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1321 N. Kraemer Blvd. (Box 879), Anaheim, Ca. 92806
Fax 714-630-3190
{7141652-1988 . (8OO) 675,REEL
3518 ChicagoAve., Riverside, Ca. 92507 (951) 781-0564 www.reellumber.com
At n"a Lumber Servlce, we supply domeetlc and foreign hardwoods. Our products and services include:
Hardwood Lumber & Plne
Hardwood Plywood & Veneers
Melamine Plywood
. Hardwood Moulding (alder, cherr5r, mahogany, MDF, maple, red oak, polnt glade, pecan hickory, white oak, qralnut, beech)
Milling (mouldlng proflles, S2S, SLRIE, SLR2E, & resaum lumber)
. Woodworklng Accessorles (appllques, ornaments, butcher blocks, corbels, etc.)
Woodworking Suppltes (deft flnlshes, color putty, adheslves, etc.)
Ou" products are widely used in lnterlor flnish carlrentry, fui:nlture, cablnetry and hundreds of lndustrlal and manufactudng appllcatlons. trre stock a complete llne of complementary products to complete rdrtually any woodworking or millwork proJect.

North American Wholesale Lumber Association will present its wood basic course Sept.8-ll at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Or.