Merchant Magazine - August 2012

Page 1

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Special Features In Every lssue

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The Merchant Magazine (ISSN 7399723) (USPS 796560) is published monthly at 4500 Gampus Dr., Ste. 480, l{ewport Beach, Ca. 92660-1872 by Cutler Publishing, Inc. Periodicals Postage paid at Newport Beach, Ca., and additional post offices. lt is an indeoendentlv-owned oublication for the retarl, wholesale and distributidn levels of the lumber and building products markets in 13 western states. Copyright@2012 by Cutler Publishing, Inc. Cover and entire contents are fully protected and must not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. All Rights Reserved. lt reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising matter, and assumes no liability for materials furnished to it.


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Making your mark

fr ooes Nor MATTER who you are or what you do, whether in your private life or lbusiness life. impressions matter. It can be near impossible to undo a bad first impression. We all know that, but I wonder how often something goes wrong and by the time we realize it, it's too late and we can only sit wondering what happened.

Hopefully, most of my first impressions with people are generally positive, but there are times I wonder why did I do that, why did I say that, or how could I get it so wrong? And that's after 35 years of executive experience!

The reality is that we have but a few seconds to make an impression count. When we speak with someone new, how we look, sound and act are immediately scrutinized, and opinions are formed and decisions are made. A good impression puts you in good standing to achieve your goal. A bad one closes just about any deal-but, unfortunately, against you. And, sadly, most of the time, we don't even know why.

There have been times when someone made a good impression with me on the phone, but when I invited them for a face-to-face, I knew immediately that they were not right and then had to spend an hour going through the ritual of pretending. The reality is that I have rarely had someone change my mind. And, the fact is that I am no different than most of us.

Many of us solidify our impression of someone in the first 30 seconds. Come up to me with a simple smile and the intent of being there for a purpose, and that starts things off right. Looking like you have been on a bender or wearing your casual clothes when we are all in jackets, or vice versa, does not bode well for the future. Find out what is appropriate from others (or even the receptionist) ahead of time. Tripping over your tongue with your first words, arriving late, or not calling someone when you promised adds to the bad impression. Having all of these traits correct except one can still turn good into bad. The problem is that every individual acts differently. For example, one of my main issues is tardiness without a really good reason. I cannot stand being late myself and I expect the same of others. The trouble is no one would know that about me, so again how do you know if you have made a bad impression?

Some might try to be someone they are not, especially in an interview situation, but the best is to be yourself. Even if you fool someone the first time, you will be found out. For myself, I know who I am, what I am good at, what I am not, and if I am not right for something, so be it. I am confident in myself, and if I am not right for someone, I take the view that it is best I find that out first and not after wasting tons of time.

I hope I am good at putting people at ease. As someone who never holds anything back, I am an open book (possibly one of my faults, too). Projecting a positive attitude that is rational without overdoing it goes a long way in giving confidence to those around you.

I find that in the last l0 years, manners have gone by the board. I can say for myself that is something that I watch and observe closely. Being attentive, courteous and polite go a long way in my book. Texting, calling on your cell, looking around the room, looking bored, and being distracted do not make a good impression.

Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth; do not waffle around being afraid to give me bad news. Say "no" to me instead of having me make four calls and send five emails. Let me know where I stand. Maybe there is a chance to put something right, but unless you tell me, I most likely will never know. Listen to what someone has to say, do not tune out, and pay heed to the signs that you have switched them off.

Impressions do count, more than we know. A mistake of a few seconds may well last a lifetime!


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A publication of Cutler Publishing 4500 Campus Dr., Ste.480, Newport Beach, CA 92660

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David Koenig

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Greate new revenue streams in your moulding department

many chapters of the American Society of Interior Designers or the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art.

Consult your vendors and local custom mills, to understand the differences in quality and authenticity. Ask questions. Focus on the quality, availability and commitment to traditional design. Be sure to ask about consistency of product so you don't find yourself with profiles that may not be applied seamlessly.

Request free catalogs that offer not only products but also education.

As your reputation as an architectural moulding expert grows, so will your revenues. Become the source for classical mouldings in your area.

2. Educate your customers

Ixrenrs wtLL TELL you that one of Irthe most underutilized elements in design today is architectural moulding. The exclusion of this element can become a lost business opportunity.

Here are five ways that you can offer your customers some different and beautiful choices as well as improve your bottom line.

1. Beco-" an expert in moulding. Improve your understanding of the classical styles and their complementary profiles. Books, such as Tradi-

tional American Rooms: Celebrating Style, Craftsmanship & Historic Woodwork (by Brent Hull and Christine Franck), Historic Millwork: A Guide to Restoring and Re-creating Doors, Windows & Moldings of the Late Nineteenth through MidTwentieth Centuries (Brent Hull), and Theory of Mouldings: Classical America Series in Art & Architecture (C. Howard Walker) are excellent sources of information.

Investigate local resources. There are lectures, workshops and information-gathering events sponsored by

After you feel confident in your knowledge, educate your clients. Are they aware of the variety of styles and profiles? Do they understand the lingo? They won't buy what they don't understand. They may be overwhelmed by all of the styles and profiles, and not want to take the time to explore these design options. They may have the perception that using moulding is prohibitively expensive. Make it a point to start conversations about moulding as a potential design option. Create a library of case studies and featured products so you can show them what can be done and what to expect. Use catalogs that group styles by time periods so clients can set an idea of the different effects

MARGIN Builders
8 r The lvlerdrant lrhsazine I Argrd 2012
HIGH-STYLE architectural mouldings can generate high margins for dealers.

they can achieve. Remind them that mouldings can create a feeling of more space and also character in a room or house.

If they choose to use mouldings, you may increase your revenues through product markups or by offering them one of the packages mentioned below.

3. Upaat" and enhance your project portfolio

Think about the projects you've supplied that showcase mouldings. Group them in a special section in your portfolio so you can display them easily. This section can help you establish or further your position as an expert.

If you haven't documented these projects, return to the site and photograph all of the profiles and profile combinations. Include a written narrative or bullet points to remind you how you achieve a certain look or feel. You may even want to separate the moulding projects into different style categories.

You have the opportunity to create excitement and enthusiasm for a design element your customers may not have ever considered. Be ready to tout your knowledge of this specialty field. Be ready to talk about price and easy access to the products.

4. Create a basic moulding package deal

Think about the elements you can group together and offer as a basic package. The package may include an installer's services and a keen desisn

eye, as well as the benefits you bring to your customers as a result of your relationships with quality moulding producers. Be ready to offer solutions to meet your customers' varying budgets. Use this package as a way to introduce them to a new world of design elements.

5. Create a custom moulding package deal

Up-sell the basic package to a custom package in which you create unique design combinations especially for the customer. Use free, online computer-aided design (CAD) files to

showcase what can be done with a lir tle creativity. Customers will see what happens with a simple click of the mouse. By using CAD, they become invested in the creative process, and you zero in on exactly what he or she envisions.

And, the more you become an expert in this field, the higher a premium you can charge.

- Ryan Mulkeen is director of marketing for Kuiken Brothers Co., Midland Park, N.l . Contact him at rmulkeen@ kuikenbrothers .com.

Atnsworth DOINTJAr ounasrRANDFtooRrIrG S *ru,, Wsod Laminates, Inc. Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products /v (541)535-3465 o tuildinghodu<lscom tugust 2012 r The tvledrant lhgzine I 9
MILLWORK EXPERTS can up-sell to custom moulding packages.

Synthetics rising in exterior tnillwork

HEN IT coMES to exterior trim and millwork, how much do homeowners care about "authentic" or "natural" products? According to the residential builders we queried at this year's International Builders Show, what's most important is getting the right look and eliminating as much maintenance as possible.

Even in high-end houses and historical renovation projects, mainternance concerns are starting to outweigh insistence on "authentic" materials. Or, as one builder put it, "Nobody likes to do maintenance."

Another of the builders agreed: "With traditional materials, there's a traditional solution: maintenance. So when traditional pine rots or fingerjoint glue doesn't hold, the answers all involve more labor and more materials."

While everyone expressed respect for historical accuracy and aesthetics, most said they often urge their clients to consider modern, manufactured substitutes. A common rule of thumb: If it fits the look and feel of the house-and will require less maintenance-go with the substitute.

"For exterior trim, five or 10 years ago there was quite a bit of resistance," said one builder. "But now, when I show customers how their original trim has rotted out, they want to go with something like PVC. Once they learn that it's an option, people overall are trending toward not wanting to spend time or money on maintenance."

Coincidentally, regions where tradition runs deep-such as New

PVC TRIM products were used to enhance the architectural style of the home, yet require little maintenance. (Phofos by Versafex Trimboard)

England and the South-have climates that reinforce the argument for synthetic components and materials, the builders said. Brutal winters in the north and hot, humid summers in the south take their toll on features such as exterior trim.

"High-end clients start out really

wanting traditional materials because that's what they see themselves paying for," said another builder.

"Unfortunately, we're in the Northeast, right on the water. There's a four or five month window when it's the greatest place in the world to live. But then you come here in

January and it's brutal."

Builders also noted that the case for low-maintenance substitutes has gained support in recent years. Today's homeowners tend to do much more research than earlier generations, and so many of them bring to the project some awareness of material properties.

"Luckily, most of our clients are being educated by their architects," said one builder. "Eventually, they see that we can get a historical effect with materials like PVC trim and bring the level of maintenance a lot closer to zero."

Manmade materials have also become more convincing, as well as more reliable. "I'm not recommending synthetic materials everywhere," admitted one builder. "but I have to tell my clients that some of the old materials just aren't working anymore. And some of them never did."

- Rick Kapres is vice president of sales at Versatex Trimboard, Aliquippa, Pa. A division of Wolfpac Technolog,ies, the company manufactures cellular PVC extrusion products such as trimboards, sheet, bead board, mouldings, and columns. Contact him at (724) 857-1111 or rkapre s@ ver,

for the ANNUAL CONVENTION of the LUMBERA''OCTATTON OF CALIFORNIA & NEUADA October 18-19, 2OL2 - Monterey Marriott Hotel, Monterey, CA PROGRAMS INCLUDE t lndustry consultont Ruth Kellick-Grubbs on building business and effective sale techniques I BuilderLink's Greg Stine's "Technology Boot Cemp" * o look at whot's next in informotion technology I Building Supply Channel's Greg Brooks, the editor of 'This Month in Construction Supply." I Updotes on legislative, regulatory ond politicol octions offecting us oll ,The industry products and services expo ond trade show I Golf tournament October 78 I Receptions, breakfost, lunch and dinner qnd time for networking and contocts in a great locotionl REGTSTRATTON AN D SPON SORSH I P/D|SPLAYS/MARKET| NG I N FORMATT ON FROM LACN AT: www. I u m be rassociatio n. ors or ca I I 8O0/ 266-4344 Also in all IACN publications &rildlng-Produdsom ArgustZ)l2 r lheltledumMagazine I 11
CUSTOM PROFILES were created for door and window sunounds, railings, and panels that can withstand a full range of weather conditions.
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For us, using software technology is a continuation of a spirit of innovation started by our founder, William Frogale, 60 years ago. He was the first LBM professional in the Washington, D.C., metro area to develop and distribute pre-hung door units. By providing an easier way to build homes, and helping improve quality, save time, and reduce costs, he became a valued partner to builder customers. Today, the same types of benefits are possible with structural frames.

