12 minute read


lI nner. Srnoruc.


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Interfor Producing New Pine Line

Interfor has upgraded its mill in Gilchrist. Or., to produce its new Rcscrvc Pine product line.

"We havc invested millions of dollars to equip t'rur Gilchrist rrill with the most aclvanced iinishing systenr in the world. putting it on the map as a leader in the onc-inch premium board rnalket," said Steven Hofer. senior r iee president of sales and markcting. "With Reserve Pine . we are building value fbr customers by providing a high-quality product with an impeccable finishcd look and feel."

Sincc 20011. Interfor has invested more than $l-5 million in upgrades. Thc latest investment, $-5 million last year. was for a Weinig H5000 high-speed lt'roulder and precision plancr heacls.

The boards are made with slow-growing lodgepolc and pondcrosa pine fiorn the high plateau of ccntral Ore-son. -uiving them a distincl grain pattern. tight knots. and an appealing goldcn color. Availablc in dimensions liom lx4 to lx 12. thcy have a mouldccl, micro-easccl I / 16" radius ecl-ge. and arc ideal tbr l'ascia. interior trim. gcncral building construction. and pattern blanks.

Thc company is working with strategic partners to distribute Rescrve Pine products across North America, including Boise Cascadc. Forest Products Supply/FP Supply'. Midwest Lurnbcr, Neinran Recd [,umber. Parksite. Universal Forest Proclucts, and Weycrhaeuser.

"Custorners like the consistcntly machined smoothness, and find the eased edges make the boards nicc to handle," said Stan Jensen, commodity product manager at Boise Cascade. "l expcct this quality product line will grow in valuc as more people learn about it."



Roofing Wholesaler Expands in West

Roofing Supply Group. Dallas. Tx.. has added two new West Coast locations-in McClellan Park (Sacramento), Ca.. and Woodinville. Wa.

Thc McClellan Park location will be led by Matt Disantis, who also remains briinch managcr of the existing Sacriimento facility. Todcl Severson. currently Seattle branch mana-ser. will also oversec Woodinville, with Arik Moe as assistant managcf

The opcnings mark the l2th and l3th new locations fbr RSG in thc last year.

Blaze Destroys Swanson Mill

Swanson Group's plywood and veneet'mill in Springfielcl. Or.. was destroyed by a July' l7 blazc, and it's uncertain when and if the cornpany will rebuild there.

Chuck Wert, chief opelating officer. said the compan)' would like to rebuild the mill, but must f irst evaluate its insurancc coverage. policy limits. and cost. He cstinlated the price tage on a cotlparable l'acility at morc than $100 mi1lion.

Swanson Group purchased the Springfield Plywood & Veneer mill in 2007 from McKenzie Foresl Products and invested millions in upgracles. If the companl' does decide to rebuild. the project would take at lcast two years.

In the rneantime. some of the mill's 2-50 workcrs rnay be off'ered jobs at Swanson's mills in Roseburg and Glendale, Or. Each of these mills mi-eht also under-st) mini-r-xpunsions. to incrcase capacity.

The Sprin-uficld facility hacl becn proclucing l5 rnillion bd. ft. a nronth. "You pull that rnuch woocl out of thc marketplace all at once and it creates a little bit o1-a panic,'' Wert noted. "There's a fairly signil'icant ripple eff'ect in the marketplace."

Weyerhaeuser Distribution has completed the move of its Eugene, Or., DC to Albany, 0r. (see March, p. 24).



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'r 562E /lnvrr.r-e Sr. Sle Ce D, ["As VEcAs, Nv. Ag t I a ' ftoA43o.tl4ll3 F^xooa4sGtt44o

Interfor Gorp. indefinitely curtailed production at its Beaver, Wa., sawmill starting June 27, with its Forks, Wa., planer mill to also be idled after processing remaining inventories.

Boise Cascade will curtail operations at rts plywood and stud mills in Elgin, Or., from Aug.30 to Sept 6, while it performs upgrades at its log utilization center in Elgin.

Eldorado Stone added a 3,000-sq. ft. showroom at its San Diego, Ca., headquarters.

Johns Manville, Denver, Co., was named 2014 Supplier of the Year Oy Insulate America.

Simpson Door Co., McCleary, Wa., has revamped www.simpsondoor.com to ease product selection.

Washington Dealer Adds 4th Store

Henery Do It Bcst Hardr"arc is openint a ncw storc Aug. l6 in E. Brcmcrton. Wa.

At 26.0(X) sq. l't.. it uill be the largest anrong thc chain's firur Iocations ancl will enrplur' 1-5.

