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2ND GROWTH hosted its monthly meeting May 1 at Embassy Suites, Brea, Ca. [1] Dannv Sosa, Jay McArthur, Tony Campb-ell. [21 Qtephanie Barrios, Phillip Ho, Jocetyn Palazzolo, Victoria Foucault. [3] Daniel Atkins, Tom Angel, [4] Damien Simpson, Danny Caccavale, Gerry Perez. [5] Mike Carey, ChaiJ Kidder, Jeff Donahoo. [6] Chris Freeman, Don Kavert. [7] Brenden Hexberg, Doug Willis. [8] Chris M-cDonough, Mo She-arer. [0] Miche'il6 Chase, Dora Lopez. [10] Ryan Mitchell, Heath Stai, Joe Lozano. [11] Jean Henning, Alex Uniack. [12] Vaughan Barker, Steve Robertson. ['13] Dan Sweeny, Fia Faumuina. [14] Juan Guzman, Chris Huntington.


#1 17 hosted its annual Don Gregson Memorial Golf Tournament May 9 in San Dimas, Ca. [1] Ken Carpenter, Jim Gregson, Scott Glassey, Brett Gregson. [2] Luciano Ponce, Tom Baxter, Mario Baiaias, Frank Gonzalez. [3] Courtney Henington, Andrew Nicassio, Robert Parker,

Andrew Manke. [4] Blake Ghavami, Jay Gregson, Guy Haigie_aves, J.D. Hutton, [5] Mikd Nicholsoh, John Pasqualetto, Teri Silver, Brvan Schuvler. f6l Clav Halton, Lee Souza, Bryan Schuyler. [6] Clay Rcib Macias,'Gabe Lazo. [7] Ron Hillman, John Rdb Macias, Gabe [] Assman, Tyrone Smith, Ted Smith. [8] Jim

Hansen. [9] Tom Lawrence, George_Morris, Peter Hode, Chris Wischmann, Travis Gilliland. t10l Kevin Ulibarri, Steve King, Seymour Ooelare. 111l Alonzo Orozco, Gordon Martinez, Fdrnando V'erdugo, Albert Verdugo. [12] Bill Younq, Louie Mendez, Tom Foote, Pat McCuftber. (More photos on next two pages) Smith, Nicodemus. Dan Croker, Frank Bader, Ken

MORE HOO-HOO GOLF (continued from previous page)'. [1] Frank Paour, Mike Kosareff, Jeff Won, Rob Keyes. [2] Nathan Welter, Ryan Lauterborn, Vern O'Connor, Mike Tompkins. [3] Joe DeRoest, Al Reed, Mike Claborn, Kevin Mclernon. [4] Mark Huff, Troy Huff, Danny Sosa, Scott Whitman. [5] Fernando Building-Products.com

Abundis, Jacob Nelson, James Elliott, Mark Davis, Chris Johnson. [6] Ralph Weinberger, Jack Henderson, Larry Holguin. [7] Paul Braeger, Bryan Callaway, Bob Mackay, Scott Lawrence. [8] Larry Christensen, Dan May, Bill Shaw, Neil Wierenga. [9] Don Kavert, Naresh Narine, Mike Wishnia, Erik Noquera, Carl

Suderman. ['t0] Jason Croy, Tony Campbell, Myles Ramsey. [11] Casey Cook, Darren Bustamante, Craig Larson, Scott Middaugh. [12] Erik Shin, Damien Simpson, Brenden Hexberg, Chris Skibba.