Framing Software

Structural frame product manufacturers have developed a host of software tools. As with anything, capabilities vary.

We evaluated a number of packages and selected Weyerhaeuser software as the best for our business. Their NextPhase Site Solutions include multiple programs for design, specification, and fabrication. For example, Forte software provides a fast and simple way to size joists, beams and columns. We use Javelin software for designing and specifying home structural frame members top to bottom. Stellar software then converts the design data into instructions for our computer-controlled saw.

With these tools we're able to offer builders precision end trimmed (PET) frame members to within 1/16" tolerances, pre-cut holes in joists for mechanical systems, and members with intersection marks. Each JobPack is delivered to the job site with a set of color-coded sheets corresponding to the pre-cut floor framing system. Builders can thus reduce cycle time, improve site safety, and minimize theft because fewer materials are left on site durine down times.

Business Benefits

As it has become increasingly difficult for builders to earn a profit, dealers that provide them with ways to build better, faster, and with less waste have a clear competitive advantage.

For example, with PET framing, builders save time by not needing to cut numerous individual pieces to size. Plus, the frame members all fit together precisely, which helps reduce framing errors and costly callbacks. Pre-cut framing also reduces waste and associated disposal fees.

Many framers really like PET because it saves them time and money from cutting materials on site, helps reduce their liability since they're not running saws on the job, and lowers waste and associated disposal fees. Pre-cut framing materials also provide dealers a way to help builders meet new code requirements more easily. For example, as more jurisdictions adopt energy efficiency codes that require HVAC ducts to be located within conditioned spaces, this often means in practice that the mechanicals must run through the floor system.

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the new energy code requirements. The solution we provide is to the builder and their trades (specifically the mechanical company). Once they show us how their system is designed, we can collaborate with them to make sure the holes are in acceptable locations, precut them, and provide the framers and mechanical installers with tools that improve the assembly and installation of the structural and mechanical systems.

Our customers have been really impressed with the NextPhase system. The range of structural frame materials and services we offer-powered by software-was key to

us retaining the business of D.R. Horton in Maryland. Another customer, Advantage Homes, is a smaller builder that wants to be on the forefront of new technologies. For such builders, our software offerings provide them an improved way to build that they in turn can highlight with their homebuyers.

In addition to providing direct benefits to builder customers, today's structural frame software also can help dealers and fabricators enhance their own operations, including processing materials faster and managing inven-

STRUCTURAL FRAME products manufacturers have developed software tools that help dealers improve service to builders. Pictured are screenshots from Weyerhaeuser's Forte and Javelin software programs.
fu$d20f2 r llreltlerdrantttrlagazine r 13
(All photos by Weyerhaeuser)

tory better-both of which help control costs.

For example, the various software programs we use allow us to produce pre-cut framing packages much faster than is possible by hand. Just-in time ordering is a critical part of our business service to builders, and Javelin design software and Stellar fabrication software really help with this. We pride ourselves on fast turn-around-only two weeks from when a builder walks in with a rough sketch of the floor system until we deliver the JobPack of joists and other materials. This includes design of the floor and production of all the components. As a lean manufacturer, software helps us decrease production costs while improving quality.

Fabrication software also helps us better keep track of inventory and manage drops. We can now account for every cut, and use leftover pieces for blocking, etc., to optimize materials use and help eliminate costly scrap. The software is substantially more accurate even than our point-of-sale inventory tracking system, and helps us be accurate to within l%o to 27o every week.

Getting Started

Structural frame manufacturers can help you launch a range of design and fabrication software and services. In our case, Weyerhaeuser really helped us get off the ground and trained us to be self-supporting after the launch, and

they've been responsive to get our saw back up and running as quickly as possible, if any issues arise.

When it comes to picking a software provider, here are some key questions to ask:

What are the specific programs you offer?

. What measurable benefits have other dealers achieved using these tools?

What training do you offer in software and fabrication operations?

What do you do to help fabrication crews solve problems themselves without having to rely on you?

. What support do you offer to help get framers on board with using PET framing materials?

. What types of marketing support do you offer?

Additionally, it's very helpful to visit other dealers using structural frame software to see how their operations work. This can provide great insights on what's possible and on how to set up your own operations. As Ziglar says, "It's not what you've got, it's what you use that makes a difference."

14 r The lyledant l,lagazine I Argust 2012
SOFTWARE for design and fabrication enables dealers to pre-cut holes in joists, saving builders' time on the jobsite. FLOOR JOISTS that are ore-cut and labeled reduce labor and decrease material waste.
- Steven Stewart is the design manag,er for Annandale Millwork Allied Systems, Winchester, Va. Incorporated in 1952, the company manufactnres components systems and trim packages for builders in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. Contact him via wwv) .atncasc .com.

How to green your warehouse

fN roo,lv's BUSTNESS climate, having Ian environmentally friendly warehouse not only lowers energy costsit also wins respect from customers who care about green building.

Since heating, cooling, and lighting are the largest energy uses for warehouses, first look for savings in these three areas.

Even relatively inexpensive upgrades can make a big difference: new weatherstripping for doors and windows, window caulking, new insulation for roof-wall intersections, and sealing all penetrations through the building shell. Each of these measures prevent outside air from getting into the building and conditioned air (air that costs money to heat or cool) from escaping.

Strategically placed windows and skylights provide natural light yearround, reducing the need for electricity. Skylights and clerestory windows that open provide natural ventilation by allowing hot air to escape during waffner weather.

Lighting controls such dimmers and occupancy sensors save energy, as do fluorescent bulbs that turn on immediately without needing to warm up. Outdoors, install photo-sensors and motion detectors to automatically control lights. Don't forget routine maintenance: clean and replace bulbs on a fixed schedule.

Verify that wall and roof insulation meets guidelines for your climate zone and operating conditions. If not, add insulation when renovatins the

interior or the roof-when incremental costs will be lower.

Next, remove unused equipment from the roof, cap off the openings, and add insulation. For long-term energy savings, reduce unneeded paving and plant shade trees so the warehouse will be cooler in summer.

To improve HVAC efficiency, change filters as needed and install a desiccant wheel to remove moisture from incoming air-an activity that consumes 307o to 5OVo of all air conditioning energy. Use radiant space heaters in smaller spaces-such as loading docks and offices-and turn off heating and cooling completely

when it's not needed or spaces are not occupied.

When it's time to buy a new forklift, consider electric vehicles. Diesel and propane-fueled lifts require extra ventilation, which adds to the HVAC load. Just remember to recharge electric-vehicle batteries during off-peak hours, when costs are lower.

Finally, make recycling a daily habit in the warehouse-and throughout your business. Provide convenient bins for recycling of packaging materials and encourage their use. The goal is to save money and reduce waste, while making the warehouse a healthier place to work.

MANAGEMENT Efficiency Bring [nergy to the Warehouse
A4ust20l2 I ltre ttlerdnnt lvlagazine r 15

Green movement

energizes skylight sales

f\avlrcunNc - using energy-effil-f cient windows and skylights to increase occupant comfort and reduce reliance on artificial lighting-has become an important component of green building design.

In fact, the use of skylights in remodeling and replacement projects increased 2o/olast year and is expected to increase 6% this year, according to a recent study by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association and the Window & Door Manufacturers Association. In contrast, demand for windows has decreased, as housing activity remains stagnant.

Potential energy savings are one reason that sales of skylights are expected to increase. The U.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program found that optimal use of daylighting in commercial

buildings can decrease energy costs up to a third. Although achievable savings in residential construction have not yet been quantified, they should be sizable as well.

"We take advantage of the energy provided by daylight and include it in our energy budget," says green builder Matt Belcher, who owns Verdatek Solutions, Wildwood, Mo., and chairs the green building sub-committee at the National Alliance of Home Builders. "The percentage of daylight provided by skylights is significantly higher than that provided by vertical windows."

Belcher is also project manager for Active House USA, which is being constructed in Webster Groves, a suburb of St. Louis, Mo. This 2,600-sq. ft. home incorporates green building standards developed by the Active House Alliance, which was founded two years ago in Dcnmark.

"These homes take an innovative

approach to energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and interaction with the surrounding environment," says Mikkel Skott Olsen, chairman of Active House Alliance, who traveled from Denmark to attend the groundbreaking ceremony in Missouri. "They emphasize a holistic approach to sustainability and community-conscious home construction."

To achieve these aims, Alliance House USA will have nine skylights and two sun tunnels. Also known as solar tubes, these fixtures funnel light from a roof-mounted unit to a ceilingmounted fixture via a tube. Perhaps most importantly, sun tunnels bring natural light to places that other skylights-and windows-can't reach.

"Besides the energy-saving benefits, the amount of sunlight will increase the comfort of occupants," says Belcher. "The primary aim is to improve the performance and the comfort of the home."

16 I the tvterdant ftlagazine r Argrd 2Ol2
SUN TUNNELS bring light lo areas that windows can't reach. (Photo provided by American Architectural Manuf acturers Assoctafion) ACTIVE HoUSE USA, Webster Groves, Mo., will include nine skylights and two sun tunnels, t0 reduce reliance on artiflcial lighting and increase occupant comfort. (Photo by Active House USA)

8 ways leaders cffi build greater trus

fs rnusr oN Irs way to becoming an lendangered species? With an everchanging business climate-and uncertainty being the name of the game-it's no wonder that less than half of employees have trust and confidence in their senior leaders, according to a recent Watson Wyatt survey of 12900 workers.

But while distrust may be understandable. it can be detrimental to success. Without trust, employees are less productive, less dedicated, and less willing to take initiative. And,lacking trust can create a ripple effect that spreads throughout the organization.

Here are some ways to build employee confidence and greater trust internally:

l.We're in this together. Always speak in terms of "us" and "we." Talk about shared responsibility as well as shared hardships. Express belief, as long as it's sincere, in everyone's ability to pull together and meet the challenges that lie ahead. Give people permission to whine briefly about some of the struggles and the crises, but after you have communicated openly, ask them to move on so you can all focus on maximizing efficiency and improving customer service. The leader-employee relationship is one that matters now, more than ever.

2. Short the plan. Outline the challenges that exist and share the strategy for the how the organization will address them. Employees are looking to management for a plan and guidance. They want to know things have been thought through and real steps are being taken to remain competitive and move forward.

Leaders must not become overly focused on what they don't have. They should focus on their teams and what

strengths their teams bring. Real leadership wisdom comes from knowing the team-and using that information to create a clear plan.

