Hardwood Moulding (alder, cherry, rnahogany, MDF, maple, red oak, paint grade, pecan hickory, white oak, walnut, beech)
. Milling (rnoulding profiles, S2S, SLRIE, SLR2E, & resawn lumber)
Woodworking Accessories (appliques, omarnents, butcher blockso corbels, etc.)
Voodworking Supplies (deft finishes, color putty, adhesives, etc.)
1321 N. Kraemer Blvd. (Box 879), Anaheim, Ca. 92806
(714\ 632-1988 (800) 675-REEL
3518 Chicago Ave., Riverside, Ca.92507
(9s1) 781-0s64
Oo" products are widely used in
interior finish carpentry, furniture, cabinetry and hundreds of industrial and rnanufacturing applications. Ve stock a complete line of complementary products to complete virtually any woodworking or millwork project.
&riHingrftodudsom Nnlml2 r Thefvledradttbgadne r 4Ii
WESTERN WOOD Products Association held its annual meeting March 11-13 in Portland, Or. [1] Steve Brandt, Jim Moses, Mike Burns, Kip Burns. [2] Darrel & Hope Pederson. [3] Connie & Frank Stewart. [4] Tom & Kay Dahlke, Lori & John Dalke. [5] Niklas Karlsson, Rick Palmiter. [6] Laurie Creech, Allan Trinkwald. [7] Tim Cornwell, Erol Deren, Ted Roberts. [8] Bob Shepherd, Bert Fackrell. [9] Brad Hatley, Bob Miller [10] Ken Rankin, Gary & Pam Mathews. [11] Gregg Andrews, Thomas D. Love. [12] Sam Pope, Art Andrews. [13] Peter Johnson, Jamie Trenter, Jeff Romo. [14] Bill Briskey, George Emmerson. [15] Steve
Schmitt, Jim Vandegrift. [16] Craig Larsen, Grace Tam. [17] Scott Zimmerman, Mark Mitchell. [18] Sheldon Howell, Joshua Tyler. [19] Cyndee Johnson, Chuck Roady. (More photos on next page)
WWPA elected new board members to three-year terms during its annual meeting- Thomas Temple, Potlatch, Spokane, Wa.; George Emmerson, Siena Pacific, Redding, Ca.; Steve Swanson, Swanson Group, Glendale, Or., and Thomas Lovlien, Boise Cascade, Boise, ld.
I z I F EJ lrlJ = J f z z f = =
rc r TheNlerdrantlhgazine I Nflm1.2
t f, F I \Tl l, t\ t. @ti6;r-'51i' tltllt 4'l fr' Itl t FI ffitr Hlttlt ,II lltt tfrl'ft|] Superior Wood Treating offers the best in naturally beautifu l, pressure-treated Douglas-fir and HemJir wood tor a tull range ol building needs, including: Hewl o-Blaze@ Fire Rebrdant Wood fortnming and inbriors Preserveo AC(F wood for proven, long-tenn probction against decay and brmibs. even in the harchest emironments e limbe6avePPT Borab Pressure-Tra&d Wood torlraming, ftors ard more SupaTimbeP Pr€ssure-Treabd wood for industial and commercial use PH}A3E fuH"g Treating Service only fl'So)and Kiln Drying AfterTreatmenl (KDAT) available 0n request Euporlor Wood Tfoatlng 1 3702 Stewart Road Sumner, WA 98390 P: 253-863-4495 r F: 253-863J037 www.supenorw@d.c0m com f, ;: Direct lmporters of Hardwood Decking, lumber, & Flooring "ffiNN ',4 o' Brazilian Hardwood Specialists Your direct source for Ipe, Tigerwood, Garapa, and Cumaru decking Many Options To Choose From: 1) Shipping from olur Brazilian Millt direc to your job site or lumberyard 2) Custom