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Lrsflngs are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with sponsor before making plans to attend.

National Lawn & Garden Show - June 10-12, Crowne Plaza Denver International Airport, Denver, Co.; (888) 3160226; www.nlgshow.com.

WoodWorks - June 10, cross laminated timber seminars, The Catch, Anaheim, Ca.; June 11, Maggiano's, Los Angeles, Ca.; June 12, Berkeley-HS Lordships, Berkeley, Ca.; (503) 4674686; www.woodworks.org.

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn. - June 12, mechanic's lien law class. Renaissance Hotel, Denver, Co.; (303) 793-0859; www.mslbmda.org.

Window & Door Manufacturers Assn.June 17.19, technical conference, Pittsburgh, Pa.; (800) 223-2301, www.wdma.com.

Southern California Hoo.Hoo ClubJune 18, meeting, El Prado Golf Course, Chino, Ca.; (323) 559-1958; www.hoohool 17.org.

Western Wood Preservers InstituteJune 22-24, summer meeting, Meritage Resort & Spa, Napa, Ca.; (360) 693-9958; www.wwpinstitute.org.

PCBC - June 25-27, Moscone Center, San Franscisco, Ca.; (800) 956-7469; www.pcoc.com.

Door & Hardware Institute - June 26.27, annual convention, Hilton Anatole, Dallas, Tx.; (703) 222-2010: www.dhi.org.

Roof Coatings Manufacturers - July 14. 17, International Roof Coatings Conference, Royal Sonesta Harbor Court, Balimore, Md.; (202) 591-2452; www.roofcoatings.org.

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn. - July 15, Colorado WOOD Council golf tournament, Ranch Golf & Countrv Club, Westminster, Co.; (303) 793-0859; mslbmda.org.

Interforst - July 16.20, forest technology trade fair, M u n ich, Germa ny; www.interforst.de.

West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association - July 17-18, 2nd Growth summer conference, Omni Las Palmas Resort & Spa, Rancho Mirage, Ca.; (800) 266-4344; lumberassociation.org.

Black Bart Hoo.Hoo Club - July 18, clay shoot & BBQ, Black Point Sports Club, Sonoma, Ca.; (707) 588-7613; www.blackbarthoohool 81 .org.

Southern Oregon Lumbermans Assn.July 24-25, golf tournament & BBQ, Rogue Valley Country Club, Medford, Or.; (800) 633-5554.

Western Building Material AssociationJuly 30-31, mid-year board meetings, Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Wa.; (360) 9a3-3054; www.wbma.org.

Humboldt Hoo.Hoo Club - Aug, 1, golf tournament, Bavwood Golf & Countrv Club, Arcata, Ca.; (707)601-9128.

Tacoma-Olympia Hoo.Hoo Club - Aug, 9, picnic, Gig Harbor, Wa.; (253) 5311834.

Forest Products Society - Aug. 10-13, 68th international convention, Quebec City Convention Centre, Quebec City, P.a.; (608) 231-1361; www.foreslpr00.org.

Willamette Valley Hoo.Hoo Club - Aug. 13, trap shoot, Eugene Sportsman Club, Eugene, Or.; (541) 393-3309.

Tacoma.Olympia Hoo.Hoo Club - Aug. 14, Mel Smeder Memorial Golf Tournament, Brookdale Golf Course, Tacoma, Wa.; (253) 531 -1834.

International Woodworking Fair - Aug. 20-23, show, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga.; (404) 693-8333; www.iMatlanta.com.

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn. - Aug. 22, Western Slope golf tournament, Rifle Creek Golf Course, Rifle, Co.; (303) 793-0859, www. mslbmda.org.

International Wood Fair - Aug. 30.Sept. 2, Klagenfurt, Austria; www.kaerntnermessen.at,

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Send ad to Fax 949-852-0231 or dkoenig@building-products.com. For more info, call (949) 852-1990. Make checks payable to Cutler Publishing, 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660.

Deadline: 18th of orevious month.

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NORTHERN CALIFORNIA wholesale lumber and plywood (both softwood and hardwood) veteran looking for sales opportunity. Large, loyal following. Email david@buildingproducts.com, or contact Box 720, c/o The Merchant Magazine,4500 Campus Dr. #480, Newport Beach. Ca. 92660.

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