3. ftU the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Communicate often. Don't withhold information or try to sugar-coat the issues. Share what you know for sure. Be honest when you're uncertain. People may not like what they're hearing, but when they know they have full disclosure, they needn't spend energy wondering where things stand. imagining worst-case scenarios. or feeding the rumor mill until an "us vs. them" mentality evolves.

4. Botor"" hardware with human. Don't leave everything to email or other electronic communication. Conduct more face-to-face talks and be sure the leadership team is visible. Walk around more; get a handle on the pulse of the organization. The more aware you are of potential trust issues, the quicker you can step in and address them with candor, concern and credibility.

5. noU employees accountable, High-trust organizations reward top performers while also holding poor performers accountable through discipline, and even termination. If stellar employees see unproductive co-workers getting away with poor performance with no real consequences, resentment and distrust in leadershio can build quickly.

6. Let peopte talk ubout their concerns and ideas-and listen. To get honest feedback, conduct attitude surveys. These can help you determine if, and why, trust is low. Use survey results to sit down with employees and delve deeper into why trust is lacking and what could be done to improve it.

Get specific employee input for improving the work climate and make constructive changes with the suggestions you receive.

7. Remind people of goals-and the part they each play in achieving them. Companies with high levels of trust are very effective at communicating the company's business goals and the part each employee plays in achieving them. When people understand why certain decisions are made and feel that their roles are vital in helping the company achieve success, they take more ownership and pride in what they're doing.

8. Leadership needs to show they trust employees.Be sure to talk about the strengths of your organization and how it is the combined effort of the employees that has brought everyone this far. Let them know you believe in their abilities and appreciate their loyalty. And avoid creating an environment where employees feel that "Big Brother is watching." Nothing breeds distrust like distrust.

tp Bv Patrick Sweenev
Agu* 2012 I The ttledant [r{agazine t 17 &Ming-Product*om
- Patrick Sweeney is president of international management consulting firm Caliper. Reach him at (609) 524-1200 or patric k@ calipercorp .com

ssPicture thisl"

55f)lcrunE rHts!" directs Augie


president of Fairfax Lumber & Hardware in California's Marin County.

He says that a lot-but then, he's clearly a man of vision. For starters, he proceeds to paint the scene of Fairfax, a town of 7,500-"fairly affluent, very anti-change, and antichains: no Starbucks, no Shell gas station." And. more to the point. no room for new housing. "If you're in a huny, you don't wanna be here," he advises (unless you're pedaling downhill; it's also the mountain bike capitol of the world. he adds.).

Yet Augie himself has been here for over 35 years, experiencing the operation's evolution into an employee-owned business when, several decades back, its five partners wanted out. One of the very first ESOP yards

in the country, the concept motivated its then-staff of 30 (today 39) to work together to achieve profitability, a benefit to be shared by all.

And that meant moving forward with ideas just taking shape on our industry's horizons. Maybe-talk went, some years back-it was time to dabble in the newly emerging green movement they'd read about in magazines and heard about at trade shows. Why not? "Let's try it!" the staff-owners agreed.

"So we put out feelers with manufacturers, vendors and customers, starting with simple things like windows that open and siting buildings to take advantage of natural light. Then we started in with the garden department," Augie recalls: things like combating weeds, bugs and fungal problems with non-toxic products that

would allow your kids and pets to play in the grass. "It took off like gangbusters!" he proclaims, "so we decided,'Okay, let's try paint."'

Low- or no-VOC paint, sealants and adhesives also proved an easy sell. "Picture this!" he asks again. "A pregnant woman comes in looking for paint for the nursery. 'Traditional or non-toxic?' we ask her." Well, what's a mother gonna say?

Next, Fairfax expanded its green offering to include energy- and watersaving items. Finally, it was time to take the plunge and opt for "green" lumber, too. After hours-weeks-of vigorous debate, the crew decided to go for FSC certification.

Winning homeowners over was easy (okay, this is granola land), but what about builders, notoriously resistant to change? Fairfax simply decided those guys didn't have to. No forcefeeding. The yard simply continued to offer its traditional products as well, so there was always a choice, not a mandate. "We didn't lose any builders," Augie can boast.

"The year 2006 was the first year everything was in place," he sayscoincidentally, the same year the State Legislature enacted Bill 32- landmark legislation to control greenhouse gas emission. The state also enacted a new, green-friendly building code"the first in the nation," Augie states.

Manna from Sacramento. "So, here we're all going, 'Holy (smokes)! We're in the right place at the right time,"' fully positioned to take the lead.

But, who knew? "We're a hundredyear-old yard, so we had to get the message out that we had changed," Augie underscores. Fairfax hired a design firm to create a new logo and website-and that's all it took.

18 r The lvlednnt lihgazine r Argrd 2012 Bnildingrhodudsom
FAIRFAX LUMBER president Augie Venezio has tried to capitalize on the greening of California.

"With that website, we picked up business all over the country. People Googled key 'green' words on the Internet and found us. All of a sudden, our customer base grew from Marin County to all over the place." And with the new business came new awards, including recognition from the state in 2008 acknowledging Fairfax's efforts to introduce building science to the building trades.

"We encouraged homeowners to start with the lowhanging fruit, like household cleaners without chlorine and energy-saving light bulbs. Then, we might mention indoor air quality. 'Picture this!' I'd say. 'The air in the rooms you spend time in all day is worse than a day in L.A. smog. What's more important to you than your family's health?' If they held back because of cost, I'd remind them of the medical bills involved with asthma or emphysema. We didn't dictate. Just simple actions like that....

"To entice customers, we started using a lot more advertising to get the word out, both print and electronic. We also began offering homeowners one or two demos a month, leading off with gardening: edible landscaping, composting, food preserving." Business just kept on building.

To sustain growth, however, requires staying ahead of the curve, the folks at Fairfax fully recognized: "What next, what next?" they pondered. "By 2009, we had all our products in line, so we had to think further"-look not simply to cherry-pick a new green line, but to think much bigger and beyond: a whole new concept.

The idea they came up with was... recycling. People were invited to donate discarded stuff from their remodeling projects to a collection called The Away Station, which was opened behind the showroom. Successful? "It brought in customers we'd never seen before," Augie crows. "And, picture this! If someone found an old door with lead paint on it, we'd suggest a non-toxic paint remover. It brought 'em through the store. It went against our industry's business model at the time, but soon it became commonplace.

And, within the next decade," he adds, "zero waste will be the law in California. Plus"-an all-important plus-"it positions us as a leader. We'll be top of mind."

Examining the green horizon once again, Fairfax has partnered with the Community Land Trust of Marin (CLAM) on a housing project for farm laborers, intended to demonstrate that green building is not just for the One Percent. The company remodeled an existing house and built a second one, using Passive House technology.

The technique has been a big player in Europe since the 1970s, Augie reports-but here, not so much. The idea is to utilize a near-airtight shell in tandem with a filtered ventilation system to create a living environment that's comfortable 2411 for 365 days a year, without-get this!-a furnace or air conditioning. These homes use Iess than 2O7o of the energy employed in a standard new home, says Augie-a savings in cash and ecology. "It makes economic sense for low-income housing," he's quick to demonstrate.

Is it taking off? Well, not so much. Not yet. In these dire economic times, people haven't the wherewithall to move forward with this scope of remodeling project. But that will change, Augie is convinced. "Picture this! Seventy-two percent of California's homes were built before 1978-that's l3 million older homes! The state is starting to offer tax credits and government financing for retrofitting, so this is a huge opportunity. And," he stresses, "We're ready! We're ahead of the curve. It's more fun for us to be a winner than to be playing catch-up. So it's great for our staff, too."

Picture that.

DESPITE THE BUSINESS being a century old, the employee-owners quickly embraced Fairfax's eco-conversion
Argust 2012 r lhe lt4edunt l{ag:azine r 19

Gourageous cl slng

ll rfosr sALESPEoPLE Do Nor ASK IVlfor the order. Even fewer close courageously. We must be brave. Selling is not for the faint of heart or spirit.

To become master closers, we must embrace the idea of changing someone's mind. Our prospective


customer may: want to shop our offer not understand/appreciate our proposal want to give the order to someone else want to think it over

(None of the above are ever mentioned before the salesperson does their work-weird, huh?)

Many salespeople accept the above as "part of the sales gig" and never try to close unless the customer says, "I'll buy it," which isn't closing at all.

If we are standing in front of (or on the phone with) a customer, we are probably in the right place. We are not selling something that the person doesn't want or use. In most cases they have asked us to supply it to them! How can we "hard close" someone who has taken our call and buys what we are selling? (And probably is trying to counter our price, to boot!)

More often the case is that the customer "hard shoos away" the salesperson after getting the necessary information. These are our moments of truth as salespeople.

Stand Up For Yourself

Being charming and attentive is important for salespeople. Being able to stand up for ourselves is also important for our emotional, psychological and financial well-being. I'm not talking about blowing up accounts. Some deserve it (and it feels good at the time), but giving customers "a piece of our mind" is bad business in the short and long term.

Using humor is one way to change how a call is going:

. "Ouch!"

"You sound like my wifeArusband."

. "Do you always act like this before you give out P.O. numbers?"

That Doesn't Work for Me

Being clear with customers when they are trying to make us a quotron is a must for the master closer. We communicate our position with phrases like:

"We don't really do it that way."

. "The way we normally take it from here is..."

"What my clients really like in this situation is to..." Or stronger, "That doesn't work for me."

These kinds of phrases may cool the conversation. The customer in many cases will be taken aback-good.

Waking customers out of their "Give me the price and I'll let you know" reverie is good for us. Even if we don't get the order this time, we have sent the message that we expect to get the business next time.

This point is critical. Especially in ongoing B-to-B selling, how we develop the relationship is more important than the order we get or don't get today.

The Right-Angle Close

Another way to turn a conversation and close is to use the "right-angle close." The right-angle close can be used whether the customer agrees with us or not. It's surprising how often a customer will say something positive about our proposal and how little we use it!

Here are three ways to deliver the right-angle close:

. "And that's exactly why you should by this."

"John, you're making my argument for me."

. "Exactly, Susan, so we do agree."

Assumptive Selling

Acting, in everything we say and do, as if we already have the order is the highest level of courageous closing.

Many struggling salespeople sound as if they are one of many vying/whining for the business of the all-powerful P.O. holder. Assumptive sellers' voices are calm and confident. There is respect without servitude or nervousness. Practice this.

Most salespeople shamble into a business with body language that screams I am an intruder, and they get treated like one. Assumptive sellers enter a potential customer's business as if they were an old college roommate. Shoulders back, relaxed smile, conversational-"How are you today? Is the boss around?" They ask for the owner/buyer with a calm confidence that has the help leading them to the decision-maker immediately.