Millingavailable fiom our U.S. Facilities 3) Blind Shipping is also available Wholesale Division Telephone: (9 4l)-3 88-9 299 www.Advantagelumber. co m/wholesale r MORE WWPA (continued from previous page) in Portland, Or.: [1] Steve Swansonj K-en Tennefoss, Mike Phillips. [2] Chuck Balsano, Scott Elshon. [3] Ashlee Tibbets, Rich Geary, Natalie Macias. [4] Howard Zosel, Eric Schooler. [5] Brad Hatley, Debbie & Duane Vaagen. [6] Kevin & Adrienne Binam. Building-hoductsorn Apfl 2Of2 r lhe trlerdnnt ft/hgazine t 47
Williams, Walter
Daniel Martinez, Bill
rFF = o E I o z N ra z I J {e ; :. : :; -; *
4t r The Medant ltlagazine I Apfl 20f2
LACN'S 2nd GROWTH group met March 1 in Buena Park, Ca. [1]-Jean Henning, Terry Rasmuss-en. [2] Jason Rutledge, Allan Pantig. [3] Steve Lawren-ce, Doirg Willis, Chris Skibba, Tim Hummel. [4] Chris McConnell, Mike Caputo, Betty Bendix, Nick Lan, Marc Spitz. [5] Steve Mitchell, Paul
Ferguson. [13] John Davis, Joe McGuire. [14] Janeece Lowder, Natalie Alle'n. t15l Sc6tt wfritman, David Jones. 1{s1 Mart Huff, Jro,y Huff. [17] John P'asqualetto, Tianna Cash. [18] John Neel, Jernifer Buford, Shawn Knight. [19] Jim Nicodemus, Randy Jackson, Gerry Perez.
Corso, Jason Croy. [6] Danny Sosa, Miguel Gutierrez, Dan Croker. [7] Bruce Huewe, Mike Bland. t81 Jay McArthur, Nate Freeman. [9] John Mayhew, Al Reed. [10] Janett Deschenes, Joe Allotta. [11] Lovell
Frederick. [12]
Universal has been a key supplier in Southern California for years. With the broadest lineup of lumber and specialty products in the area, it's no wonder why dealers look to UFP as a key supply partner.
o IF I ttl 3 o z I { tn n o e 2 a I F ;" 7 : : 7 t :
CHEMONfTE COUNCIL gathered for its annual meeting Feb. 22 in Barry Haugen, Grady Brafford. [5] Rich & Joanne Hufnagle. [6] Jerry_f-arley, Portland, Or. [1] Bob Palaiioz, Danell Smith, Marcus Smith. [2] Sande Kyle Nowatzke. [7] Peter _Osborne, Steve Shields, Alex Flores, [8] Rob Lavino, Tim C-aiey. [3] Huck DeVenzio, Bob Gruber. [4] Bob Baeppler, Denison, Don Bratcher. [9] Eric Lummus, Randy Baileys.
IIARDY/?$RltElt. A MI€k Csnpony t;it, IM UFP's Riverside location features top brands and a diverse product ofiering - SmartSide Siding - SmartSide Trim - TechShield - SPF Pattern & Fascia - Hardy Frames - Plywood & OSB - Vinyl Lattice -
f* I UfP Western Division,Inc. R AUn,ve6o,rbmsrt,educ'rLompo,y Lr00 Avalon Blvd. Riverside, CA 92519.951-826-3000. www.u&i.com Building-Produ<tscom Apfl 2Or2 I The tt4edant ibsazine r 49
Concrete Form/PSF
Umpqua Valley Lumber Association is reviving its Mill Week this summer for the first time since 2009.
The event begins Aug. 2 with tours of participating mills (Roseburg, Dillard; C&D Lumber, Riddle; D.R. Johnson Lumber, Riddle; Riddle Laminators, Riddle; Swanson Group, Roseburg, and Douglas County Forest Products, Roseburg, Or.-and capped by an industry dinner. A golf tournament follows Aug. 3 at Myrtle Creek Golf Course, Myrtle Creek, Or.
