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Listlngs are often submitted months rn advance. Always verify dates and locattons with sponsor before making plans to attend.
Tacoma-Olympia Hoo-Hoo Club - Aug. 9, picnic, Gig Harbor, Wa.; (253) 531-1 834.
Forest Products Society - Aug. 10-13, 68th internationa convention, Quebec City Conventron Centre, Quebec Crty P Q., (608) 231 -1 36'1 ; www.forestprod.org.
Lumbermens Merchandising Corp. - Aug. 13, LMC Hardware Express, McCormick Place, Chicago, ll ; (610) 293-7121,lmc.net.
Willamette Valley Hoo-Hoo Club - Aug. 13, trap shoot, Eugene Sportsman Club, Eugene, Or; (541) 393-3309.
Tacoma-Olympia Hoo-Hoo Club - Aug. 14, Mel Smeder Memorial Golf Tournament, Brookdale Golf Course, Tacoma, Wa.; (253) lnternational Woodworking Fair - Aug. 20-23, World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga.; (a0al 693-8333; www iwfatlanta.com
Orgill - Aug. 14-16. fall market, McCorm ck Place. Chicago, ll.; (901 ) 754-8B50: www.orgill.com.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn,Aug. 21, Western Slope golf tourney, Adobe Creek Golf Course, Grand Junction, Co ; (303) 793-0859, www,mslbmda.org.
International Wood Fair - Aug. 30-Sept. 2, Klagenfurt, Austria; www. kaerntnermessen,at.
Western Red Cedar Lumber Assn. - Sept. 4, Cedar Summit, Whistler Conference Center, Whistler B C.; (866) 778-9096; www realceoar.c0m.
BC Wood * Sept. 4-6, Global Buyers Mission, Whistler Conference Center, Whistler, B.C ; (877) 422-9663 www.bcwood.com.
San Diego Home Show - Sept. 5-7, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, Ca , (888) 433-3976; www.acshomeshow.com,
Tacoma.Olympia Hoo-Hoo Club - Sept, 8, meeting, La Quinta Inn, Tacoma, Wa.; (253) 531-1834
Moulding & Millwork Producers Association - Sept. 8-11, East Coast mill tours, Marriott at Penn Square, Lancaster, Pa.; (530) 66 1 -959'1 ; www.wmmpa.com.
Lumbermens Merchandising Corp. - Sept. 10-11 , dealer exchange, Providence, R | ; (610) 293-7 121,www.lmc.net.
Jensen Distribution Services - Sept. 10-12, fall market, Spokane Convention Center, Spokane, Wa; (800) 234-1321, www.lensenonline.com.
Northern Utah Home Show - Sept. 12-14, Davis Convention Center, Layton, Ut ; (888) 433-3976; www,acshomeshow,com.
Hoo-Hoo International - Sept. 13-16, annual convention, Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa, Ca.; www.hoohoo.org.
Composite Panel Association - Sept. 14-16, fall meeting, New Orleans, La ; (301) 670-0604; www.compositepanel.org.
American Architectural Manufacturers Assn. - Sept. 14-17, fall conference, Westin, Westminster, Co, ; www.aamanet.org,
American Wood Protection Association - Sept. 14-18, fall meef ing, Portland, Me.; (205) 733'4077: www.awpa com
Ace Hardware Corp. - Sept. 17-19, fal market, Orange County Convention Center, Orando Fi , (630) 990-7662; www.acehardware.c0m.
North American RailShippers Assn. - Sept. 18-19, regional meeting, Seattle. Wa.; (972)690-4740; www railshippers.com.
Pacific Logging Congress - Sept. 25-27, Live in the Woods show, Molalla, Or.; (425) 413-2808 www.pacificioggingcongress.org.
Universal Forest Products - Sept. 26, annual golf tournament, Temecula Creek Inn Golf Course, Temecula, Ca ; (951) 826301 1 ; hbromley@ufpi.com