Our attitudes, good or bad, infect/affect our customers. If we \ are tentative and uncomfortable our customer will be also. When we are courageously, comfortably and assumptively bold, our customers will be comfortable also and will follow our lead.

r OLSEN On Sales
20 r lhe tvledunt lihgadne I Argust 2012 James Olsen Reality Sales Training (503\ 544-3572 james @ realitysalestraining .com &rildit4rhodndsom

Marmac Ace Hardware, Kahalui, Hi., next year will open a 12,000-sq. ft., two-story hardware store in the new Maui Lani Village Center.

Padula Lumber Co., Coyote (San Jose), Ca., lost one building and suffered major damage to a second in a July 14 blaze.

Valley Ace Hardware, casa Grande, Az., is relocating.

Blaine Ace Hardware, Bellingham, Wa., reopened July 16 under new ownership after a yea/s closure (Ken Rose, mgr.).

Orchard Supply Hardware reportedly will shutter its store in San Lorenzo. Ca.. in about six months.

Davis Ace Hardw?fo this month will add a second store in Davis, Ca.-a 3,500-sq.-ft. "Express" unit, Aggie Ace.

Tuggy's Hardware, san Francisco, Ca., is closing aftel114 years, with the retirement of owner Denny Giovannoli.

North Cal Wood Products, Ukiah, Ca., lost 70,000 bd, ft. of lumber in a July 6 yard fire.

Modesto Ace Hardware, Modesto, Ca., is shutting down as early as next month.

Owner Harold Fudge will transfer any remaining inventory to his Ace stores in Ceres and Tracy.

Goodman Building Supply, Mill Valley, Ca., received its Marin County green re-certification.

Habitat for Humanity opens a new ReStorg discount LBM outlet Aug. 1B in Santa Cruz, Ca. (Mark Burden and Monique Bourin, co-mgrs.).

Anniversaries: Larsen Bros. Lumber, San Leandro, Ca., 130th Eagle Plywood Specialties, Harrisburg, Or., 40th Windsor Mill, cotati, Ca,, 4oth Morqan Greek Forest Produdts, Healdsburq, Ca., 20th ... Seneca Jones Timber Co., Roseburg, or., 20th...

Rugby Acquires Lumber Products

Rugby Architectural Building Products, Concord, N.H., has acquired Lumber Products, an Oregon-based distributor that filed for bankruptcy.

"The acquisition of Lumber Products supports our strategy to diversify geographically, extending Rugby's footprint into key western markets," said David Hughes, Rugby's pre sident and c.e.o. "Furthermore. the transaction enhances our product offerings in our core industrial base of oroducts. as

well as increases our value-added components and service offerings targeted at the commercial and residential construction sector."

Lumber Products' locations in Tualatin and Eugene, Or., Kent and Spokane, Wa., Boise, Id., Salt Lake City, Ut., and Albuquerque, N.M., are now doing business as Rugby Architectural Building Products. Its former distribution center in Chandler. Az.. will be consolidated with Rugby's operation in Phoenix, Az.

Old World Crafumanship In Today's Designs HandHewn Distressed Timbers

Geo. M. Huff Lumber Company is now offering Hand Hewn Distressed Timbers in a variety of sizes, shapes and lengths.

All our distressed beams are WCLIB grade stamped and will meet structural and architectural applications. All are hand tooled and can be ordered with custom stains and Old World finishes.

We can supply timbers to any specification, whether it is Dense, Free of Heart Center, #l/Btr, Select Structural. Green or RFV Kiln Dried.

When a plan calls for exposed posts and timbers, count on us to provide you with a product that will last a lifetime.

Combine our selection of Douglas fir timbers along with our skilled milling staff and you've got one of the best resources in Southern California.

HUFF LUMBER COMPANY SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 800-347-4833 ArguS 2012 I lhe ltlerdrant tihgazine t 2l

Small is beautiful

credit crunch (and, by the way, a highly centralized banking system is also problematic), smaller dealers and distributors have little opportunity to invest in new innovations or take advantage of growth opportunities when they arise. I've often argued that creating strong links with one's surrounding community is the key success factor for independents. Now, there's one more reason why that's the case and it could prove to be a game changer: crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is one of a growing number of alternative financial models enabled by the Internet and filling the gaps not addressed by the existing financial system. The idea behind crowdfunding is that many people can contribute small amounts of money to enable big things to happen.

Eto* MANY woRKINc in the sustainability movement, one f-' book-Small Is Beautiful: Economics as If People Mattered-provided the spark that inspired their careers.

Turns out, economics isn't a dismal science after all, and it's too important to be left to self-important politicians or obfuscating policy wonks. Instead, this book argues that economics can provide a potent framework for building healthy and sustainable communities. The book is still relevant 40 years after its first publication, and its author, E.F. Schumacher, is revered among academics and professionals working in a range of fields from development economics to green building. Why? It shows that decentralized, community-centric economic development policy improves sustainability and builds local resilience.

Sustainability and local resilience are two issues of supreme importance to the home and shelter supply chain: the former, because that's what's driving growth, competitiveness, and innovation; the latter, because the long-term health of our industry is directly related to the health of our local and regional economies.

But while our industry creeps toward sustainability, it's heavily reliant on centralized supply chains and international-scale corporations. Scale and centralization have benefited consumers with lower prices, due mostly to offshore manufacturing. But too much of a good thing is, well, not a good thing. Many argue that high energy costs associated with a globalized supply chain make it inherently unsustainable. But the point I want to address is that it also leaves local economies vulnerable, evident today in high unemployment, diminished construction activity, and increasing closures of independent dealers.

For independents to remain competitive they need, among other things, access to capital. Given the current

To date, crowdfunding has been limited to grants, product pre-purchases, and micro-loans. But that's about to change. The JOBS Act, which goes into effect next year, will allow crowdfunding sites to begin selling equity shares in companies, enabling capital to flow directly to smaller firms, bypassing Wall Street altogether. It may be too late for some firms, but this could prove to be a valuable path to survival, growth, and competitiveness for small independent companies whose fate is still undecided-especially for those who can draw on the good will of their communities.

Independents interested in this path should start getting ready now. Simply listing your company's offer on a website isn't going to be nearly enough. Start building your business case and begin strengthening ties to your future investors; your community. Develop some innovative ideas that will make a difference-a green building training facility, perhaps? Ultimately, whether you want to raise equity investment or contribute to a creative idea, crowdfunding could prove that not only is small beautiful, but it's a sound financial strategy, too.

By fay Tompt
22 t lhe Merdrant ltlagazine r Argu$ 2012 BulHingPndu<lson
(415) 32r-0848 info@

Pacific Alaska Lumber, Lakewood, Wa., has opened a new office in Anchorage, Ak. (Rodney Larson, regional mgr.).

Empire Wholesale Lumber, Akron, Oh., closed its office in Portland, 0r., after being taken over by a bankruptcy court-appointed receiver.

Empire's 11 other branches-from the Midwest eastward-remain ooen.

Weyerhaeuser has begun producing radiant barrier sheathing at its OSB mill in Hudson Bay, Sask., to help meet demand for the product in Califomia, Arizona and Nevada.

Columbia Forest Products will use Greenwood Tree Farm Fund's FSC-certified, plantationgrown hybrid poplar timber in its MPX hardwood plywood.

Greenwood is installing a new Meinan lathe alongside the existing Upper Columbia Mill at its Boardman, Or., plantation to supply core veneer cross-bands to Columbia's plywood mill in Klamath Falls, 0r.

Henry Co., ft Segundo, Ca., has been acquired by an investor group led uv Graham Pdrtners.

Co-investors include private equitv firm Ocean Bridge'Partners, members of cunent management, and the company's former owners.

Epicor Software, Dubtin, ca., renewed its deal with True Value to continue for three years as the co-op's recommended P-O-S solution provider.

Redwood Empire, Ctoverdate, Ca., is now supplying redwood to Richardson Timberi, Dalas, Tx.

BW Creative Wood Indus. tries, Maple Ridge, B.C., has acquired the Vrsrn aluminum railing line and manufacturino eouioment from CampbellsdunUerd ttO,

The new subsidiarv will be operated as BW Vista Railings Ltd.

Sunset Moulding, Live oak, Ca., is running a new MDF line at its plant in ldabel, Ok.

Federated Go-operatives

Ltd. agreed to sell its foiest products division assets and ooerations in Canoe, B.C., to Gorman Bros. Lumber, Westbank, B.C,

New Owner Reopens Golden State Flooring

Investor Simon Shushan has acquired certain assets ofGolden State Flooring from its J.E. Higgins Lumber Co. and reopened offices in San Diego and San Jose, Ca.

He hopes to revive service to Nevada and Arizona and has also relaunched the website ( Former Golden State Flooring v.p. of sales Allen Smith is now president, and Jason Grant. also ex-Higgins, is v.p.

Higgins had operated 14 Golden State branches until closing the last ones in Jwe(see July,p.41).

SPI Settles After Wildfire

Though it denies responsibility, Sierra Pacific Industries, Redding, Ca., has agreed to pay nearly $50 million and donate 22.500 acres of land to settle a lawsuit over a 2007 wildfire that destroyed about 65,000 acres in Northern California.

Although SPI attorneys believed that federal prosecutors would not have been able to prove at a trial that the company was responsible for the fire, a judge's pre-trial ruling opened the possibility that the company might have been forced to pay damages anyway. California law allows courts to award damages up to three times the value of the trees or estimated value of the damage to public land.

"Current law is being rpisused in an effort to ignore the actiral value of property, highlighted here by the fact that the federal government initially demanded an amount eisht times the

pre-fire value of the property," said Mark Pawlicki, SPI's director of corporate affairs.

The settlement includes a cash payment of $47 million from Sierra Pacific, a $7 million payment from private landowners and managers of the property where the fire started, and $l million firom the logging contractor that was working in the area.

Federal prosecutors blamed employee negligence for the blaze, claiming that the person designated to watch for fires left the work area and drove 30 minutes to get a soda. When he returned more than an hour later, there was a 100-ft. wall of smoke but no fire-fighting equipment was available at the site.

Beacon Buys Southern California Roofing Supply

Beacon Roofing Supply, Peabody, Ma., has acquired six-unit roofing distributor Structural Materials, Co., Santa Ana, Ca.

Paul Byrne, who founded Structural in 1948. is retiring.

Beacon c.e.o. Paul Isabella said, "We long have believed that Structural would be an excellent complement to our existing Southern California branches, which are operating under the Pacific Supply name, and will make Beacon the leading roofing supply distributor in the important Southem California market."

Structural generated more than $80 million in sales during 20 1 I from branches in Santa Ana. Vista. San Bernardino, Commerce, Hesperia and Sun Valley, Ca.

British Columbia WESTERN RED CEDAR, D Fir, Hemlock FSC /PEFC CERTIFIED Rough, Finished & Engineered Products OFLoICL)FOTLO cp.:eek Lurrteerl co. Lco-Surrey, BC fax 888-620-3964 . 604-541 -7 600 o www.craw{ordcreeklumbencom Aq!st2012 r lhe tYledantlrfuazjne I 23

Travis Prickett is a new account mgr. at Universal Forest Products. Riverside, Ca.