For more info, contact Alice Briggs
(aliceb@drjlumber.com) or Lindsay Eggleston (lindsay@cdlumber.com).
Western Building Material Association, following a successful l08th annual convention in Tulalip, Wa., announced that next year's 109th annual will return to Portland. Or.. at the DoubleTree Lloyd Center.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association kicks off its next WOOD Council golf tournament July 17 at Ranch Golf
& Country Club, Westminster, Co. Lumber Association of California & Nevada is preparing for its annual 2nd Growth summer conference July 19-20 at Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa, Rancho Mirage, Ca.
Western Wood Preservers Institute holds its summer meeting June 24-26 at Ritz Carlton-Bachelor Gulch. Avon. Co.
Southern Oregon Lumberman's Association will enjoy a golf toumament and barbecue IuIy 26-27 at Rogue Valley Country Club, Medford, Or.
Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club hosts its annual election night June l4 at Moreno's Mexican Restaurant, Orange, Ca.
UWP'#ff".-, @ T
ffig$. I
North American Wholesale Lumber Association has booked Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane, the subject of Moneyball, to speak at its annual conference April 29-May I at the Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Co.
The meeting will be kicked off by motivational speaker Vince Lombardi Jr., followed by Lt. General Russel L. Honore, commanding officer of Task Force Katrina, addressing crisis management, and Dr. Gustavo Grodnitzky discussing generational challenges in today's workplace.
Richard F. "Dick" Jackson, president and c.e.o. of Pacific Wood Preserving Cos., Bakersfield, Ca., died March l5 in Vacaville. Ca.. after a three-year battle with cancer.
He launched PWP in 1972,expanding to five treating plants in Arizona, California, Nevada and Oregon, and a manufacturing facility in Texas.
He was an active member of the American Wood Protection Association, which plans to honor him with an Award of Merit Recognition at its upcoming annual meeting.
His wife, Elaina Jackson, now heads PWP as chief operating officer.
Donald R. "Don" Deardorff. 83. chairman of Eagle Veneer, Grants Pass. Or.. died March 15.
He began his career in the late 1940s at Fir Manufacturing Co. and worked Edward Hines Lumber and
Call the experts: r Robert Moore r Jim Winward UTAH WOOD PRESERVING CO. 1959 SOUTH I IOO WEST WOODS CROSS, UTAH MAILINC ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 57247 SALI LAKE CITX Uf 84157 -0247 PHONE - WOODS CROSS: (801) 295-9449 FAX (801) 295-9440
pHoNE - SALI LAKE (80t) 262-e28 FAX (801) 262-9822 WATS (800) 666-2467 Cedqr
lx4 B0ARDS in 4,5 ond 6'lengths 2x4 RAl6 in 8-]0'both rough ond surfoced Cedor 4x4 POSIS in 4,5,6,7,8,9 ond l0'lengths 2x2 cleor cedor BALU$ERS in 36, 4418 NE Keller Rd., Roseburg,0R 9/470 . FNl,54l-672-5676 Don Keller, SolesMonoger . (541) 672-6528 50 r fte nlerdunt n4agazine r Apfl 2012 Bulldlng-Produds.om
Weyerhaeuser, before joining the Douglas Fir Plywood Association as quality supervisor in 1958. In 1962,he became superintendent and later production manager of Nordic Plywood, Sutherlin, Or. Two years later, he joined Agnew Plywood, Grants Pass. ln 1912, he and three co-workers bought Agnew's assets and formed Fourply. He served as president and in 1980 became sole owner. He founded Eagle Veneer in 1984.
He served on the boards of the American Wood Council, National Forest Products Association (as president in 1982-83), and APA board of trustees from 1970 to 1998, including as chairman from 1979 to 1981.
Richard D. Procarione, 78, former co-owner of Chintimini Forest Products, Albany, Or., died of pancreatic cancer Feb. 20 in Eugene, Or.
