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Southern pine industry primed for full-speed recovery

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f t's rr s t \ \1 \ | tt.t< ()l tiltte : the lrilrlitrtt': ltottte htriltlt'r: ttte 'llrtu ilt! hints of improrctl cotilitlcttcc ilt hotrsing's rccovcrr'. Thclc's no shtlrlltgc ol rcuclincss irt thc rltnks ol sottthcrn pitlc supplicr.s. Irt'csh o1'l tltc hccls ol an annual proclr.tctiort gain last vcar ol .iust ovcr.57 (15.01 billion bcl.1i.). southcrn pinc procluccrs arc wcll posiliottctl lo sirlislr thc ttc\l l)()\iti\r cyclc. Last )rear \\'as thc lilulth collsccutive yclr of increascs in proclt-tction; thc industrf is ccrtainlv pliruccl lbr a continuing upsn ing in volumc.

Finuneinc. lt ncu htrttte temullls [i hrrrdle. lnd intcrest rrltc\ e()ntinue lo crccp up. E,rnployntcnt nuttlbcrs arc nraking a vcfy slow clintb tolr'arii inrprovctncnl. Thc challcnging .iob nrarkcl has backctl a trcntl to lllorc nrLrlti-l anri ly l'roltsi ttg stitrls as l'lnri I ics choosc 1o lcnt rathcr than but a Ilcu singlc-l'arnily honrc. FortLrnatcll lctivity in thc rcpair ancl rcntoclclin-g scctur rcmains stcacl1".

For luniber dcalers. it's knouing that southern pine proclucts clclivcr thcvalirc nnd vcrsatility firr thcir cLrstomersclependable strcn-tth. excepticlnal treatabilitr''. and attractive appearance-that rnake this rnaterial a builder favorite. The Southern Forest

Proclucts Assttciation supports clcalcrs and distributors with thc salcs hclp thcl' nccrl. providing rcsol-lrccs to hclp chalk up nrorc sttttthcrtt pinc salcs.

One Source for Facts

SFPA clrn hclp stccr ctlstolllcrs )orrI rrlrr. Stlrrl in ith lr visit l() $ \\ u. slla.org ancl lotlk ovcr thc casy ilcccss to all six ol' Sl;PA's wcbsitcs. S[;PA uolks to kccp dealcrs conncctccl ttl thc latest inlornratiott lacts your customcrs rcly on cvery clay firl building succcssful proiects.

The central sitc firr product inlbrmation. rvrvw.southernpine.com. is the

t00% ol{[-lllcll

All of Snider Induslries' potlerns ore svsilable i"f,i #2,D & better qnd run from selected highline #2 stock. Potlern moleriol is in lx4 through lxl2, ond 8 through I6 foof lengfts.

With on onnuol oroduction o{ 55 million boord feet, most items ore ovoiloble {or prompt shipment. Stored ond shipped {rom our oversize worehouse, the finest quolity one-inch is delivered ef{itiently ond ronvenienlly. 0ur cusfomers 0re even offorded 2417 oaess lo our online lumber sy$em {or reohime dolo ond trotking of their orders.

dealer's authoritative resource. It's all here-span tables, design values, sample grademarks, even do-it-yourself outdoor project plans to help dealers sell more lumber. Within the site's publications section, SFPA's Lumber Library is a collection of helpful titles that dealers can rely on to help educate themselves and their customers about the proper selection and use of southern pine materials. All titles are available as free PDF downloads.

New Guide for Treated Lumber Sales

SFPA recently published the new 2014 edition of its popular booklet "Pressure-Treated Southern Pine." This 24-page guide assists dealers and distributors with the proper specification and use of treated southern pine materials. It is available as a free PDF download from the publications page of www.southernpine. com.

"This edition presents a fresh look from the user's perspective," notes SFPA's Eric Gee, director of lumber products. "It represents a complete reorganization and revision of the previous edition."

Following an introduction to wood preservatives, tables list common preservatives and retentions by product and end use. Specification guidelines are included, along with sections covering fasteners and connectors, design values, and proper storage, among other topics. Two pages are devoted to eight primary applications for treated southern pine, with references to helpful SFPA websites and related publications.

This edition combines American Wood Protection Association standard preservatives and ICC-ES-evaluated preservatives. It also combines and reorganizes information from various AWPA tables and commodity standards. The objective is to provide specifiers and users practical information on common uses. The full-page Table 2 provides a simplified specification guide for typical end-use applications. Typical treated lumber quality marks are shown, including a mark for AWPA standardized preservatives and a mark for ICC-ES evaluated preservatives.

Deck Season in Full Swing

At all levels of skill, handy d-i-yers are finding the construction details and product information they need to build code-compliant, durable decks and porches by visiting www.southernBuilding-Products.com pinedecks.com. Specification tips, connections and fasteners, the entire building process-it's all here. This site also explains why treated southern pine decking is the preferred material.

Looking for answers to customers' questions about building outdoors?

Dealers can refer to SFPA's l2-page booklet, "Southern Pine Decks and Porches," aimed at professional deck builders and advanced do-it-yourselfers. It summarizes information from the site and offers comprehensive design and construction guidance. Photos of completed decks and porches showcase what treated southern pine lumber can do to naturally enhance any landscape. Download a free PDF at www.southernpine.com.