Tom Scott has joined the TruWood sales team at Collins Cos., Portland. Or.

Natalie Allen, ex-OrePac, has joined TimberTech as territory technical rep in Southern California.

Les Haugen, ex-Las Plumas Lumber, is now in customer service at Boise Cascade. Riverside, Ca.

Dawn Van Briggle, ex-J.8. Higgins/ Golden State Flooring, has joined the sales force at Galleher Corp., Sacramento, Ca. Mike Lagarrigue, ex-Higgins/Golden State, is new to outside sales in San Mateo, Ca.

Jeff Johnson, ex-Paradise Building Specialties, is new to door & window sales at Ganahl Lumber. Anaheim, Ca.

Matt Pacheco, ex-ProBuild, has been named senior financial analyst for Westwood Shipping Lines, Puyallup, Wa.

Chris Sallee now focuses on green Douglas fir at Buckeye Pacific, Portland, Or.

Jim Duckworth, purchasing agent & salesman, Forest Products Sales, Murray, Ut., has retired after 38 years with the company.

Shannon Mott has been promoted to international account mgr. at LP Building Products, based in Los Angeles, Ca.

Casey Jackson has been promoted to v.p. of manufacturing for Contact Industries, Portland, Or., overseeing its manufacturing division, Clear Pine Moulding, Prineville, Or. He succeeds Bob Horton, who has retired after 37 years in the industry, the last l7 with Contact.

Al Gedroez, ex-Simpson Lumber, is now in sales at Zip-O-Log Mills, Eugene, Or.

Doug Heyford has joined the staff at Trinity River Lumber, Weaverville, Ca.

Mel Williams, lumber department mgr., Boise Cascade Building Materials Distribution, Phoenix, Az., has retired after 33 years with the company.

Quentin Hoffpauir is new to inside sales at Boise Cascade. Boise.Id.

Tim Spencer, ex-BASF, has been named general sales mgr. for Pabco Roofing Products, Tacoma, Wa.

Cami Beckerdite, ex-Home Depot, has been named regional operations mgr. for the San Francisco Bay Area at Orchard Supply Hardware, San Jose, Ca.

Amy Fraser, ex-Shelter Forest International, has joined the outside sales team at McKillican International. Portland. Or.

Mark Williams, ex-Compass Lumber Products, is new to sales at Redwood Empire, Morgan Hill, Ca.

Bryan O'Connor has joined F.H. Stoltze Land & Lumber, Columbia Falls, Mt., as project mgr., overseeing construction of a biomass cogeneration power plant. When the facility is completed in October 2Ol3, he will serve as power plant mgr.

Derek Kokich has joined Parr Lumber, Hillsboro, Or., as events coordinator.

Peter Ashenbrener, ex-Vander Hoek Windows & Doors, is now in sales at Reeb Millwork, Kent, Wa.

Ryan Adams has been named senior product cost controller at Timber Products Co., Medford, Or.

Derek Byington, ex-FoxworthGalbraith Lumber, has joined the outside sales team at Bloedorn Lumber Co., Rock Springs, Wy.

Tony Hagiber, ex-Shakertown 1992, has joined Endura Products, as territory sales mgr. for Seattle, Wa.

Aida Fisher, ex-Somerset Door & Window, has joined the sales force at Santa Cruz Millwork, Santa Cruz,Ca.

Ken Gloss, ex-Lumber Products, has been named sales & continuous improvement mgr. for Hardwood Industries, Sherwood, Or.

Dwayne Lord, ex-Pella Windows & Doors, is new to sales at the hardwood decking division of StoneWood Design, Beaverton, Or.

Krish Mani has been named chief information officer for Jeld-Wen, Klamath Falls, Or. Scott Vining is now senior v.p.-finance and chief accounting officer.

Jozanna Andersen, ex-Menards, is a new inside sales assistant at Pella Windows & Doors, Denver, Co.

Stuart Bettesworth, ex-Contractors Building Supply, is now in commercial & industrial sales at Gray Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wa.

Brian Sullivan, ex-J.E. Higgins/ Golden State Flooring. is now Portland, Or., territory mgr. for Kraus USA.

Andy Martinkus, Western Materials, Yakima, Wa., has been promoted to chief operating officer.

Jim Hackett, ex-Endura Products, is now general mgr. at Alliance Door Products, Wilsonville, Or. Marcie Wirth is new to inside sales in Kent, Wa.

Eric Wheatcraft is the new Seattle, Wa., field sales rep for Masco Cabinetry.

Russ Permann is the new v.p.-operations for the West & U.S. at Taiga Building Products, Calgary, Alb.

Kim LaRose now handles customer support for OSB sales at Tolko Industries, Vernon, B.C.

Chuck Ulik, chief operating officer, Roseburg Forest Products, Roseburg, Or., has teft the company after four years.

Joe Parenza is now Arizona territory technical/sales rep for Firestone Building Products.

Eric Bernstein, ex-Stanley Black & Decker, has been named v.p.-marketing & product development for Ames True Temper.

Gail Galea, ex-Walmart, has joined, Vancouver, B.C., as chief merchandising officer.

Missy Sippy and Lou Ziana have opened a South Central regional sales office for Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., according to co-owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.

Worker Killed in MillAccident

A July 23 accident at Sierra Pacific Industries' mill in Standard, Ca., claimed the life of a 25-year-old worker. The mill was closed the next day, so company and OSHA officials could investigate.

According to the sheriff's report, Ron Billings II died of traumatic injuries after getting caught in machinery at the mill. He worked as a relief operator on several machines, filling in as needed.

"We're saddened by the news of this accident and our thoughts are with the family of the worker," said director of corporate affairs Mark Pawlicki.

Formerly known as the Standard mill, the plant was reopened last year after a two-year closure that included expensive upgrades.

3'boklor innovation."

Nathan Steere of JL Schwieters in Hugo, Minnesota, knows that a building supplier can't rely on yesterday's technology. So he's always on the lookout for what's new. Like pointSlX Durastrand Flooring, with its innovative tapered edge. Learn something new yourself by watching "Three Things Itve Learned: Tipt from Seasoned Plosr" one in a series of short high-value videos from pointSlX and Ainsworth Engineered.

Nathan Steere, tLSchwieters Building Supply lnc.
olntSIX' DURASTRANDFTOORING tr#w #w$y$$ s*YsAff &s*$,&$ws &ryJ&&#A#yy SCAN

Skylights Warm to Sunny Forecast

Slightly rising demand for residential skylights was one of the few bright spots in a new study of the U.S. market for windows and doors by the Window & Door Manufacturers Association and American Architectural Manufacturers Association.

Demand for residential skylights rose 27o from 2010 to 2011. The increase was driven heavily by the continued strength of remodeling and replacement activity, which now represents more than 807o of the residential skylight market. For 2O12, the market is expected to grow 6Vo over all. Forecasts indicate continued growth through 2015.

The demand for prime windows, however, continued to remain slow in 2011, following housing activity in general, after falling from peak volumes in 2006. The demand for win-

dows in new housing decreased by 27o in 2011, though remains slightly ahead of 2009 levels. Demand in 2Ol2 is expected to increase further as the housing recovery begins to gain momentum.

Meanwhile, remodeling and replacement windows fell by nearly 12Vo vercus 2010. In total, the residential window market decreased 9Vo.

Little change in the segmentation for interior door material types is expected over the next five years. However, significant volume is expected to return to the entry and interior door market as new construction rebounds.

Further, nonresidential construction declined slightly in 201l, tempering growth in the nonresidential entry and interior door categories.

Quolity Weslern Cedqr Producls

Investment Group Parts With Northwest Timberlands

Forest Capital Partners has sold its entire timber portfolio of 1.88 million acres.

The timber investment management group has been the primary supplier of logs to the Boise Cascade mills in La Grande and Elgin, Or., after purchasing Boise Cascade's 2.2 million acres of timberland in 2005. Hancock Timber Resource Group, Boston, Ma., acquired 573900 acres in Oregon, 264,000 in Washington, 138,000 in Idaho, and 376,000 in Louisiana.

Molpus Woodlands Group, Jackson, Ms., purchased 138,000 acres in Idaho, 286,000 in Minnesota, and 110,000 in Louisiana.

Ace Launches Mini Format

Ace Hardware Corp. has launched an "Express" customized merchandising format designed for stores with 5000 sq. ft. or less, which will allow the company to grow in markets that can't accommodate additional fullsize retail locations.

"At this time, there are nearly 400

2x4 MllS in 8-]0'
rough ond surfoced Cedor 4x4 P0SIS in 4,5,6,7,8,9 ond l0'lengths
lx4 B()ARDS in 4, 5 ond 6' lengths
2x2 cleor cedor BALUSTERS in 4418 NE Keller Rd., Roseburg,0R 97470 . FM54l-672-5676 Don Keller, SolesMonoger . (541) 672-6528 TAMKO Building Products has introduced a Shlng/es Sty/es app for iPad. Featured are product, warranty and dealer info, plus highresolution product photos, pop-up references, and heloful data tables.
ii -l' AGO ncopneserve o Borates D-Blaze@ lntenion Fine Retardanu Heat Treating ISPM 15 Compliant o Custom Drying Rail Served eNsr TPI rniro parby Inspecred FSC Certified scs-coc{o2s1 3 909-350-1214 155OO Valencia Ave. [Box 1O7O], Fontana, CA 9e335 Fax 909-35G9623 email - www. f ontanawholesa lelumber. com 26 r Thc ttledrant ttlagazine I Argrd 20f2 &riHlng,hodudrom

successful Ace Hardware retail locations operating with less than 5000 sq. ft., and the consistent high performance of these stores proved we had an incredible opportunity to create a specialized, smaller-format Ace retail model," said Mike Berschauer, director of retail development. "Essentially, we're providing the same top-notch brands and exceptional customer service, but just in a smaller space."

Ace says that the new format is ideal for the following retail situations:

Store within a store: Integrates a grocery or paint store with Ace Hardware merchandise and services and operates seamlessly as one retail location.

Annex locations: A current Ace retailer opens a smaller branch store near a main retail location to increase profitability and provide helpful service to more consumers.

Rural markets: The owner of a farm or ranch supply store adds a smaller format store to fulfill the home improvement needs of the area.

Urban markets: A retailer in a metro area opens a smaller unit that optimizes available space and provides a convenient shopping experience for urban consumers.

Green Homes Fetch More

Pro-conservation consumers are willing to pay 9Vo more for green-certified homes, according to a new study from the University of California.

The researchers examined 1.6 million home sales in California between 2007 and early 2012. Not surprisingly, they found that consumers in areas with higher hybrid-auto registrations were more likely to pay a premium for green-certified

Lyle Lee hos been building custom homes for over 20 yeors. Here is whot he hos io soy obout Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products.