After graduating from the University of Washington and serving in the Army, he became a chemist at Martin-Marietta, Seattle, Wa. In 1964, he joined Gossett Resins & Chemicals as president. He went on to Cascade Resins, Umpqua Plywood, Continental Resins, and Minnesota Resins.
In 1980, he joined Brand S. CorP.,
Corvallis, Or., as secretary, treasurer, and a director, while also serving, starting in 1986, as executive v.p. of sister companies Chintimini and Diamond-B Lumber, Philomath, Or.
He retired in 2009 as chief operating officer of Sustainable Forest Systems, Miami Beach, Fl.
John O. Weaver, 85, c.e.o. of Weaver Forest Products, White City, Or., died March 15 in Medford, Or.
After serving in the U.S. Naval Reserve during World War II, he graduated from the University of Kansas.
With his wife, Lois, he founded Weaver Forest Products in 1975
James Doherty, 92, former general manager of El Cenito Mill & Lumber, Ef Cerrito. Ca.. died March22.
He served as a first sergeant in the Army during World War II.
He retired in 1983.
Dean ttJoe" Bloxham, 84, retired owner of Downey Lumber, DowneY, Id., died Jan.2'7 in Pocatello,Id.
In 1956, he and Gail Boam Purchased Anderson Lumber, DowneY. He bought out his partner nine years later and renamed the business Downey Lumber Co.
Del Garber. 73. owner of Coast to Coast Ace Hardware, Gig Harbor, Wa., died of cancer Feb. 28.
He opened the store in the late 1970s, eventually adding a store on Bainbridge Island, Wa., and a second in Gig Harbor.
He was Pacific Northwest Hardware Association chairman in 199'l and later president and a director of National Retail Hardware Association.
Settimo "Sam" Sarti, 89, retired supervisor for McCloud Lumber Co., McCloud, Ca., died Feb.26 in Mount Shasta, Ca.
A U.S. Army veteran of World War II, he spent six months as a POW in Germany.
Don Raymon Kantas, 70, longtime Washington sawmill manager, died Jan. 30 in Shelton, Wa.
After receiving a degree from Oregon Polytech, he began his 30+year career as a mill superintendent and manager, overseeing facilities for Louisiana Pacific in Wisconsin; Little Skookum Lumber Co., Shelton, Wa.; Mary's River Lumber, Montesano; Bambee Mill, Renton, and Treesource, Spanaway and Tumwater, Wa.
Protect Wood From &&8,, Fgr@
And No More: o letmites o Woad Decay - Bot o Powder Post Beetles c Garpenter Ants wss. S,u a li&&#'a&*. cem 3690 Orange Place ' Suite 495 ' Cleveland, OH 44122 USA Toll-Free 866-BORATES (866-267-2837 )' Fax 21 6-464-861 9 www.oualitvborate.com 0unuw BORATE' BuiHing-Ptoduds.om Apil 20f2 r Thel'rledlantlr4aSaztne r 51
Rates: $1.20 per word (25 word min.). Phone number counts as 1 word, address as 6. centered copy or headline, $9 per line. Border, $9. Private box, $15. Column inch rate: $55 if art furnished "camera-ready" (advertiser sets the type), $os if we set type, send ad to Fax g49-g52-0231 or dkoenig@ building-products.com. For more info, call (949) 852-1990. Make checks payable to Cutler Publishing. Deadline: 'l8th of previous month.
Movers & Shakers
(Continued from page 30)
Curt Stevens has been appointed c.e.o. of Louisiana-Pacific Corp., Nashville, Tn., effective May 4. He succeeds Rick Frost, who is retiring after seven years as c.e.o.
Lance Clark is the new mgr.-membership & marketing for the International Wood Products Association.
LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED truck and industrial lumber brokers, for operations out of our Eagle, Id., office. Eagle Forest Products, bbower@eaglefp.net, www.eaglefp.net.