Span Cards

Spans for southern pine joists and rafters, including those based on the new design values, are featured on a handy pocket-size card now available from SFPA.

This card contains 12 abbreviated span tables for selected Southern Pine visual, Machine Stress Rated (MSR), and Machine Evaluated Lumber (MEL) grades. Included under each grading method, this card includes one table each for floor joists and ceiling joists, plus two tables for rafters.

AS A NATURAL insulator, southern pine pat terns add indoor aesthetic appeal and energy efficiency.

"This card is very popular with dealers, builders and code officials for use in the field," says Gee. "Adding MSR and MEL tables to this new edition of the card makes it a convenient reference tool for all southern pine users."

Dealers can review the full content of the new card and download a free PDF at southernpine.com.

Remodeli ng Preference : SP Patterns

The look of real wood for wall paneling and ceilings adds a dramatic flair to all rooms. Southern pine patterns are readily available in long lengths to eliminate or reduce splices. Clear or semi-transparent finishes draw attention to southern pine's distinctive grain. Dealers, remember: wood is a natural insulator, contributing to energy efficiency and lower utility bills.

Contractors know a qualitY, dependable product like southern pine offers a long list of possibilities: exterior siding for room additions, plus flooring, paneling, ceiling patterns, and trim to enhance interior spaces. Need help deciding which pattern will be a bestseller? Review the product samples and related information provided in SFPA's booklet "Southern Pine Patterns." available as a PDF download at www.southernpine.com.

Whatever the d6cor, southern Pine flooring can enhance the look of anY indoor space. Knowing proper installation and maintenance tips is a dealer's key to selling more pine flooring, paneling and other specialty items. For starters, check out "Southern Pine Flooring," available as a PDF download from www.southernpine.com. It's a comprehensive guide to both interior flooring and exterior porch flooring.

Online Product Locator

Need help finding a customer's special order item? Chances are good you will find it among the listings of SFPA's online product locator at southernpine.com. More than 400 product listings are here. A quick search and dealers are directed right to manufacturers' contact information. New this year: searches can be conducted by state to better pinpoint nearby suppliers. On a regular basis, SFPA members are updating their in-stock product offerings, assuring on-time deliverv to dealers and distributors.

Friedman's Back in Petaluma

Friedman's Home Improvement has returned to Petaluma, Ca., where the family-owned business began in 1946.In 1916, with the original location deteriorating, the operation moved to the company's new store in nearby Santa Rosa.

"There's a lot of symbolism in this store," said president and c.e.o. Barry Friedman at the May 9 grand opening of the new location. "Our best years are yet to come."

The new store measures 80,000 sq. ft., with a 35,000-sq. ft. lumber shed. The front of the store has two livins walls that are fed and watered autol matically. Two more living walls grow beside the entrance to the 20,000-sq. ft. nursery.

Bill Friedman, who remains chairman of the company's board, was in the hospital recovering from a respiratory infection, Barry Friedman said. Bill's wife, Suzie Friedman. spoke on his behalf

"Returning to Petaluma was a dream of the founders of this company," said Suzie Friedman, wife of chairman Bill Friedman. "Tonight I'm proud to say, 'Dad and Joe, we're home again."'

Fatal Shootings at B.C. Mitl

An April 30 shooting at Western Forest Products' sawmill in Nanaimo, B.C., left two employees dead, two wounded, and the shooter-identified as a former employee-in custody.

Authorities say the tragedy started just before 7 a.m. in the parking lot and then moved inside to the mill's offices. Killed were employees

Michael Lunn, 6l , and Fred McEachern, 53. Tony Sudar was shot in the face but was listed in stable condition. A fourth, unnamed employee was in critical condition.

Sudar, v.p. of manufacturing, was scheduled to be a company witness later this month in a long-standing dispute with the Steelworkers Union, which represents employees at the mill. More than 300 workers were laid off when the mill closed in 2008, but about 30 were rehired two years later. The union has accused the company of reopening with a skeleton crew, to avoid severance payments agreed to in a collective bargaining agreement.

Former employee Kevin Addison, 47 , was arrested at the scene and charged with two counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder.

Accents for Vinyl Siding

Foundry vinyl siding from The Tapco Group now includes fish-scale and round styles for distinctive customization.

Crafted with real cedar molds, the shapes have authentic texture, subtle grain, and saw-mark detailing. Ten standard colors can be mixed and matched, and Foundry traditional colors can be special ordered.


(800\ 171-4486

Perfect Plugs

The ProPlug system from Starborn Industries offers matched fastening for PVC decking and trim. A specially designed PVC tool consistently drives fasteners to the correct depth below the board surface' An auto-stop mechanism prevents the screw recess from stripping, while a free-spinning stop collar protects the board surface.

The plugs are constructed of brand name PVC deck or trim material, so the color and grain match perfectly. Plugs for Azek and TUFBoard decking are currently available, with more manufacturers being added in coming months.

(80u 596-7741

Lock Down Metal Roofing

Fasco America's Scrail metal roof fasteners install twice as fast as collated screws.

The fasteners exceed 400 lbs. in holding power, while collated strips eliminate fastener waste. Used with the F58 installation tool, the fasteners are designed to attached metal roofing to wood.


(800) 239-8665

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