"When building o quolity home, it's importont for oll the froming moleriols to motch.ln other words come logelher os specified in fhe design plons. lf the {raming is off by even o t/a of on inch, it con cosl me lhousonds of dollors in time ond rnoferiols.


the researchers dubbed the "Prius Effect."

No significant correlation was found between local utility rates and a willingness to pay more for greenlabeled homes. However, buyers were willing to pay more for green homes that promised lower energy costs in warmer parts of California, especially in the Central Valley.

Despite being environmentally friendlier, many of the green homes are located in suburban areas-leading to a longer work commute, higher fuel expenditures, and more air pollution.

The study was conducted by UCLA economics professor Matthew E. Kahn and Nils Kok, a visiting scholar to UC-Berkeley from Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

I find Roseburg's RFPI@-Joist ond Rigidlom@ LVL to be very consisfenl in width ond depth. When I use Roseburg's RFPI@-Joist, my floors are more level, stiffer ond truer, moking my iob much eosier.

fhis home is 6,000 squore feef so I used lJoist ond LVL {rom severol different units ond the monufocturing consisfency wos exoclly fhe sorne. lf you wont to moximize your profit, I would recommend using Roseburg's Engi neered Wood Products"

-/-a+ ROSEBURG TF800-245-lll5 t6-t IFSCI L_.*-*J "."H,Flgo 'w
ArguS 2012 r lhe nlerdrant ttlagazine t 27
Wood Products I Reol Wood Siding I Softwood Plpvood I Lumber RFPI', RigidLom@, RigidRim@ ond Quoliiy Engineered Wood Produds {or todoy's builder@ ore registered lrodemorks of Roseburg Foresl Producis, Roseburg, Oregon

Roofing Boards

Atlas Roofing's ACFoam-HS CoverBoard resisrs foot traffic and heavy loads during installations of low-slope roofs.

A coated glass facer offers microbial mold resistance, and it has approved wind uplift ratings from FM l-60 ro FM 1-210.


(800) 388-6134

Gover Your Gan

CanCoverlt insulates can-light fixtures for increased energy efficiency.

The flat-fold, pop-open design reportedly is easy to use. The venting model is for retrofitting older fixture s measur ing I 4" xl 4" x22" The non -venting model can be used with modern fixtures measurins l4"xl4"xll.25"


(949) 21s-4861

Look of Stone Veneer

A lightweight manufactured stone veneer from Boral contains a minimum of 54Vo recycled content and is available in more than 100 colors and 20 textures.

Cultured Stone can be used in a variety of applications, from interior to exterior and commercial to multi-family.


(o7u 552-3361

Replacement Windows

Asure replacement vinyl windows and patio doors from Simonton Windows are available in a range of sizes and styles.

A two-stepped sill design offers better resistance to water and air infiltration, as does patented Lap-Lok weatherstripping. The reverse brickmould frame can be ordered in either white or tan.


(800) 746-6686

2E r lhet{edanttr{agazine r tugd20r2 Building-Produ<

Structural Wood - ffi{ --l,-",**

SDWF structural wood screw simplifies floor-tofloor conncctions.

The fastener attaches upper and lower walls together from the top. spanning the floor systenr and providing an easy-to-install connection with the continuous uplift load path of the structure.


(800) 925-5099

Solid. Resilient. Enduring.

At PLM, we understand that you need an insurance company with property and casualty insurance products and services that you can trust today and tomorrow.

For over 1 OO years, our experts have been providing quality claims and risk management services to the lumber, woodworking and building material industries. Remember, "you get what you pay for." We understand wood. We know your business... because it's our business too. Wood is all we do.

lf you're looking for quality and value from your insurance provider, please contact us at 8OO.752.1895 or log onto M.

Versatile Floor Underlayment

VersaWalk underlayment from MP Global Products can be floated, nailed or glued under a range of flooring materials.

Composcd of at least 94olc post-industrial/pre-consumer textile fibers, the product is odorless, non-allergic, and zero VOC. It also creates a thermal break to the flooring assembly, keeping floors warm in the winter and cool in the summer.


(888) 379-969-5

Pr.NNsvlvnNrn LuvterRA4ENS MurLrA.L
Grow knowing you're covered. Jo'/r.,-fmr't/t
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company , :r. irtl,i!ii.. 1rr."'tl;i,i1li..l!lll:n \1,1,:'', 1!'l::r'l r,:i;ir l.,ll:-,' ,,liti.:,:: it:!:r.: i'1. :,::i1.: i:.;. ;.,1i:;.,r',.1,,. iiri.., 5F-RVING CONTINLNTAL UNITED STATES Building- Argust 2012 r lhe ltlerdrant Magazine I 29

Measured Tape

Stud-Fast measuring tape has incremental markings that eliminate repeat measuring for a variety of construction projects.

A blue "S" every 16" helps locate studs or floor joists, while a red "FT" repeats every 12" to indicate I' measurements.


(330) 280-2807

Eco Floor Adhesive

DriTac Eco-5500 Premium "Green" Pressure Sensitive Flooring Adhesive reportedly provides a VOC-free, no-solvent alternative for installing vinyl, carpet and cork underlayment and flooring.

Easy to spread and clean up, the adhesive reportedly offers low odor, excellent working time, superior coverage, and is non-flammable. It comes in land 4-gallon plastic pails.


(800) 394-9310

Direct lmporters of Hardwood Decking, lumber, & Flooring

Distinctive Shingles

Landmark Pro dual-layer shingles from CertainTeed come in 20 distinct colors.

Layered construction and dimensional design creates depth, while laminated fiberglass construction makes it virtually impervious to deterioration and leakage.


(800) 233-8990

Membrane Sticks

Cosella-Dcirken's latest building membrane uses special adhesives reportedly to create a watertight yet permeable barrier for both commercial and residential building.

Delta-Vent SA features a selfadhesive edge lap. eliminating the need for mechanical fasteners that can compromise energy efficiency.


(888) 433-5824

qN Your direct source for lpe, Tigerwood, Garapa, and Cumaru decking Many OptionsTo Choose From: 1) Shipping from orr Brazilian Mil6 direct to your .job site or lumberyard 2) Custom Millingavailable from our U.S. Faciliries .^\\ab\e 3) Blind Shipping is also available ^N": I T XHi:*?#j'-tt,u,uu --!| www.Advantagelumber. com/wholesale 30 r lhe ttlerdrant lt4agazine t Argu$ 20f2 Bnildlng.hoduclsom

Framed in Steel

BlazeFrame steel framing products from ClarkDietrich Building Systems are designed for commercial construction.

The products protect and support wall framing materials for up to 3" of movement capability, while eliminating the need for caulk, sprays, drywall rips, and contour drywall cuts throughout joint assemblies.


(800) 543-7140

Star Railing

Marquee railing from TAMKO Building Products has the look of handcrafted, hammered metal.

The post cap, ring and brackets are available in white, pewter, bronze, black or weathered copper. The 5"x5" post has a classic, bold look, while three different types of brackets accommodate a variety of uses.


(800) 841-1925

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Bun better.
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Stainless Steel Fasteners

Grip-Rite's PrimeGuard MAX stainless steel fasteners have a lifetime guarantee against rust.

The product line includes nails, screws, and collated nails, in a variety of styles and sizes. All are available in l-lb. and 5-lb. re-closable tubs or buckets and boxes for larger projects.


(800) 616-7777

Gompact Lifts

Compact three-wheel forklifts from Mitsubishi offer enhanced ergonomics and smart technology.

The FBl6NPT-FB20PNT series have wet-disc brakes for improved performance in difficult environments, electric power steering, and smart technology such as a controlled cornering speed feature.


(888) 648-5438

32 r fire fvlednnt tr4agazine r tuguS 2012 Bullding-hodu<lsorn

James Allen 6(Jip, Ramsey, 86, 60-year veteran of the West Coast forest products industry, died July I l.

After serving in the Merchant Marines during World War II and graduating from Washington State University in 1948, he started his lumber career with Weyerhaeuser, later joining Union Lumber, Fort Bragg, Ca., as a salesman in the Chicago area.

He relocated to Fort Bragg in 1974, after the facility was purchased by Georgia-Pacific. After retiring, he worked for Windsor Mill, Windsor, Ca.

Robert Reimer, 82, founder of Western Wood Preserving Co., Sumner, Wa., died June l8 in Sumner.

He founded the company in 197 1 and retired in 1996. WWPC is now headed by his son, Mike.

Maxine Niebling, 80, retired secretary at the Portland, Or., office of North American Wholesale Lumber Association, died June 15 in Gresham, Or.

Ms. Niebling starting working at NAWLA in 1955 and retired 33 years later. In 1975, she married NAWLA's western manager, Pete Niebling, who died in 2006.

Lloyd Judson Allen, 95, founder of Allen Logging Co., Forks, Wa., died July 3 in Port Angeles, Wa.

Mr. Allen got his start in the industry in 1935, when he purchased a 1931 Chevrolet truck for $325 and began hauling pulpwood to paper mills. He started Allen Logging, which eventually included both veneer and stud mills, in 1946 and retired in 2OO1

Clara Victoria Hansen, 100, coowner of Hansen Building Materials & Supplies, Tranquillity, Ca., died July l6 in Tranquillity.

She opened the firm with her husband, Marius , in 1945 and continued to work every day until she was 96.

Joseph Michael Angelo, 82, retired mill manager for LouisianaPacific, Post Falls, Id., died July 2l

He worked for a St. Maries, Id., sawmill after graduating from high school in 1949. After serving in the Air Force during the Korean War, he returned to the mill. In 1963, he joined L-P as a sawyer, working his way uP to manager before retiring in 1995.

. Consult website for full inventory

Moulding & Gustom Floorin$

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Stocking a large inventory of Hardwood S4S

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FOREST PRODUCTS, 'A'C. 5700 Earhart Ct., Windsor Ca.95492 Phone707.838.3t77 . Fax 707.838.4413' MillFaxT0T'838.9690 We ship full truchs and units anywhere in the westetn U.S. BulHingrRodudsom Argu* 20f2 r lhe ll&dnnt lhgazine I 33
(J E (J I
!14 r
PCBC landed at Moscone Center, San Francisco, Ca., June 27-28.l1j P,alZan, Russ Permann. [2] Denny Huston, Tom Corrick. [3] Pat LynCh, Kevin Stamm, Mike McDonnell, Robert Spaulding. [4] Greg Stout,'Tom Zimmerman, Steve Oslerman. [5] Jim O'Neill, Danny Gibson. [6] Darby Darbyshire, Don Danka. [i] Kim Pohl, Howard Rothdtein, Jamie Kreisei. [8] Terry Kingsfather, Tawn Simons, Mike Eugbee. [9] Susie Place, lhe ltilednnt lhgarine
Argust 20f2
Chris Johnson. [10] Tom Hart, Dale Robley, Bill Reavely. [11] Marv Astey, Mrke Moran. [12] Brian Hurdle, Kevin Paldino, [13] Seamus O'Reilly, Tom Angel, Brian Foran. [14] Erica Savage, CharlisJourdain, Drew Gockel. [15] Shannon Mott, Alan Oakes. [16] Alex Hines, Bill Koll, Ron Cook, Beth Wright, Scott Paterson. [17] Tom Scott, Cami Waner. (More photos on next page)


1321 N. Kraemer Blvd. (Box 879), Anaheim, Ca.92806

Fax 714-630-3190

(714') 632-1988. (800) 675-REEL

3518 Chicago Ave., Riverside, Ce.92507

(9s1) 781-0s64

At n""t Lurnber Service, we supply dornestic and foreign hardwoods.