DiscoYer urfrofs up Eosl of the Roddes
Subrcdbe fo
Bulldlng Plorlucts lllgcst
Ju$ 524 for l2 monthly isues
Contoct Heother ot (94e) 852-teeo hkelly @ building.produds.com Fox 949.852-0231
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($55 per column inch for camera ready copy; $65 if we set type) TO RUN:- TIMES TILL FORBTDDEN
Name Phone ( Address State _ Zip COPY
Alan Marquis has joined Alside, as tenitory mgr. for Denver, Co.
Jason Clark, ex-MasterBrand Cabinets, is now Southern California territory mgr. for Norcraft Cos. Kevin, David and Brent Bradshaw. all ex-Taiga, have formed Sticks Building Products, Langley, B.C., wholesaling commodity lumber and panels.
Gary Furst has been named v.p. of human resources, general counsel, and corporate assistant secretary of Do it Best Corp., Fort Wayne, In. Gary Nackers is now director of program development for LBM. Jason Peterson succeeds him as national sales & business development mgr. Shane Burnworth is assistant merchandise mgr.; Lauren Wilson, global sourcing assistant merchandise mgr.; Janice Koogler, merchandise coordinator, and Tom Mowery, outbound operations mgr.
Jason Fraler, co-founder of Building Industry Partners, has launched LBM industry-focused merchant banking firm Anchor Peabody, New York. N.Y.
Answers on SP Design Values
Southern Forest Products Association facilitated a task group of industry leaders representing key customer groups to develop answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding Southern Pine Inspection Bureau's new design values for visually graded southern pine lumber. The questions and answers have been posted at www.southempine.com.
Answers address transition issues, how to obtain similar load-carrying capabilities, and why only some grades and sizes are cunently affected.
"The effective date of June 1 allows for an orderly transition to the new design values," says SFPA's Cathy Kaake. "These answers address the most common questions raised since the ALSC's decision."
SFPA will continue updating the site as the June I changeover nears.
City 5i2 r Thentednntn/bgaxine r Nflmtz Building.Ptoduclsorn
Llsflngs are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wtlh sponsor before making plans to attend.
American Architectural Manufacturers Association - April 10'11, spring meeting, Embassy Suites Portland Airport, Portland, Or.; (847) 303-5664; www.aamanet.org.
Structural Insulated Panel Association -April 10-12, annual meeting & conference, Embassy Suites, San Antonio, Tx.; (253) 858-7 47 2; www. si ps.org.
National Wood Flooring Association - April 10'13, conference & wood flooring expo, Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, Fl. ; (800) 4224556; www.woodfloors.org.
International Wood Composites Symposium - April 11'13, Red Lion, Seattle, Wa.; (509) 335-2262; woodsymposium.wsu.edu.
Lumber Association of California & Nevada - April 12, associates/dealers golf tournament, Black Gold Golf Club, Yorba Linda, Ca.; (800) 2664344; www.lumberassociation.org.
North American Wholesale Lumber Assn. - April 12, regional meeting, Vancouver, B.C. ; (800) 527 -8258, www.lumber.org.
Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club - April 18, dinner & meeting, Anaheim Hills Golf Course, Anaheim, Ca.; (760) 324-0842; www.hoohoo117.org.
Olympic Logging Conference - April 18-20, Fairmont Empress,Victoria, B.C.; (360) 452-9357 ; olympicloggingconference,com.
Remodef ing & Decorating Show - April 21-22, Ciuic Center, Santa Monica,Ca.; (818) 557-2950; www.thehomeshow.com.
Transload Distribution Association - April 23'25, conference, Doubletree, Memphis, Tn.; (503) 6564282i www,transload.org.
National Kitchen & Bath Association - April 24.26, annual show, McCormick Place, Chicago, ll.; (800) M3-6522: www.nkba.org.
Oregon State University - April 26-27, selling forest products cburse, OSU, Corvallis, Or. ; (54 1 ) 7 37 4240; oregonstate.edu.
