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BORATC TREATED WOOD brand treated wood is a borate treated desisned for interior house framing in Ha trealed wood resists attack bv Foinosan nean termites and numerous hbusehold inr
US LBM Adds Desert Lumber
US LBM Holdings, Green Bay, Wi., has expanded to 12 divisions with its acquistion of sister companies Desert Lumber & Truss, Las Vegas, Nv.; Desert Fasteners & Supply, Las Vegas, and Integrity Truss, Cedar City, Ut'' from majority shareholders Terry Ono, Dale Eggers, Charles "Monty" Clayton, and Tyson Clayton.
Ono will continue as president of Desert Lumber, Eggers as president of Desert Truss, Tyson Clayton as president of Desert Fastener & Supply, and Charles Clayton as v.p. of Desert Fastener & SuPPlY.
Desert Lumber was founded by Ono in 1989. In 2009' Desert Fastener & Supply was formed to expand into connectors, waterproofing products, adhesives and tools for contractors. Integrity Truss was launched earlier this year.
Hardwood Distributor BuYs Atlas
Hardwood products distributor Atlas Lumber Co., Chino, Ca., has been acquired by UCS Forest Group, Mississauga, Ont., which operates in the U.S. as Sierra Forest Products.
Celebrating its 70th anniversary, Atlas was founded by the Porter family in 1944. Randy Porter will continue to manage Atlas as a division of Sierra Forest Products. It marks Siena's entry into the California market, with existing offices in Seattle, Wa.; Portland, Or.; Denver, Co., Salt Lake City, Ut., and Chicago,Il.
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Rough & Ready Lumber is installing a new computerized log optimizer, $1.6-million planer mill, and huge new sorter as its prepares to restart its Cave Junction, Or., mill early next month after a yea/s layoff.
Malheur Lumber Co., John Day, Or., is adding 20 to 30 workers-the first time the mill has operated more than a single shift since 1998.
Quality Millwork, Spokane, Wa., closed and liquidated its equipment at auction May 21.
BlueLinx has sold its dishibution center in Portland, Or', for $7.2 million. lt shuttered the 109,000-sq. ft. facility last year.
Galifornia Timberline, Chino, Ca., is now distributing Tiger Deck in Southern California.
Vandermeer Forest Products, Lynnwood, wa., is now distributing NyloBoald products in the Pacific Northwest.
Taiga Building Products' DCs in Rocklin and Sanger, Ca., are now stocking a full line of pressure treated lumber from Exterior Wood, Washougal, Wa.
Boral Roofing, lrvine, Ca., now offers more than 30 new cool+oof colors in California, for both new construction and re-roofing.
Weyerhaeus€I, Federal Way, Wa., will spin off ts real estate 6ompany, Weyerhaeuser Real Estate, to merge with and become a sJbsidiary of TRI Pointe Homes, San Ramon. Ca.
When it comes to preniurn o-otrie ;rrodt,i-t5, give your customers an eCge-wrth [JFP Fcqe.