Our products and services include:

. Flardwood Lurnber & Pine

. Flardwood Plywood &Veneers

Melamine Plywood

Hardwood Moulding (alder, cherry, mahogany, MDF, rnaple, red oak, paint grade, pecan hickory, white oako walnut, beech)

o ![illing (moulding profileso S2S, SLRIE' SLR2E, & resawn lurnber)

Voodworking Accessories (appliques, ornarnents, butcher blocks, corbels, etc.)

Voodworking Supplies (deft finishes, color putty, adhesives, etc.)

Oo" products are widely used in

interior finish carpentry, furniture, cabinetry and hundreds of industrial and manufacturing applications. We stock a cotnplete line of complernentary products to complete virtually any woodworking or rnillwork project.

w f, r 5 5 t < c : 7 < Jg :, t
MORE PCBC in San Francisco bontinued from previous page):l'll Kyle Lazon, Carol Kelly. [2] Mike Descoteaux, Keith Lolley. [3] Brett Collins, Mike Pidlisecky. [41 [3] [4] Brandon O'Neill, Joe Heltsley. [5] Hugh i Parrmann, Bob Sloper, David Crandall. [6] : Chuck Casey, Jeff Norman. [7] Bob i Palacioz, Brian Delbrueck. [8] Chris I [8] Chris Wischmann, Randy Robins, Heather Crunchie, John Munay, Greg Bates.
&ilding-Productrcom Aqud 2012 r lhe ltledant nlagazirc r 35

INLAND LUMBER PRODUCERS Association staqed its 29th annual golf tournament July 11-'14 at Coeur d' Alene Resort] Coeur d' Alene, ld. L1] Chris Tritschler, Adrienne Dybes. [2] Steve & Jean Wilson. [3] Dennis & Lisa Houghton. [4] Jess Anzo, Grace & Wilbur Nisly. [5] Greg Sch99he1, Teny Thompson, Pat Collins. [6] Denise Honzel,-Harvey Hetfeld, Jim Alexander. [7] Jon Howell, Bill McGovern. [8] Gerry Hal[, Fred Sutton, Chuck Dotson. [9] Matt Robinson, Heather Mlnon, Shannon

Sullivan. [10] John Grove, Shawn Cox. [1 1] Dan Mandeville, Ron Liebelt, Erol Deren, Randy Wiles. [12] Travis Vezina, Scott Vigil, Jon Woods [13] Chris & Casey Whallon, Rich Ghramm, lsabella Flynn. [14] Justin Malloy, Pat Malloy, Andy Toombs, Dan Campbell. [15] Theresa Kimball, Jake Kimball, Trace Sutter, Jim Bratsveen. [16] Sarah Morrissey, Ryan Powell. [17] Alice Walcott, Petar Stoyanov. (More photos on next two pages)

(a 4 EI U 3 a o 4 I 4 IIJ E = f J a z J =
36 r lhe
Argust 2012
ltilerdunt lhgazine r


(continued from previous page)'.l1l Ted Roberts, Paul

Waldon, Alan Shearer. [2]

Steve Calverley, Bill Hetland, Steve Lindauer. [3] Sid

Snelling, Blakeley Shea, Tony Pieper. [4] Jim Vandegrift, Evelyn Currie, Dennis Buttice, Terrv Johnson. Bobbi Buttice.

[5] [ynn Harris, Sal Camarda.

[6] Kaulene & Boyd Bower. [7]

H e n rv Tin tzm a n. Wade

Wheeier. Alan McCollim, John



z F z I F e 3 EE El F ! F o I e o tll F v) ;:l i ;r i:
[8] John Steward, Rich Kitch. [9] Kellie & Glenn Burdick.
Penny & Dusty Hammack. [11] Scott Sunday, Stephanie Strasser, Bill Ahrens, Suzan Roggenkamp. [12] Tom & Vicki Hackman, Tim Cornwell. [13] Brad Schneider, Karin Bates, Peter Howe. [14] John Walcott, Steve Linton. [15] Travis & Krlstin Tebb, Terry & Julie Tebb.
Atgust ft12 I The lkrdrant lihgazine r 37
[16] Linda & Russ Hobbs. [17] John Tsourmas, Sue Larrinaga. [18] Dana & Jim Maloney. [19] Mark & Michele Mitchell. (More photos on next page)


(continued). [1]

:lE r lhe fvlerdunt [{agazjne r tugusit 2012

(t 4 Et I f o o 4 L 4 EI E = f J a z J =
Inland golfers Marty Wilson, Steve Roberts, Joe Angelo, Jim Murray. [2] Colleen & Rick Palmiter, Tom Latham. [3] Sue & Troy Lundquist. [4] Barry & Linda Schneider, Sue & Mark Herms, Mike Herms [5] Chuck & Laurel Casey. [6] Don Graver, Jeremiah Kerley. [7] Jennifer McCollim, Renee Hetland, Dawn Rau. [8] Ron Cluster, Garth Williams. [9] John Ranson, Joe Malloy. [10] Barbara Couch, Joseph
DuChene. [11] Patricia & Dave Tripp. [12] Mike Flynn, Ahren Spilker. [13] Amy & Jon Montague. [14] Cassie & Matt Brajcich. [15] John & Susie Malloy. [16] Ron Enyea(, Linda Elliott, Ralph Schmidt. [17] Jeff & Susie Webber. [18] Dan Muldoon, Dale Rodekuhr. [19] Jack Henderson, David Jaffee. [20] Bob & Gail Dewald, Harris Gant. l21lKerry Calverley, Kristi Cox, Ronna Williams. [22] Dick Frazier, Steve Plummer.

LACN'S 2ND GROMH held its 36th annual summer conference July 19-20 in Rancho Mirage, Ca. [1] Brian & Jenifer Bunt. [2] Jein Henning, John Pasqualetto. [3] Tim Kennedy, Larry Christensen. [4] Rex Klopfer, Chris McDonough. [5] Steve Wiseman, Charlene Valine, Chuck Lawston, Nick Larr, Kris McConnell. [6] Carol & Luis Rojas. [7] lsabelAguilar, Gerry Perez.

[8] Terry Rasmussen, Scott Whitman. [9] John Allen, Jack Butler.

il0lMike Caputo, Joe Allotta. [11]John Neel, Tom Angel. [12] Mike Carey, Johnny Pringle, Chris Johnson, Ryan Lauterborn. h3l Heather & Chad Barclay. [14] Brenda & Steve Mitchell. [15]

Alan Oakes, Natalie Allen. [16] Jason Rutledge, Allan Pantig. [17] Michael & Janae Muzzy. [18] Liz & Pete Nevins.

Doweled Lodgepolepine posts and rails. 1 1l2" to 12" Diameter in Stock. Large diameters & long lengths.

N z tr o F o { -{ rF I n o z il il ln F ln z o tTl m
Call 909-626-3591 Fax 909-626-4s83 2692 North Towne Avenue Pomona, CA. 91767
Building-Produdsom A$d 20f2 I The lt'ledrad lihgazine r 39

UNIVERSAL FOREST PRODUCTS, Riverside, Ca., hosted its 17th annual customer appreciation golf tournament June 29 in Corona, Ca. [1] Stu Armour, Mark Rushlow, Ken Hewett, Wayne Chojnacki, Bob Causey.l2l Jim ieffries, Travis Prickett, Grant Patterson. [3] Craig Evans, Brian'A-ns-elm, Darren Cook, Armando Lqpgz. [4] Andrew Bromley, Dale Brass, Craig Larson, Marwan Salem. [5] Gary Komo, Jeff Heise,'Frank Huerta, Flavio Mora. [6_] Brad Dunagan, Mark Glaser, Gilbert Ramos, Bob Baker. [7] Qennis Ozowara, Tom Pointer, Bruce Akana, Fred Buschbaum. [S] Dbri Kavert, 2ara Kargari, Neil Nehmens, Jim Kaminski. [9] Steve Mitchell;Seth Dreyer, Ben Brady, Mark Tackett. [10] Fidel Nieto, Tom Davison, Nick Davison,,Felix Martinez. [11] J.D. Sanders, Jim Casey, Danny Sosa, Erik Bqt_son [1_2] Brad Travis, Shelly Kleinhenz, Tom Wilson, Carlton Jennings. [13] John Davis, Donn Gunvalson, Joe McGuire, John Allen.

{O r The iled|ant ttilagazine r Argust 2012 Building-hodudrom

IJFPI (continued): [1] Ganie Aspengren, Chuck Asberry, Kevin Brehm, Austin Brehm. [2] Mike Young, Ernie Kercmar, Al Rewiski, Wally Clark. [3] Chris & Debbie Quezambra, Tony Campbell, Mark Wanell, Mike Hayes. [4] Wayne Munyer, Don Prosser, Kenny Prosser, Christian Mourguet. [5] Danjel Alvarado, Alberto Hernandez, John Fuller. [6] Johnny Ortuno, Tim O'Malley, Michael Mackin. [7] Helen Bromley, Jason Croy, Brooke Tribbett. [8] Doug Heinrich, Stan Themea. [9] Marvin Staten, Mike Staten. [10] Dan Lucero, Marty Lake. [11]David Soule, Howard Linden. [12]Tony Monteleone, BillWaters. fl3lCory Whitman, Gary Monteleone. [14] Kevin Maycock, Chuck Linnert, Mike Gazzeny, John Poulter. [15] Naresh Narin, John Moss, Erik Noguera. [16] Jesse Macias, Scott 0lsen. [17] Rick Marto, Cary Pasqualone. [18] Jaudiel Garcia, Franz Ramirez. [19[Antonio Maldonado, Raphael Ayala. [20] Sean Canillo, Mike I'tuzzy.l21l Jimmy Kim, Mike Sambrano. [22] Edgar Sandoval, Mike Malarkey.

\=I { ,t[J
BuiHit4thoduclscom Argust 2012 r The Medrant ltlargarine I 4l

GRILLIN': Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club kicked off the summer with a June 30 barbecue in Orange, Ca., at the residence of [1] hosts Marty, Kevin & Randy Porter. [2] Alana Northrup, Denriis Johnston, Ciarlie Fiala. [3] Dale Bohannon, Dan Bohannon (LAHLC president). [4] Charley James, Annie Munjekovich, Walter & Joyce Ralston. [5] Walter & Dian Maas, Diana & Dennis Johnston. [6] AlliSon & Deonn Deford, Kathy & Bill Fitzgerald. The event included diriner, reelection of officers to another term, and presentation of four 9500 checks to graduating high school seniors who wrote essays on their favorite woods.

v, a o o = a E rFJ

Lumber Association of California & Nevada will meet Oct. l8-19 at Monterey Marriott Hotel, Monterey, Ca., for its annual convention.