Additional storcs arc in Port Townscnd. Kingston ancl Quilccne. Wa.

Plum Creek Restarts MDF Mill

Plum Creek Tirnber. Scattlc. Wa.. rcopened its MDF facility in Colurnbia Falls. Mt.. firur ll'ccks aftcr a Junc l0 blaze car,rscd more than S8 rnillion in darnages. No in.jLrries wcre reported clrrring the bllzc. whiclt was causecl by a mechanical failure.

"Wc arc vcr) thankfll that all the local I'ilc ancl saf-ety clepartments rallied to protect the pcople u,'orking at the f'acilitv." saicl Torn Ray. v.p. of nolthrvest rcsourccs and manul'acturing. To shovu'its apprcciation. Plurl Creek donatcd $l-5.(XX) to bc shared bv all the rest)()nsc units that helpecl fieht thc fire.

New Set of Investors Acquires Northwest Hardwoods

Private investrncnt firrn Little.jolin & Co.. LLCI Greenwich. Ct.. has acquirccl Northwest Hardwoods. thc leacling nranut'acturcr ancl distributor of North Arnerican hirrclwood lurnber. I'rom Anrerican Inclustrial Partncrs.

Headquartcred in Taconta. Wa.. Northwest Hardwoods was carved-out of Weyerhacuser bv AIP in 20 I |

"We alc thrillcd to accluire such a hieh qualitl, busincss that fits wcll u,ithin our invcstntcnl fbcus," said Little john's nanaging director. Echnund J. Fcelcy. "NWH has built a strong br"rsiness anci an outstanclinc rcputation lbr working closely with cLrstomers and plor,'iclint cluality' harclr,"ood products. We look lirrivard to building its gcorrraphic rcach and furthcr cnhancing its cxccptionul custorncl scrvicc."

NWH presiclcnt and c.e.o.'l'J Roscngruth added. "Whilc the ownership group has chlnged. Northwest Hardu,oocls will continue to be thc selmc sreat colnpanv ()ur customers have valued lirr manv ycars. We arc excitccl to bc u,orking with l-ittle.john."

Guy Selleck, Boise Cascade Building Materials Distribution, Lathrop, Ca., has been promoted to assistant branch mgr. in Riverside, Ca. He will succeed Mike Bland as branch mgr. when Bland retires Jan. l, 20r5.

Israel "lzzy" Gonzalez Jr., exConcannon Lumber, has been named director of sales-international hardwoods for Bridgewell Resources, Tigard, Or.

Brian Barrett has been promoted to president of McKinnon Lumber Co., Hollister, Ca. His father, John Barrett, will remain on as c.e.o.

Althea Fuentes, ex-Parr Lumber, has joined Cascade Wholesale Hardware, Hillsboro, Or.

Aaron Castaneda is new to sales at Ganahl Lumber, Anaheim, Ca.

Mark Hoenisch, ex-McFarland Cascade, is now Vancouver, Wa., territory sales mgr. for Orepac Building Products.

Kendall Pierson has been promoted to president of Sierra Pacific Industries' window division, Anderson. Ca.

Josh Dean, ex-Collins Cos., is now sales mgr. of Forest City Trading Group's new mill direct sales divsion, Global LBM Marketing LLC, Portland, Or.

Bryan Elliston, Sterling Lumber & Investment, Westminster, Co., has been promoted to v.p.-operations.

David Kendal is a new account mgr. at HD Supply/White Cap Construction Supply, San Diego, Ca.

Candace Berg Hernandez, exThompson Construction Supply, is new to West Coast regional purchasing at Allied Building Products, Corona, Ca.

Tim Page, ProBuild, Denver, Co., was promoted to senior v.p.-strategy.

Steve Mahurin, chief retail officer, has left Orchard Supply Hardware, San Jose. Ca.

Steve Parker, ex-Saroyan Lumber, is now San Francisco territory sales mgr. for Cimino's Cabinet Doors, Hollister. Ca.

Dave Feitl has joined Rhino Linings Corp., San Diego, Ca., as director of sales for its building products group.

Chris Albright, ex-Dakeryn Industries, is now a lumber trader at Canadian Wood Products, Vancouver. B.C.

Sarah C. Bell, ex-Spruce Computer Systems, has joined Computer Associates Inc., Smithfield, R.I., as a business development mgr. for Ponderosa Software.

Jay Engle, ex-MeadWestvaco, has joined Forest2Market, Charlotte, N.C., as director-subscription services. Daniel Stuber is now v.p.analytics, and Sam Houston, chief operations officer.

Sam Moran, ex-Moran Forest Products, has joined the buying staff at Tiaga Building Products, Burnaby, B,C.

