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Letts get engaged
ll tfaNv sELLERS are "talking" to IVlcustomers without any real connection. Customers treat these sellers like a number-it's easy to say no to them. They maY "Pick us off'every now and then when we are stupid-cheap, but theY won't buy from us consistentlY.
The opposite is also true. When we engage our customers, we become a business partner with them. We sell them as partners, not as adversaries. The ironY is that engagement takes our relationships makes selling more profitable. beyond dollars. yet
Do Not Throw UP on the Gustomer
"Good morning, John. This is Peter from Please Buy Lumber. I've got a Templar Purple stud that ships in two weeks and gets into you at $450/MBF. What d'ya think? "
This is not a sales call or even a sales intro. This is "Throwing up." We have given the customer all the information. There is no art or intrigue. It is not interesting and thus will not create interest (or engagement)' This kind of introduction creates a ton of "I'll let you know(s)."
Instead, "Good morning, John. This is Peter ftom Your Partner Lumber. We just bought a block of Templar Purples. We bought based on market strength and supply shortage. We sold two instantly to a market-sawy buyer. How many of these can you use? "
When we make a great verbal introduction, without giving the price,we force the customer to engage with us. If there is any interest at all (and there will be-humans are naturally curious) they will engage by saying, "What's the price?"
Further Engagements
To engage the customer, we must show that we care. How do we show we care?
Talk to the Customer About What They Want to Talk About. Too many sellers spend the day talking about what is on their mind. They blather head-long into conversations that are not the slightest bit interesting to the customer and in some cases offensive! Others just talk about the deal without adding the human touch. If it's only about the deal, the customer will feel it and will buy from another seller who engages them as a human.
Let the Customer Like You. Some sellers are embarrassed by "niceness" or any opening up from customers.
We need to relax and resPond to customers when theY reach out. When a buyer tries to be nice to us, we appreciate and acknowledge it. We don't have to saY, "Thanks for being nice," we just resPond in kind.
Persistent & Consistent. One of the best ways to engage is to be consistent in our communication. We call, email, text in a Persistent and consistent way. If we (trY to) engage the customer in an inconsistent way, we will have inconsistent results. Many sellers call, few call more than twice, fewer call at the same time, on the same day-all the time. Persistent and consistent shows that we care and that we can be counted on.
Quality, Creative & Consistent Offerings. Our offerings are a reflection of who we are. Many sellers send emails with basic information. They slop the offering out in a couple seconds and it looks like and feels like it. There is no consistency, so there is no engagement. Our offerings must look good and we must send them on a regular, systematic basis, like advertising, or we are just "pitching product" and will get treated like "product pitchers" instead of engaged partners.
Engage the Whole Account. We will need allies within any account to sell, grow and hang on to them. They do talk about salespeople when we leave (or'hang up). Many sellers treat the non-buyers like furniture. They aren't rude; they just don't engage with them. They are perfunctory in their communication, to their own detriment.
Many sellers barelY turn on the lights, much less "turn up the lights" for their customers. If we act as if we are only here for the order, we will get treated poorly. Smile, slow down, be at your most charming best, and ask the recePtionist, the yard man, and the buYer, "How are you today?" and mean it. Engagement takes work. Humans are great BS meters, so be sincere.
James Olsen
Sales Training
(503\ 544-35'12 james @realitysalestraining.com
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