Consultant Ruth Kellick-Jones will present a workshop on building business and effective sales technologies, while Builderlink's Greg Stine will look at what's next in information technology.

Social events will include an opening golf tournament, meals and receptions, and a products expo and trade show.

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association will hold a series of roundtables on topics such as financing and credit, employee motivation, tax issues, technology, and regulatory issues during its annual fall conference Oct. 4-6 at Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Co.

National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association is holding its 2012 ProDealer Industry Summit Oct.24-26 in Savannah, Ga.

The educational and networkins

forum will feature seminars, exhibits and golf at the Club at Savannah Harbor, presented in a relaxed, threeday format to encourage networking and personal interaction.

Speakers include Dr. George Lucas, co-author of The One Minute Negotiator; Brian Bunt, Word of Mouth Marketing, and Ivy Zelman, c.e.o., Zelman & Associations.

Building Product Retailers

Alliance is partnering with Schaffer Associates to help lumber association members recruit employees.

Alliance participants include federated lumber groups such as Western Building Material Association.

Western Hardwood Association has installed Mike Lipke, Trillium Pacific Millwork, Wilsonville, Or., as its new president, succeeding Darrin Hastings, Emerson Hardwood Co., Portland, Or.

New v.p. is Lee Jimerson, Collins Cos.. Portland. and treasurer Kurt Landwehr, Hardwood Industries, Tualatin, Or.

New to the board of directors is Jeff Marthaller, Longview Fibre, Longview, Wa. Lindy Stallard, Rose City Wood Products, Broadbent, Or., was re-elected for another three-year term.

North American Wholesale Lumber Association will partner with Oregon State University to offer a wood basics course Sept. l0-13 at Hilton Garden Inn, Corvallis, Or.

Instruction will begin with a tour of Zip-o-Log Mills and Seneca Sawmill Co. in Eugene and end with a tour of Rosboro in Springfield. Included topics will be manufacturing and grading of dimension lumber, green products and certifications, and engineered wood.

BC Wood is putting the finishing touches on its ninth annual Global Buyers Mission Sept. 6-8 at the Whistler Conference Centre, Whistler, B.C.

The invitation-only networking/ educational forum/tradeshow event brings pre-qualified international wood products buyers to meet with Canadian producers of remanufactured products and finished materials.

Cary Hamilton, Hamilton Construdion

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CLASSIFIED Rates 5i 2ir per r',1|11 25 1,,|it; rt - r'|-a urr l-ra r Irtl,i .1: .,c I .lilll'-".- ,,: il lirt1."r'ed iritll! r)f itr;ril 'ir S: ,r,:r 'r. ! ra :' Prr,.ttu :.aI S'i lr:.,rt ;ait .,j:e !1! i.:r1 { 1"15p1r.r1 .!nt(:r.l-rtarali .tdriert ser sris tlre iur,-" Sui5 L,,-" si. :,i - Send 111 r :,1' r..f,--l'.. ,:.t l ir,-,1 rt tL ir., l'.rt-itrardti'.tS r,(rlI F,, ,f , t'., n ,:,Ja. :t:r r.1(11.1 |rl,,ifie i-'tli.l..-i l.rn,nr i' r,.rl.r i. t . l-t Deadline 'Ellt rr'l,e .: .' To reply to ads with private box numbers. rr;rrrl iroireslronrl..ra.t: llt l,lrr rliltJljr!il 5' .'.' -'': f ', l lrl' fl,,ri.- -:r-t-l .r'l:r: -' I : , 'r- tr ,,' :nt r, | !i] '11 r,,1-ri;;1 Kt-*$u*t'r *€ x $ Krxx6xir* til..r)\\()()r)I.\Ir,ilil.\\ ,,.,, '1" I iir' I i' , 1 ll llll . !rLLl!, i -L ri Llr:tt rLrl,rt L,,Ltr\ Iot I r'nt ing Ll ...1 'ri\.,1 \ !\ t(,rrl. ,,l ( l' ll tlt. -lrl l, ! I | // | r'( i\\ r ir)(1, i rl, !, .,r ., ., !,rt , L r, |lr ! 1'|, Get your own every monfh. fhe Magazine (onfocl Heuther ol (949) 852-1990 Get the attention of 2O,OOO+ lumber buyers across the country. Ensure your ad message reaches EVERY company attending the 2012 NAWLA Traders Market by advertising in Traders' Preview, a Special Supplement appearing with both The Merchant Magazine and Building Products Digest. For one low price, you receive: Full national distribution of your ad. packaged with the October 2012 issues of BPD and Ihe Merchant. . Expanded directory listing for your company. r Distribution at the event, . clickable online ad for your company (one month exposure on
Heavily discounted, all.inclusive ad rates. U r The lVlerchant Magazine r Argust 2012 Bu ildi n g- Products. com


Listlngs are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wtfh sponsor before making plans to attend.

Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Glub - Aug. 11, wine tasting & BBQ, Yorba Linda, Ca.; (625)445-8556;

Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club - Aug, 15, dinner & meeting, Pomona Valley Mining Co., Pomona, Ca.; (760) 324-0842; www.hoohool

Western Wood Products Association - Aug. 15'16, summer meeting, Portland, 0r.; (503) 224-3930:

Ace Hardware Corp. - Aug. 16-18, fall market, McCormick Place South, Chicago, ll.; (630) 990-7662;

Orgill Inc. - Aug. 16-18, dealer market, Las Vegas Convention -Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 347-2860;

Remodeling & Decorating Show - Aug.18-19, Orgryg_e_C-o-u1ly Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, Ca.; (818) 557-2950;

International Woodworking Fair - Aug. 22.25, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga.; (404) 693-8333:

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Associ' ation - Aug. 24, Western Slope golf tournament, Rifle Creek Golf Course, Rifle, Co.; (800) 365-0919;

Remodeling & Decorating Show - Aug. 24.26, South Town Expo Center, Sandy, Ut. ; (81 8) 57 1 -9012,

National Assn. of Women in Construction - Aug. 29'Sept' 1, annual convention, Denver, Co.; (800) 552-3506;

BC Wood - Sept. 6-8, global buyers mission, Whistler Conference Center, Whistler, B.C.; (877) 422-9663:

Western Red Cedar Lumber Association - Sept. 6-8, annual meeting, Whistler Conference Center, Whistler, B.C.; (604) 6840266;

Horizon Distribution lnc. - Sept. 8.9, annual market, Yakima Convention Center, Yakima, Wa.; (800) 541-8164;

North American Wholesale Lumber Assn. - Sept. 10'13, wood basics course, Corvallis, Or.; (800) 527'8258,

Construction Specifications lnstitute - Sept. 11'14, annual convention & sh6w, Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Az.; (800) 689-2900;

Willamette Valley Hoo-Hoo Glub - Sept. 12, trap shoot, Sportsman's Club, Creswell, Or.; (541) 688-6675.

GlassBuild America - Sept. 12-14, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (866) 342-5642,

Jensen Distribution Services - Sept. 12-14,fall market, Spokane Convention Center, Spokane, Wa.; (800) 234'1321;

National Hardwood Lumber Association - Sept' 12'15, annual convention, Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Chicago, ll.; (800) 9330318;

Timber Products Manufacturers Association - Sept. '14, annual golf tournament, Indian Canyon Golf Course, Spokane, Wa.; (509) 535-4646;

True Value Co. - Sept. 18-23, fall market, Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Ut.; (773) 695-5000;

Buildinq Component Manufacturers Conference - Sept. 19'21, Colo-rado Convention Center, Denver, Co.; (608) 310-6722;

Northern California's newest state-of-the-art sawm i | |

We soecialize in 4" and wanejree home center products in either green Douglas fir or a true white fir, in lengths 8'to 20', FSC will be available by request. Other products include: 2x4 S4S green Douglas ti ' 4x4 through 4x1 2 timbers Stud lengths will also be available.

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Sending Out the Farrs

"Help a family in need beat the heat" was the motto of a recent fan pro- motion at Westlake Hardware's two stores in Hutchison, Ks.

To get things going, Westlake offered a l5%o discount on all fans and encouraged customers to buy one or more for the local Salvation Army chapter. The charity usually buys 40 to 50 box fans at Westlake Hardware, but needed more this year because of the poor economy.

"We're all guilty of saying, 'I'll help' and then sitting at home," says assistant store manager Steve Barnum, who thought that community members would like to help.

To get the word out, Barnum used radio ads, instore flyers, word of mouth, and his wife's Facebook page. An article about the sale, published in the local newspaper, brought quite a few customers-some new-into the store.

Although customers could also buy discounted fans for their own use, most purchased fans for the Salvation Army. "The heat hit us early this year, so most people already had their own fans," says Barnum. "I was pleased with the response: about 140 fans were purchased for donation, including 60 that were paid for by a local company."

At the end of the one-week sale, Barnum delivered the donated fans to delighted officials at Salvation Army-which has suffered a serious decline in donations, but a big increase in need.

And what about next year? "We'll definitely run the promotion again," he says. "It may go companywide, too-Westlake has 89 stores-because our corporate headquarters is now interested."


For morc information on advertisers, call them directly or visit their websites [in brackets].

Advantage Trim & Lumber []...,......30

AERT []........ ..............,.,..,C0ver ll

Ainsworth [www,],..,........,........................24-25, 4243

Arch/Lonza []...................,.......Cover I

Boise Cascade []....,,.............................,..,..,........3 [] ..,...........46

C&E Lumber Co. [] ...........................,...39

Capital [www,capita1.1umber.comI..........,.....................,..........,....33

Crawford Creek Lumber [],..,...23

Distribution Management Systems Inc. [].,........31

Enduris [www.enduris.coml ....,Cover lll

Fontana Wholesale Lumber [],,...26

Huff Lumber Co. .'''''...'','''','.''..'.21

Keller Lumber C0.,,,..,.............. .........................,..,26

Lumber Assn. of California & Nevada [] .11

Manke Lumber Co. [],............................32

Mount Storm Forest Products []..,.....,....33

Norman Distribution Inc. []....................,,...9

Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual lnsurance [].,...29

Reality Sales Training [] ...,..........45

Redwood Empire []..................5, Cover lV

Reel Lumber Service [] ....,,........................35

Regal Custom ilillwork........... .......................,.....35

Roseburg Forest Products [www.rfpco.coml ............,.................27

Straight Line Transport [].,..,,...4

Swanson Group Sales Co. [],..........7

Thunderbolt Wood Treating []....45

Trinity River Lumber ...,,.............,4S

Wolmanized Wood []...............C0ver I

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