Bryan J. Yeazel has been promoted to executive v.p. and c.o.o. of Stock Building Supply, Raleigh, N.C. C. Lowell Ball is now senior v.p. and general counsel.

Eric Spence, ex-Jeld Wen, has been appointed senior v.p. of sales & marketing for the Ply Gem Windows group, Cary, N.C.

Heather Stegner has joined the American Wood Council, Washington, D.C., as director of communications.

Gary Vitale, ex-NAWLA, has launched GFV Business Advisory, Ada. Mi., specializing in corporate renewal, sales and marketing, and nonprofits.

Jery Y. Huntley, president and c.e.o., Vinyl Siding Institute, Washington, D.C.. will retire at the end of the year after 20 years at the helm.

John V. Faraci, c.e.o., International Paper, Memphis, Tn., has been named 2014 North American C.E.O. of the Year by RISI. Faraci, who is retiring later this year, will receive the award Oct. 8 at RISI's North American Forest Products Conference in Boston.

Doug Cole, director-real estate, Plum Creek Timber, Seattle, Wa., and Steve Straus, president, Glumac, Seattle. Wa.. have been elected to the board of The Green Building Initiative.

Jeff Ellis, director of codes & standards, Simpson Strong-Tie, Riverside, Ca., was named Engineer of the Year by the Strutural Engineers Association of Southern California.

Dan Bohannon, president, Bohannon Lumber Co., Orange, Ca., and Brian Cheney won the recent U.S. Tennis Association National Hardcourt Doubles Championship in Irvine, Ca. The team is currently ranked #l in the nation in the 65and-over division.

Hallie Luya is organizing an employee choir at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.

Arauco Merges Divisions

Arauco has combined all of its U.S. and Canadian sales and operations into one organization, Arauco North America, Atlanta, Ga., effective Aug. l.

Kelly Shotbolt, president of Flakeboard, will serve as president.

Francisco Figueroa, president of Arauco Wood Products since 2009, will return to Chile by the end of the year to serve in a senior management commercial role.

"The primary objective of this reorganization is to position for growth and provide comprehensive solutions to our customers using a more effective and efficient operating platform. We will continue to build relevant synergies to those that exist today, and to expand on these through this new structure," said Gonzalo Zegers, senior v.p., Arauco International.

Copter Crashes at Mill Site

A helicopter crashed July 3 at Stimson Lumber's mill in Washington County, Or., but the pilot walked away unhurt. There were no passengers.

"He took off, got about 20 ft. in the air, the helicopter tipped and went down immediately," reported sheriff's department spokesman Sgt. Bob Ray.

According to a fire and rescue crew at the scene, debris from the helicopter's rotor flew through the windshield of a pickup truck and landed about 100 ft. away.

The cause of the crash is unknown, but the FAA is investigating.

Teens Nailed for Robbing Ace

Two teenagers have been arrested in connection with a July 16 strongarm robbery of Pacifica Ace Hardware. Pacifica. Ca.

The suspects-identified as Nolan Lydon and Gustavo Paludeti, both l9-were arrested on suspicion of robbery, burglary and conspiracy. Police are still looking for two other accomplices.

Engineered Wood Products

Foam Sheathing

CI Max foam sheathing from Johns Manville is approved for use without a thermal barrier.

The product is designed for exposed wall or ceiling applications, with an acrylic-embossed facer that is attractive, durable, easy-to-clean, and reduces thermal bridging.

UltraFast CI fasteners, plates and flashing tape are also available.


(800) 654-3103

Hard-Working Gloves

Klein Tools now offers Journeyman gloves made specifically for pros who work with their hands. The six different styles are constructed of tougher materials, with enhanced features that provide hand protection and increase comfort and durability.


(847) 821-5500

Seamless Barrier

W.R. Meadows' Air-Shield LMP barrier cures to form a tough, seamless, elastomeric membrane.

The product provides resistance to air leakage and prohibits liquid water intrusion into the substrate. It is also highly flexible, UV resistant, and its water-based formulation allows for simple, safe application and easy cleanup.


(847\ 214-2100

Handy Railing Glips

Baluster pro clips from Green Bay Decking are engineered for quick and easy installation of custom railing designs, without the need for screws in baluster installations.

The clips are available for both square and round aluminum balusters, including the company's GeoRail line. Clips are also available for hand and stair rail applications.


(811) 804-0137


New hangers from Simpson Strong-Tie can reach farther than nails through soft material such as drywall.

The DU/DHU face-mount hanger and DHUTF top-mount hanger are designed to cany joist floor loads to a wood stud wall through two layers of 5/8" drywall.