(More photos on next page)

ANNUAL GOLF tournament for Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club was held at Canyon Golf Course, San Dimas (continued from previ' ous fwo pages): [1] David Tait, Larry Riat, Rick Deen, Bryan Geer. [2] Shawn Wright, Jeff Sievers, Edward Russell, Mike Mische. [3] Wayne Carter, Mitch Callaway, Lucky Luciano, Kevin Witt. [4] Steve Schroeder, Deonn DeFord, Keith Hitchcock, Joe Morin. [5] Greg Gruver, Steve Nicholson, Dave Schubel, John Penland. [6] Russ Primrose, Bill Ferguson, Robyn Uebenoth, Nick Bauer. [7] Rudy Russ, Bob Stephen, Patrick Franco, Greg Krakar. [8] Dave Gorham, Monika Bartko, Ed Miron, Russ Rust. [9] Brent Smith, Sean O'Bannon, Jesse VanBemden, James Henninger. [10] Jim Kaminski. [11] Rich Geary, Nick Hall, Bert McKee, Joe McCanon. [12] Doug Radestock, Carl Henoch. [13] Rick Davisson, Sean Moran, Joseph McCormick. [14] Mark Preece, Jim Gaither. [15] Betsy Bendix, Joel Hillner, Tierney Tait.

PONY SHOW: Los Angeles Hardwood

Lumberman's Club held its annual Dav at the Races April 26 at Santa Anita Rac'etrack, Arcadia, Ca. [1] Dan Bohannon, Kit Rohm, Heidi & Steve Ondich, Dale Bohannon. [2] Amy Moyer, Emily Moyer, Tim & Becky Peterman, Sally Martinez, John Mortati. [3] Diana & Dennis Johnston, Dawn Ayaka, Jeff Johnston, Derek Mether, l-arry Mether. [4] Judy Gardenas, Timmy Lomeli, Tim Mathews, Vicky Johnston. [5] Doug & Susie Christensen, Waltei Ralston. t6j Katie & Sam Sullivan, Mike & Brooke Bohnhoff.

Western Building Material Association will hold its mid-year board meetings July 30-31 at Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Wa.

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association will enjoy its annual Western Slope Golf Tournament Ntg.22 at Rifle Creek Golf Course. Rifle, Co.

Moulding & Millwork Producers Association, buoyed by the success of its West Coast mill tour last year, will this fall lead industrY members through facilities in the East.

The Sept. 8-1 I event will be based at the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square, Lancaster, Pa., and feature plant tours, table-top displays, information panels, and equipment demonstrations. Stops may include Kountry Kraft Manufacturing, Northway Industries, Plain & Fancy Kitchens Manufacturing, Signature Cabinets, Signature Cos., Universal Forest Products, Versatek Enterprises, Wayneco, and Weaber Lumber.

The event is open to MMPA member and non-member manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, sawmills, panel producers, and suppliers.

Western Red Cedar Lumber Association will host its annual Cedar Summit Sept. 4 on the first day of BC

Lyle Thompson, 75, former vice president of sales and marketing for Roseburg Forest Products, Roseburg, Or., died April 20 in Camas, Wa. During his 37-year career, he also worked for U.S. Plywood and Champion International.

Dale L. Grimm. 85. former Pacific Northwest lumberman, died May 21. He started with Potlatch Forests, Lewiston. Id.. in 1947. After three years in the Army, he resumed his industry career with P"otlatch, Weyerhaeuser Sales, Valley Supply, and Troy Lumber, before co-owning Quality Millworks from 1960 to 1975.

Larry Humphrey , 79, retired founder of Humphrey Lumber,

Willamette Valley Hoo-Hoo Club will gather Aug. 13 for its annual trap shoot at Eugene Sportsman Club, Eugene, Or.

Tacoma, Wa., died April 19 in Lakewood, Wa., after a long battle with Parkinson's disease.

After many years working for Weyerhaeuser in Longview and Tacoma, Wa., he started his own wholesale lumber firm.

He was also a former president of the North American Wholesale Lumber Association.

William "Bill" Mitchell, 64, consultant with The Beck GrouP, Portland, Or., died May 10 in Sandy, Or., following a heart attack.

He worked for Beck for 28 years, on projects concerning both primary and secondary wood products manufacturing. Prior to that, he worked in sawmill and plywood operations at International Paper, Weyerhaeuser, and Roseburg Forest Products.

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