Hoo-Hoo International - April 26-29, annual convention, Sanctuary Resort, Bunbury, Australia; (800) 979-9950; www.hoo-hoo.org.
Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club - April 28, poker tournament, Burgess Horse Barn, Healdsburg, Ca.; (707) 889-0049; www.blackbarthoohoo181.org.
Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Glub - April 28, day at the races, Santa Anita Racetrack, Arcadia, Ca.; (626) 445-8556; www.lahlc.net.
National Assn. of Home Builders - April 29.May 1, national green building conference, Nashville, Tn.; (800) 368-5242; nahb.org.
North American Wholesale Lumber Association - April 29'May 1, leadership conference, The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Co.; (800) 527 -8258; www.lumber.org.
American Wood Protection Association - April 29'May 2, annual meeting, Hilton Nashville Downtown, Nashville, Tn.; (205) 733' 4077; www.awpa.com.
Forest Products Society - May 1-3, international conference, Little America Hotel, Flagstaff, Az.; (608) 231-1361; forestprod.org.
National Hardware Show - May 1-3, Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (888) 425-9377; www.nationalhardwareshow.com.
North American Retail Hardware Association - May 1.3, convention, Bellagio , Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 772-4424; www.nrha.org.
Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America - May !'4, woq!working conference, Delray Beach Marriott, Delray Beach, Fl.; (323) 838-9443; www.wmma.org.
Lumber Association of California & Nevada - May 3, 2nd Growth meeting, location TBD; (800) 266-4344; lumberassociation.org.
Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association - Uay S' 9, annual convention, Loews Miami Beach Hotel, Miami Beach, Fl. ; (8a7) 680-3500; www.mheda.org.
National Retail Federation - May 6-8, global supply chain summit, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, Ga. ; (800) 673-4692; www.nrf.com.
American Coatings Show - May 7-10, Indiana Convention Center, lndianapolis, In.; (202) 462-627 2; www.paint.org.
Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club - May 10, 19!1es night, Orange Hill Restaurant, Orange, Ca.; (626) 445-8556; www.lahlc.net.
Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club - May 18, Don Gregson Memorial Golf Tournament, San Dimas Golf Club, San Dimas, Ca. ; (760) 324-0842: www.hoohool 1 7.org.
Remodeling & Decorating Show - May 18-20, South Town Expo Center, Sandy, Ut.; (81 8) 57 1 -9012; www.thehomeshow.com.
Remodeling & Decorating Show - May 19.20, Orange County Fair & Event Center,Oosta Mesa, Ca.; (818) 557'2950; www.thehomeshow.com.
Do it Best Corp. - May 19-21, spring market, Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, In.; (260) 7a8-5300; www.doitbestcorp.com.
Kitchen Gabinet Manufacturers Association - May 20'23, annual convention, Williamsburg Lodge, Williamsburg, Va.; (703) 2641690; www.kcma.org.
Willamette Valley Hoo-Hoo Club - June 1, golf tournament, Shadow Hills Country Club, Junction City, Or.; (541)688-6675.
Gomposite Panel Assn, - June 3-5, spring meeting, Fountainebleau, Miami Beach, Fl.; (301) 670-0604; www.pbmdf.com.
Forest Products Society - June 3-5, convention, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.; (608) 231-1361 ; www.forestprod.org.
Lumber Association of California & Nevada - June 7, associ' ates/dealers golf tournament, Rancho Solano Golf Club, Fairfield, Ca.; (800) 2664344i www.lumberassociation.org.
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"What'S the best way ro keep shoppers from straying?" is a question being asked in small towns across America. The owner of a hardware store in Uhrichsville, Oh.-population 5,500-believes one answer is an active merchant group that boosts local business.
"There's very little that you can't find in Uhrichsville," says Bob Baker, who started working at Twin City Hardware in 1914 and became owner in 2004. "Mako's (a supermarket and pharmacy) is our anchor and why Uhrichsville has such a nice downtown."