(800) 999-5099

lmproved Marks

VIAjet T100S print head from Matthews Marking Systems can print vertically down and at right angles on packaging, engineered wood, and gypsum plasterboard.

The head has marking speeds of 600 fpm, an image height of up to 4" on a single print head, and a

27.5" umbilical between the print head and ink tank.


(4r2) 665-2536

Darker Shutters

Ply Gem's vinyl shutters and accents now come in a new darker color: Peppercorn Ranch.

AIso offered are 17 other colors and three shutter styles-louvered, raised panel, and board and batten.


(888) 97s-9436

Handy Tripod Light

The lightweight Stanley FatMax tripod light illuminates large and small jobs, power outages, and outdoor events, then collapses for easy transport and storage. With 45 watts of ultra-bright LEDs, the rechargeable light reached up to 2400 lumens. Three detachable cordless lights can be used for smaller jobs and in tight spaces.

Adjustable hinges and a pivoting base allow multi-directional positioning to cover larger areas.


(800\ 262-216r

Underlavment for Metal RSofs

Atlas Roofing offers a new high-temperature underlayment for metal roof applications.

WeatherMaster Film SE provides continuous protection to the entire deck of a properly ventilated roof, including problem areas where water can collect or drainage is slow.

It is ideal for transition areas where the roofline elevation changes. such as the main roofline to a patio.

For easier handling and installation, it has a silicone-treated, split-back release film and a textured surface for skid resistance.


(800) 388-6134

Gust-omizable Vinyl Windows

Ply Gem has expanded its 1500 vinyl window collection with three new exterior color choices: bronze, clay and beige. The line is completely customizable, with key features for easier installation and better performance choices. Users can select from multiple frames, colors, grilles, simulated divided lites, and shape options.


(888) 975-9436

Quieter Bamboo Panels

Bamboo architectural panels from Smith & Fong Co. offer sound-dampening technology and can contribute toward LEED credits.

Available in eight different patterns and colors, PlybooSound is produced from FSC l\0%o-certified bamboo in sheets measuring 4'x8'x3/4" thick.


(866) 835-98s9

Ghiseled Looks

CalStar's latest cast-stone product has the chiseled aPpearance of natural, cut limestone.

Made of up to 18Vo recYcled content. the masonrY Product is suitable for at-grade applications such as band courses, wainscoting, and window accents.

Each unit is 4" deep and 4", 8",12", or 16" high.


(877) 700-9501

Gutting on the Job

Jobsite scissors from Milwaukee Tool have iron carbide cutting edges for longer blade life.

The offset and straight scissors are tough enough to cut felt for wrapping pipes, insulation taPe, rubber, and even metal pallet banding straps. Bolt lock technology prevents the blades from loosening over time, while an index finger groove enhances control.


(800) 729-3878

Replacement Vinyl

Crestline Windows & Doors' Select Series 250 now includes pocket replacement vinyl windows, in double- and single-hung, casement, awning, single slider, bays, bows, and specialty-shaped. Their design allows simPle installation into an existing window frame. without removing interior trim. A sloping sill prevents water infiltration, while a constant force balance system enables smooth. quiet operation.


(800) 5s2-4111

Seal it Out

Intraguard sealing compound from W.R. Meadows seals and protect exterior concrete surfaces, including driveways, walkways and parking lots, from moisture and de-icing salts.

The product is also resistant to staining from oils, fuels and common chemicals. It also reduces the entrapment of dirt particles and other contaminants that cause soiling and discoloration.


(800\ 342-5916

PVG Window Mouldings

Versatex's PVC double-hung window sill mouldings are correctly profiled and ready to install.

The one-piece moulding saves labor by incorporating the actual sill and sill nose, two components usually assembled onsite. It also has a l-114" profile, comes factory sanded and primed in 18' lengths, and is individually bagged to stay clean rhrough shipping and handling.


024\ 857 -r111

Space-Saving Sink

A semi-recessed sink from Gerber Plumbing Fixtures maximizes the use of space with a small footprint.

The North Point blends the best attributes of pedestal sinks with more traditional bathroom vanities. A secure attachment at the back of the sink provides added reinforcement.


(888) 648-6466

Quieter Walking



from MP Global Products is SCS certified to have 947o pre-consumer textile content.

Engineered to enhance the performance of floating wood and laminate floors, the product meets or exceeds ILC, FIIC and STC sound ratings by dampening ambient sound from traveling into the room below.

It also features a moisture management system that wicks away sub-floor or incidental perimeter moisture and disperses it throughout the pad.


(888) 379-9695

By Wayne Rivers

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