Baker says about 40 mom-and-pop businesses operate in the four-block downtown area. Outside of this area are another 30. Baker admits that the idea of starting a merchant's group has been discussed for years, but little came of it. Finally, he says, "I just got tired of talking; I want to try something."
With the help of a nearby copy store, he had flyers printed to advertise the first meeting of the merchant's group and then handed them out personally. "Better than a phone call or mailing," he believes. "Harder to ignore."
A few days later, about 16 business owners attended the meeting. Over coffee and cookies, they discussed ways to make residents more aware of what businesses in the city can offer. One concern is that "people have gotten so used to going north for shopping and entertainment that they instinctively do that," says Baker. "We want to draw people in and let them know what we have."
The group's first coordinated event will be a sidewalk sale the first weekend of May. Future events could include a "Midnight Madness" sale, a scavenger hunt, a parade, and a tree-lighting ceremony in December-similar to the one organized by Baker last year, which attracted about 200 people.
"We had only talked about doing that for about a month in advance, but it turned out very well," he says. "When we do these events, we"re promoting the city, not iust the merchants."
Advantage Trim & Lumber [www.advantagelumber.com],.........47
Ainsworth [www.ainsworth.ca] ......32.33
Allweather Wood Treaters [www.allweatherwood.com] ...............8
Arch Wood Protection [www.wolman izedwood.com]......,..Cover I
Boise Cascade [www.bcewp.com]..............,...................................7
BW Creative Wood [www.bwcreativewood.com] ......................,.37
California Cascade Industries [www.californiacascade.com]....44
California Timberline [www.caltimberline.com] ...,..............,.........4
C&E Lumber Co. [www.lodgepolepine.com] ...........................,...53
Capital [www.capital-lumber.com]............,..,... .............44, Cover lll
Crawford Creek Lumber [www.crawfordcreeklumber.com],......28
Eco Chemical [www.ecochemical.com] .............34
ExteriorWood[www.exteriorwood.coml .....................26
Fontana Wholesale Lumber [fontanawholesalelumber.com].....35
Hoover Treated Wood Products [www.frtw.com] ..........,..C0ver lV
Huff Lumber Co. ................... .................................27
Humboldt Redwood Co. [www.getredwood.com] ....,....................8
J.H. Baxter [www.jhbaxter.com]................ ..........43
Keller Lumber Co...,................. .............................50
Krauter Auto-Stak [www.krauterautostak.com]...........................13
LP Building Products [www.lpcorp.com] .......................,.........,...29
Manke Lumber Co. [www.mankelumber.com].............................38
Master Mark Plastics [www.rhinodeck.com]................................43
Maze Nails [www.mazenails.com]............. ..........23
McFarland Cascade [www.mcfarlandcascade.com] .............,.....1 1
Norman Distribution Inc. [www.normandist.com].......................35
Osmose [www.osmose.com] ....Cover ll
Pacific Wood Preserving Cos. [www.pacificwood.com].............36
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance [plmins.com].....31
Quality Borate Co. [www.qualityborate.com] ..............................51
Redwood Empire [www.redwoodemp.com]...................,...............5
Reel Lumber Service [www.reellumber.com] ....,.........................45
Rosboro [www.rosboro.com] .................. .......,....40
Roseburg Forest Products [www.rfpco.com] .,............................39
Royal Pacific Industries.,...... ................................41
Screw Products [www.screw-products.com] ..............................42
Simpson Strong-Tie [www.strongtie.com].....................................3
Snider Industries [www.sniderindustries.com] ........................,..21
Superior Wood Treating [www.superiorwoodtreating.com].......47
Swanson Group Sales Co. [www.swansongroupinc.com].........25
Thunderbolt Wood Treating [thunderboltwoodtreating.com] ....30
TMI Forest Products [www.tubafor.com] ,..................,.................19
Universal Forest Products [www.prowoodmicro.comibpd] .......a9
Utah Wood Preserving Co. .................. .........,......50
Viance [www.treatedwood.com] ........... ,. .............................17
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